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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 650x574, tripe-and-onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11372163 No.11372163 [Reply] [Original]

anon...you DO eat tripe, dont you........?

>> No.11372201

>that pic
there's a reason people grind the less appetizing animal parts into sosig

>> No.11372215
File: 86 KB, 900x506, front1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grinding it up

but the whole point of tripe is getting that nice spongy texture where it catches all the sauce

>> No.11372216

No. I could get the same same flavor by walking into a barn with my mouth open. I've tried book-tripe and honeycomb that's been thoroughly bleached and it still tastes like a farm no matter how I cook it.

>> No.11372218

trypophobia up in this bitch

>> No.11372226
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>> No.11372238

Having grown up eating tripe, I can honestly say it is not my favorite. Usually had the same effect on me as liver or pork chops, where I just get tired of eating it halfway through.

>> No.11372240

Tripe is not good no matter what you do to it. Worst fucking offal.

>> No.11372241

I thought those were morels at first.

>> No.11372250
File: 58 KB, 800x489, Siglap-Kway-Chap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont really care for tripe but i fucking love pig intestines. Large intestine, small intestine, stomach, pig skin...all delish yum yum

>> No.11372252

i dont understand how people can enjoy liver. The taste is so strong and off putting.

>> No.11372263
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Hell yeah I do, tripe stew is mad comfy rainy weather food.
If you don't like tripe you are uncultured swine

>> No.11372282

It might be because of my aztec ancestors but I love the taste of livers and hearts, the stronger the better.

>> No.11372287

Can you eat human stomach?

>> No.11372378

Shut up faggot you don't have trypophobia.

>> No.11372477

No, because I'm not a poor person that can't afford decent cuts of meat.

>> No.11372480

Is that a rick and morty .gif?

>> No.11372520
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yes i am a proud lombard boi

>> No.11372526

Have you tried being a vegan, you meat-taste hater?

>> No.11372664
File: 143 KB, 750x562, 1308788133829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese tripe is the best, dipped in the hot pot for a few seconds and then dipped in a delicious sauce

>> No.11372687

The only meat I eat is OPs mums beef curtains

>> No.11372690
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I'm romanian, I like a nice bitter tripe borsh with cream and a side of hot peppers to munch on.

>> No.11372725

I can't eat food that smells bad

>> No.11372790


Ah, a Milanese here.

>> No.11372794

What if OP is a 10/10 roastie with massive mammaries

>> No.11372803

tripe literally smells like shit
it smells like manure

>> No.11372821

That's why you cure it, in water and salt. It needs to be rinsed for 3 hours.

>> No.11372859

it still stinks u r noseblind

>> No.11373368

I've tried so hard to like tripe. How in the actual fuck are you supposed to cook it so that it doesn't have the texture of snot and the taste of aids?

>> No.11373385

Having grown up around cattle my whole life I can tell you that tripe and beef liver taste exactly like manure. I would never eat them straight again. Fine in a sausage or whatever.

>> No.11373387

or you could just not eat it

>> No.11373406

Tripe would not be my first choice of what to eat unless I'm at a place that I know does it well. One of the taco joints near me does it perfectly - crisp on the outside, creamy on the inside with just a bit of chew. I'll grab a tripe taco there every now and then. It's also good in spicy soups that hail from Latin American places.

>> No.11373563

Funnily enough I've never known anyone who enjoys tripe in my entire life. I wonder if it's an Irish thing.

Kidneys, liver (particularly via foie gras or pâté), oxtail soup, pig knuckles, and sweetbread are all not that uncommon though. Personally oxtail soup and knuckles are the only ones I'm fond of though, liver has too strong a taste for me, kidneys have an unpleasant texture, and sweetbread is just not as good as other options imo.

>> No.11373571

this looks bad
this looks really good

>> No.11373579

tripe: noun

1. stomach tissue especially of a ruminant (such as an ox) used as food
>2. something poor, worthless, or offensive

I'll eat organ meat (in spite of having gout), but fuck tripe.
Its literally tripe.

>> No.11373597

had rachi and anticuchos over the weekend of the first time. the heart was tasty but tough. the tripe was amazing tho. It completely absorbed the spicy marinade, was crispy on the outside, and velvety on the inside.

>> No.11373640

>crispy on the outside, and velvety on the inside.
That's how to do tripe.

>> No.11373715

Bag pula-n ciorba ta de burta si-n toti cocalarii de plaja ca tine care o tot mananca cu usturoi.

>> No.11374033

My brother used to tell me tripe was cow brains.

>> No.11374071

How much cow poopy have you eaten? That sounds very sexy :)

>> No.11374223

Never had tripe, but otherwise organ meat is delicious, especially liver. Try liver stroganoff with mashed potatoes.

>> No.11374233

Sweetbread is my favorite intestinal food — don't deepfry em though, that's a waste in my opinion. Make a creamy stew with morels: delish.

>> No.11374242

Nah, Heart, liver, cheek, tongue and head cheese, but never had other offal cuts.

>> No.11374260

Currently living in Spain and I buy a ton of jellied pork tripe because it's cheap and tasty as fuck and there's no real cooking required, my roommates probably think I'm disgusting because objectively it does look pretty gross.

