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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 303 KB, 2000x1125, bestramenegg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11366789 No.11366789 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11366840

I never had real ramen. All I ever had is those that come packaged. Those count?

>> No.11366852

Even in most places in America, even in so-called foodie cities, if you go to a restaurant for ramen, their noodles will not be house made. And therefore it's about the same as from a packet.

>> No.11366860
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>> No.11366869

we made miso ramen from scratch earlier

it was pretty good. my girlfriend doesn't put in enough salt. we put in baby kale, bean sprouts, egg, and bunashimeji mushrooms.

we also got kamaboko, but it wasn't thawed in time. I wanted to try those fermented bamboo shoot things but decided against them because i'm afraid of them.

it just got cold here, so we're going to put lights on the porch and eat it again tomorrow out on the porch in the cold.

>> No.11366877

I love instant ramen so much. I remember in my college first day, we had to introduce ourselves, and favorite food was one of the questions. I don't know what I was thinking, but when I had to say my favorite food, I said "instant ramen". I realized what I did when I saw their faces. Ranging from plain disgust, smugness, smiles and pity. They probably though I was turbopoor or something. To this day, I regret that day, but I'll never regret eating instant ramen everyday. Sodium overdose, here I come.

>> No.11366880
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I had some for dinner with a softboiled egg in it
I went grocery shopping today but didn't end up buying stuff for any particular recipe

>> No.11366882

last week
i'm making one tomorrow with boiled egg and a bacon

>> No.11366885
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Plebs, all of them. There is NOTHING better than a hot bowl of ramen, an ice cold cola, and a comfy kung fu movie. Nothing.

Patrician moves, family. Never had miso ramen before. I don't think I'd like it... the earthiness of the soy paste is best savored in plain water I guess? Pic related, the last miso I had.

>> No.11366894

>implying noodles are the most important part

>> No.11366900

Maybe not. But you can't have good ramen without good noodles. Period.

>> No.11366903

Army jigai?

>> No.11366935

I'd rather have mediocre noodles with god tier broth than god tier noodles with the shitty boullion tier soup packet shit. saying its about the same as your average packaged ramen is a stretch

>> No.11366951

>shitty boullion tier soup packet shit
If you actually could find good noodles in the contiguous united states (outside of of the west coast) the broth would not be made with soup packets. So it's a moot point.

>> No.11366961

the secret to god tier broth is mouthfeel. collagen. throw some pigs feet into your stock, strain, then add noodles cooked separately

>> No.11366968

I've never had a real bowl. Does it taste like the maruchan stuff but like 10x better?

>> No.11366975

Has anyone here made Tonkotsu from scratch? I've heard it's fantastic if you're willing to spend so much time preparing

>> No.11366981

I ordered a large pack of those and the enjoyment steadily went down as you just get bored of it.

>> No.11366988

that's because you need neoguri

superior hotnspicy korean ramen all day

>> No.11366989
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that is some damn shitty ramen, friend

>> No.11366990 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11367003

Maruchan is probably the worst ramen I've had. I grew up on that stuff.

Shin Ramyun noodles are slightly thicker, the packaging is nicer (no holes), and they just feel fresher. Less dried out/dusty. Otherwise they're just noodles. Maruchan typically has dehydrated carrots, corn, pork, and some other green bits. It tastes oddly too sweet for some reason. This one doesn't have that unusual flavor, it's just green onions and a couple other bits of green stuff, hot spices, and bouillon.

To make it a meal I threw in a couple chopped slices of ham, and one egg. It's the same you'll get anywhere, except as I mentioned before some places use pig feet or whatever to give the broth a rich texture. The egg does the same thing if you stir it in.

>> No.11367012

not today, cia
go kiss the sky, fbi
go away, nsa
go lick your momma's clam and titty, department of homeland security

too bad for you my man. i'm halfway through and still like them. i don't eat them every day though. maybe 2-3x a week.

...isn't that just breaded chicken, deep fried?

>> No.11367018

one time, i added a little bit of like 10 different items from my fridge to my maruchan. i forget what the items were exactly. but it tasted like a full course meal

>> No.11367025

You're thinking of katsu

>> No.11367194

What's the /ck/ approved poorfag friendly way of making ramen?

>> No.11367200

almost this entire thread is proof ck is retarded

>> No.11367215

it's been just shy of a year since I've had ramen.
The ramen restaurants in my city are shit mostly.

>> No.11367233

>ontiguous united states (outside of of the west coast)
retarded cali poster detected.

>> No.11367273
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buy decent brand of noodles (ie, not maruchan). nongshim will do.

boil water in a steel pot on the stove (it doesn't have to be a lot, in fact the noodles don't even have to be fully covered, they'll break up and sink and get soft anyway. if you're extra poor or don't have a stove, just boil water in the microwave. one minute per cup. two cups is enough. this would have been good to know when i was in the barracks.

add dry noodles to pot. tap and stir with a wooden spoon. let them cook, whatever it says on the packet. usually a few minutes.

pour the garnish packet and bouillon/spice packet in a bowl. boil 1 cup of water in a microwave and pour into bowl. stir with your fork or whatever you're going to eat with.

when the noodles are done cooking, lift them out with a slotted utensil and add to your broth. stir.

get some sliced ham from the store and chop that up and add it to the bowl, or drop in an egg and stir it in. if you have leftover steak or chicken or whatever, you can add one or the other as well.

