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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11357884 No.11357884 [Reply] [Original]

Who /dishbitch/ here?
This thread is for anyone who works in a restaurant/food service.
Post stories and talk to other wageslaves about being wageslaves.

>> No.11357889

i make the food

>> No.11357902


I've done hot line, cold line, middle, prep, serving, bartending, catering, delivering, and dish is BY FAR the most comfy

>> No.11357967

I've done every job in a corporate restos, from DMO to GM. Just in terms of the work itself (not money,) dish is by far the best. Spray the dishes, push the dishes , stack the dishes. No bitchy servers or cunty customers. Most of the time, you can work high, 'cuz no one cares about the dishbitch, so long as the clean plates keep coming to the line.

>> No.11357997

I guess I'm the only one who hates dish. Not comfy at all and a huge pain in the ass. Maybe my restaurant is different from others though.

>> No.11358012

I liked it. It wasn't "comfy" but once you get in a rhythm you're good. Plus (at least where I worked) all the waitresses would come to me for advice and shit. It was awesome, i felt like a fucking guru.

>> No.11358068
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>working as dishwasher
>keep one ear playing the hottest jams I can find on my personal Spotify Premium (tm) playlist
>other ear gets to listen to the chefs stress each-other out
>each chef chainsmokes whenever they're off line
>they stand in front of a gas-stove all day
>end of the day comes along
>I turn off my electric fan, clean my machine, and then mop the floor
>mfw the whole kitchen is contemplating suicide
>mfw I get to go home and shitpost

>> No.11358089
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I'm about to quit my dishbitch job. I can't take another summer in that sauna.

>> No.11358105
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I'm a server. While I mingle with patrons for a few hours and mess around with my phone I'm silently laughing at you back of house minimum wage earners. You spics, you ex-cons, you drunken, miserable piles of flesh. I bring out whatever you slaved to make and rake in tips off your hard work. Then I go home and fuck my girlfriend while while you drink, clean and contemplate suicide, knowing you go unfulfilled...knowing I'm better than you.

>> No.11358113
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>> No.11358124

Maybe you're just a shitty dishwasher

>> No.11358134

Who /solocook/ here?
>takin orders
>makin food
>servin food
>washin dishes

>> No.11358139

I'm a "manager" at a Dunkin Baskin. I closed up a couple hours ago. Not a terrible college job, but I'm not trying to work in resturants too much longer.

>> No.11358144

This is my last year in the industry. I am getting the fuck out and doing something better with my life like LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.

>> No.11358152

Good luck anon.

>> No.11358156
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No need to be like that. We're two sides of the same shitty coin.

>> No.11358157

This was my experience too. Easiest job in the kitchen, but lowest pay. Although I was at a pretty chill place where no one was that stressed.

>> No.11358160

I actually got decent pay when I was a dish pig. 10.50/hr isn't bad for a college kid. Plus the Mexican chef working the grill would alway cut me off some peices of prime rib every night. God it was good.

>> No.11358189

Smart chef. A dish guy is easily replaced, but a good one is invaluable.

Story them.
>1995, working for corpo resto.
>have 5 dish guys, all related, from fuck-all Africa
>never write a schedule, they figured it out.
>1 would work, but punch in as 2, or 3 would work and punch in as 5 to avoid OT as needed.
Life was good. Always had a DMO, never wrote a schedule and never had OT.


>> No.11358245 [DELETED] 
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>be like asian looking, but not asian and just fucking short.
>get fucked early in school with social Darwinism because middle america mostly of corn fed white fat heads with no perspective
>town hardly had a strip mall when i grew up but today its now a commercial district with all sorts of diversity coming in, white people are salty now.
>chip on shoulder from all sorts of shit
>take up dishwashing job. parents encourage me to pick better job but they don't know how fucked my esteem is.
>have several managers, one lady is actually cool and believes in me for some reason. decides to ask me to serve for a few hours
>other managers having a talk with her privately, but she urges.
>appear on a Tuesday ready to try serving.
>not as busy but seems alright at first
>rush comes in. all sorts of boomers and x gen.
>get so many fucking stink eyes from old fucks and cold dead faces as im trained around.
>i already knew how it was going to go
>get tipped minimum.
>lady manager isn't there, other manager comes out and says to me that i can clock out and fill in back as a dishwasher because too many people on the floor now.
>it was bad man, fucked my shit up
>envious of peers pulling in money from serving and going about their day taking it for granted
>going back realizing how some teachers never warmed up to me like they did with all the other students, especially my autocad teacher.
fuck them all man. but mexicans, indians and asians are flooding in here now and opiate crisis, so karma balances my hatred out.

>> No.11358343

You work at a stadium of some description?

>> No.11358418

>Get first job at a burger place in my hometown
>Start as a host, work my way up to take out, busboy, then server.
>Place always have problems with keeping a dishwasher, they all dip out rather quickly
>Eventually get asked to work dish washing shifts by managers. They already liked me and offered to give me gift cards to other local food places for doing a shift.
>Work a few shifts and realize this is the easiest job
>Managers sometimes let me know in advance there will be no dishwasher a few days from then, offer me another $25 gift card to pick up the shifts
>Start picking up the shifts and collecting gift cards, also start bringing in my stereo with aux cord and FUCKING BUMP some tunes while doing my shift high as hell.
>Mexican cooks love me because I show up and do a great job, (who couldn't honestly) and play some different music.
>One night we're close to closing and I just got back from by break, had taken a few rips, came back and started blasting "Go to Church" by Ice Cube
>The lead cook walks to the back strutting like some gangster shouting "YOU SCARED, YOU SCARED, YOU SCARED MOTHERFUCKER YOU SCARED" after hearing that part of the song.
>Laugh my ass off for 5 min and continue about my work high as a kite.
My managers let me get away with so much doing that job and loved me. Sometimes I wish I could go back to those simpler times.

>> No.11358431

Dishwasher at dennys here. Hands down best position in the restaurant. Flirt with waitresses, nab food that was screwed up, cooks give me food occasionally, go out for a smoke whenever i want under the guise of taking out the trash, sit on the toilet for 20 minutes and no one wonders where i am, go at my own pace, zero stress.

GM even hired me in at a higher wage than the other dishwashers for some reason. That being said im a 28 year old boomer and am embarrassed i have such a lowly job.

>> No.11358438

>work at established fine dining restaurant in a historic building
>they’re prosperous as fuck so they can afford to just let me work as much as I want

I pay my rent in OT off of my first check and then hole away the rest. Being relied upon as someone who can cover anyone is fucking brilliant. My schedule is different every week.

>> No.11358442

For what purpose did they do that though?

>> No.11358447

Nevermind, read your post the wrong way around.

>> No.11358467

>be dishie
>work my butt off
>get promoted to garde manger
>start drinking
>have breakdown at work
i dont want to be an alcohol

>> No.11358470

I hate talking to customers god dammit

>> No.11358498

I cook in an alano club. Its basically a drug and alcohol free social club. Picture halfway between a breakfast diner and a soup kitchen.

>> No.11358534

How long until everything except front of house it automated?

>> No.11358539

FOH is being phased out in some trendy spots.
>open kitchen
>12 seat bar
>no server
>chef takes orders, runs the pass, serves the food
>tips are split between the cooks and dishie
skilled labor triumphs in the end

>> No.11358585

What is an average salary for dishwashers compared to cooks and waiters?