Offal is pretty great.

>> No.11374272

In every way shape and form

>> No.11374275

For menudo you cook the shit out of it for hours and it still tastes like the barnyard

>> No.11374276

Same. I love it smothered in lemon and garlic - cold. That jelly...

>> No.11374719

it needs to be very well cleaned, though
one time i went to a restaurant that had made a corn filled sausage and, jesus, they hadnt cleaned it out properly, man, oh my god
since then im scared of intestine

>> No.11374725

love liver dishes
try frying liver in sesame oil with garlic chili ginger and adding soy sauce towards the end, serve on white rice

>> No.11374738
File: 285 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Shkembe-chorba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best soup u ever get. And its a tripe souo.

>> No.11374748

>soup is white
>Looks yellow from all the oil bubbles

>> No.11374753

thought this was a yellow soup from the thumbnail
extremely disgusted

>> No.11374847
File: 89 KB, 754x541, Mantripe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bulgarian shitskin stew
Looks disgusting compared to based menudo. No wonder you guys get conquered every other year.

>> No.11374881

ooh noo

>> No.11374976

In my pho, yes

>> No.11375010

Menudo is one of my favorites, but I've never had tripe in any other dish.

>> No.11375756

weird, ur brother used to tell me that u had the brain of a cow lol

>> No.11375877

With the exception of skin, I don't eat organ.

>> No.11375904

Not tripe but figured this would be a good place to ask. I recently received 2 pounds of horse tendon (with meat attached of course) and was wondering what to do with it. Obviously it's gotta be braised, but how should I go about it? It seems the japs stew it in miso but I figured someone here might have other suggestions.

>> No.11375956

make a sauce with white wine, macerated san marzano tomatoes, a bit of molasses and a fuck ton of cumin

>> No.11376133

So I should braise it in that stuff?

>> No.11376537

tripe tastes gross

would only eat if desperate

>> No.11376539

Muscles are an organ, dingus.

>> No.11376556

How the fuck does anyone nowadays have gout?

>> No.11376558

Organ; noun - a part of an organism that is typically self-contained and has a specific vital function, such as the heart or liver in humans.

Muscles are tissue, not organs.

>> No.11376576
File: 2.40 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20171105_202134_326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shimizu curry is good if you like chicken guts.
Visit Shizuoka, you fucks.

>> No.11376582

Pretty good in hot pot.

>> No.11376615

Looks like a Wasp nest stew

>> No.11377086

frickin love tripe, especially in soup. it's my favorite part.
been planning on trying pork intestine for awhile too but my town is small and i don't think the butchers sell it. maybe if i asked.

>> No.11377117
File: 48 KB, 400x596, bc3e791298e36be0d6d0e52a4c64f9c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there in 1987

I feel sorry for people who never experienced Japan in the late Cold War

>inb4 "were your parents in the military"
No, fuck off passportless trailer trash

>> No.11377352

menudo and street tacos are the only things of value to have come out of mexico

>> No.11377359

a better definition is "a part of an organism comprised of more than one type of tissue to perform a vital function"

>> No.11377657

why would I voluntarily eat an organ when I live in a first world country

>> No.11377664

america is not a first world country, fatso

>> No.11377669

this shit is GOAT

this looks like literal shit, spics were a mistake

>> No.11377679


>> No.11377680


>> No.11378476

You have digestion problems if that looks like shit to you.

>> No.11378503
File: 12 KB, 301x168, American Stores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>america is not a first world country,


>> No.11378553

wtf is wrong with you people? this shit is disgusting

>> No.11378944

For me, it's still the French AAAAA-grade andouillette.

>> No.11378955

>he doesnt like eating spongy meat filled with sauce pockets

>> No.11378962

Same, I know it's really good for you and I've tried to like it my whole life by trying it again and again, but it still just tastes like a bad burp or vomit to me. I can't understand how people enjoy it.

>> No.11378976

Basically true

>> No.11380048

Chicken liver is pretty nice but yeah Beef or Pork liver is just too strong to eat straight up. On the same note, the idea of ruining a nice steak pie with piss filters is absolutely profane. Heart is really nice but well tough.

>> No.11380051

Fuck off you shrunken headed gypsy

>> No.11380873

There are no first world countries. They've all been invaded and conquered.

>> No.11380911

> exactly

>> No.11381140

I made karelian stew with beef liver and now I regret it because it's bitter and the texture sucks

>> No.11382670
File: 34 KB, 576x384, 19398500_10210164030479267_1569575952_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

offal power ratings

>> No.11382678

Nah the texture makes me want to gag. I really want to like it because menudo looks and smells amazing but I can't fuck with the tripe. Even if I eat around it the fact that it's there just throws the whole dish off for me

>> No.11382698

you are criminaly underating pluck and spleen

>> No.11382722

love tripe! either curried with some beans and hominy or cooked in a spicy tomato sauce tho there are tonns of great ways to eat tripes, if you get think book/leaf tripe you can make a quick stir fry with mushrooms or blanch it and make a spicy sichuan salad/cold dish

>> No.11384199
