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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 500x386, fantasy-football-porn-hub-soylent-unhappy-modern-man-starter-pack-22383685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11392770 No.11392770 [Reply] [Original]

Do you work in an office? If yes, do you eat at your desk?

>> No.11392801
File: 45 KB, 655x527, 1523527875154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working in a office

>> No.11392809

The picture would be more accurate if you changed the soylent to beer. Nobody actually drinks that crap and being fat and drinking lots of beer is what actually leads to low test

>> No.11392810

What butthurt /pol/tard threw soylent in there? I live in a liberal shithole and most people don't even know what it is

>> No.11392818

Yes, depends on the day and what work I have to do.

>> No.11392820


>> No.11392823
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>Untermensch amerimutts
Kill yourselves

>> No.11392875

I work in a lab.
There's no eating or drinking allowed inside the lab due to risk of contamination.

>MFW I'm actually jealous of our medical transcriptionists and data entry clerks because they can have coffee and i cant

>> No.11392876

I'm guessing you don't work at all

>> No.11392910

Real men drink beer faggot

>> No.11392911
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I work in a hangar but nice try, nu-male.

>> No.11392951

pornhub has the worst ui. idk how ppl tolerate it.

>> No.11392958


Sure Brett sure

Just saying the meme would be more accurate with beer. Otherwise its a huge reach and trying way too hard

>> No.11392961

>Do you work in an office?
Fuck no. Thank fuck. When I did work in an office I went out to a local park to eat if the weather was even sorta nice. When it rained I ate in the very depressing "break room".

>> No.11393267
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>literally too stupid/ADD to work in an office so he needs do minwage work that literal monkeys can do

>> No.11393269


>> No.11393275

Most office work is just pushing paper. Are you a woman?

>> No.11393290

well, I guess 2 out of six applying aint bad.

>> No.11393294


>> No.11393297

I don't eat bigger meals during the day. Just a sandwich at lunch or something. If a colleague happens to eat at the same time I usually join him in the kitchen.

>> No.11393300

Typical female response.

>> No.11393306

I must be special, I'm miserable without any of those.

>> No.11393316

yes & yes
got a fridge right beside me. It's great.

>> No.11393326
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I have a degree in electrical engineering and work on 50$ millions aircraft.
Tell me how your meaningless job that create nothing but more bureaucracy is useful for our society and not pure leeching, sweetie.

>> No.11393334

>I destroy my body everyday to get a pittance. That makes me manly.
Yes goyim, you’d better finish carrying those steel girders, those skyscrapers your bosses live in don’t build themselves!

>> No.11393337

This kills the office roastie

>> No.11393338

>getting a degree just to do what literal construction workers do
I don’t envy you at all, familia.

>> No.11393351

Typical virgin response.

>> No.11393356
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Construction workers are able of troubleshoot and repair navcomm, radar and transponder?
I wish I was this wise.

>> No.11393365
File: 210 KB, 704x676, BAB2E907-68A7-407D-BF5D-F6DDAFE97E48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11393378

>Construction workers are able to run a program and click troubleshoot buttons on a screen?
The fact that you try to act superior to an office worker is the greatest and most pathetic expression of cognitive dissonance I've seen in my life.

>> No.11393401 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 488x366, 39cddcdac37b161391decebdf4d7f790.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.11393403

I don't try to act, I am.
And this is not a program, I am reading the pulse from the antenna to read if the exit info is correct. This mean I must translate RS232 to binary.
Hope your slave cubicle is quite comfy without daylight. :^)

>> No.11393404

simply working in an office is not glamorous at all and can be a min wage job if you're just an office bitch getting coffee and alphabetizing shit

>> No.11393425


>> No.11393435

Yes because i cba to walk upstairs to eat in the dining room

>> No.11393443

Yes. I used to take lunch in a nice park near my office, but i soon realized that I much prefer to leave work as soon as possible so I have more free time in the evening. Now I eat at my desk while "working" (clicking around on Excel or pretending to study blueprints) so I can get my eight hours in as quickly as possible
>tfw I left my construction job because sick of the mud and heat
>tfw new job for government subcontractor is almost as miserable, and I kind of miss the physical labor
at least I have more free time now to cook and read

>> No.11393468

No. My manager insists I take the full lunch hour rather than taking 10 mins to eat and then leaving 50 mins early. So I insist on being away from work and uncontactable for the entire hour, plus an extra 5 minutes any time someone else goes for an un-noted cigarette break.

>> No.11393471

look anon, all you do is read code all day to keep running a few planes the military probably doesn't need and will probably cancel within the next decade. You're not doing anything meaningful, and your work isn't making anyone healthier or happier. Your skill set is only slightly more complex and specialized than that of a plumber or an electrician, and you probably don't make much more than them (if they're union workers). Your job doesn't mean that you're smart and it doesn't mean that you're "white collar" or of a higher class than someone who turns a wrench for a living. No one is impressed by you

>> No.11393505

>Air Canada
I am not in the military, imbecile.
I am repairing plane that transport your fatass over to Cuba to abuse the locals like slaves.
You are just salty that you feel meaningful about your pathetic job that no one care about when you try to explain it.
My job is awesome in the kind that I fix things on a daily basis instead of just trying to sound smart about an excel job on a anime cooking board.

