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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11382858 No.11382858 [Reply] [Original]

I’m hungover, tried drinking water but it made me throw up. Wat do

>> No.11382863

drink a beer

>> No.11382897

The thought of doing that makes me ill, sir

>> No.11382899

are you an alc? I'm a sober alc, but back when i was drinking if I hit it real hard the night before I would need to drink just to keep food down.

>> No.11382910

Of course he's not an alck.

>> No.11382915

why did jannies ban our threads?

>> No.11382919

because you are worthless subhuman scum and being a ballast to your friends and family has nothing to do with food and cooking

>> No.11382921

Sleep, try drinking more water, then try drinking something hot like tea or broth, then get carbs and protein once you can keep food down

>> No.11382924

I don't even drink anymore. Those threads were great. Half the threads here are garbage anyways.

>> No.11382932

OP here, no not an /alc/ but also don’t see why mods banned the general, seemed fine to me.

Been sipping on some Gatorade and I’ve been able to keep that down. Doing a bit better bros

>> No.11382941

Suck on an ice cube

>> No.11382942

>drinks aren't food even though every other drink is allowed to have a thread on /ck/
whatever will happen to the other 99 active threads on /ck/ if we have an alcohol thread?

>> No.11382954

do it

>> No.11382972

>most of the thread is just crying because they're alcoholic, barely even talking about drinks
Sure proved him wrong.

>> No.11382984

Threads about alcohol are allowed. Threads for circlejerking about how you ruined your own life with alcohol are not.

>> No.11383017

Why are you hungover on a Thursday

>> No.11383018

If it follows the natural course of discussion then it isn't off topic. Some websites know this, but this one doesn't. The blogposter in recipe threads doesn't get the entire thing deleted, but it should
the rules are inconsistent and arbitrary. at least it was contained to one thread, now you have alcoholics in other threads finding excuses to post and make it about their drinking. it didn't "solve a problem" or "fix the issue", it just spread it

>> No.11383075

Hair of the dog

>> No.11383158

Lay back down and try to sleep. When you wake up, you should be able to get water down and then onto food.
Hope you didn't have anything to do today because it's not happening.

>> No.11383174


>the rules are inconsistent and arbitrary.

Welcome to online forums. In all seriousness, it's been set up that way on purpose, and it was done that way at around the time Gamergate started getting off the ground. Moot was trying to make the site advertiser-friendly to make it something he could sell, that's all.

>> No.11383191

Pound a bottle of pedialyte with 2 tylenol. Works for me.

>> No.11383194

Is that why the Bon Appetit/Claire threads are allowed to stay up for days even though they're clearly advertising and basically just waifu threads?

>> No.11383255

This. Just never stop drinking and you'll never have a hangover.

>> No.11383271

You need electrolytes - mostly salt.
Eat something with salt or drink a Gatorade if you're still super dehydrated.
See, you got it. Get some easily digestible simple carbs like potatoes in you and you're well on your way.

There's fucking dip threads up every other week that last for hundreds of replies. Tobacco has infinitely less to do with food and cooking than alcohol, but hot pocket janny is just super butthurt that his alcoholic daddy beat him and his whore mom so now we can't have nice things.

>> No.11383281
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Didn’t have work today so went out with some friends... drank too much

The thought of alcohol right now makes me feel sick

The headache is too much for me to go back to sleep, yeah luckily no work today so I’m just recovering

Got Gatorade and that’s been doing alright, will do that Tylenol tho

>> No.11383284

Just don't open the thread? there was a bunch of people who really enjoyed those threads and it was actually starting to become a community, just because you personally didn't enjoy them doesn't mean that a shit ton of people did. They were the most popular threads on this board other than WebM. /alck/ isn't allowed but obvious troll OPs are
>how'd I do?
>picture of hotdog covered with pepto bismol

>> No.11383286

pickle juice

>> No.11383819

They were great threads and like 95% of the people liked em. They were supportive.

>> No.11384063
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>> No.11384099

For future reference, you can make a ghetto gatorade by stirring a quarter teaspoon of salt and a couple of sugar into a pint of water. If you have tonic water instead and an orange to squeeze into it, it makes an actual nice drink.

Or learn to make a Bloody Mary.

>> No.11384103

I'm also very hungover.
I just ate a spaghetti bolognese with loads of oak smoked cheddar and some hot sauce in it and it seems to have done the trick.
Try a mug or bowl of soup and butter some bread.

Also, the fizzy drink Sprite is a legit hangover cure.

>> No.11384443

make yourself a prairie oyster, nasty but I've heard it works...

you could also have one hangover drink

>> No.11384468

Buy a tube of hydralyte or some electrolyte popsicles

>> No.11384477

A community of binge drinking losers encourage each others shitty habits is unacceptable outside of /r9k/

>> No.11384481

I'm sorry your dad got drunk and hit you, but why take it out on anonymousse people on the internet?

