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File: 420 KB, 1280x720, bk_whopper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11391757 No.11391757 [Reply] [Original]

The standard Whopper doesn't come with cheese. Isn't that weird?

>> No.11391758

what a shitty looking thin beef

>> No.11391764

You can blame lactose intolerant people for that. It's a shame that intolerance still exists in our free nation.

>> No.11391801


>Northern Europeans have the least frequency when it comes to lactose intolerance
>Asian and African descent makes up the overwhelming majority

And they said intolerance could only come from white people.

>> No.11391807

Burger King sucks anyway. Their only appeal is that the food is bigger and thicker than McDonald's, but Wendy's delivers the same huge type of burgers and the same thicker cut fries but it all tastes twice as good as BK.

>> No.11391830

I am not lactose intolerant but prefer hamburgers to cheese burgers. Imagine you invented the hamburger. You cook up a patty of beef and put it on some bread, you add some sliced tomato and onion. DO you think to yourself; Hey you know what would be good on this hamburger steak? A SLICE OF CHEESE! The answer is no you don't because it makes no fucking sense. Cheese slices were added once the "hamburger" became an abstraction of what it once was and do not improve its flavour. Hamburgers > cheeseburgers in every way.

>> No.11391840

Who would knew that lactose intolerence is racist.

>> No.11391848

I expect cheese on my burger. I feel that most people in a civilized society would agree. Why should Burger King have to cater to this small group of disabled, lactose intolerant freaks? These cursed individuals should just specify that they would not like cheese on their burger! It is positively absurd and frankly offensive that I can order a world-famous, flame-broiled beef patty sandwich in the United States of America in 2018 and the darn thing doesn't even have cheese on it! Am I being a jerk here? Should I just take my business to the Thomas family?

>> No.11391853

Austin - Bruce

>> No.11391855

>Hamburgers > cheeseburgers in every way.

I respectfully disagree and I disrespectfully declare you to be a tasteless, brainless faggot with no soul.

>> No.11391864

t. faggot

>> No.11391889

I'm an American. I love America. I love American Cheese.
That being said:
I literally can't tell if it would have cheese or not if I did a blind taste test save for the texture. It just doesn't add flavor - it's kinda tasteless.
I wish they use Real Wisconsin Cheddar or even Vermont Cheddar instead. America actually has good cheese, corporate just doesn't use them.

>> No.11391926

the pattie should ALWAYS be the thickest part of a burger (not counting buns)

>> No.11391928

Okay settle an argument for me, is it pronounced who-per (like who are you?) or wah-per

>> No.11391930

Literally all of Finland is lactose intolerant

>> No.11391931

>Married to Asian who hates cheese
>Ask if she wants to grab a burger
>the fug
>I don't like cheese
>So get a burger, not a cheeseburger
>She doesn't get it
You fat fucks have driven global culture.

>> No.11391932

fins are mongols

>> No.11391936

Ok now this is epic

>> No.11391939

wah-per, you goddamed mong or friend of a mong.

>> No.11391945

o-oh okay... I'll tell my.. friend

>> No.11391966

>The standard Whopper doesn't come with cheese. Isn't that weird?
Not at all. You are asked if you want it, and most don't.
Cheeseburgers by default on their menu don't have the lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo toppings and vice versa, different flavor profiles and moods for "grilled" burgers. Cheeseburgers instead are bacony, mustard and pickles only, like the bacon double cheeseburger.
Also, BK Steakhouse is a Miami born and headquartered corporation and at one time (maybe still?) was the highest per capita Jewish population in the US, where meat with dairy is a no-no in the kosher household, and so just isn't a norm people would be used to doing all the time, culturally speaking. I personally would order something else off the menu if I was in a cheesy mood. The real draw for me for BK is rings rather than fries, esp since they added the dipping sauce that is like the blooming onion, and the marriage of the tomatoes with the mayo, and the chargrilled flavor with the larger bun and all that. Originally BK had good fries til those fries wars years ago, they've never been the same since. Their desserts have always sucked, and their breakfast has always been less than the competition. Apparently their target demographic is quite young, mid-HS aged to college and then it drops off as people get money and go to better burger joints, or healthier foods.
Sometimes though, a froken coke and a whopper jr plus light mustard just quickly hits the spot on a hot day running around town with no much time to sit down and eat anywhere.

