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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11351467 No.11351467 [Reply] [Original]

I'm completely changing my diet, I'm sick of eating shit and feeling like shit. Where do I start? What should I eat?

>> No.11351476

Start drinking water. Throw every drink that is not water away. Drink more water. Then go drink some more.

>> No.11351485
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After you are done drinking the water throw away all the food you have that comes in a box. Then enjoy a nice glass of water

>> No.11351494

More fruit, vegetables, whole grains/beans/legumes. Less refined grains and less sugar. Most people already eat enough meat/cheese/eggs but if your diet was mostly junk food and carbs then add some more of that in too.

>> No.11351500

Also add more healthy fat in your diet because you've probably been eating a lot of cheap refined vegetable oil. Use more butter, eggs, full fat dairy products, fatty meat, olive oil, coconut oil, etc. and stay away from cheap refined vegetable oil if you can.

>> No.11351508

Honestly that is probably the one thing I do right, I mostly drink water. Sometimes coffee and maybe once a week iced tea. Usually just a shit ton of water

>> No.11351513

Cease to eat shit

>> No.11351517

What does water have to do with it, op asked about food

>> No.11351528


>More fruit, vegetables, whole grains/beans/legumes.
Also this. Frozen & canned vegetables including lefy greens like spinach, cabbage, mustard/turnip greens, and complex carbs like barley, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc should be staples making up 70% of your daily meals. Meats and cheese are mostly fat and cholesterol, no fiber, and provide minimum vitamins/minerals for their calorie density.

Vegetable soups like potato, corn, and tomato are good to have in bulk. Also salads if you don't drench them in oil-based dressings or cheese/meat. Experiment with vinegars, salsas, aromatics (freshly diced onion, garlic, herbs, etc.) and other spices.

>> No.11351535

Most people unlike OP tend to drink their calories which leads to malnutrition and weight gain. Adequate water intake not only keeps you properly hydrated but feels your stomach up with a 0-calorie material and displaces volume that could be filled with processed junk.

>> No.11351539

>but feels your stomach

>> No.11351543

The average *channer is a fat fuck who drinks gallons of soda and energy drinks daily.
Cutting out that sugar intake is the most obvious step towards feeling better and anyone who can't do something so simple lacks the willpower to change their entire diet anyway, so it's a good way to filter out helpless idiots.

>> No.11351556


Buying organic will prolly up the quality of items in your fridge across the board.

Filter your tap water, substitute coffee with plain tea.

Do not drink any “fruit juice” whatsoever unless you juice it yourself by hand using fresh fruit.

Don’t eat bagged pop corn, pop the kernels yourself if you want it.

You can have fast food once every three months, don’t go over that if you can avoid it.

That’s what I got off the top of my head rn

>> No.11351568

>implying fat and cholesterol is bad
Mom pls

>> No.11351659

I told you to stay off 4chan or you'd get grounded, Johnny! Get to your room and stay there, no tendies for you tonight!

>> No.11351826

If you're fat go on a water fast for 21 days then from there start eating healthy. Well rounded with plenty meat , veggies and fruit with healthy carbs. Also work out with heavy weights . First water fast for 21 days though if you're fat.

>> No.11351835

beef, water, and salt