>> No.11384616

Have a few gradual beers or other light alcoholic drinks like vokda and orange juice. But don't get drunk again like an idiot or you'll just be hungover again tomorrow. Just drink enough to take the edge off til your body heals itself. You'll be right as rain tomorrow.

I would suggest sleeping as it always helps but if you're anything like me sleep is impossible when hungover even if I'm so tired I can't even keep my eyes open

>> No.11384642

If you aren't normally a heavy drinker, try tylenol. That usually takes some of the headache off, for me at least.

Gravol helps suppress nausea. Know what else will keep you from puking? Chewing gum.

Try a potassium-rich food like a banana or buy a gatorade and sip it.

Now you're ready to face the day. Throw on some sunglasses, grab your pills and gatorade, pop some chewing gum, and nobody at work will even suspect that you're trying to nurse a hangover.

>> No.11384647

Benzos for a non toxic hair of the dog, and opiates to make you numb.

>> No.11384708

don't take tylenol affect overdrinking you retard

>> No.11385219

Stop drinking

>> No.11385230

How do you get access to benzos and opiates? Everyone talks about xanax like it’s a candy store purchase but I can’t find em

>> No.11385242


I'm guessing most are on a college campus where drugs are plentiful. To get anything other than weed where I'm at means dealing with unsavory, sketchy characters. I've kind of left that lifestyle behind anyway.

>> No.11386022


I'm not going to answer yes or no, but there are records that indicate that self-serve ads were available on 4chan going back as far as 2007. Make of that what you will.

>> No.11386033

emphasizing this point for safety. its safer to take tylenol before alcohol than it is to take after alcohol because the alcohol metabolites will hang around for like 8 hours being a problem with the tylenol.
tylenol wont hang around quite that long but its still pretty long time

>> No.11386081


You mean like how we now have these fucking loser vegans hanging around, shitting up every thread that might be on the meatier side of a bowl of plain mac'n'cheese? I don't know about you, but I rather prefer having the drunks over those faggots.

>> No.11386091

Don't drink ever again? You obviously have no self control.

>> No.11386101

You guys did it to yourself. Seriously, if you'd kept it to ONE thread, fine. But you retards never even bothered to check catalog, so we'd have a shitton of threads, then literal threads of people bitching when THEIR "general" got deleted. Because they were drunk, self-centered, emotional children.

Just go to /r9k/ what's stopping it. This board is slower moving than they are, so why not do your whining and moaning there?

>> No.11386114


I'm not one of the /alc/posters. I'd just rather have them around over the aforementioned fucking loser vegans. As for /r9k/, I'm not sure the /alc/ crowd would do much more than agitate the socially maladjusted and actually childish people there.

>> No.11386120

Eat scrambled eggs, banana and dry toast. Try to drink mint tea. Get cold shower and try to sleep more.

>> No.11386122

The fuck is the point of drinking if you don't end up with a hangover?

>> No.11386133

There we are, the answer lies with him

>> No.11386720

From the thumbnail that guy looked like a belgian tv cook

>> No.11387357

>A community of binge drinking losers encourage each others shitty habits
literally not what was in those threads

mostly what was discussed was how shitty a life alcoholism is and that you should not go cold turkey if you want to quit so as to not die from quitting

>> No.11387360

>be college kid
>buy xanax
>it's actually fentanyl
careful out there guys

>> No.11387683
File: 62 KB, 641x405, SmartSelect_20180510-080830_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

al/ck/ was certainly not shitting up anything, especially not as a single general on a tertiary board like /ck/ that's already 1/3 shitposting and 1/3 trolling.

They were a small hive of anonymous addicts who found a little corner of 4chan that helped them relate and cope and maybe, maybe try to make it out. At the very least they produced top-tier content.

That fuckfaced shitheel faggot of a janitor with nothing better to do /trash/'d their threads and kicked them out. He's almost certainly responsible for the deaths of a few of those anons and I hope he suffers their piss-soaked haunting in his dreams.

>> No.11387691
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If you ever wanted a really raw look into addiction, into what it's like, and to see the writing on the wall to keep you from slipping down the slope, al/ck/ was it.

Now it's gone, and some of those poor bastards drank themselves to death because the last people they had to talk to and relate with were cut off from them by some loser with autogynephilia and nothing better to do.

>> No.11387696

rip smirnoffbro

>> No.11387707
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RIP them all, man.

Death to the janitors.

>> No.11387711

really was a shame, i'm not even a bad alcoholic but I liked going to those threads to keep me from becoming one of them. Half this board is angsty redditors that need to be censored from reality though, including the mods.

>> No.11387715
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I will never let their words die as long as I have a hard drive and cloud space.

It was a really important and inoffensive general. I never posted, only lurked.

>> No.11387733

tiny sips at first, you'll feel better in no time

>> No.11387741
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I actually went to rehab because someone on al/ck/ convinced me to when I wasn't listening to anyone irl.
Still clean and happy to be alive for the first time in several years. Some of those dudes are alright.