>> No.11367277
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citation needed

>> No.11367296

A raw egg? or a boiled egg?

>> No.11367299

raw is fine. stir it in and it adds texture. you can use a cooked egg if you prefer.

>> No.11367304

(or you can just cook it with the noodles)

>> No.11367335

Can we both cum in the broth while you dress as a maid and stir it with your cock? Thanks

>> No.11368207

so, making ramen from scratch again tonight

when my gf makes it, she makes it really quick and easy. basically chicken stock and then stirs in the miso.

i was going to go further tonight, and summer crushed garlic and minced ginger with some minced white parts of green onions, in sesame oil. then pour in stock, add some La Yu hot chili oil and soy sauce. Maybe like a teaspoon of Mirin.

Does that sound good? I feel like Dashi should be in here somewhere. Oh yeah, I also have kamaboko for tonight, and I'll add some buttered corn and soft boiled egg as well.

>> No.11370166
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I've got these really bland Blue Dragon whole wheat noodles. How can I spice them up for cheap?
Today I tried to boil them in as little water as possible and added a few cloves of garlic and some soy sauce but the broth ended up tasting mostly of water. I wasted quite a bit of soy sauce too. Should I toss the water away after boiling and try add soy sauce on the noodles themselves? I also have some bouillon cubes to try out.

>> No.11370787

15 minutes since I had me some Raymond noodles.
This marine I know calls it raymun noodles. It’s so funny

>> No.11370866


>> No.11370989

i feel lile the dashi would do better for a traditional miso than the chicken stock. i might be crazy but chicken has always had this indescribable... tang? miso in my experience is best enjoyed with a light white fish. im sure chicken would be good as well, but you know what they say- if it's not broken, don't try and fix it.

>> No.11371000

cola ruins it. has to be beer and a shitton of water

>> No.11371008

Like three days ago. I'll eat it every once in a while even though I don't need to. I like the beef ones.

>> No.11371013


>> No.11371120
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Okay, we did it! Here is how the ramen tonight was prepared.

First, I took four dried shiitake mushrooms and put them into 4 cups of boiling water, then adjusted the water to low and left them for 20 minutes. I took out the shiitake and reserved the liquid

Then I finely minced and smashed 1 clove of garlic with my knife blade, then I minced a roughly equivalent amount of ginger, and also diced some of the greenish-white parts from the middle of about 5 scallions. I heated about 2 teaspoons of untoasted sesame oil in my pot and then sauteed these ingredients for a few minutes. When the garlic, ginger and scallions started to brown just slightly, I added a couple cups of bean sprouts and stir fried those for about 2 minutes.

After sauteeing those ingredients, I added a tablespoon of finely ground untoasted white sesame seeds to the pot and stirred them up just for a few seconds, and then added my reserved shiitake broth. I set this to medium high heat and added one 4g packet of hon-dashi, which is just over 1tsp.

While the mixture heated up, I prepared half a can of sweet corn kernels with a tbsp of butter in a small pot, washed about 2 cups of baby kale, and put two eggs into my instant pot on high pressure for 4 minutes. I would later manually release the pressure right at 4 minutes and put the eggs into ice water for perfectly hard boiled eggs with jelly-set yolks.

About halfway before the mixture came to a boil, I added 1 package of bunashimeji mushrooms, my favorite part of this meal, and an extra half cup of water. I added about a tsp of soy sauce, a dash of mirin because I didn't have any sake, and several squirts of La Yu chili oil to the pot as it came to a boil. My girlfriend started preparing the fresh udon noodles at this time.

I let the soup mixture simmer for about one minute to help with timing everything together, and then turned off the heat and whisked in 4tbsp awase miso as soon as the mixture stopped boiling.

>> No.11371147

im poor as shit too but you got the fucking ultra pleb mode meal right there

>> No.11371150
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As I was whisking the miso, the udon were finished boiling, drained, and rinsed. We served the miso ramen with boiled egg halves, diced green parts of shallots, and buttered corn. umai!

Notes: I prefer my miso and ramen much, much saltier than my girlfriend does, but we both felt it was too salty. Next time I'll use a little less hon-dashi and maybe 3 tbsp of awase miso instead of 4 tbsp.

The La Yu was an unexpected star, adding some ma-la to the experience and helping make the flavors pop.

The perfect boiled eggs are great, but I had a strong desire to crack in a raw or very softly boiled egg next time.

We ate while watching shokugeki no souma.

I forgot to use my kamaboko!!

>> No.11372158

I would not use sesame oil, especially untoasted to cook with. It's more suited as an ingredient at a later point in cooking than for cooking vegetables in. It's because sesame has a lot of volatile aromatics and many of them degrade or change over about 100c. Also it can taste very burnt if overheated.

Otherwise sounds ok, would eat. Sometimes it's good to have a little extra plain stock on hand to dilute the broth if too salty, but unfortunately not always feasible.

>> No.11372221
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>posting Ramsey
>who has proven time and time again that he can’t into Asian cuisine

>> No.11373227

Japs use untoasted sesame oil to saute in this way.

>> No.11373543

And neither can you.