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File: 127 KB, 800x600, best-bloody-mary-milwaukee-2017_fullsize_story1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11395061 No.11395061 [Reply] [Original]

>I'd like a Blooody Mary please
>here you go sir

>> No.11395071


>> No.11395074

my favourite one is the bloody mary with a whole bloody mary in the garnish

>> No.11395155

What would be the point of putting an entire chicken on top of a giant pitcher of Bloody Mary like that? Did people actually buy that and then eat and drink parts of it while keeping it in a refrigerator in between each sitting? All that would get you is a series of low quality leftovers. Also inb4 you eat the entire chicken and drink the entire pitcher in one sitting, I'm pretty sure nobody did that.

>> No.11395167
File: 122 KB, 725x545, 5702852C-9E5D-4AE0-B664-1582747350FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao fuck this

>> No.11395169

t. soy boy

>> No.11395183

>Eating an entire deep fried chicken
Are you a diabetic?

>> No.11395197

not that anon and calling someone a soyboy is often the hallmark of an insecure secret gay, but
it's not all that uncommon to binge and eat like 6000 calories in a meal like once a month or every few weeks just for the fuck of it. i dunno i might but i would't eat the skin.

>> No.11395201

wanted to add that an entire chicken is just like eating 10 pieces which is comparably less than what a you might find being eaten by landwhales at buffets

>> No.11395209
File: 36 KB, 450x450, Ike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fancy Bloody Marys.

Always awful. Last time I ordered a "Best Blood Mary of the year!" in the capital city it was watered down shit that looked nothing like the photos in magazines. I wonder how much you have to bribe people for that shit.

>> No.11395211

I don't think it's for one person. It looks like something you and three people would order at brunch because you are hung over. Bloody Mary's are known for their retarded garnishes, and the entire fried chicken is probably just a stunt.

>> No.11395238

I'm gay btw, if that matters.

>> No.11395652

Wisco got the best bloody Mary's prove me wrong

>> No.11396988

>gendering anyone at any time

>> No.11396990

She looks like she had a rough night, I hope that bliody Mary hits the spot

>> No.11396993

by the time you ate enough to even drink from it you'd be too bloated to take a sip

>> No.11396996

Big bloody mary is big.

>> No.11397565


you share it with a table of friends you shut-in autist

>> No.11397570

>share it with a table of friends
You somehow managed to make this thing seem even more abhorrent than it already looks.

>> No.11397588


its a fucking PITCHER you cretin, that is a pouring device not a glass for one person. you take your pics for facegram and then put the garnishes on a plate and pour out the bloody into pints for your friends.

you ever have a friend, kiddo?

>> No.11397595

>take sandwich off
>throws everything off balance and spills all over the floor

>> No.11397599

How does any of that disagree with my post you idiot?

>> No.11397861


you mean the part where you thought you would eat it as leftovers you mong?

>> No.11397914

Holy shit you are dumb.
I can't even correct you in a way the other guy hasn't tried. How are you this dumb?

>> No.11397919

No, I mean the post you responded to.
There was nothing to correct with that post. What are you talking about? I called it abhorrent.

>> No.11397959

Right, listen. If you want to be pedantic and nitpicky, let's do it.
You said it seems MORE abhorrent in regards to what he said about sharing.
There's nothing abhorrent about having friends and sharing food together, unless one of my friends was anything like you, you fun-sucking, self-important, pompous asswipe.
Just admit that your personality disorder prevents you from enjoying life and move on.

>> No.11397968

It's not pedantic, that's the entire post. Try reading next time.
>You said it seems MORE abhorrent in regards to what he said about sharing.
>There's nothing abhorrent about having friends and sharing food together
Wrong, but at least now you're actually responding to the post and not some retarded non-post that was real in your mind.

>> No.11397990

>It's not pedantic
It is pedantic.
Factually not wrong. Humans are biologically and fundamentally social pack animals. If you don't enjoy human companionship, then you are broken, flawed on a basic level, and you don't get to call the shots on what is good or normal. In another era you'd have been shunned from the tribe and starved to death in the woods.

>> No.11398008

>muh humans are social animals argument
Just stop posting.

>> No.11398072
File: 268 KB, 688x1434, sour grapes shut in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove that I am wrong, then. I'm sure the worlds of biology and medicine would love to hear about your incredible research and amazing insight into the human mind.
It's not hard to see why you have no friends, you shitty little sour grapes faggot.

Here, I spent two whole minutes making this edit for you so you can see how ridiculous you look.

>> No.11398175

I don't get it. Why is it abhorrent to eat with your friends?

>> No.11398211

Christ look at that hag

>> No.11398232

of course some fat pig whore needs fried foods on top of her drink

>> No.11398275
File: 1.22 MB, 299x258, 1435883198896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the smaller bloody mary
every time

>> No.11398285

Caesar > Bloody Mary
>t. Canadian

>> No.11398297

>he doesn't drink his booze straight from a bigass pitcher
check out this normie right here

>> No.11398341

Don't forget the beer chaser on the side

>> No.11398344

She cute

>> No.11398952
File: 104 KB, 960x960, 1535405511391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an animal suffered on a factory farm to become a cast-away garnish on a drink designed explicitly to attract people who want to take photos for a social media account that nobody will see
I'm a meat eater, but this level of wastefulness and disregard for the miserable lives that were ended to create this abomination makes me sick.

>> No.11398962

How/why do people even drink this shit?
Tomato juice is disgusting to begin with and wodka tastes like nothing.
Then you deck it out like it's a fucking meal, I can understand the fruits and somewhat the vegetables, but meat has absolutely no place in a drink.

>> No.11398995

its a savory drink, more like an alcoholic soup really, so the meat certainly belongs. The biggest problem with the whole thing is tomato juice doesn't taste very good

>> No.11399071
File: 105 KB, 600x800, 7438927589043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's that Bloody Mary you ordered anon!

>> No.11399204

haha I never noticed the smaller bloody mary but that is brilliant

>> No.11399226

I feel like this shit is a Midwest thing

>> No.11399260

Nah they're still eating fried gruel from pig troughs

This shit is coasty/city millenial shit instagram fodder

>> No.11399279

Bloody Marys in general are kind of a midwest thing. They like them way more than other parts of the country, and consume them much more frequently.

>> No.11399285

>coasty/city millenial
You realize most midwesterners live in cities, and just as many of them are millenials as the rest of the country right?

>> No.11399306

Sure but I just assume when people bring up mid westerners they're talking about small to mid size towns

>> No.11399447

have we gone too far?

>> No.11399911
File: 27 KB, 230x460, 6000198539017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's never had the objectively better bloody ceasar

>> No.11399951

maybe 100 years ago. Honestly town life is most prevalent in New England because people actually want to live there. Nobody wants to be stuck in bumfuck Kansas and they bail as soon as they can join the army

>> No.11400010


I still like using tomato juice or v8 with the clamato for the thicker consistency

>> No.11400136

Is this Mike "12 inch" Matei?

>> No.11400569

>a cocktail with whole fried chicken
>followed by examples of food hordes stuck on top a glass of cocktail
Is this an american thing?