>> No.11393514

>do you eat at your desk?
of course not. you get an hour for lunch, as soon as your time starts you run out of the building because you dont want anything to do with those people.

>> No.11393517

I leave the building and play Pokemon Go for lunch.

>> No.11393529

>I am repairing plane
LMAO should've guessed it, an ESL (most likely a pajeet) that lacks the communication skills to work in an office environment. I wonder how much they cut your pay compared to whitey?

>> No.11393530

Speak for yourself, kiddo.

>> No.11393539

>literally replying "no u" because you got called out for being an incel

>> No.11393549

>You are just salty that you feel meaningful about your pathetic job
Never suggested I felt that way, anon. My job sucks ass
>I am repairing plane that transport your fatass over to Cuba to abuse the locals like slaves
Shit anon, why didn't you say that earlier?
Still, my points about you not being special, intelligent, or impressive stand.

>> No.11393554
File: 125 KB, 1280x838, 1540663287928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask your wives how her boyfriend is making :^)
Au Québec, on parle français. Merci.
P.S: Ta job de bureau est quand même encore fif.

>> No.11393557

>50 mil aircraft

@ me when you workin on some billion dollar killing machines

>> No.11393577

Those are literally just computers. Your job is the same as an office person's job, you fix systems. Troubleshooting anything is simple and just takes a person understanding their instruments. A different dog with a different bone.

>> No.11393590

thats literally technician tier work in the US

>> No.11393808
File: 24 KB, 265x371, Butthurt7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that the memes about /ck/ being filled with women are real.
when you see how they are triggered by peoples that works with their hands like >>11393326. Kek

>> No.11393812

no, i usually eat my breakfast down at the cafeteria and i don't eat lunch

>> No.11393816

I do x to gain money, so that mean I do the same job as you?
Return to you cave-cubicle, goblin.

>> No.11393818


>> No.11393825

This is all true but he's still better than an office bitch. Even the most competitive and interesting jobs, in the end, are just screaming in the dark pissing in a sea of piss, and then we all die and worms eat us. But god damn it, engineers are a little bit better than secretaries.

>> No.11393831

>I am repairing plane that transport your fatass
well you're doing a shit job of it because these seats can hardly fit my fat ass and you're actually decreasing the amount of space we have

>> No.11393836

Lmfao, so are literally thousands of other 18yo no degree air force maintaners. And all of their aircraft cost double that is not more.

Imagine getting an electrical engineering degree and then getting BTFO by some high school kid who ran 1.5 miles at a moderate pace a couple times. Enjoy your disability pay.

>> No.11393850
File: 21 KB, 540x624, 1539129600654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might explain why they send all their jobs that require more than changing a box to civilians. You talk out of your ass, triggered landwhale.
Not my choices, democratizing aircraft travel made that. Lose weight, fatass.

>> No.11393854

>Not my choices
Ah, so you're a low ranking employee. Can I speak to your supervisor then?

>> No.11393858

I'll have a bigmac and a side of poutine, please.

>> No.11393865

>Might explain why they send all their jobs that require more than changing a box to civilians
>Sending TS classified parts abroad
>You talk out of your ass

Said the canadian pajeet about another nation's military force that he knows nothing about. I literally visited the fucking F35 engineer offices where they make the parts they need in-house.

Enjoy being paid LESS than me while doing MORE work. Hope your hangar isn't too cold today cuck, I'll tell the secretary to allow you to stand near the door and if you're a really good boy you can have half a cup of the stale coffee when time's up.

>> No.11393873

I'll concede that. I took issue mostly with his assertion that engineers aren't just glorified skilled blue collar drones.

>> No.11393874
File: 57 KB, 960x540, F-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ferme donc ta calice de gueule, insignifiant.

>> No.11393896

They remove the crypto like KIV-6 in it before sending it to L3 MAS.
Also, US base are full of civilians contractor.
You seems to know more than me about the shit I work on. :^)

>> No.11393927

Both real men and numales drink beer, the difference is numales drink craft beer and visit breweries and shit.

>> No.11393935

>working back-breaking jobs and enjoying inferior products is the hallmark of masculinity
no one here is joking anymore

>> No.11393983


Lol get off /ck/ and go back to work Za****g

>> No.11393999
File: 211 KB, 700x700, 1530781234104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This mean I must translate RS232 to binary.

Nigga you what? What the fuck is coming in off the serial, ternary?

>> No.11394056
File: 450 KB, 485x829, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.51_[2018.09.22_20.56.00].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you work in an office?
>If yes, do you eat at your desk?
Only if the bf couldn't drop by

>> No.11394084

I live in a small town, everyone goes home at lunch since no one lives more than 5 minutes from work.

>> No.11394108

Beer's phytoestrogens are even worse than soys because those found in hops are active and bind to estrogen receptors. This is what causes the beer belly.

>> No.11394216

>live in a small town, everyone goes home at lunch
Interesting, since the only jobs in small towns are fastfood. Why not just eat at work, Sally Sue?