>> No.11358594

>First summer job
>Server at a buffet restaurant
>16 at the time. No knowledge of the industry.
>Just take dirty plates to the kitchen anon it's the simplest thing in the world
>Stuck cleaning floors because no janitors
>Stuck loading the buffet with plates and sometimes food because no buffetiers
>Stuck working with gypsies and Ukrainians
>8 or 8 and an hour long shifts, 6 days work week, minimal wage, basically illegal
>Manager goes easy on us because we do all that shit
>He appoints colleague as an assistant manager
>Colleague turns out to be ruthless workaholic, makes everyone do extra jobs
>Now stuck cleaning every other inch of the restaurant and the buffet as well
If it wasn't for the free drinks to keep me wasted every night shift I would have quit a month in. (Free as long as you don't get caught)

>> No.11358614

dishe $22k/yr
cook $25k
server $50k

>> No.11358655

meanwhile, you're five figures in debt with an art degree and have to humiliate yourself for any entitled cunt that wants to fuck with you, whereas i get to smoke weed, make food, and share your tip money because my boss isn't a bitch, then go home to my weed plants and shroom tent and rapidly expanding savings account.

>> No.11358663

>bragging about rent being an entire paycheck
you're doing this wrong anon
get a sideline or move to somewhere that isn't manhatten

>> No.11358720

I work in a fast food place in Canada and dishes are the easiest job there is here. I hate the job though and am only still here because I have great co-workers.

>> No.11358837

For real?

>> No.11358843
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>Hey Claire are you still with your high school boyfriend? How's it going?
>y...yea.. he is still a waiter

>> No.11358899
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>Working in fast food job
>new workers every month
>some are great
>most are shit
>new lady who is prego gets job
>she seems nice but also wont shut the fuck up
>her bf is a nigger who keeps doing nog things
>she cant to basic things only the easy parts
>she asks me when im busy af to clean some towels for her
>all you have to do is just spray them off
>we let them sit in water and bleach over night to clean them
>she says she allergic to bleach so she cant clean them
>to bleach

>> No.11358906

Lad I don't know how to tell you this but bleach is an allergen.

>> No.11358917

everyone is allergic to bleach idot.

>> No.11359017

Worked at a Cracker Barrel for a while.
All the other workers despised each other, but they respected us dish washers. Managers were cool too. I hated the job but the fact that nobody cared that I was anti social was cool, that’s probably why they liked me.

>> No.11359030

Nothing that he said seemed like bragging.

>> No.11359033

>new workers every month
>they need guidance on day one
>people like you assume they're shit
>treat them like shit
>they quit
enjoy the cycle until you change your own behavior

>> No.11359050

I was what they called a "back guy" at a place I worked at, basically I was a dishwasher/jack of all trades, I would do prep stuff in the morning/whenever it needed to be done, do stock, help out on the line when busy, and in between that was the main dishwasher.

I worked there for years, I started as a morning prep guy and ended up in that position, but I was stuck in that position despite being able to do just about everything well mainly because I was the only person who could do it right, but the reason I worked so hard was to prove that I should be moved up in position. That didn't happen, meanwhile you'd have kids come in who were shit at it only to get bumped up to working the end of the oven.

I wanted to be on the line permanently, it's the easiest fucking job and I could top pizzas fast as fuck, I deserved it but was refused because of a combination of the fact that they wanted me to handle everything else since I was the only worker who actually got it done by close (at first to impress, by this point just because I couldn't stand being there any longer and wanted to leave as quick as possible) and the fact that the manager had problems with me personally.

It was fucking horrible, it was taking a toll on my mental health to the point where I was contemplating murders and needing to sneak booze into work just to keep myself calm. Ultimately, I fucked them over and left without notice. I purposefully let the dishes pile up to the ceiling during rush on a Friday night, filled the sink with the worst things to wash to ensure someone had to do them first before even attempting to tackle the giant stack of other dishes, and I went in the walk in freezer and spilled shit all over the floor. Then I put on my Ipod, left out the backdoor, picked up a fifth of whiskey and went home. My cousin who worked there was instructed to come to my house and see what the fuck was going on, and I just smiled and said "nah, I'm done"

>> No.11359086


>> No.11359153


>> No.11359161

I may have inadvertently contributed to the death of a senior citizen several years ago
>working as line cook
>charbroil and saute station
>cook some tilapia and burn it
>little crispy but send it through window anyways
>guy chokes in the dining room
>this old man gets so worked up from choking he gives himself a heart attack
>later heard that he died en route to hospital
>he had the tilapia
So, did I kill him?

>> No.11359178

>proud dishcucks
What is wrong with you? Dishcucking is the lowest of the lowly jobs in the lowly restaurant industry, reserved for mentally retarded felons and spiggoty fobs. You get paid shit and treated like shit and everyone, including the waitresses you claim to flirt with, looks at you like you are a walking pile of shit.
Dishcucking: not even once.

>> No.11359185

It's super chill though if you can keep up

>> No.11359192

>working as a server at an upscale BBQ restaurant
>have Mother's Day Brunch buffet event which costs like $40 a head
>EZ money since I don't have to do anything this time, let them feed themselves and fill drinks, take empty plates
>landwhale woman (easily 5'10" tall and 400lbs, 45y/o) drinks maybe 10 sweet teas while loading up on smoked brisket, pulled pork, burnt ends, creamed corn, cornbread, potatoes etc all smothered in sweet bbq sauce
>she has a diabetic reaction and starts having seizures, everyone in the dining room freaking out and screaming
>paramedics called
>she literally died on the floor before paramedics even arrived and they were there in 5 minutes
Did I kill her?

>> No.11359193

even better with "he's a dishwasher" kek

>> No.11359195

I don't work a job to work a "chill" job where I barely have to work. I work a job to make money, which dishcucks really don't. You'd make the same exact hourly standing at a cash register doing a fraction of the labor, and you wouldn't be permanently wet like Davy Jones.

>> No.11359201

What's wrong with enjoying what you do? It's a shit job but most people would rather be happy than bitch all day. Might as well make the most of it.

>> No.11359206

i got a dish job cu of these threads but i think the restaurant was a bad choice. i was doing 10 hour days and it was always so busy. there were 3 of us on dishes at all times. it was insane. i was constantly running around the whole kitchen always on the move if i wasnt actually washing. i quit after 4 days lmao i just left and never went back. seems nice and comfy if its not busy 24/7 though

>> No.11359223

Based and Blackpilled

>> No.11359235

lmao once I stacked the dish crates wrong and I found out the next day that the one full of margarita glasses fell off the top and all the glasses shattered
>wasn't me
No margaritas today Doreen, sorry

>> No.11359252
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You absolutely killed her but the world is better off not having to feed such a disgusting gluten

>> No.11359289

>pushing a stack of 6 glass racks out of dish over to the bev station (not my job btw)
>stack of 6 glass racks rides around on a special dolly, pic related
>one of the wheels gets stuck in the drain on the floor, as the drain cover was not put back correctly
>entire stack of 6 glass racks (25 glasses in each rack) tips forward and falls all over the floor
I broke about 80 glasses that day.

