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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11364694 No.11364694 [Reply] [Original]

>being canadian

I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.11364698

At least our leader isn't a orange tyrant.

>> No.11364708
File: 73 KB, 640x480, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she sure isn't.

>> No.11364715

>lmao cheeto drumpf gottem!

>> No.11364719

Just spent $85 today, only meat I got was some italian sausage. What the fuck. I spent $15 just on cheese for my lasagna.

>> No.11364728

At least half of that $75 went into Larabar, possibly the most overpriced item in most grocery store. Why did you post this dishonest, misleading, bad faith """comparison""", OP?

>inb4 "it was just a meme" -- go back to Twitch then, you underage retard

>> No.11364732
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>can't greentext correctly

>> No.11364733

cuckbux are worthless though, unlike burgerbux

>> No.11364737


I'd take an orange tyrant over a pink faggot anyday

>> No.11364739

The exchange rate means $75 cad has less purchasing power.
Not to mention Amy's is a super expensive organic brand.

Saged and reported for this low effort troll post.

>> No.11364743

enjoy your ban

>> No.11364746

lmaoing @ marxist cucks

>> No.11364753

I have never seen them sell half a loaf of bread in the store before. Where does one purchase this?

>> No.11364759


>> No.11364761

(((ancient grains)))

>> No.11364763
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>> No.11364814

Japan, mostly

>> No.11364841

Amerifat here. I think I did alright. I spent $75 and I got a lb of ground elk, a couple of salmon filet, a big bag of large shrimp, a yellowfin tuna steak. Then I got some produce and milk, this garlic jack cheese which I had before and is pretty good. I also got some rolls for some bahn mi that I'm going to make. I could have done without the shrimp, that was the most expensive thing, but I've got enough shrimp to make quite a few meals out of.

>> No.11364855

I can buy so many fucking eggs with $75.

>> No.11364861

enjoy your clogged arteries

>> No.11364863

Enjoy my fucking eggs, bitch.

>> No.11364872

Grandma, you're dead. How are you posting here about cholesterol from eggs?

>> No.11364895

>amerifats defending clogged arteries this hard

>> No.11364915

Have you ever seen America? Life's not worth living. I'd offer you some eggs but clearly you'd prefer the sperm.

>> No.11364964

Neither side has fresh vegetables to serve with nicely prepared meat...

>> No.11365562

Falling for the agro giant this hard

>> No.11365571

Wait did I just miss an election?

>> No.11365586

There's peas and carrots mix right there on the left.

>> No.11365597

Of course you're going to get less value if you buy a bunch of Amy's soups and larabars. When I was a poorfag, I found out cutting as much processed shit and getting produce and other whole foods really helped me out. It wasn't the greatest quality of ingredients, but it was still better than cheap processed shit.

>> No.11365615

Canned soups are just obscenely expensive. Even the store brand ones are often nearly a dollar per can.

>> No.11365625

To be fair, that box of Larabars is probably at least 1/3 of the cost of everything there and would be about the same price in the US. I don't know why people waste their money on retarded things like nutrition/protein bars.

>> No.11365636

>make joke anti-trump political post on cooking board
>thread STILL fills up with r/T_Ders assblast

>> No.11365711

>Amy's soups
In all fairness those fuckers are like 3.30 a piece in the US where I live, before tax, not in an urban environment

So that's 16.50 here before any sales tax, and it's probably one hell of a lot more expensive there.
>organic eggs
fuck me
>ancient grains
>fuck me
Stop being retarded.

>> No.11366059

This doofus cracks me up every time without fail

>> No.11367069
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x4255, screencapture-loblaws-ca-cartReview-2018-10-22-02_27_45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any of you questioning the Canadian cart's authenticity, I tried shopping online with my local supermarket. Comes out to $75 including taxes and excluding pick-up fee.

I'm still not sure why this cart includes no-name brand "cheese" slices. You could get this shit a lot cheaper if it wasn't organic. Literally half the price if not more... $5 for a can of soup?

>> No.11367088


>> No.11367099

i mean, loblaws is overpriced but goddamn some of their premade shit is good

>> No.11367121

>everything costs about 50% more than the US
Ouch. Why? Just shipping? Labor? Lack of interstate system?

>> No.11367131

The fuck you shopping at Loblaws for?

Forget about quality, if you want something cheap, either go No frills or some kind of asian supermarket.

>> No.11367146
File: 18 KB, 260x287, Cat XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. 75 bucks CAD at the local korean grocer fills up my fridge and pantries with protein and veggies and fruits. I'm vegan btw

>> No.11367403

>what are exchange rates
Seriously OP try harder.

>> No.11367418

$75 US dollars equates to roughly $100 canadian dollars. $75 Canadian dollars is roughly $50 US.

>> No.11367434

Since the USD and the CAD aren’t at parity this is a meaningless comparison.
tl;dr: OP is a retard.

>> No.11367445

Right he's an sjw-pandering drama teacher who only carries out promises that make him look good
Where's that election reform he promised?

>> No.11367457

Don't you have another imageboard to worship trannies on?

>> No.11367760

our leader is a retarded jew licker

>> No.11367911

Ontariofag here. That pic on the left seems like bait that's as dumb as that (non-ironic) Gwyneth Paltrow pic where she's buying shit like limes and avocados and crying about food stamps not giving enough to eat on or something. Saturday night I went to the grocery store and bought 1kg of ground beef, 1kg of pork chops, a tomato, a green bell pepper, a 230g package of mushrooms, a package of large hamburger buns, a loaf of bread, a 4L bag of milk, two 1L bottles of sparkling water, a dozen large eggs, and a large stick of unsalted butter. I think I got a couple of other things that I can't think of off the top of my head, but in total after tax it came out to like $73 or something.

Shit's getting worse, I won't deny that for a second, and Trudeau is an undeniable homo, but that pic and others like it are laughable. I could see it if people were using examples from somewhere way up north like Nunavut, but that's a huge outlier.

Top cuck.

>> No.11367914

God you are fucking stupid

>> No.11367974

no joke, he's seriously fucking our economy. Its not going to come to roost for a while, but when it does its going to be really ugly. Good thing hes been focusing all his time on pot and marching in gay pride parades! what a leader!

>> No.11367980

Based hellpill poster

>> No.11368194

>American groceries
>consists only of dairy and meat
you deserve all the heart disease you get

>> No.11368225

>that cheese
Yeah that's going be to be a yikes, a cringe and a bluepilled from me

>> No.11368765

Canadians on suicide watch

>> No.11368770

this but unironically

>> No.11368882
File: 47 KB, 500x333, 5756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half loaves are great if you only need enough bread to make lunch sandwiches for the week because they are usually above average quality bread and cost only a couple canadollars. They put it next to the cured meats along with bottles of mustard where I shop because they know that people will impulse buy that shit

>> No.11368895

Kek I bet you think fat is bad for you

>> No.11370249

Nice try, 50 USD is closer to 67

>> No.11370300
File: 30 KB, 284x144, D84E6593-63B6-4762-AA7D-1B4D82C2B42B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the triggered replies
>”the libs are the real snowflakes!”

>> No.11370391
File: 186 KB, 1128x1434, 496630bc-05ad-4589-964b-d91398c63192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pride parades are a big cringe to me. Make me wonder if other gays react the same

>> No.11370408

I said 75. 75 US is roughly 100 canadian. The exchange rate is 1.3 Canadian dollars for every US dollar, or 0.7 the reverse.

$1.3 x 75 = $97.5

$1.3 x 50 = $65