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11388935 No.11388935 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your local bar like? I swear I probably spend more waking hours here than I do at home.

>> No.11388941

I go to the bar after dinner for a few hours most nights and play pool and bullshit with the locals.

>> No.11388950


>> No.11388968
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i go to The Wild Rover once or twice a week, usually in the early afternoon. it’s pretty cozy and fairly quiet. not very crowded at that time of day.

>> No.11388979

>only crowded on fridays
>floors never sticky and ive never seen anyone get stabbed or forcefully ejected
>kind of expensive, but almost every barmaid overpours liquor
>terrible beer selection
>great wall of bourbons and scotches
>9/10 crabcakes

>> No.11389027
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I'm LMAOing at your life

>> No.11389046

Quiet and hardly anybody there most nights. I just watch whatever game is on and keep to myself. Sometimes I meet up with a friend or I talk to somebody new. Have only picked up a chick once in the 4 years I've been. We dated for 3 months

Beer is cheap and the bartenders occasionally send something free my way but they don't talk to me a lot since they know I don't like to talk all that much.

>> No.11389048

Quick! Grab those bitcoins while she isn't watching

>> No.11389214


It used to be great before memelennials started bringing their shitty kids there.

>> No.11389231
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>> No.11389243

Black Americans.
[ ]Sane.
[ ]Rational.
[ ]Giving a damn at all.
Select any that apply.

>> No.11389286

I love my local haunt. Just got back from there actually. This time the missus suggested we go there for a bite. Surprisingly cheap drinks and food that is very very good for standard bar fare. A great place to catch any game or PPV event and the owner supports the same team I do even if they're located clear across the country.

>> No.11389330
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Same here. My go to joint is a sort of hipster bar but they've got some good shit on tap.

>> No.11389337

dead guy ale is pretty gud

>> No.11389345

Small, cozy and I can always expect to know somebody there. Real solid crowd of cool regulars. Most people are locals. We have a lot of fun an there are definitely shenanigans. Sometimes it feels like home :)

>> No.11389422
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>Dark Horse

>> No.11389445

In Chicago?

>> No.11389592

Isn't Dark Horse in Michigan?
Are you thinking of the winery?

>> No.11389677

Oh, nah. Dark Horse is another Grill Pub in Michigan. I never heard of that place in Chicago.

>> No.11389686

I can smell the fag smoke from here

>> No.11389717

Takes one to smell one.

>> No.11389720

I honestly don't go out much. When I do I certainly don't go clubbing like my co-workers and fiancee. I prefer speakeasies, one with live jazz. I do have one friend at work who I like the same shit I do but he can't get away from his family.


>> No.11389759

It literally says "MI" on the tap handle.

>> No.11389996

Sounds like you want to have gay sex with your hipster buttbuddy

>> No.11390149

>takes a screenshot of an image on his iPad
Average phoneposter intelligence.

>> No.11390173



>> No.11390174


>> No.11390183

tad overrated

>> No.11390187

What country are you from?

>> No.11390189

Shitty little dive called The Lounge was my home for a long time until they finally got kicked out of the shopping center they were in because they attracted a sketchy crowd. The type of place you could smoke a bowl sitting at the bar or bring some friends into the bathroom to snort some lines and nobody would give a shit.

>> No.11390191
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forgot pic

>> No.11390196

>lines in the bathroom with friends

I miss those days. Doing blow alone just doesn't have the same appeal

>> No.11390234

Agree. That's why the place was great, it brought in all the people who didn't actually have any friends and we all became friends with each other and would get wasted and high together. The bartenders didn't give a crap about over-serving and they had couches throughout the place that were constantly occupied by patrons who were way too drunk. You could smoke inside and the jukebox was constantly blasting metal, punk and classics as well. It was never Hotel California or Sweet Caroline on repeat like every other fucking bar in the world. I'm sad now, I miss those days.

>> No.11390535

Depends on the musical act. This place is only open when they have entertainment booked so I guess it's more of a music venue, but they segregate the music genres from week to week, to keep the skinheads from starting shit with the niggers, or the hicks from starting shit with the skinheads.
>Rap Night
it's kind of a shitshow with rowdy black kids and awful amateur rappers but nigger drinks are cheaper. Sometimes you can get a big-ass cup of Hennessy for 6 bucks, which is something I've never seen happen anywhere else.
>Country night
my preferred night, usually some boomer band who never got a shot at the big times but some genuinely talented musicians. You can do a $25 all-you-can-drink-on-tap and chill with a bunch of good ol boys, probably get some big tiddy redneck girl ass if you play your cards right.
>Rock/Metal night
my preferred type of music, but there are no drink specials, and the clientele are absolute shitlords. The place turns into suburban skinhead Mecca. They just want to fight and be tryhards.

>> No.11390577

Disgusting and filled with weirdos. I don't go to bars, pretty much becuase there would always be a free apartment in NYC or we'd just hang out in a park. We really didn't drink and some parents didn't mind if we smoked the evil weed from the devils garden there, as long as it's not on the street. The parents did it too so they knew we were going to do it, it was no big deal.

inb4, you're a stoner, lol, yeah right.