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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11382830 No.11382830 [Reply] [Original]

>he has to use a rice cooker to cook his rice

>> No.11382837

Anon, nobody has to use a rice cooker. They have a rice cooker because they constantly eat rice.

>> No.11382846
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>constantly have to call the gas man because of all the stovetop rice cooking

>> No.11382943
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>Bowing down to Asian cuisine

>> No.11383009

>has to

>> No.11383371

>tfw no bf to cook with

>> No.11383499


>> No.11383555

I still don't get it. Anyone can make a really tasty rice in 15 minutes, the rice cooker takes at least 45. And comes out bland.

>> No.11383557

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11383561
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what the FUCK are you talking about man??

>> No.11383568

>he cooks rice
fucking casual, why don't I just chew your food for you

>> No.11383567


>> No.11383569
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>he doesnt make chinks cook his rice

>> No.11383572
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I was just thinking about getting a rice cooker, seems like it would be convenient, one less pot on the stove when I'm cooking. Would you guys say its worth it?

>> No.11383583

yes please

>> No.11383588

if you eat rice often enough. If it's a 1-2 times a week (or less) thing don't bother.

>> No.11383589

Do you cook rice at least 3 days a week? Yes

Do you cook rice once a week or less? No

>> No.11383593

>rice cooker takes at least 45

i'm not sure what kind of rice cookers you've been using but this is just wrong. mine takes 20 mins to cook rice.

>> No.11383599

sure thing buddy

>> No.11383603
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thank you mommy penguin

>> No.11383637

>saves space
>if you already have one you might as well use it
>pick one

>> No.11383670
File: 484 KB, 1200x1600, Kitchen-LPG_cooking_gas_cylinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we use gas canisters for our stoves and have to call the gas man to deliver gas if it runs out
they only open until 6pm so you are truly fucked if you run out of gas in the night

>> No.11383680

What kind of socialist dystopia do you live in?

>> No.11383683

>dat ass

can you imagine the live model

>> No.11383688
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>he uses white rice

>> No.11383696

i wish my gas man was cute

>> No.11383699
File: 40 KB, 819x546, 1531788096562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where tf does this take place besides like developing nations?

>> No.11383705

>tfw the Gas man broke your knee last time because you farted too much and were encroaching on his business

>> No.11383713

why don't you just stockpile several gas cans ahead of time?
alternatively just live in the developed world

>> No.11383721

what. the. FUCK????????????????????!

>> No.11383730

That sounds really inconvenient.

>> No.11383732


A rice cooker takes zero minutes because it doesn't need to be watched.

>> No.11383781

>20 minutes

Why would I use a machine to do something that takes no effort to do myself? I can even fry some garlic and onion in the pot first to add extra flavor. Can't do that in a rice cooker

>> No.11383792

Also, Asians don't have pots, just the one wok.

>> No.11383800

but you can.....? you can add all sorts of things to a rice cooker

also with a stove you have to be present to turn the heat off after 20 mins. A rice cooker also keeps the rice warm for you and your family.

>> No.11383857

Are people on here really this braindead?

>> No.11383863

yes, and you're here too

>> No.11383869

Fuck up bitch

>> No.11383981

how does your pot boil if you're watching it, something doesn't add up

>> No.11383988


fake and gay

>> No.11384007

Hello, my fellow Indian.
You should get an electric rice cooker, they're worthwhile.

>> No.11384145

For me, a watched pot always boils, because I don't try to boil water on inefficient and slow gas burners.

>> No.11384190

What's the difference between rice cooked on rice cooker and boiled on stove top?
I'm not amerilard so no gas-stove and i do usually "wash" my rice beforehand as it gets rid of the excess... starch i think it was and makes it clump up better just like in Asian restaurants.

>> No.11384210

Rice cooker is automatic so you don't need to stick around to turn the knobs a few times.

>> No.11384234

rice on stove top can be overcooked to get a crust to chew on, some people like that

>> No.11384272

Many rice cookers can do that.

>> No.11384277
File: 60 KB, 500x375, 476666587_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not the same

i want it slightly charred

>> No.11384286

My dad's cheap shitty rice cooker does that whether or not anyone wants it.