>> No.11394257

I eat a sandwich. I enjoy it.

>> No.11394260


>> No.11394896

Yea sometimes. Than i go spend 30vto 40 walking outside at the v lake nearby. Why?

>> No.11394902
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>beer belly

>> No.11394917
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>> No.11394921

>tfw take soylent (equivalent) to my office job every day for lunch

>> No.11394922

you look young, just wait till it hits like a truck once you reach middle age

>> No.11394929
File: 353 KB, 1156x1080, 1539987445110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you fags gathering near my workplace. Look less pathetic.

>> No.11395131

>Do you work in an office?
I do not. Doctors have offices, but I am the token male nurse, so I'm not really in need of an office.

Regardless I try to eat outside or any place far away from my fellow co-workers, but I generally do paperwork and eat at the main nurse station. The nurse lounge has been overrun by our yearly hiring of interns, who hate eating in their own lounge because there's always some conflagration between them and the upper tier residents.

>> No.11395150


I work in my office and eat at my desk, i am certainly an unhappy modern man.

But I pornmd, could give a fuck about sports, am too skinny for my own good and only have soy milk in the odd chai latte. And fuck girls, I went bi just before high school ended and gay a few years after. Women can go fuck themselves right along with straight "men" and anyone vegan for non medical reasons.

Ironically 7 years ago when I first went bi, straight dudes were masculine and getting the odd one to bend or finding the hidden panty boy was hot asf. Now men are women and suck dick to seem more attractive to the bush pig whores that seem to be everywhere and I'm just like WTF.

>> No.11395185

No, I don't work at all, I am a NEET. I eat on the couch cause I don't have a table, just tv tray.

>> No.11395217

Yes, I usually make a grilled cheese (with lettuce, tomato and onions as well as cheese) and eat it at my desk. It's quick and fits my macros, and then I eat a good meal when I get home. I don't think I'll ever go full OMAD but my diet has got significantly easier since I stopped trying to eat a real meal for lunch.

>> No.11395221

RS232 is a protocol, not an encoding scheme, retard, you can't "translate" it

Canada doesn't spend shit on its military and God it shows

>> No.11395223

>estrogen causes beer belly
>women don't get beer bellies

F - see me after class

>> No.11395237


>> No.11395247

>Do you work in an office?
>Do you eat at your desk?
Technically yes, practically speaking no, not really. If by “eat at your desk” you mean eat anything ever? Yes. Snacks sometimes, occasionally breakfast, even more rarely lunch.

>> No.11395297

Beer belly is not a condition retard. Women get guts and nasty fat tits when they stop watching what they eat.

Fat alcoholics get bitch tits and a tire around their waist

>> No.11395420

>Do you work in an office?
More or less yeah, I work in civil engineering so sometimes I get to go out to a construction site and run tests on something.
>If yes, do you eat at your desk?
No, usually I wait until I go home to eat. One meal per day seems to help me not get fatter.

>> No.11395467

Your socks look dirty.

>> No.11395591

Arinc429 use rs232, reeeeetard.

>> No.11395617


>> No.11395629

I work as a consultant so i decide if i bring lunch based on what restaurants or cafes are near the client office, if I'm in another city/overseas it's all going on expenses so I always eat out.

also, lol at the little tarmac monkey trying to make out like he's a big man.

>> No.11395642

No, I work in a lab. Yes, I eat at my desk.

>> No.11395649

>Duties include Troubleshoot and Repair
You're glorified GeekSquad posting on 4chan with the rest of us faggot, you're not better than anyone.

>> No.11396443

Anyone who vaguely refers to themselves as an 'office worker' with zero context isn't doing anything worthwhile with it.

>> No.11396588
File: 185 KB, 333x395, 1520270335373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled
Offices workers are leeches
The sole purpose of why their jobs were created, is because they needed to boost the consumer spending by having more workers.
They are literally the rat race.

>> No.11396598

Oh woooooow you plug some wires in and solder a few wrenches whoooooop deeeeeee fuckin dooooooooo dude.

>> No.11396605
File: 65 KB, 550x412, rockglockcocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wendy's sous-chef that earn 80k$

>> No.11396626

Change fantasy football to ps4.
Soylenr to coffee

>> No.11396778

>willingly consuming a poison that brings ruination, disease, crime, and immorality to all aspects of society

>> No.11396901
File: 13 KB, 225x211, 1531869829059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in an office and can guarantee that I make more than you and love my job more than you do. Corporate office life is comfy as fuck if you actually like your job.
Same. Then I get some food from a food truck, come back to the office, and spend the remainder of the hour reading the news and dicking around on my phone. It is truly the good life.

>> No.11396920

I work in film, so i don't get a cubicle. I have a chair sometimes, though. I wasn't relating your job by money, i was relating it by function, nerd.

>> No.11396941

Been there Anon.
Used to do framing and construction in the Pacific northwest in the cold ass rain, then fucked my back up and took a gas station job. Shit was cash for about 6 months and then i wanted to kill myself in the storage freezer. Ill take getting rained on ANY day over sitting in a flourescent-lit hellhole for 8 hours a day