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File: 329 KB, 783x579, vodka_i_zakuska_0355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11396080 No.11396080 [Reply] [Original]

Now I'm gonna teach you, how to take vodka à la russe... First of all, you need of course genuine Russian vodka, either Stolychnaya or Moskovskaya.

Then you need a newspaper; preferably Pravda or Komsomolskaya Pravda as tablecloth. You can't drink vodka without snacks, soda and mixers are for fags, real Russian only drinks straight. Vobla (dried roach, fish, not an insect), some onions or pickles, you can replace fish with smoked pork if you want to.

Forget about dishes, only utensil you are allowed to use is wooden cutting board and of course knife. Dress code for that are baggy old sweat pants and dirty wife beater, if weather is cold, put some random jacket over it.

If you are broke or have too heavy hangover, you can forget the snacks, after shot of vodka just smell your underarm or sleeve to get alcohol fumes off your nose. For authentic experience use simple thick table-glass or 'granchak' (faceted drinking glass). Don't drink alone, ask your neighbor to come over, but if you don't have any friends, listen to some Russian pop music radio stream. Na zdorovye (cheers)!

>> No.11396096

looks comfy

>> No.11396524


> after shot of vodka just smell your underarm or sleeve to get alcohol fumes off your nose.

Or just a take a whiff of bread.

>> No.11396589

I had a Russian teach me eating a pickle after taking a swig. Might be ok one or two times but consuming a sizeable amount of vodka and pickles leads to pig disgusting burps. Or vomiting, if you're a faggot.

>> No.11396619

this is only way to drink vodka

anyone doing it any other way is a huge faggot

if you drink grey goose you should be shot and the bottle shoved up your idiot ass.

>> No.11396638
File: 31 KB, 570x387, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge faggot
>shove a bottle up its ass
Might as well kiss them and give them a massage too.

>> No.11398412

Snacks are only for the starters to get on the rail. You didn't came to eat, but to drink and have fun.

>> No.11398434

>'нa здopoвьe' кaк тocт
yгaдaй oткyдa знaю, чтo ты пиндoc-кocплeйep инeтoвcкий, пeдик

>> No.11398438

thought stoly was a latvian boi

>> No.11398448

Guess I didn't express myself properly. We used the pickles as a chaser... walking down the street with a bottle of vodka and a jar of pickles.

>> No.11398460

Nah, it was developed brand in the thirties and approved by Stalin himself.

>> No.11398462
File: 17 KB, 230x425, Jewel_Black___11122.1496689808.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do actual Russians drink Jewel of Russia vodka? A stripper I know loves this stuff, she's American though.

>> No.11398484

What's wrong with Grey Goose?

>> No.11398487

blyat, why not Russian Standard brand

>> No.11398491

Этo для aмepикocoв, пидapaн

>> No.11398657

Actual Russians drink anything, even after shave, if they are desperate enough.

>> No.11398903

Good god

>> No.11398939

Look at the fucking abbos in straya, motherfuckers brew alcohol from fucking marmite

>> No.11398950


>> No.11398983

Im told that alcoholism among men is such a debilitating relationship prolbem that abstinence or moderation basically guarantees lots of dating options for men. Any truth to this?

>> No.11398984

Lol, nice fun read anon.

>> No.11399084


I'm given to understand that people look down on Grey Goose because it's expensive for vodka, which is meant to be a drink made by and for dirt-poor tough guys. It's also not unpleasant to drink, which is something you can't brag about as a dirt-poor tough guy.

>> No.11399117

>It's also not unpleasant to drink,
Because they add glycerine to it to make taste smooth.
It's overpriced piss shit for stupid naive snobs who don't know any better.

>> No.11399120

I'm gonna keep drinking it. Fuck the haters.

>> No.11399148

Sure keep drinking, it's your money your health.
There are almost 1/2 price vodkas that were distilled several times and no chemicals added to them.

>> No.11399307
File: 22 KB, 540x720, Ciroc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now complain about Ciroc

>> No.11399322

This guy tested vodkas and didn't think Grey Goose contained Glycerol. https://www.artofdrink.com/science/glycerol-in-vodka-results

>> No.11399341

Glycerine isn't toxic.

>> No.11399347

>not enjoying salty pickle burps
You may be a fag

>> No.11399358

Never had it.
Sounds like typical brandy made from grapes but clear.
Might be good if made honestly,not like the Gray Goose shit.
But being French is automatically overpriced.
Might buy it to give a try.

