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File: 39 KB, 696x464, xCanola-oil-different-vegetable-696x464.jpg.pagespeed.ic.a9ifu8WZQY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11384370 No.11384370 [Reply] [Original]

So is canola oil really that bad for you?

>> No.11384384

What? No, of course not. Soy also wont make you grow tits. Stop being retarded or at least making threads about your retardation.

>> No.11384390

Who cares it's one of the best tasting oils

>> No.11384448

Better than vegetable at least

>> No.11384453

Yes. It's literally made from the Canadian RAPE plant.

>> No.11384454

What is a canola? Anything to do with the Italian food, canolis?

>> No.11384485

"Canola is bad" is a meme pushed by the corn industry

>> No.11385564

I read once that it creats some sort of toxic substance in small amounts during the high heat portion of production.

But trying to find out more about it, I cant find anything that mentions it, only buzzword articles (GMO - Bad! Refined - Bad! Artifical - Bad!) so Im going to assume its completely fine.

>> No.11385578

>Bad! Refined - Bad! Artifical - Bad!
it's that almost every type of oil though?

>> No.11385582

If you want your date to go smoothly just give her a few tablespoons of rape

>> No.11385584
File: 57 KB, 510x282, dd79402e574cd109[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peanut oil is the superior oil

>> No.11385589

Essentially, yeah. The health crowd is scared of anything if you repeat it enough and say it loud enough though

>> No.11385699

supposedly with the eucric oil removed its actually better for you
the only bad oil is coconut oil

>> No.11385737

Do you mean euric acid? Im actually interested in this, was gonna buy some coconut oil to make some nut butter

>> No.11385754

well actually *erucic, i learned about it while reading up on mustard oil to make a curry
pretty sure coconut oil counters any of the health benefits of nit butter, try walnut/peanut oil and stiffen the butter up in other ways than jamming candle wax into it

>> No.11385761

My bad on the typo, might try some walnut oil, thanks for the suggestion

>> No.11385783

>canola oil
fucking what

>So is canola oil really that bad for you?
It displaces other healthy oils, so yeah. Look at France or Greece, they use lard or olive oil, live forever. Pretty decent video that touches on the topic:

It's probably some kind of ameldyhyde.

>> No.11385785

i've heard this....what is the reasoning?

>> No.11385794

Greece is like 14th in life expectancy in Europe

>> No.11385808

>Look at France or Greece, they use lard or olive oil, live forever.
I hate the French even more now.

>> No.11385823

Tue, but they're only 1 or 2 years behind the #1 country. The point was WHAT kills these people though, and since most people use Canola Oil because it's sold as good for your heart and other oils bad, Greece is a good example that's bullshit.

>> No.11385830

The French historically have been terrible with keeping mortality related statistics.

>> No.11385859

pretty much all i use is lard or olive oil

>> No.11386254

That article you linked actually recommends rapeseed oil right behind olive oil, especially past olive oils smoke point.

Thats Canola?

>> No.11386761

It's been shown that Mediterranean diets that use olive oil instead of canola oil lead to a lower chance of developing cancer. Also, when you buy Canola, some of that money is kicked back to Monsanto, so it's good to avoid if you can. However, it's not like canola is inherently bad for you.

>> No.11386767

Any issue with canola oil is probably more related to most canola oil being highly refined compared to olive oils.

>> No.11387120

And why is that bad?

>> No.11387597

Deadly, mate

>> No.11389141

your body evolved alongside consuming certain oils
something new like Canola could have unexpected consequences not being part of this process

>> No.11389411

So new = bad I guess.

Better not take any medicine that the doctor prescribes because cavemen didnt have access to it.

>> No.11389430

Toxic garbage.

Olive and Coconut are good but dont cook them.

Only cook with Avocado or Grapeseed oill.

>> No.11389434

Coconut oil may as well come with a statin

>> No.11389439

its great for oil pulling and light usage

>> No.11389452

>it's an anon can't understand basic evolution episode

>> No.11389454
File: 99 KB, 683x458, oils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, the blue part is the part that causes inflammation and is linked to obesity and insulin resistance, yellow and green are the good parts, red is neutral (unless you still live in the 90s and believe saturated fats are bad)

>> No.11389458

Were 60% of cavemen obese and depressed?

>> No.11389459

It removes a lot of beneficial components of the oil and promotes rancidity. A lot of cheap vegetable oil has to be deodorized and "cleaned" to remove the rancid smell and taste.

>> No.11389460

Monsanto is one of our clients. They pay me in free oil. Not going to happen schlomo.