>> No.11359297
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p-p-pic related...

>> No.11359299

Nah she killed herself.

>> No.11359302

For servers, you have to think in terms of take home pay.

50K in salary equates to somewhere around 38K in take home, depending on circumstances and state. This is around 750 a week. Good servers at a mid-tier corporate resto (Applebee's, etc.) can easily make 100 or more on a good shift.

>> No.11359306 [DELETED] 
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>tfw I make $75.hr basically just answering emails all day
>never had to work in a restaurant, do construction, or dig ditches
>saving up for my first Porsche 911

>> No.11359308

'people' who eat in restaurants want to die, nothing of value was lost

>> No.11359318

>mid-tier corporate resto (Applebee's
You fucking moron, Applebee's is not even close to mid-tier. Applebee's is the second worst corporate sit-down chain, just next to Denny's.
>100 or more on a good shift
At an Applebee's, a hundred dollars for one shift is incredible. At an actual restaurant, a hundred dollars for one shift is a bare minimum.
What job do you work that you work seven and a half shifts per week...?
Non-industry person confirmed.

>> No.11359324

What's wrong with Denny's? I mean, I live in a neighborhood with a ton of local diners within a five mile radius so I don't eat there, but I really can't imagine a place that just serves eggs, potatoes,bacon/sausage, pancakes, and burgers could possibly be bad or fuck any of that up

>> No.11359343

Denny's is the lowest common denominator and if you don't think their food is barely-edible levels of disgusting then I have bad news for you about your level of maturity and taste.
Everything they cook is just reheated bullshit and everyone they hire are restaurant industry rejects. Not a single bit of cooking goes on in a Denny's, and same for Applebee's. Nearly everything shows up pre-made and frozen to both of these restaurants. I wouldn't trust a Denny's cook to wash his hands after handling his dick - I wouldn't trust the Denny's waitress to wash her hands after handling the cook's dick, either.

>> No.11359350
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I've never had Denny's but I just googled a breakfast of theirs, and it looks fine

>> No.11359353

>then I have bad news for you about your level of maturity and taste.

>> No.11359364

Get a load of this retard who eats in restaurants and thinks his opinions about food are relevant

>> No.11359385

>mature people with taste don’t eat fried eggs or potatoes
I think you’re a faggot

>> No.11359395

>getting this incensed about dennys

Lol do you have a shitty little restaurant that's getting btfo by a Denny's or something?

>> No.11359410

Libtards have an irrational hate for things that normal people do like having families, going to Denny's or Walmart or not being a tranny

>> No.11359450

>going to Denny's or Walmart
>normal people
Have you ever been inside a Walmart? That is not my definition of "normal." I tend to steer clear of places that harbor white trash, niggers, and other kinds of poors.

Mature people with taste don't eat subpar fried foods at Denny's. If you want a good breakfast, go literally anywhere else, or better yet, fry the shit at home for a tiny fraction of the cost.

>> No.11359518

Sounds like a shitty experience, but hopefully you learnt a lesson from it. If you make yourself irreplaceable, you'll never be promoted. I know it sucks, and you'd hope that your employer would recognise your effort, but that's just the way it is.

>> No.11359582

>tend to steer clear of places that harbor white trash
Anon, couldn't you tell? This guy >>11359410 is white trash so walmart and dennys are his normal.

>> No.11359612
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Coasties are seething at the thought of normal people living in the heartland. The feeling of regret

>> No.11359632
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I live in the midwest, born here and have spent my 26 years here. That doesn't mean I have to behave like a white trash soda-slurping scooter-riding mart-sharting diabetic brainlet piece of trash; and I don't. I also don't have to tolerate such abominations.
>he thinks being morbidly obese, sick, stupid, poor, and living around tons of niggers is "normal"
Too far gone.

>> No.11360091

Are Ukrainians really that bad? I can understand problems with gypos but I have never heard people complain about Ukrainians.

>> No.11360472

Waiters on average make more than the majority of the population, but they're trying their damnest to keep it under wraps. If only you knew how much they got tipped at even average restaurants.

>> No.11360573

Working in a pizzeria is an experiment in dealing with dumbasses, customers and employees
>Have to teach two separate high school girls how to put cake on a plate
>people get angry because ordering EVERY vegetable in house (there are more than 15) on a pizza is pricey
>grown men running and jumping over tables other people are sitting at outside.
>Cooks smoking an entire pack in the middle of a Friday dinner rush
Absolute madness

>> No.11360582
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I don't even wanna know how much a flirty Hooters waitress or a hot bartender at a gay bar makes in tips.

>> No.11360590
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>> No.11360600


They only exist so romanians could look down on someone.

>> No.11360606

Really tired of people on this site not knowing what fucking projection means. Stupid fuck it only takes 1 minute on google stop using the word wrong, retard.

>> No.11360644
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>in uni
>financial aid covers my whole tuition
>get a job as barista
>busy yet chill setting, making drinks all day with a little recipe book behind the counter
>good tips and friendly coworkers who love me
>get to take home some food and about 4 large drinks
>always drinking tea on the job

Cafe job is most comfy.

>> No.11360735


>> No.11361120

>14 years old, start washing up in a small pub kitchen on Saturday nights
>After a year or so, start doing the cooking there - its only very basic stuff
>Leave school at 17
>Full time chef in a restaurant
>5 years of that, gets a bit dull, no real long term prospects of earning good money unless you have your own place
>Decide to go to uni
>Study for undergraduate degree, study for a masters degree
>Finish uni, need a job right away, go work at Pizza Hut
>Takes 2 years to find a "real" job with my degree
>Now only work 9-5, get paid twice as much as I did as a chef
>Expecting a decent payrise this time next year

I thought this is what I wanted, and yet I'm still not satisfied. Working in a kitchen is shit - but so is working in an office of a huge company where you have to watch every word that comes out of your mouth. Theres also no real friendships like you would get in a restaurant.

Perhaps im destined to just not be satisfied.

>> No.11362062

>Perhaps im destined to just not be satisfied.
Welcome to real life.

>> No.11362113

Sounds like a great way to go in all honesty.

>> No.11362120
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>tfw cook, cashier, waiter and dishbitch all at once
I want to die every day of my life bros

>> No.11362124

Waiters at the restaurant I work in make less than everyone in the back even with tips.

>> No.11362129

>work as a server/bartender for 7 years while going to school
>now work as a software engineer
>make 6 figures and still miss slaving away at a restaurant

>> No.11362275
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Being a Panda Express Dish bitch sucked ass since you had to also cook the rice & Chow Mein, Teriyaki Chicken, unthaw the meat, chop up the chow mein veggies, and stay well after your shift's set end time to finish the enormous load of dishes. Also the dish area was small as shit, extremely /uncomfy/

>> No.11362279

I should add, we had to do the dishes by fucking hand too, took forever & the gloves always had holes in them.

>> No.11362281

If you did kill her you deserve a medal anon you magnificent bastard!

>> No.11362754

>having to cook as a dishbitch
My condolences.

>> No.11362759

Eh, who cares faggot?