>> No.11384300
File: 3.44 MB, 3216x2136, pork-stir-fry-served-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I have meat in one pan on one burner and vegetables in a wok in the other

Shit takes up space if I also have to cook a large pot on the 3rd burner

Also I like to race my rice cooker to see if I can finish my additives before it finishes the rice

>> No.11384311

Has to? Get to motherfucker. Start it right before meal prep and wa la its ready at meal time. Also makes good polenta and steel cut oats.

>> No.11384317

Based OCD autist

>> No.11384320

and i thought you had a fancy cooker with the feature

>> No.11384387

>he tries so hard to be gay, but he isn't like us

>> No.11384402 [DELETED] 

I am immune to laughingwhores.png and gigglinghomos.jpg

>> No.11385333

wow your so cool

>> No.11385349 [DELETED] 

Unironically this.

>> No.11385354
File: 133 KB, 282x372, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.33_[2018.06.16_13.30.43].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't wash his rice

>> No.11385375

>he has to use a food processor instead of a knife

>he has to use a bread hook instead of his hands

>he has to use a rolling pin instead of a wine bottle

>he has to use yeast

>he buys tortillas

>> No.11385397

Fucking what

>> No.11385416

I use mine daily, for rice, steaming veggies, all kinds of shit. Even pancakes.

>> No.11385444

why does my rice always come out sticky and tasteless? i'm using jasmine rice.

>> No.11386358

>extra bulky appliance that only serves one purpose
>saves space over a fucking pot

>> No.11386405

the US works on a lower amperage. as a trade off- they have outlets in the bathroom and don't turn off their plugs after each use.

it takes an american kettle a minute longer to boil 2L of water, but they're able to use a hairdryer/electric shaver in the bathroom

>> No.11386556

>pic name
I 'm really thinking just going gay nowadays, more and more women have pancake asses and males can get delicious thicc ones

>> No.11386669

are you just eating it right away? if possible i always let mine rest for ~20mins after turning off the heat

>> No.11386699

literally 3rd world shithole
i bet theres a gas truck that passes by before breakfast time trying to sell gas to everyone
am i right?

>> No.11386723
File: 136 KB, 254x254, img_gphd_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehhh do people really not have gas delivery services in the USA/ europe? but you guys have gas stoves right?


do you actually have to drive to the store to get gas? how backward and inconvenient desu..

>> No.11386731

>wasting 20 minutes of your precious time to watch some rice
Why would I not use a machine to do it for me?

>> No.11386738

>confuses gas with propane
also what goblin country is this?

>> No.11386741

sorry burger, we call ""'gas""(for the car) petrol here. Propane is a gas so its called gas

>calling a liquid gas

>> No.11386746


>> No.11386757

tfw no gas man bf

>> No.11386758

natural gas is gas, gasoline is liquid.

>not being american

>> No.11386776

>45 minutes
do white people really?

>> No.11386782

well then you put whatever the fuck you're putting into your stove pot rice into your rice cooker with the rice
it's only as bland as you make it, fuck face

>> No.11386790

clay pot and rice cooker master race here. if you dumb whiteys are using any other pot for your stovetop rice other than a clay pot then you're a fucking retard and need to kys because you have 0 clue what good rice is

>> No.11386796
File: 272 KB, 485x489, 1463349964568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sure your bland rice tastes better than whiteys bland rice

>> No.11387218
File: 5 KB, 345x283, heinously loud laughter from ricky gervais ensues.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He has to call in a fucking gas man
How do you cook, like, ever?

>> No.11387232

so you want to be forgiven for being retarded?

>> No.11387286

a tank of gas lasts like a month or so depending on usage

>> No.11387906
File: 40 KB, 463x625, 1524221062922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled

>> No.11388156

Post your rice recipe
>1 Cup of Jasmine Rice
>Two cups of water
>1/2 a stick of butter
>6-10 cloves of garlic
>1/2 a white onion

>> No.11388176

this one almost got me

>> No.11388198


>> No.11388200

That’s legit my moms rice recipie. My mistake, that recipie usually requires 2-3 cups of rice

>> No.11388831

>ehhh do people really not have gas delivery services in the USA/ europe? but you guys have gas stoves right?
Yes, we have gas stoves, but we don't rely on propane tanks. We have the infrastructure for gas mains so it's piped directly into your house.