>> No.11391993


>> No.11392090


>She doesn't get it

You say this as if it's America's fault she doesn't understand, or that you didn't mansplain it well enough to her.

>> No.11392100

but im lactose intolerant and i can eat cheese just fine...?

>> No.11392105

>She doesn't get it
I think you got a defective Asian, anon. You should probably send her back and buy a new one.

>> No.11392106

>Fell for the Asian wife meme
Lmao your kids will shoot up schools

>> No.11392109

You're just lactose sensitive like me. I can eat a whole tub of ice cream and not feel a thing. But if I have a splash of milk in my hot coco it's shit o'clock. I can eat cheese and mayo just fine though

>> No.11392138

>be younger me
>be working a stint at a trade/food show
>the booth next to ours sells expensive formula milk
>they have drink dispenser full of leftover milk sample at the end of day
"why dont you take some home to drink, anon? would be a waste to pour it down the drain"
>fill 2 big bottles full of infant formula milk and take it home
>try some
>"oh wow this is nice"
>finish the whole bottle
>half an hour later the worst rumbling in my stomach
>rush to the toilet and had a waterfall of diarrhea just coming out of me

feels bad man

>> No.11392148

No its because cheese has almost 0 lactose.

>> No.11392318

Name 1(one) half asian school shooter
Theres only one asian shooter in general and he's full asian, virginia tech.

>> No.11392323

Huh, that must have passed by my Finnish colleagues who drink a tall glass of milk every lunch.

>> No.11392326

The supreme gentleman.

>> No.11392327

Onion rings are too hit and miss for me. When they're good they're really good though. Unfortunately it's a real gamble everytime.

>> No.11392385

>lactose sensitive
say that near me and I'll punch you faggot

>> No.11392531
File: 73 KB, 800x600, whopjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Whopper works perfectly with no cheese. in fact the whole Whopper is a mystery in how good it is.

If you order the same burger from another place, it sucks, but The Whopper is really good. Also, BK mayo is very good, at Wendy's I have to order burgers with no mayo cause they put mayo on everything and their mayo sucks

>> No.11392577

Not weird at all.
I order all my fast food burgers without cheese.
Fast food "cheese" sucks.

>> No.11392595


>> No.11392626

Hhwill hhweaton likes hhwhoppers

>> No.11392674

I tell ya hwhat

>> No.11392696

You can't have pie without coohhwhip

>> No.11392700

Burger King is alright but I prefer hhWhite Castle

>> No.11392705

Texasfag here...for me, it's hhwhataburger

>> No.11392709

>implying american cheese is actually cheese

>> No.11392754


>> No.11392780


This picture is the perfect example of how corporations are absolutely FUCKING the retarded masses with their SHIT tier fast food choices. Look at the size of that fucking patty; it's embarrassing. Fast food companies try to supplement the protein content by enriching the bun with plant proteins (seriously, go look up the mcchicken and explain to me how a third of the protein content of the sandwich is actually from the bun) or using cheese, but in the case of BK, they don't even use the cheese. Swallow the ultimate black pill and see how these companies are skimping you on the only thing that matters: protein. They want to keep you fat and weak like the soyboy you already are which is why they cram this dogshit down your throat.

>> No.11393056

Square up fuck nigga

>> No.11393064

Whopper is trash. Apply yourself, shill-kun

>> No.11393077
File: 52 KB, 478x640, 1540221904399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not lactose intolerant but prefer hamburgers to cheese burgers. Imagine you invented the hamburger. You cook up a patty of beef and put it on some bread, you add some sliced tomato and onion. DO you think to yourself; Hey you know what would be good on this hamburger steak? A SLICE OF CHEESE! The answer is no you don't because it makes no fucking sense. Cheese slices were added once the "hamburger" became an abstraction of what it once was and do not improve its flavour. Hamburgers > cheeseburgers in every way.

>> No.11393260

>putting fruits in your hamburger

>> No.11393263

Cheese is an unnecessary addition to burgers, a cheese sauce will always be superior if you happen to enjoy the taste of cheese

>> No.11393398

>Found a jar of bacon jam at the local walmart
>Purchased it for fun experiments later
>Later comes, and I'm hammered
>Really want to throw some mayo on a hamburger, but alas, I'm out
>Find the bacon jam instead
>Something primal inside of my brain screams that it's an awful idea, but drunken me will not listen

I'm simultaneously pleased and angry that it worked out so well.