>> No.11389464

and this table has made a mistake, linoleic acid is omega 6, alpha linolenic acid is omega 3

>> No.11389468
File: 15 KB, 300x200, smirk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when someone turns their ignorance into fear mongering. Asians have produced soybean oil for thousands of years, and Europeans have been producing olive oil for another millenia beyond that. In that time, there has been little, if any, evolutionary advances that follow along with our consumption of these refined oils vs the oil naturally occurring in meat or nuts.

But suddenly canola is going to have an unexpected consequence?

>> No.11389474
File: 25 KB, 572x351, soybeanoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asians have produced soybean oil for thousands of years

But they haven't been pumping their food full of it like madmen

>> No.11389481

Neither does any reasonable person that has some awareness of what they put into their body. What's your point?

>> No.11389482

>>Better not take any medicine that the doctor prescribes because cavemen didnt have access to it.
It's a simple question of vetting, there are no long term studies for the effects of most modern medicine and even the immediate human testing is limited. No-one is saying that you shouldn't take medication, only that it's more of a gamble than say consuming something your ancestors consumed for hundreds of thousands of years without adverse effect. It absolutely is a gamble, which is why pharmaceuticals have so many disclaimers and lawyers out the ass. Despite that shit like this happens:

>> No.11389489

The point about fats is the BALANCE of fatty acids, like omega 3s, omega 6's etc.

If you eat too much omega 6 it can cause chronic inflammation and insulin resistance, no oil is "bad" or "good", it's just about the ratios

>> No.11389498

What's YOUR point? People have been doing all kinds of crazy shit for years, doesn't mean either are good or bad for you because of it, but in general increasing consumption of some of these oils have known ill effects, which is the discussion of this thread, is it not?

>> No.11389501

Olive oil didn't begin existing when homo sapiens did anon, our progenitors consumed it and its (olives) progenitors. It's perfectly reasonable to say we've evolved to be able to eat it. Canola oil on the other hand is new and only exists due to scientific advances, it would have been impossible for any past humanoid to consume the same quantities of rapeseed oil in a lifetime that some people consume in a week nowadays.

>> No.11389503

Canola oil is processed garbage. Keep giving shekels to the mega food companies goy :^)

>> No.11389506

If anyone wants a very technical explanation of why some of these oils are bad, watch this:


>> No.11390318

fuck off nerd

>> No.11390523

>Organisms cant find new food sources

>> No.11390525

Im sure its the canola oil, not the globs and globs off sugars and syrups we are shoving into everything

>> No.11390534

That is actually a compelling argument. Without caring enough to google it, couldnt it also remove potentially harmful substances as well?

>> No.11390549

>X oil didnt exist until we invented a new technique
Perfectly ok
>Y oil didnt exist until we invented a new technique
Literally poison

>> No.11390576

It's made with rapeseed, the most based and redpilled seed of all.

>> No.11390578

are you saying canola oil isn't a vegetable oil?

>> No.11390599

>Essentially, yeah. The health crowd is scared of anything if you repeat it enough and say it loud enough though
I think looking at Amerifat's current state, it's a perfectly justified concern.... something is making them fat.

>> No.11390630

its a seed oil

>> No.11390636

oils can cause carbohydrate cravings, see >>11389506

>> No.11390649

Seed oils are vegetable oils.

>> No.11390652

seeds are not vegetables

>> No.11390681

>part of a vegetable is not a vegetable
are you actually retarded?

>> No.11390684

only fruit have seeds

>> No.11390703

ok, let out all the bait you have left over, i will give (you)s.

>> No.11390801

>However, the new research found that sunflower oil and corn oil produced aldehydes at levels 20 times higher than recommended by the World Health Organisation
>sunflower oil
lol russia is fucked

>> No.11390821

interesting video

>> No.11390863

Why is coconut oil bad?

>> No.11390869

its not, just brainmelts who still believe saturated fats are bad

>> No.11390876

It's the best oil for making canna-oil.

>> No.11392342

>saying something isn't 100% known to be safe in the long run is the same thing as calling it poison
based retards

>> No.11392348


>> No.11392374

>Humans discover that you can cook meat
>Well, better just keep eating it raw, we dont know if its 100% safe yet

>> No.11392401

Some of the first organisms in our evolutionary chain who ate meat undoubtedly died and/or were harmed when they first did so.

>> No.11392414

Thank you based ancestors that ate sketchy mushrooms and died so we didn’t have to eat those mushrooms.

>> No.11392469

Joe Rogan pls go