>> No.11388934

>wash rice
>see tons of dust go down the drain
>don't wash rice
>comes out exactly the same after cooking
Why are Asians so obsessed with wasting water?

>> No.11388943


>> No.11388948

>not washing rice
enjoy the pollution, dirt, weevils

maybe you can do it with japanese rice since they are very clean but i would definitely wash normal jasmine rice

>> No.11388996
File: 75 KB, 643x990, 1535649055074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based gem poster

>> No.11388997

Well, yeah. Nobody's regularly being killed by gas explosions that couldn't also happen with a propane tank instead, so yeah it's safe.

>> No.11389016

white rice is skinned/peeled, 99% of whatever contamination it may have had goes away at that point

>> No.11389137
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*The gasman cometh*

>> No.11389386

washing rice takes like 30 seconds anon

i hope you wash your veggies too

>> No.11389423
File: 115 KB, 800x435, advprotankcomp3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this happens in rural flyover USA as well. we just have a gas truck that comes and fills up the tank.

>> No.11389579

So do you fry the Garlic and Onion off in the butter then add the rice, cook it a bit more then add Water and put the lid on it?

>> No.11389595

Oh dear, have mercy on me. Chad told me to buy a ricecocker, and you know whaat.... I just love it

>> No.11389631

Do they sell propane accessories?

>> No.11389645

Actually a 3000W electric kettle will heat water faster on 110v than it will 220v. Though it's a non-argument because a 3kW 110v kettle has harsher material requirements than a 3kW 220v kettle.

>> No.11389648
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 1364926805347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a mighty fine gas tank

>> No.11391117

Washing rice does literally nothing except delete what little nutrients are left from the nutrient powder. You're explicitly making things worse for yourself

>> No.11391211

>Turning off the outlet after use
>No outlets is bathrooms
Are all Americans this stupid or just you?
As proven by over a hundred years of use, DC is inferior to AC, low voltage is inferior to high voltage.
Edison was a money-hungry and cuckolded the US power network to make shekels.

>> No.11391245

>>saves space
what the fug

>> No.11391247


>> No.11391255

also salt it a bit and cook it throughtly

>> No.11391268
File: 80 KB, 1080x1080, 94LU3hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure the reason why all british chicks look the same is because they can't use a hairdryer in the bathroom

>> No.11391293

Pretty sure the reason Americans smell so bad is they dont have detachable showerheads to wash their junk with.

>> No.11391318

you equate new plumbing with not having detachable shower heads? sure, we don't wash our shitty hands with a bucket of water by our toilets, but we definitely have modern plumbing

>> No.11391325

>cook it thoroughly
dude, it's harder than that. you have to get the correct water: rice ratio

>> No.11391435

I dont watch my rice. I put it in and I time it. Comes out perfect every time

>> No.11391662

Do you have an automatic stove, or do you need to wait around to turn it off?

>> No.11391692

I have an automatic one actually (induction) which really just makes everything easier and cleaner, but when we had the gas stove I put a timer on my phone and went about my business.

>> No.11391788


>> No.11391794

>stop stirring your fucking rice
aww shit

>> No.11391980

Hang on a minute. Do you supply your house with gas using a small tank that you buy instead of having a constant t supply of gas from a provider?

>> No.11392428


>> No.11392537
File: 2.18 MB, 326x254, f83.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Put 2 cups of water in the pot
> Boil
> Pour 1 cup rice in
> Set stove to low heat
> Put a lid on the pot and let it sit for 45 minutes
> Turn off the stove and let it sit for another 15 minutes
There's no faster way, right? I'm not actually retarded, am I?

>> No.11392573

45 min seems like a long time I usually just simmer for ~20 min after the water boils

>> No.11392941

>45 minutes to cook rice
nigger what? that shit takes like 20 minutes in a rice cooker, its literally the same time it takes to make rice in a pot except you dont have to watch and can just push a button and go do other stuff

>comes out bland
put in some seasoning then you colossal retard

>> No.11392947

>putting a space after the >
why 4chan

>> No.11393134

But we do. Some people just choose to have a static shower head.

>> No.11393152

I use 1 cup and 3/4 water per cup of rice. When the water is boiling put the lid on and wait for 7mins in low heat. After turn off and let it sit for 3mins then it's done.