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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11362116 No.11362116 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you spend on food a week anon?

>> No.11362127


>> No.11362130

Like $200? I buy about $100 worth of groceries every week but I'm also a bit lazy so I spend a lot of money on takeaway/fast food that I don't have to cook. Most of my fruit and veg is rotting by the end of the week and I have to throw it out, but I still continue to spend money on it just in case I don't feel like getting takeaway.

>> No.11362147

>this is your mind on capitalism

>> No.11362307

Anyone saying anything over $40 is a retard.

>> No.11362340

Who cares stop being poor lmao

>> No.11362354

$20 lasts us 2 weeks. Local market has veg very cheap.

>> No.11362360

0 justshoplift

>> No.11362367

about 150 I guess

>> No.11362411

~200 US$ pw on average between restaurants and groceries, I'm a single guy and live within my means so i'm comfortable spending that.

>> No.11362430

For me, alone? $35-60 depending on if I eat out or not. If I'm feeding my good for nothing lazy girlfriend, it's about $100 a week. I love her despite everything, but she doesn't even give good head.

>> No.11362461

Wow a whole $50 a week and she doesn’t give good head? You realize most whores charge at least that for a half hour right? Maybe take her somewhere nicer than red lobster chief

>> No.11362634

Likewise. 1k if I'm feeling splurgy and it's going to load me up for a bit so all I'm shopping for after is staples and upkeep on my restaurants' retainer.

>> No.11362665

Anon that's illegal

>> No.11362689

40-60 syrup tokens

>> No.11362715

I can smell your virginity from here

>> No.11362747

about 30ish on groceries as i'm well stocked on non-perishables. maybe 5-20 per week on eating out

>> No.11362805

About 250 euro including buying lunch at work

>> No.11362806

Oh and that's for month

>> No.11362894

20-30 euros if I'm frugal and make everything at home
reasonably more if lazy and buying sandwiches and stuff

>> No.11362896

The only things I regularly buy weekly are cigarettes, vodka, and taco bell. Cigarettes are around $30 a week (4 packs), vodka is around $45 (3 handles), and taco bell is probably around $24 (3 burritos for dinner and one for breakfast if I'm not too drunk to eat it that night, probably 4 nights a week).

I'm a cook so I get to eat at work or take home dinner, and also often take home leftover stuff we can't reheat. I go to the grocery store maybe twice a month for bread, eggs, and liverwurst, which is around $8. I buy condiments in bulk so have no idea how much I actually go through in a week because I so rarely have to restock.

>> No.11363162
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>spending $24 a week on fucking taco bell

This is the most disgusting thing in this thread

>> No.11363203

About $150. What's with all the poor people itt? Do you just live on beans?

>> No.11364145

Ausfag detected, no amerifat could afford to spend that much.
>this is your brain on straya

>> No.11365913

I spend about $275 and never cook.

>> No.11365961

Well lets see...
>Monday let's just say I go to taco bell and get a cravings box. That's $5
>Tuesday the local wing joint has a traditional wing special so it's usually around $10 for 8 wings and some fries. I'll drink the pop I have at home to save a few.
>Wednesday is always my burger day so I'll either McDonalds for a QP meal which usually runs around $8. I also normally go out on Wednesday night so a lot of times I'll get me a late night meal at Taco Bell when I'm hammered. That runs around $5.
>Thursday I try to keep it healthy since I'm hungover so I'll get Chipotle or something sillimar which normally runs me around $10.
>Friday it all depends. Usually I'll try to get something halfway decent to treat myself since it's when I get paid. Probably go to Olive Garden or something. Maybe mexican if I'm feeling it. Usually spend around $20.
>Saturday and Sunday I just kinda snack around the house or order pizza. We'll say $20 between both days
So yeah. Like somewhere around $70/week. Maybe more or less depending.

>> No.11365968

>look at me i don't like taco bell i'm so FuCkInG eDgY!
much wow very impress

>> No.11365984

$40 on food, $150 on alcohol.
I know ;_;

>> No.11366004

nigga, freeze your fruit
wasting food is a cardinal sin

>> No.11366033

>Most of my fruit and veg is rotting by the end of the week and I have to throw it out
I used to do this when I was younger all the fucking time.
This is why I the only time I grocery shop for fresh shit is when I know I am making something THAT DAY or NIGHT.
I get tired of wasting money on shit that I'm going to forget about and go to waste. I swear I've wasted probably thousands of dollars worth of meat and produce.
Only shit I buy regularly at the store now is frozen or canned shit.