>> No.11387745
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>Some of those dudes are alright.
not anymore

thanks janny you did everything wrong

>> No.11387761
File: 933 KB, 800x620, Smirnoffbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was a top bloke

also rip simpsonsbro, new amsterdam bro, mall drinker, gnomes bro, 1.75l lad (I hope I'm wrong about some of these)

>> No.11387773
File: 120 KB, 1349x522, SmartSelect_20180511-103818_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this guy.

>> No.11387779

Yeah I want to say New Amsterdam bro's health was deteriorating. Maybe he's ok..

>> No.11387790

i wonder if 1.75lad is still kicking. He seemed like a really solid guy.

>> No.11387793

Do you have the al/ck/ party wojak? I made it like a year ago, but got a new pc when i sobered up and lost it.

>> No.11387820
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Only as part of another screenshot

>> No.11387833
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The last time he posted he said he was diagnosed with (I believe) bowel cancer. Said he had been given three months to live.
Yeah, I hope he's doing well. He had a couple of rough episodes (kidney failure being one of them, iirc), but he seemed to recover remarkably fast every time. Had a few dry spells too I suppose.

>> No.11387870

1.75l boi here, I’m alive! It warms my heart that you guys are still out there thinking of me.
I still post here, but I mostly do cookalongs in that dickered with cats thread, it’s like the closest thing to both REAL cooking content and blogposting (fucking ironically) on this board.
I’m the dude who’s kitchen looks like this.
I miss you guys.

>> No.11387882
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I’ve had a few dry spells and whatnot, but right now I’m off the wagon. I’ve been eating pretty well (as far as volume is considered), and cooking a lot at my house instead of blowing all my money on fast food and hard liquor.
I forgot my pic.

>> No.11387886
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It’s fucking unbelieveable how much money I can save when I’m not shithammered ALL the time. It’s just about actually thinking about your choices, and feeling like it’s worth the extra effort to save a little.

>> No.11387892

Dude I'm glad your doing well! I miss everyone too.

Relapsed for a while 3 months ago but I've been on the wagon since then. Shits real boring, but I guess it's better than WD's.

>> No.11387976

Glad to hear you're doing well, anon! I miss al/ck/ general too. They were truly the realest threads on 4chan.

>> No.11388003
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>They were truly the realest threads on 4chan.
You're damn right

>> No.11388027

Nibble on some saltines or if you have it, some chicken noodle soup. Just enough to not upchuck. Nibble on some saltines. Take a dramamine, those motion sickness pills.
That with saltines and sips of gatoraide and some sleep works wonders.

>> No.11388029

Vodka enema. It's the only solution.

>> No.11388034
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>5 empty vodka bottles
>computer smashed
I'm guessing this was a Smirnoffbro post

>> No.11388043
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I don't know how long he was gone for but I never saw him in the last few months of threads.

>> No.11388054


>> No.11388067
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Take kratom

>> No.11388081

milk thistle, anon

>> No.11388099


Looks like it's gonna be tasty anon. Good for you keep it going.

>> No.11388107

Jesus fuck no. This shit destroys my stomach no matter what.

>> No.11388121

Same. I believe he went cold turkey multiple times because tapering didn't work for him. Maybe that finally did him in. Otherwise he seemed to be relatively healthy (strangely).

I hope he succeeded in getting sober and just radically cut off all bad influences like al/ck/. He was talking about how he had a new girlfriend too just before he went quiet.

>> No.11388136


>all bad influences like al/ck/

I remember something old/pol/ used to say, about how you could spend a day proving someone wrong, only for them to come back the next day saying the same stuff they were saying before and completely oblivious to everything you'd said to prove them wrong.

>> No.11388150
File: 158 KB, 1344x293, SmartSelect_20180412-235054_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remember something old/pol/ used to say, about how you could spend a day proving someone wrong, only for them to come back the next day saying the same stuff they were saying before and completely oblivious to everything you'd said to prove them wrong.

That's from the passage on arguing with Jews from Mein Kampf FYI

>> No.11388191

addiction is a bitch anon

>> No.11388281

>no self control
>thinks he can control himself to never drink again

>> No.11388304
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>> No.11388812
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>> No.11388958
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I just went out and did some grocery shopping, broke down and bought RDR2, applied to a few jobs, and got some vodka as a treat. Hopefully a job+the most expansive game of the year will keep me busy enough that I can just use this bottle to taper on down.
At least I know I have my rent paid.
Is there a general that I don’t know about? Every other one I know of failed miserably or got trolled worse than here (sans banning).
Oh yeah, and for food I chose some struggle meals instead of balling out in lieu of buying that game. I’m going to be eating nothing but potatoes, soup, and rice for the next week or so (or at least I’ll try to be frugal).

>> No.11388967


>> No.11389021

I don't know of any other generals but if we find one I'm in. Good for you, dude. The path is hard but it sounds like it's in front of you at least.