Any monkey can be front of house and pretend to be nice to people. Yeah, you make shit loads more money doing absolutely nothing but to some people that isn’t everything. Some of us actually enjoy creating and cooking food and bettering ourselves in the kitchen

>> No.11362760

Before some faggot calls you an edgelord I'm going to have to agree. Never being satisfied is a great trait to success. I had that feeling for a very long time, and I think it really motivated me to get to where I am now.

>> No.11362820

I learned the hard way why you don't open boxes of drink syrup with a box cutter. Fortunately they didn't take it out of my paycheck, I just had to mop $60 of syrup off the floor.

>> No.11362828

try the turkey heh

>> No.11362888

best argument against tipping ever

>> No.11362893


>> No.11362913

meant for

>> No.11362922

I've seen it all.

>> No.11362937

Dishwasher was always last one to leave in any kitchen I worked. Sure, they only had to squeegee their section into a drain once the last dish was washed, but it still sucks balls.

>> No.11363020

OT means overtime dingus. I pay my rent with the double time I make working extra hours voluntarily. I pay my rent in like three ten hour shifts. I work a lot of ten hour shifts in a standard 30 day month.

>> No.11363130

It's not so much 'trying to' as being absolutely ignorant of economics and entitlement.
If they're not able to blow 80% of their money on makeup and clothes they're essentially starving.

>> No.11363137

I recently escaped from a certain big chain of pubs in the UK and the kitchen was way too small and understaffed to keep up with demand, most of the kitchen staff where 19. Had to send eggs on a breakfast back once because they where not even white.

>> No.11363139

nigga what? dishes is literally the fucking worst. maybe if you have a setup with giant sinks or industrial equipment but where I worked I had two tiny ass sinks, and an even tinier area to dry them.

>> No.11363141

>push the dishes

>> No.11363151

It is comfy but at the same time it sucks real bad. I was pulling 80+ hour weeks and it killed my legs after a year. But damn I don't think I have ever made more money in my life 15 a hour under the table is fucking great money.

>> No.11363281

i love eating fries and fried shrimp after getting caught up at dish and seeing all the others working there assess off.

>> No.11363301

Can be true. I drive uber and am in a similar situation, I make shitloads of money but pay no taxes because of mileage deductions. The taxes are key, if I paid them id be a normal, but without them I earn above most professionals in my area, not just workers.

Waiters and bartenders have to do a bit more risky work, they have to lie about cash tips received in order to not pay taxes on them. Because so many people tip credit card nowadays its getting much tougher. Id imagine a cash only restaurant or bar would have a pack of servers and bartenders who will work that spot till they die, so good luck wagies…

Meanwhile in uber I make 200-250 per day that I keep, just have to maintain my automobile myself, which can be stressful but is super interesting and rewarding of a process. Also get to work days only, take off whenever I want... Im never going back to restaurants.

>> No.11363307

Real redpill - you were lost as soon as you said "job". Modern economies are built for owners, not workers. What few union jobs are left are viciously political even if you were born to the right family to secure one. Independent contractor or sole proprietor, or at worst small business owner with few employees, this is the only fulfilling thing out there.

>> No.11363334

Probably push them into a washer/dryer but they might mean push a rack of clean dishes onto a drying rack to be reused or something.

Not all but many restaurants use a big box-shaped dishwasher as tall as a man. You spray the plates with a high-pressure nozzle to get rid of food scraps then stack them on the tray and push it into the machine and close the door. They get blasted with very hot water and suds and then hot water and come out nearly dry because the water is just about steam anyway.

>> No.11363618

I'm the sous at a country club I make way more than you.

>> No.11363803

the kitchen staff at my spoons' are all young and weird as fuck

>> No.11363850

>really want to finish my chefs apprenticeship
>don't want to become a chain-smoking Gray haired at 30 high stressed chef
>love the camaraderie of the kitchen tho
>currently work factory job I hate but pays nearly 3 times as much as a chef for sitting on my ass all night and only work 6 months of the year
Wat do

>> No.11363938

Stay in factory job, save as much money as you can while living a frugal lifestyle, invest that money, get to a point where you can retire indefinitly without a job.

Once you're at that point you should find work in a kitchen.

Don't give up a sure thing you might dislike for an unsure thing that you might actively hate.

>> No.11364329

Im jealous of you guys.

you get all these used up roastie whores to fuck.

meanwhile working in EIS i make a lot of money but all my cowrokers are dudes. Not assholes or anythin. But i would like to see some used up roastie that i could fuck.

You guys can fuck a ROASTIE hostess, and not worry about much because she can be fired next month and replaced.,

>> No.11364353

>knowing you go unfulfilled
>bottom of the barrel job himself

>> No.11364419

I make cheesesteaks, tendies, wings and other things until 2 AM in Chicago. Right near my college campus and all the bars. Its very fun and rewarding. I also make 12/ hr under the table.

>> No.11364501

>work for two weeks
>already hate vegans

>> No.11364533
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>knowing you go unfulfilled.
At a job that requires absolutely no creativity or skill compared to a cook striving to become a chef. Ever wonder why there are celebrity chef's but no such thing as a celebrity waiter? Not even a single celeb maitre de? Same reason there aren't celebrity factory workers or ditch diggers

>> No.11364798
File: 49 KB, 548x372, No Edge Permitted ITT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It LITERALLY says on the FUCKING box not to use a box cutter, in two languages and with an easy to understand picture.
You're lucky your managers are retarded and didn't realize what a liability you are, you should have lost your job.

>> No.11364941

>he still thinks the pictures from commercials accurately depict the food

>> No.11364973

oh forgot to mention im a shift leader at Jack in the Box

>> No.11364992

7 years. Ain't got know where. it's all i've got for food. roommate sitch is difficult

>> No.11365127

Joke's on you. We don't have those where I'm from.

>> No.11365169

>t. Uber shill
>I make $50k - $60k a year, no foolin'

>> No.11365548

And the server at that same country club makes way more than you :^)

>> No.11365689

That fucking generic sysco plate....

>> No.11365715

Dry also because of the chemical used in the rinse process, ex. Ecolabs Ultra-Dry

>> No.11365725

>reserved for mentally retarded felons
yeah. its good with me.

>> No.11365746

>I make shitloads of money but pay no taxes because of mileage deductions

do you deduct the on trip mileage uber reports on your tax statement or do you inflate the numbers?

>> No.11365778
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>live at a program
>work 45 hours a week for 15 bucks a week
>do dish and prep
>basically work for roof over head
>get food donations from wholefoods etc
>i do dish during meal times for 120 people
>nastiest sloppiest people ever seen wanna slap with sheet pan daily
>i am content

>> No.11365801

>looking for a job
>no idea what to look for
>continue just letting the days roll by
No idea where a good place to work would be, applied to applebees for dish washin position goin to see how that goes i guess

>> No.11365834

>working as a dishpig early 1980s
>$3.35 per hour
>Chef always made us a nice sandwich at closing
>Hot dirty disgusting job
>Got charged with slashing my mom's tires
>Time clock at work said I clocked out 15 minutes after it happened
>Found out a few years later my dad dressed up in my clothes and did it

>> No.11365880

My mom lik dik aye

>> No.11366459

>unthaw the meat
just stick it in the freezer

>> No.11366494

a recovery program?

