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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11352607 No.11352607 [Reply] [Original]

why tf are ribs and chicken wings considered "bad" for you??

Like it's just meat cooked in the oven or bbq it's not deep fried..

>> No.11352610

Heh look erbody fatboi real hungy lol danxe for me fatboy!

>> No.11352615

there's probably nothing wrong with wings
but ribs might be bad because of smoke?
I dunno
honestly, everything is okay in some amount unless it immediately kills you

>> No.11352616

chicken wings are deep fried.
and bbq deep fries in its own fat.

>> No.11352623

I wish I could play for the St. Louis Rams.

>> No.11352651

>deep fries in its own fat

Thanks I needed that I've had a long day at work.

>> No.11352888

>it's meat

Answered your own question.

>> No.11352895

You'd have to eat nothing but smoked meat every day of your life for it to really weigh in on your health.

>> No.11352902

>deep fries in it's own fat
What? How?

>> No.11352920

And even then, it might not have an effect. Restaurant cooks are exposed to higher levels of acrylamide than the average person, and it didn't even increase their risk of cancer. It only really seems to be a concern with people exposed to large amounts in certain occupations, and maybe smokers who are exposed to higher levels too.

>> No.11353521

Extra saturated fat from the frying oil
shitloads of sugar in the BBQ sauce, as well as cholesterol and saturated fat in the ribs
Eating refined sugars/starches and saturated fat does actually increase your risk of heart disease over getting your energy from protein, complex carbs and unsaturated fats. It's true that a bit of extra cholesterol isn't so bad if you're not an LDL hyperresponder, but obviously that isn't license to eat infinite cholesterol.

>> No.11353524

That said if you wanna eat it fuck it one meal's not instant death bro go for it. Just not 3x a day.

>> No.11353599

If it tastes good, it is bad for you. That is why I exclusively eat rice cakes.

>> No.11353737

oil + heat = frying.
it's not a moist cooking method unless you texas crutch.

>> No.11353752

A good barbecue is made with a dry rub and even if you add sauce later that sauce is probably less than 5 grams simple carbs as you just drizzle a total if about a tablespoon to go with and the best sauces are primarily vinegar based anyways so they'll have even less sugar.
Nobody adds oil to barbecue its cooked via hot air provided from hot coals.

>> No.11353759

>Nobody adds oil
it's not necessary. bbq cuts are fatty and thus oily; thus the "in its own fat", tard.

>> No.11353767

That's not deep frying tho. You literally cannot "deep" fry anything in its own fat tard. Besides barbecue hangs so its fat drips off as it cooks so it can't even shallow fry in its own fat like bacon does, tard. Seriously learn some basic cooking terms before you come at me with this bullshit.

>> No.11353774

>Besides barbecue hangs
No it fucking doesn't.

>> No.11353781

That's not deep frying though. Through your logic any food with any amount of fat is deep frying when you cook it.

>> No.11353790

It's sitting on grill grates and the fat drips off.

>> No.11353793

You can hang it on hooks, skewered on rotisserie or have it on a slotted grate no matter what the excess fat drips into the hot coals.

>> No.11353798

it is frying. You are focused on deep. It was a bit of artistic work to say deep in order to accentuate the amount of fat bbq cuts have.
sitting is not hanging.
>You can hang it on hooks
You can but it is the exception and not the norm.
As a matter of fact there is a strong secondary market for meat hanging hooks for the weber smokey mountain since weber discontinued it from low sales.

>> No.11353805

>sitting is not hanging
The point is that the fat is falling off the meat. Regardless whether its hanging on a hook or sitting on a grate.
>it is frying
So is baking also frying?

>> No.11353810

Bro what weber sells is not a representation of barbecuing practices. Its a representation of what normies think is barbecue. No matter how you slice it as a technique barbecuing reduces fat in the end product not adds to it. Barbecue is one of the healthiest techniques around.

>> No.11353832

>Bro what weber sells is not a representation of barbecuing practices. Its a representation of what normies think is barbecue.
Say that to that Asian in california that cashes 10k check from BBQ comps on his weber smokey mtn.
>Barbecue is one of the healthiest techniques around.
too bad the cuts kill any health benefit.

>So is baking also frying?
Have you ever looked at the bottom of a roasted chicken it gets pretty dark? I'm guessing no. have you ever wondered why many people add oil to the skin of chicken to crisp it?

>> No.11353847

>he's never barbecued chicken and turkey

You gonna pitch me a George Forman now?

>> No.11353855

Through that logic if I boil a piece of meat I "deep fried" it

>> No.11353865

It's the sauce you put on them that makes them bad for you. Pork and chicken isn't really that bad until you drown it in bbq sauce.

>> No.11353866

nope, I'm guessing you have no experience in kitchens. Frying only involves oil not water. Water can't attain the temperatures for frying unless under pressure. Water phase changes at 212.

Look up moist vs dry cooking methods and stop asking me stupid questions that beginners already know. Protip oil is considered a dry ingredient in cooking since it contains no water.