>> No.11366036

I spend about half of my monthly salary on Irn bru. I am not even kidding. I buy all the Irn Bru on store shelves until it is gone and then buy cases of it in bulk. At least four cases a month.

>> No.11366207

can y’all help me reach a calorie surplus of 2,500? i would go to /ck/ but they don’t aren’t so helpful, also using a budget of $50

>> No.11366224


>> No.11366229

Milk and peanut butter

>> No.11366841

I get my meals delivered to my house, premade
plus then what ever else I spend on snacks so lets call it an even $200

>> No.11366866

in the grow season when we can buy fresh veg and fruit locally probably $100 including takeaway.

maybe $120-30 in the winter cause i tend to buy winter veg in bulk when i can and make a lot more meals that freeze or hold well.

>> No.11366873

you're drinking a fifth of vodka a night jesus christ how bad are your shakes

>> No.11366881


>> No.11366890

>a night

I start drinking before I get out of bed so I rarely get shakes (it's all about having a routine). I also take a klonopin before work and keep ondansetron in my pocket at all times.

>> No.11367022
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Less than £20 not including seasonings and rice which i buy like once a month after using them up and don't come to much either.

>> No.11367047

that's rough bud i'm trying to cut back cause i was having to start drinking in the morning and throughout the day for the past few months. today was my first day not drinking in the morning and it was pretty fucking rough but i made it through and i've only had 8 drinks.

you can make it if you try.

>> No.11367065

Are you me

>> No.11367070

Not to put you guys down or anything, but how do you end up like this? Is it stress, depression, habit or something else? I drink 2-3 beers most nights and I consider that a problem

>> No.11367163

>is it stress, depression, habit or something else

I was never a fan of al/ck/ being a general... but, it's all of the above. Many people don't necessarily get into it because of stress or depression (my life was going great when I became of legal age and had a couple drinks a night without issue), but it makes life harder, which causes stress and depression, and also just physically causes stress and depression, so it's just a downward spiral. There are a few things that happened in my life that made me drink more (love of my life left me, didn't make it into my PhD program, just fell out of touch with all my childhood friends and became reclusive), of which being an alcoholic definitely played some factor in, probably along with just being an aspie. But when you already drink regularly and then things go bad you tend to just drink more. My best advice would be to set a rule like never drink before 5, aside from special occasions like holidays. When things really got bad is when I started drinking before getting out of bed, even if I woke up having to go to the bathroom.

>> No.11367228

>$6 mon-fri on two triple beesechurgers from mcdon
>$3 oats can lasts me 4 weeks
>$2-3 on milk once every 2 days
>$10 jar of peanut butter lasts me 2 months
>occasional grapes and fruits/veggies, $1-2 here and there
>supplemented with d3, iodine, biotin and b12

Around 35-40 bucks in each week.

>> No.11367235

probably about $150-200 a week

I live alone

>> No.11367247

I eat one meal a day of beef and potatoes, and the cheapest veggies I can find

I spend about $4 per day on food, buying in bulk, cooking in bulk and freezing portions also

>> No.11367472

28 usd two persons and thats a lot of food it could feed 4 where i live food is way way way cheaper than the us and our meat is freshly killed not frozen if you put aside that it's a army dicatatorship its super nice

>> No.11369120
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I'm probably spending a hundred a week on snacks and eating out.

I have a real problem of "making a list of what I want to eat that week" because I'm retarded. I spend so much time thinking about it that i Forget to get food and I just starve, so I eat out.

It didn't used to be this way

>> No.11369129

It's about 1-120 every week at the store.

>> No.11369132

Around $30-40. I have a special snowflake diet (low-no grain), and grain is the cheapest food around.

>> No.11369134

Probably around 15-20 bucks but I live like a savage.

>> No.11369193

About $250/week for a family of four. Two of the four are little kids who don't eat that much though. I buy organic produce, which can get expensive, but it is better for the kids.

>> No.11369969 [DELETED] 

125 CAD a week is what we budget, which feeds my wife and four kids. We occasionally go over if we decide to buy some stuff from the farmers market.

>> No.11369977

>My wife, our four kids, and I.

mfw can't type.

also mfw I'm too lazy to add a pic.