>> No.11366503

Based troll dad

>> No.11366539
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I like this thread
>tfw worked in the same building for 6 years
>i've seen 3 different restaurnts come and go

Restaurant 1
>cheap ass steakhouse
>all choice cuts
>everything came from a can
>owned by a family of cheap ass Greeks
>I was a busboy so I never got caught in the work drama

Restaurant 2
>Family made deal with a German restaurant chain
>advertised ourselves as "authentic German cuisine"
>most of the food came from a can or prepackaged "just add water" bullshit
>this was the same time the town was turning into a popular nightlife destination
>nobody cared for the food, but came for the beer
>the bar was the only thing keeping the plave afloat

Restaurant 3
>family sells business to a rich chad with a suspicious amount of money
>place is totally revamped into a modern lounge/steakhouse/nightclub
>completely directionless
>GM is a clueless bimbo/former model
>most of the staff has slept with each other
>head chef is an alcoholic
>things are slowly turning downhill
>i've lost all loyalty to the place
>tfw been stealing beers from the drink closet and nobody has noticed
Food service is rough

>> No.11366557

Me. Work in small pub kitchen. Comfy.

>> No.11366592

>most people would rather be happy than bitch all day
Anybody that's not retarded will choose a job where they get both.

>> No.11366621

Every waiter I've ever known or worked with has grossly under reported cash tips to the IRS. The general rule most seem to follow is 100% of credit card tips, then 50% of cash tips. Not all places make it easy, but if the customer just says "no change, ma'am" after she already closed out the bill, there's no way to keep track on a busy night.

On a busy dinner/bar shift (4pm-10pm) the average waitRESS (men do make less in most cases, deal with it) will pull in like $100 in tips, so we'll say $85 after "taxes" (that she won't pay all of let's not kid ourselves). She does this for 4 nights a week (she makes less some days, but the $85 is an average), so her take home pay is roughly $340. Let's say that's about a 25 hour workweek. This bitch is making a solid $13/hr TAKE HOME (after taxes), at worst. Sure, not a ridiculous amount, but that's what forklift operators, roofers, and EMTs make. All for filling up water carafes, carrying some food, and memorizing the specials. Oh, and smiling/being pleasant. What a hard life!

Oh and the numbers I came up with are grossly underexaggerated depending on the place. I'm talking about your Chili's waitress.

>> No.11366636

most of the wait staff i've worked with bitch relentlessly if they make $100 in tips in an given 5-6 hr shift

>> No.11366642

>stealing from Drug Dealers
it's not worth it anon

>> No.11366660

>Work at a Hotel as a night auditor
>be a piece of shit wizard who lives with his family, saves his money, never cooked a day in his life
>hotel is busy so they hire a second night auditor
>like the guy, we get along, even though he is polar opposite of me
>do really good work and be considered a reliable employee
>corporate finds out we have two night auditors
>corporate goes REEEE
>someones gonna lose hours
>volunteer to work in the kitchen so my co-worker doesn't lose his job/hours
>work night audit 2 nights a week from 11 pm to 7 am
>then roll in to do breakfast getting up at 4 am 3 other days a week
>and no, they do not always remember to stick my days off between those two schedules
>we scratch order eggs and shit, cook on a gas stove
>get less than a bare minimum of instruction from F&B
>my co-workers are all useless and nobody else wants/can cook
>apron up and become the kitchen
>one slow old lady doing coffee orders at front and me knee deep in fucko's eggs over easy and egg white fritata's in the back
>have to teach myself to cook
>at one point managers call me into their office to discuss complaints about my early work (I improved fast)
>ask who trained me
>"...No one?" stare at them confused. Like, you two dumbasses were supposed to train me, you never did
>never hear shit from them again
>get good at it regardless
>can never not burn the fucking butter so I start making and filtering a cooked off butter/ghee at the start of all my shifts so I can't burn the solids while ripping out eggs on a molten hot skillet and making french toast
>exhausting and they keep adding duties
>first, they add a lunch menu we have to prep for before closing
>next, we stop closing all together
>we just rolling work into lunch menu
>which uses an entirely different set up

I enjoyed the challenge and felt good when I succeeded but holy fuck was it dumb. People should not be allowed to run a F&B program when they clearly dunno what they're doing. Also fuck corporate menus

>> No.11366666

Nigga have you been in a restaurant? Half the employees are felons. I'm on a line in a seafood place and I'm the weird one because I haven't been to jail and don't do drugs.

>> No.11366845


>> No.11367127
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Sounds like you're missing out on some mandatory training.

>> No.11367436

This. The restaurant i work at, FoH can go home with 300, maybe 400 in tips for a night's work if we're busy.

>> No.11367443

>implying rolling menu change is unusual
The true fun comes when you have to work a double so you roll twice, from breakfast to lunch and lunch to dinner, all with different menus that have to be prepped during the run of service before them.

>> No.11367554
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>> No.11368217

>using a cuck cart
Fuck off

>> No.11368231

You are an absolute retard, and I mean that

>> No.11368246

End your pathetic life

>> No.11368264

Get off the internet.

>> No.11368310
File: 321 KB, 900x675, 137350032051ddf3a0864922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a real shit shift

come in at 2am to find out there's a huge water leak somewhere behind the oven, and the only way my coworker and i can get the water to stop is to shut the main valve off in the water closet. fucking manager whose english is not very good tries to tech through it over the phone with me, which obviously doesn't work. eventually he comes in and can't figure it out either. however we did find out that the leak was caused by a cracked filter canister like pic related. also for some reason this filter is less than 2 feet from an electrical outlet, so as the water sprays from the filter it's soaking the outlet too.

finally after manager calls the district manager we learn that there is another valve behind the oven just for that filter. so we have to drag this fucking oven from the wall to get at that specific valve and be able to work without risk of being electrocuted to death. hooray, we also just burned an hour and a half of time we normally use for opening, now we have to bust extra ass to have shit ready.

i'm fuckin beat.

>> No.11368509

Yes a recovery program, also most of our shit doesnt even work, we have a steamer thats been unusable for years and it leaks water onto the floor constantly a puddle with mold because always wet, i can imagine what that thing looks like inside

>> No.11368592

Ukrainians are best import bros

>> No.11368606

This picture has given me life

>> No.11369080

Yeah I think you might be right.

I recently bought a house and I've been watching a lot of DIY videos. The idea of learning some skills to be able to buy a place, renovate it and sell it seems really appealing. Even just learning a simple trade like plumbing/plastering and working for myself is appealing. Be your own boss, choose your own hours, semi-rewarding work.

Likelihood is i will stick out what im doing though. The pay is much better than I could hope to earn else where. Im tied to my current employer but I will just look to switch industries to something more interesting eventually.

>> No.11369152

I've gone from dishbitch, line cook, waiter, floor manager to kitchen manager. I quit the resturant industry and it was the best choice for my life right now. It was stressing me out to no end. I was working at a local place that had me working doubles 6 days a week because they needed me. I was also leading their catering team which meant unloading fucking vans with heavy ass equipment. Was fun but hard work that usually ended up not feeling worth it at the end of the day compared to how sore and exhausted I was EVERY DAY. I now cook at my own pace in my own kitchen when I feel like it, and it's much more preferable.