>> No.11353867

>rambles about some mythic barbecuing Asian from so cal and how barbecue is a form of frying
Seriously how does /ck/ consistently draw some of the most unhinged posters on 4chan?

>> No.11353870

For the wings, it would be the sauce. For the ribs, would it maybe be the fattiness?

>> No.11353877

>not water frying your chicken in a colonel Sanders brand pressure frier
How do you think they get their chicken so moist pleb?

>> No.11353878

>rambles about some mythic barbecuing Asian
Slapyodaddy bbq, newb.

>> No.11353881

I'm sorry I don't subscribe to literal YT who's. Sounds like he's a shill for weber anyways enjoy your infomercial.

>> No.11353890

If I'm smoking meat on a bbq I'm also not attaining high enough temperatures for frying.

>> No.11353893

You're not? then you're bbqing below 212.

>> No.11353899
File: 101 KB, 600x600, 1539923050404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop asking me stupid questions that beginners already know
Says the dumb fuck who thinks fat rendering in a peice of meat is the same thing as frying it.

>> No.11353907

That's the idea wise guy

>> No.11353914

>rendering fat immediately goes to a mystical, ethereal place that has no impact on the meat.
K, champ.
>That's the idea wise guy
I doubt you know wise if you're bbq at such a low temp. Current trends are showing hot n' fast techniques are making superior bbq. At least in the competition circuit.

>> No.11353924

>Current trends are showing hot n' fast techniques are making superior bbq
Source: My ass.
Please, show my your best recipe for a hot and fast brisket.

>> No.11353950

>Please, show my your best recipe for a hot and fast brisket.
Holy fuck dude there's over 9000 cooks on smokingmeatsforum alone.

>> No.11353957

Ya got nothin thanks for playing good bye

>> No.11353959

>idk look for it yourself
You made the claim. Back it up faggot.

>> No.11353960

If you faggots haven't tried it then you're already too far behind. No since spoonfeeding lost causes like yourselves.

>> No.11353966


You are shit trolls so I'll weed out the grammer

>> No.11353969

>makes a claim
>can't back it up
>still claims to be superior
It's like I'm talking to a poorly programmed AI.

>> No.11353972

>can't back it up
It would be backing up common knowledge at this point.

>> No.11353977

Then why can't you back it up?

>> No.11353978
File: 281 KB, 655x902, 1522521023012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it.

>> No.11353982



>> No.11353984

Imagine spending your evening on an anonymous Timbuktu tranny tinder trying to convince people that barbecue is high heat frying.

>> No.11353987

>imagine being one post too slow
I'm sure you're used to being slow as that's what all the teachers called you.

>> No.11354001

>I like to start the brisket hot and fast before dropping the temperature.
>45 minutes to 1 hour of total prep. Approximately 8 to 10 hours to smoke.

Says the guy with the reading comprehension worse than my wife's special day students. They only do a quick blast to get extra bark for competition it still takes 10 hours to slowly smoke and this is an outlier method anyways.

>> No.11354003

>They only do a quick blast
Ok for the peanut gallery we'll call
hot n' fast
blast n' quick!


>> No.11354004

Ribs are just bones. They should be healthy without the sugar and salt that Americans must add.

>> No.11354007

Congrats, you figured out he was trolling

>> No.11354008

That's what you call a fast brisket?

>> No.11354009
File: 274 KB, 439x373, 371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11354010

If we need any advice from retards, we would ask for it, otherwise keep your stupid comments in your pocket

>> No.11354015

>400F bbq
That's not fast!!!

>second link is 300F the whole way
That's not fast!

>> No.11354018


>> No.11354023

1. Farenheit is not a unit of time
2. They reduce the heat quickly
3. I would not call a 10 hour smoke fast

>> No.11354032

275 - 300 is hot and fast for bbq retard.
Time and temperature are two sides of the same coin in the context of cooking.

>> No.11354035

>2. They reduce the heat quickly
Once again you are forgetting the second link.

>> No.11354044

So what would you call it? I can't think of anything that would survive being deep fried for 8 hours let alone 1-2

>> No.11354054

>325 the whole way
>I can't think of anything that would survive being deep fried for 8 hours let alone 1-2
Look up confit (it's more poaching in oil than frying but poaching implies water) Any duck leg confit recipe will call for a long cook usually 8 - 12hrs.

>> No.11354067


>> No.11354482

Its reddit and tumblr trying to be edgy and ruin this site.
Not even /k/ is this fucked.

>> No.11354493

Behold, my friends, the ultimate trolling formula: make a ridiculous statement then backpedal to the grain of truth within it while calling everyone retarded at every step

>> No.11354592

>insinuate meat is unhealthy
>immediate insecurity and defense of all things meat
>"I-it's the sauce" like you don't sauce your ribs and wings
>"I-it's not so bad if you bake them" oh nice, sauceless baked ribs?

Just accept they aren't healthy and don't eat them three days a week you fucking mongs.

>> No.11354902
File: 190 KB, 866x1390, father-and-child-grilling-meat-family-camping-and-enjoying-bbq-dad-EX2X38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. guy that calls pic related a barbecue

>> No.11355110

t. southern man who can't read.