>> No.11399361

mixed with alcohol is.

>> No.11399471

It's a vodka, not a brandy my man.

>> No.11399498

>It's a vodka
No it's a type of clear brandy.
Same like plum brandies,apricot or apple brandies.
They gave this fake false tag of vodka for false marketing.
It's made out of grapes therefore is brandy, but typical brandies are amber in color this one is clear.
Maybe google and learn definition of vodka and also read that they don't call it vodka, but a'la vodka.
Typical marketing scam.

>> No.11399700


I was under the impression that brandy is specifically distilled wine, and that the word "brandy" was derived from some word that means "burnt wine."

>> No.11399747

>I was under the impression that brandy is specifically distilled wine,
Yes, brandy is distilled from wine.
Definition of vodka excludes alcohols made from fruits. Period.

>> No.11399764

Excellent pic OP. Aesthetic as fuck

>> No.11399780

Picture is great I agree.
Very retro for sure.
Good choice OP.

>> No.11399784

..and I love the story OP posted with it.
Great fun read.

>> No.11399883

>tfw spoiled by Rooskie grandparents smuggling me alcohol every time they fly over
>cant drink anything at the bars apart from from Grey Goose, which is "drinkable" at best

Can any slavs name a vodka that you can get in the US that isn't one of those englished slavic meme names but drinks well enough to be worth buying over craft beer?

>> No.11399920

How the fuck do you think they make cirac?

>ferment the sugar source, in this case fucking grapes
>man, we just made wine!
>ah fuck, its shitty wine.
>I know lets go put it in a still and see what happens!
>fuck yeah we made brandy!
>still sucks
>leave that shit in their until we distill out all the alchohal, fuck all those esters and shit
>le'vodka ala frog

Vodka is by definition a product of grains. You distill down to basicly pure alchohol then water to your target abv. Keep it in a container that doesnt have soluble garbage in it like those fucking savages in the north Atlantic and hey! You have vodka!

>> No.11399930

Lmao, your green text gave me belly lols

>> No.11399938

>Vodka is by definition a product of grains.
and or potatoes, but grain is superior of course.

>> No.11400013

Just drink Skol

>> No.11400050
File: 205 KB, 540x540, Russian Standard Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this,much better.

>> No.11400058
File: 114 KB, 981x768, RUSSIAN STANDARD+IMPERIA vodkas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11400068

I like it.

>> No.11400150

It's an overpriced and very well marketed brand. Fun Fact: they made the bottles excessively tall so it could only fit on the top shelves of bars, to complete the illusion that it is good

>> No.11400165

if you make brandy from any other fruit wine you have to specify the fruit (cherry brandy) but if you just use "brandy" by itself it means wine from grapes

>> No.11400178

Russian Standard Vodka if you can find it, Ketel One if you cant

>> No.11400180

redpilled posts

>> No.11400182
File: 47 KB, 650x650, 36DCEA72-0376-4EC9-BCA6-AAD4CD69780F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I dring vodka with fanta..

>> No.11400194
File: 132 KB, 1280x800, Russian Standard_Rocink tattoo beret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11400199

I've traveled quite a bit but never had any desire to visit Russia. But I also drink vodka straight throughout most of the day and love pickles and pickled/cured fish and shit with onions. My mom was adopted and I think I might have some Russian in me, because I absolutely love this kind of shit and everyone around me acts like I'm crazy.

>> No.11400219
File: 89 KB, 800x544, Russian-Standard-vodka-case-study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11400229
File: 356 KB, 557x800, Russian-Standard-Vodka-kept-Oscar-guests-happy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11400236

Vodka can be distilled from literally anything fermentable, including grapes or molasses. The definition of vodka is an unaged spirit that is first distilled to near-azeotropic abv to free all distinctive flavors and aromas, then diluted to drinking strength. Brandy is specifically produced from wine that is potable prior to distillation, and preserves the flavors of the original product.

>> No.11400242
File: 258 KB, 1023x763, Russian-Vodka girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11400253
File: 73 KB, 800x530, steak tartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak tartare is a great, fancier zakuska.
Vodka goes well with hearty red meats in general.

>> No.11401183

Cant go wrong with Russian Standard also Stolychnaya is good and cheap (stay away from Smirnoff)