>> No.11369156

>I was working at a local place that had me working doubles 6 days a week because they needed me
You know it's no one's fault but your own that you're submissive and easily taken advantage of? Every business owner is going to exploit hard workers if they let them. Have some boundaries, faggot.

>> No.11369172

I had to clean up some food dye a guy spilled every where once. He was a waiter and I had a few minutes of down time so I volunteered.
One time, in the middle of a rush, I went to pull out a wet cutting board from some other cutting boards to get some garnish restocked, and the boards ontop slipped off and knocked out my two front teeth.

>> No.11369180

Yea, I was 18 when it happened and the owner kept referring to me as their "prodigy" and shit. Buttered me up good, and pay was pretty nice. It was also a power trip moving up so quickly. I kind of wish I stuck with it but their turn over rate was awful and I took my work so personally that I was always volunteering to cover things and shit. I know it was my own fault, which is why I quit instead of staying.

>> No.11369526


>> No.11369557

i serve the food

>> No.11369609

Yup. Although I only have to wash my own dishes, all the shit they use they do themselves.

>> No.11369949

I work as a dishbitch on weekends to play for gas money, had a cool experience recently
>Saturday morning solo shift
>Asked by head chef to portion calamari
>Leave pit for about 20 minutes
>Come back and the station isn’t covered in dishes
>Head chef jumps on the sprayer and tells me to start putting clean stuff away
>We blow through it in barely 10 minutes
>Chef says good work then goes back to his own work
Really love the place, actually treated with respect by line and prep cooks

>> No.11369957

Fuck, *was covered in dishes

>> No.11369978

I've been in & out of the industry for years. Went from dish to fast food to real line work to AKM to KM to sous chef to sort of a corporate training position for a small chain that was about to start offering franchises (I standardized all the recipes and wrote several booklets worth of training materials and was training all new hires), then my buddy talked me into quitting and opening our own place that was built off a concept he was currently doing as a pop-up.

3 years later we have a full staff and are opening a second location with a liquor license sometime early next year. I'm glad I'm getting away from line work, as my body is wrecked from it, but I still get to be creative and create a menu every week. Plus I'm making double what I was in the corporate gig.

Sometimes I miss the line though. That sense of comraderie, plus not staying up at night worrying about the future of the business was nice

>> No.11371279

Dishwasher at panda express is ez since all food is served on disposable plates or in styrofoam boxes

>> No.11371373

i eat the foond

>> No.11371974

Grocery store butcher here. I fucking love it.

>> No.11372123
File: 205 KB, 415x458, 1528111124980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want go get off Chef Bones' Wild Ride

>> No.11372173


Good for you man. I always wondered why more people in the States don't just start their own business. I see people bitch about line cooking everyday... They probably have no idea how much more stressful it is to do line work AND think about your bottom line at the same time.

In Japan it's normal for apprentices in high end cuisines to open up restaurants as soon as they finish their training (usually around 28-30 years old). Some people go independent sooner, especially if they dropped out of high school to start training in the kitchen.

Heck I know a 22 year old kid with his own ramen store...

>> No.11372178

who cooks at bdubs? what is the kitchen like?

>> No.11372203

Restaurants are INCREDIBLY expensive to open, and banks are hesitant to give lians for it easily because the faure rate is one of the highest of any type of business. This means it's comparativy hard for someone to open a restaurant of their own, especially if they're a cook and thus make very little money to start with.

>> No.11372255


I guess that's the difference, in the states line cooks work less, pay more rent, so they have been more time to spend money.

Apprentices restaurants in Japan, at least in my circle, all live in company dorms for at least 6 years, so we save a lot of money. We even had free beer on busy days.

My rent was $250 (in USD)a month for a single room+shared commons, and we had practically nothing to spend money on besides going out to eat on our one day off out of a week.

>> No.11372266

The chefs cook with styrofoam? This must be that new cooking.

>> No.11372270

Oh my god I didn't even check myself when I got 5 sixes the first time but what is happening? SATAN LEAVE ME ALONE!

>> No.11372476

Do meat factory workers count?

>> No.11372483

I dont get the Erika part, does this imply the bloomer, as a white man, has pride and dignity?

>> No.11372486

>I don't work a job to work a "chill" job where I barely have to work.
> You'd make the same exact hourly standing at a cash register doing a fraction of the labor
Do you read what you type?

>> No.11372518

Nazi-romanticism has never been cooler on the internet, but I feel as is the bloomer is humming the happy, upbeat march song about a beautiful and pure girl to ukpeek his optimism even in the tougher times. Kind of like the grunts in wehrmacht did.

>> No.11372538

Dishwasher is babbys first job it was mine now I've got a real job

>> No.11372549
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I'm so glad I'm a forkliftfag in a warehouse now I hate the service industry

>> No.11373711

I don't know what restaurant you work in where that's not mandatory, or why you think they aren't convenient. The glass racks have to be a standard six inches off the floor at all times, it's a sanitation thing. Where else are you gonna put them?

>Half the employees are felons
Not in the kinds of places I work now. Sure, when I was working at an Olive Garden or something similar, but there are plenty of actual cooks who like actual cooking. If your place pays above average industry wage you'll get to work with some of the best.

Can you NOT read? Dishbitch is a shitty job, and if you work it because you think it's "chill," then you could do EVEN LESS work for the SAME money elsewhere, if you don't have face tattoos and multiple incarcerations. Dishpig is a job for someone who has zero other options, ie, too ugly or retarded to be seen by the public, even as a walmart cashier.
My other point is that I work harder jobs than dishbitch because I like to make more money than a dishbitch. Do you go to work to make good money, or to have a fun? Retard, the dish pit suits you.

>> No.11373923

Have you ever worked retail? Way more annoying and soul sucking than dishpig, at least in my opinion. The real chad way to do no fucking work is to be a security guard. Get a gig at an office park, especially second or third shift, and you're just sitting at a computer 8 hours a day, getting paid quite a bit more than minimum wage. [spoiler]The only problem was that it was so comfy that I used it as an excuse to stagnate for a bit. Fortunately, I took a promotion and hated being on call 24 hours a day so much that I finally found a better job.[/pretend]

>> No.11373980

this is gonna be me, but for Amazon so its gonna be a bit shit, but the pay is ridiculous.

>> No.11374038

why are you playing table tops at work you fucking nerd

>> No.11374055

>he doesn't play tabletops with his boss
never gonna get that promotion

>> No.11374070


>> No.11374171

In my experience it was comfy at times. Look out for the cooks and the sruf they need from you and thry get your back and/or hook you up with food, at least that was my experience.

>> No.11374199

There is nothing better than free food and getting wasted back there by myself for hours. One of my favorite jobs was being a dishcuck

>> No.11374204

I feel like I can't work in a kitchen because I lack the social skills.

I can't hang with "roasting" or gossiping, being hazed, keeping up with jokes. I just can't do it.

>> No.11374250

Toilberg on suicide watch

>> No.11374284

Dishcucking was great in high school
>Min wage is a fucking goddamn lot of money
>Smoke weed out back with the cooks
>Do fuck all but dishcucking
>Free food
Tbh wish I could just go back to being in highschool and skip school regularly to dishcuck

>> No.11374495
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Same here but i have a good excuse i have a speech impediment so i just keep to myself

>> No.11374520

Off topic, but same reason I went into civil engineering instead of construction.