>> No.11393486

>The standard Whopper doesn't come with cheese

Wait, really?


>> No.11393494

i'm not sure it ever came with cheese. i remember having to request it since forever

>> No.11393610

yeah actually

>> No.11393688
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger King hamburgers are fucking garbage. It's cheap trash. If you are only interested in burgers it goes:

McDonalds > Checkers > Sonic > Wendy's > Burger King

However Burger King DOES have a hidden gem that I've loved for the last 20 years. It's called the Original Chicken Sandwich, and it is heavenly. There are frequently a 2 for $5 deal with them as well which is simply unbeatable. No lettuce, heavy mayo is the ultimate way to enjoy them. Fucking delicious.

>> No.11393699

i agree with most of this. but....just get 2 chicken jr sammiches. less money for the same thing.

>> No.11393717

I'll give that a try next time I go but the original is just such a classic to me it's hard to give up. I guess if they use the same chicken for it, yeah it's a better deal. $2 for two sandwiches vs $5 for two but only when they have that deal going. Makes sense. I'll remember this next time I go thanks anon.

>> No.11393800
File: 27 KB, 624x351, supreme gentlegook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you rang, m'lady?

>> No.11394067

He didn't shoot a school though

>> No.11394107

Looks amazing next to the real thing

>> No.11394143


So you're saying it is the jews fault.

>> No.11394811
File: 189 KB, 1146x544, 1355321412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uncooked onions
who in the actual fuck eats this shit desu

>> No.11394830
File: 131 KB, 814x1046, 1535837571415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as an amerifat I am glad because our "cheese" is the most fucking foul thing and I am 100% certain it would be on it
cheese in general in america is so fucking trash because its almost always liquid or melted when its served, and its on as much fucking shit as possible and I hate it

>> No.11394849


>> No.11394857

Most cheeses either have no lactose or have so little that it couldn't possibly effect anyone but someone with freak of nature levels of lactose intolerance.

>> No.11394864

What kind of Asian dislikes cheese? When white people started making it for them they went nuts with it. They put cheese on ramen and fried chicken and rice and shot. insane.

>> No.11395193

Yeah, cheap, low quality cuts of meat ground and formed into a hockey puck fried and put between stail bread is such a Masterpiece. Why the holy fuck do you think we 56%ers slather that shit in plastic cheese? Cuz it makes that shit good.

Po'boy master race ryse up!

>> No.11395239


>plastic cheese

This is how to make plastic out of milk:
This is how to make cheddar out of milk:

The purpose of vinegar in the former is to separate the curds and whey. Rennet serves the same purpose in cheddar. The only difference between the two is that you're actively kneading whey out of the milk-to-plastic, and cheddar is relying on gravity-squeezing to get it out.

All cheese is fucking plastic.

>> No.11396148

Its like that on purpose so they can charge you 60 cents for a slice of cheese that costs them a nickle

>> No.11396222

>all asians are the same
its mostly koreans and to a certain extent japanese who do that cheese thing

>> No.11396245

Look at this tastelet, how the fuck can you not taste the difference? Are you drowning your burger in condiments or pickles? There is a very clear difference between cheese and no cheese on a burger.

>> No.11396247

>70 replies

>> No.11397001

Good because I hate having plastic cheese on my burger.

>> No.11397028


>> No.11397286

Is it lactose intolerance if you drink milk and get mild gas or is that normal for everyone?

>> No.11397518

It's as big around as a fucking dinner plate. And judging by your post I can tell you're a fatass, so just order a triple whopper with cheese.

>> No.11397705

non-racists who actually care about social equality

>> No.11397732

It has a double consonant. How could anyone think it would be a long vowel sound?

>> No.11397756

if any restaurant's "normal burger" comes with cheese by default, they're a garbage restaurant.
how it should be: you can add a slice or two of american cheese to your burger if you'd like for an extra charge.
how it is at default cheese chains: extra charge is built in to the price, no reduction in price if you leave it off.

sonic switched from the former to the latter a few years back

>> No.11397790

If you care this much about the extra cost of including cheese on a burger you're either very poor or have OCD.

>> No.11397796

both correct but not that type of ocd. it's just the principle of the thing really.

>> No.11399246

It's crunchy and doesn't shoot your liver to shit as it does when fried in oil.