>> No.11375645

He's just remembering the best Girls und Panzer girl.

>> No.11375687

>"I am here to kill an old man. That is my goal for the evening"

Jesus Christ Anon

>> No.11375827

Thanks! Honestly we were very lucky to get this opportunity. Here it is prohibitively expensive to open a restaurant for most people. We rent the kitchen area of a popular music venue at a very reasonable rate since the owner is all about giving people a chance there. We have upgraded or replaced almost every appliance and fixture in the place as we could afford it, as well as tripling the cold storage space. That took three years, I can't imagine how much it would cost to start from scratch (guess I'm about to find out though...)

Also most of the people who open independent restaurants here are rich dipshit who threw a few dinner parties and got a big head about it. They usually have no idea what they're getting into

>> No.11376291
File: 45 KB, 540x399, 1520815869326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Piece of shit ex-con is our dishwasher
>Eventually the chef gets tired of his shit and fires him
>Replaced with a 400 pound dude
>Doesn't say a single word while working, just breathes heavily
>He cant move around the kitchen fast enough to give us dishes
>Have to go out of our way to avoid bumping into him
>On busy nights he is super slow and tries to make us help him by communicating with grunts and hand gestures
>Have to make him special family meals because he is vegetarian

Jesus christ I miss the ex-con

>> No.11376298
File: 86 KB, 479x479, Automatic-Belt-Conveyor-Commercial-Dishwasher-Industrial-dishwasher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11357902 here
If you haven't worked with a giant heavy duty conveyor belt dishwasher, you haven't lived. At the catering company I used to work for, one of the spaces we used for weddings and big events (like 300-3000) had one like pic related, except it also had 2 sprayers, one of them on an extended catch and release system, similar to a seatbelt. Servers would wheel in glass racks 7 high, carts 2 at a time stacked with countless dishes (salad bowls, main plates, plus side plates for coffee, dessert plates, etc), giant bins filled with dish solution and cutlery that only myself and the cooks could lift. I would soak EVERYTHING in busking bins, load up two racks of dishes at a time, and dual wield both sprayers. It's a pretty great feeling knowing you alone are responsible for washing and sanitizing thousands and thousands of individual items in just one 8-12 hour shift. As long as you're not a shitty dishwasher, which it sounds like a lot of people here are lol git gud it's not even hard. Why are you so disorganized??? A great dishwasher is worth 2 decent line cooks any day.

>> No.11376336

fuck yeah sign me up for that shit. Fuck servers. they're the worst people

>> No.11376367

Assisted suicide.

>> No.11376391

if you treat dishies the way you talk about them you need to be slapped in the fucking face. respect your dishies you ungrateful faggot

>> No.11376754

That's how you know you're at a good place. I've worked at a place where the head chef would jump into the pit for half a day or more if a dishwasher wouldn't show and we were slammed, it's a beautiful thing to see, also because they're usually fucking pit ninjas

>> No.11377197

>working as banquet server at various hotels
>was on filling ice water glasses duty
>fill stack of 10 racks full
>time to put into walk in freezer to keep cold before we placed on tables
>freezer is up off of floor and have to push stack up a ramp that goes up about 2 feet from floor to freezer
>pushing stack up the ramp front wheels of cart catch on top of ramp into freezer door
>still holding stack from falling backwards
>cart will not move forwards or backwards
>no one around to help me unfuck this
>say fuck it
>move to the side and let the whole 10 stack fall backwards
>ice water broken glass fucking every where tons of noise
>people come running to see what happened
>boss is happy I'm not hurt
>tells others to clean it up
>sends me on smoke break

that's how I broke 250 glasses at once
job was cash. not much pay but easy. set tables, keep glasses full, bring guest choice of meat dish or vegetarian dish, than clean up and eat left over plates that didn't get served. best part was on Sundays would work brunches that served unlimited mimosa's, which ment unlimited mimosa's for us too. didn't even have to hide it just don't get shit faced drunk and you would be fine.

>> No.11377569

Ladies and gentlemen, /ck/ for you

>> No.11377620

Get bent. I've never met a dishbitch that deserved respect.

>> No.11377634

He's right people who eat in restaurants are retards. Everyone knows that

>> No.11377807

i dishcucked at a sushi place and regularly ate the rolls that the customers hadn't even touched

>> No.11377822

waiters at elite restaurants in places like NYC can easily make $80k a year

>> No.11377856

that's a lie. sometimes even extremely humble jobs are satisfying to a person who takes pride in them. and there's plenty of business owners who are fucking miserable

>> No.11377902


>> No.11377915

>making the average nyc salary working in nyc


>> No.11378030

Which Midwestern ocean is that in the background?

>> No.11378083

They're called "The Great Lakes," you might have heard of them.
I know it's hard for a coastie to imagine that big water is not an ocean.

>> No.11378829

they're a product of their environment. I bet you're a classic angry faggot chef. enjoy heart problems at 40 bud

>> No.11378921

guys my dishwasher has been broken for 2 1/2 months I can't do this anymore

>> No.11379181

I'm a professional cook, and I love washing dishes... provided that I have some level of control over the cleaning-sanitizing SOP.

Nothing is more frustrating than washing dishes in a crapily equipped dish pit, or sanitizing kitchen surfaces without the right chemicals.

>> No.11379640
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Dishfish here.

Best job hands down. I can cook but I don't love it. I love my pit, and I love my coworkers. But, I work in a small bar kitchen, so it's honestly pretty easy and my hours are short. I could work more but I get bored doing the same stuff too much so I have to supplement my income with side jobs and shit, but I have a good reputation around town. I've been told I'm the best they've had at every restaurant but I'm sure that's just flattery. However... Watching the way others do the job triggers the shit out of me.

Had a buddy from out of town chilling with me in the pit while he waited for me to get out and he said that the way I work was an art. I think it is and it isn't recognized as well as it could be, if you're /good/ at it. He's never worked anything but IT and doesn't know how a kitchen works, so it felt good man.

>> No.11379659

I do Quality Assurance at a food manufacturing company. Does that count?

>> No.11379786

>hate breakfast
>hate cooking breakfast
>hate eating breakfast
>hate waking up early to do breakfast shift
>somehow end up doing breakfast 5 days a week

The only thing I enjoy about it is making omelettes. Fuck everyone who doesn't order an omelette. Especially fuck people who order basted eggs.

>> No.11380028

this is exactly my experience working in bars and fast food. Fuck all of that shit, I got an education and now I get paid to sit on my ass in an air conditioned office

also health and retirement benefits are lit, restaurant work is unbelievably slave-tier once you realize what a real job is like

>> No.11380065

>dish bitch for 4 years
>prep and catering for 4
>now do food education
Am I still allowed to post?

>> No.11380123

Its still in the industry so yes.

>> No.11380146

>food education
what's that? you go to some "urban" school and try to explain to Tyrone and Jamal why they need to eat vegetables instead of fried chicken all the time?

>> No.11380219

Are you seriously implying that blacks don't eat collared greens?

>> No.11380295

>Watching the way others do the job triggers the shit out of me
How so?

>> No.11380417

why would you have a breakdown at work?

>> No.11380438

more like teaching orlando and miguel to wash their fucking hands after taking a shit and dont dry your hands with your dirty ass apron

>> No.11380453

>living history rural farm cooking
My job is literally to get people interested and excited about food. Mostly white trash though, but I get to do everything from butcher, make sausage, brew beer, bake in bread ovens. And I have access to over a dozen of gardens filled with fresh produce.

>> No.11381118

>work in kitchen
>accidentally evaluate your life

Guaranteed breakdown every time.

>> No.11381971

fuck im so late.

does wholesale food distribution count? btw from my experience all chefs are drug addict losers

>> No.11382354

Im late too!
Started at 14 in my local pub, dishwashing and table service then went full time at a conference centre as a waitress. Kept part-time in my pub (CiH) as I loved it there!
Got spotted by the GM of a top London hotel who was on a training course there so moved to london to waitress there.
I always made sure I treated the potwashers with respect, gave them a hand if I was quiet, slip them a drink or two and always ASKED, never demanded. I left after 2 years mainly due to the entilted nature of the customers.
Went into financial services/office support for years, had a breakdown, moved to the other side of the country and have recently started work at a mid sized local diner with regular customers, good staff and new management. Real comfy and I'm so much happier now.
Money is not the be all or end all, you spend a lot of time working, its important (to me anyway) to be happy in what you do

>> No.11382479

Cheese for fucking breakfast? Nevermind that, fried fucking cheese? Jesus Christ, America..

>> No.11382489

What distributor do you work for?

>> No.11382534

I'm >>11382354
While at posh London hotel, we had a 'VIP' wedding group in. I was covering the bar, bride comes in with her mum and MoH, ordered fruit punches...look awesome and are very pretty, but heavy and in stupid fucking glasses.
Overbalanced the tray, 2 huge cocktails tumble off onto the bride. Dress is destroyed, total and utter chaos ensues.
£65,000 dress destroyed in an instant, BEFORE the wedding photos were taken.
Thats destruction taken to the next level

>> No.11382547

Dish washing develops strong work ethic for young people just starting out in the kitchen and weeds out weak from the strong. Dish washers have my respect if they can hold up there own.

>> No.11382672
File: 166 KB, 1668x864, obsessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do you see any cheese on that plate?
Classic Europoor, getting so obsessed about Americans that he literally hallucinates junk food in order to get angry.

>> No.11382708


>Free as long as you don't get caught

I'm glad there are other motherfuckers out there who understand. I used to work at a cafe where we never got free meals, but the gm was never around and our shift manager gave less of a fuck. I'd take some 10$ buffalo chicken nachos and fuck em up with some bacon and sauteed veggies then me and two of the servers would fucking obliterate it.

>> No.11382717

Those are potatoes

>> No.11382737
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about to start at a 3* place
shitting myself a little lads
also got a trial at Restaurant Gordon Ramsey tomorrow
also shitting myself about that
with me luck

>> No.11382743

>Restaurant Gordon Ramsey
Might want to actually learn to spell his name before you go there.

>> No.11382841
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>> No.11382978

Those are potatoes you obsessed mongoloid.

>> No.11382988

Coasties get toasted that Michigan has a longer continuous coastline than any other state sans Alaska.

>> No.11382993
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Yfw you want to be a washcuck now

>> No.11383630
File: 28 KB, 437x431, 90400C35-BDF7-4576-A4FD-9565BF0CF0E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lack of methodology and organization.
>those dummies that put all the food waste in perfectly clean soap and water and ruin it entirely. >overfilling the sink.
>leaving greasy residues in bacon containers
>ruining brand new sponges with carbon on the bottom of pots and pans.
>not degreasing steel wool periodically
>letting dishes "soak" when eggs aren't involved


>> No.11383741


>leaving greasy residues in bacon containers

Kinda agree that it's a pain, but if you work in a big kitchen it's the dishwasher's job to scoop it out.

>ruining brand new sponges with carbon on the bottom of pots and pans.

I don't know about your kitchen, but we scrub the bottoms of all of our pots and pans to a shine so they never accumulate carbon. Plus, a serious kitchen would have a totally separate sink for cooking wares.

>not degreasing steel wool periodically

I hope you mean steel wire wool and not "steel wool" (like S.O.S), because that shit is meant to be disposed of.

>letting dishes "soak" when eggs aren't involved

I can think of many things that need to be soaked. Any wares that have been baked on (especially cheese), rice other than basmati/long grain, plastic cutting boards with heavy amount of residue, aforementioned containers with bacon residue that's still cold, plates with any amount of dried up food, etc.

Soaking is the most important part of commercial warewashing, especially if you let the pre-spray nozzle do most of the work. I actually did a protein-lipid-glucose test on hotel pans that held raw meat that have been soaked vs pans that have not been soaked. The method was (1) scrape off solids (2) pre-soak in solution at 50C for 10 minute VS no pre-soak (3) wash off with nozzle and scrub with a sponge VS scotchbrite (4) dishwasher using hot sanitize cycle.

Pre-soak came out significantly cleaner than the non-soaked on every test, regardless of whether it was washed with just a sponge or scotchbrite.

>> No.11384136

I'm working on convincing my restaurant to switch to paper plates and plastic cutlery. Suck on that

>> No.11384363

I work for a prepacked meals company (food for gym rats and workaholics). It's basically cooking without having to deal with service and it's comfy as hell.

>> No.11384439

Dishwashers rake in about 10k a year working full time.

>> No.11384535

fuck off retard

>> No.11384543

>they had me write up my methodology before I left the pit.
It helped the new kids a lot, but none consistently had a clean and empty areas at 730pm on a friday.

Doing it faster and more efficiently was so much fun. Way better than doing catering. It also gave me time to do a bunch of prep stuff mid rush

>> No.11384545

I learned some shit. Thanks anon.

>> No.11384633

good point, thanks chap
wish me luck?

>> No.11384729

>cashing out
>counting up tips from the debit reader
>someone left a $39 tip on a $19.50 bill
>probably meant to put 20% but accidentally hit an extra zero

This happened the other day as well. I got a 150% tip. I think my debit reader is busted and keeps ripping people off. Kinda making me feel bad.

>> No.11384755

Work at a Neapolitan pizzeria. It was a new York pizzeria with different owners. People constantly come in asking for specials from the old place. Does this happen to anyone else? It's some annoying shit

>> No.11385111

>europoor """education"""
Hash browns are not cheese retard

>> No.11385370

Good luck!

>> No.11385556


I used to work in the industry if Chuck E Cheese could count as such.

I cooked, I cleaned, I served, I put on the costume, i danced as Chucky and I both witness and participated in physical altercations as Chucky as well.

>> No.11385586

doing dishes is comfy as fuck

>> No.11386545

working in a production kitchen for a little over month now. withing the first week all the old blood quit and i was the acting manager for the shift last night. i need a new career path

>> No.11386562


>> No.11386681
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based Chuck E. Cheese poster

>> No.11386684

from all the alcohol

>> No.11387201

To be fair, this is a back-of-house thread. Anon is kind-of low-key larping the opinion of back-of-house everywhere.

>> No.11387216

Any skill can be taken to heights of mastery.
There can be kung fu in anything.

>> No.11387223
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So, how is pic related in your kitchen?