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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11345913 No.11345913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does a business survive by shaming a customer?

>> No.11345919
File: 18 KB, 652x634, FB_IMG_1539587651390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living of tips


>> No.11345920


>> No.11346044


>> No.11346050

>bitching about tips online
How low can one go.

>> No.11346055

It doesn't unless its a monopoly on something that enough people want.

>> No.11346056

I am from Europe and I visit U.S over 4 times a year and I never tip

I will never tip

>> No.11346071

>I live off my uncertain income
It's retarded with overtime and retarded with tips

>> No.11346075

Good way to lose your job.

>> No.11346142

Never fails to amuse me.

>> No.11346173
File: 150 KB, 1004x769, tipped wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I ever pay additional money after I have already paid just because you want me to? Want a tip? Get a real job.

>> No.11346200

>trying to imply the girl is stupid
>he cant even spell 'off' correctly
how embarrassing for you

>> No.11346215

>stay home and fuck off
girls make no sense

>> No.11346238

who didn't throw in a buck?

cough up you cheap fuck i bought you breakfast.

>> No.11346240

>local restaurants keep shrinking pizza sizes
>do away with small pizzas, make previous small the new medium, hiking up prices too
>Payday, no groceries at all to eat until dad gets home with his pay, so can't go to the store
>have to spend all of what little money is on the debit card to get a small aka "medium" cheese pizza, can only give him $2 in quarters we dug up as tip
>mom answers door on delivery, "I'm sorry it's not much, I wish we could've given you more"
>snarky jackass says with an attitude, "yeah me too"
>she almost immediately started crying after he left

Maybe we should automate the minimum wage jobs sooner.

>> No.11346247

why do I gotta be mister pink

>> No.11346276

I hate tipping, but I do it because I can. I also give panhandlers money when I see them. At least the waiters are pretending to do something useful in exchange for the handout.

>> No.11346307

>stay home and fuck off
guessing thats whats gonna be written on her pink slip next day she comes it to work

>> No.11346400

If you have time to complain online that is time you can be serving or cleaning the tables. BACK TO WORK

>> No.11346403

>maybe we should automate the minimum wage jobs sooner
sounds like you're poor and this would just fuck you over even more. I definitely think pizza delivery should be automated asap though.

>> No.11346421

Tipping needs to stop so people don't have to bribe the employees of the establishment they are supporting to avoid their wrath.

>> No.11346425

How the fuck does buying a $10 (fuck knows how much a pizza costs now in Burgerland) pizza equate a cheaper deal than $10 worth of groceries you stupid cow? You could buy the ingredients and cook 2 meals for the whole family with that money, and not have to tip a fucking cashier. It’s because you’re lazy and cheap. I’m glad she cried.

>> No.11346440

>How does a business survive by shaming a customer?
The buisness isn't shaming the customers here.

The employee whom the customers shafted is shaming the customers, as they should.

If you can't afford to tip in the US, don't eat out. Or specifically eat somewhere where tips aren't expected.

I'm fine if you tip 10%, i'm not asking everyone to tip 20%+ like some retards, but if you don't tip at ALL on a $70+ meal, you're just a cheap cunt, unless your server was EXCEPTIONALLY inept or rude or something, it's simply uncalled for.

If you can't tip, you can't afford to eat out.

>> No.11346445

Entitled people shouldn't post on /ck/, you entitled hoser.

>> No.11346447

>How does a business survive by shaming a customer?
By having enough customers to have the leeway to shame bad customers thereby making more room for good customers.
I bet you still think "the customer is always right." top lmao your $20 doesn't mean shit to anyone if you have a bad attitude, now fuck outta my establishment ya NIGGER WALLET

>> No.11346480

>>mom answers door on delivery, "I'm sorry it's not much, I wish we could've given you more"
>>snarky jackass says with an attitude, "yeah me too"
>>she almost immediately started crying after he left

>> No.11346558
File: 12 KB, 326x294, 2f7968dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The buisness isn't shaming the customers here.
>The employee whom the customers shafted is shaming the customers, as they should.
>If you can't afford to tip in the US, don't eat out. Or specifically eat somewhere where tips aren't expected.
>I'm fine if you tip 10%, i'm not asking everyone to tip 20%+ like some retards, but if you don't tip at ALL on a $70+ meal, you're just a cheap cunt, unless your server was EXCEPTIONALLY inept or rude or something, it's simply uncalled for.
>If you can't tip, you can't afford to eat out.

>> No.11346572

You guys cite this all the time but you neglect the part where if a waitress frequently has to resort to this they will just find a reason to fire them and find someone who can bring in the tips with charisma/sex appeal.

>> No.11346574

Show me two substantial meals you can make for a family with $10. And no I dont mean beans and rice.

>> No.11346579

The restaurant red pill is realizing that even on bad days pretty much every server is making well over minimum wage, sometime multiple times over. They get over a dozen tables per hour on normal days. Now think about the tip amount they get from each.

>> No.11346587

You'd think everyone would have taken that particular pill when wait staff vehemently protested $15/hr minimum wage for everyone.

>> No.11346593

the point behind it is basically that wait staff cant lose. even if they dont make tips they still get minimum wage and if they get fired they can just walk across the street to another restaurant and be employed again same day or a more realistic happening is what >11346579 said. anyone complaining about tips is just trying to guilt you into giving them more money when realistically the wait staff cannot lose money and in actuality makes more than anyone else in the restaurant on average

wait staff are indeed lazy entitled scum with probably the easiest job ever in the history of mankind and when they are soon replaced by robots we should round them up and gas them as well

>> No.11346597

americans are so cucked and brainwashed they blame the customer for not giving them extra money instead of their employers not paying them enough

>> No.11346599


>> No.11346606

>just walk across the street to another restaurant and be employed again same day
What fantasy world are you living in?

In small towns you're fucked if you get fired because NO ONE will hire you unless they're your friend or something, in which case you'd already be working there instead.

Even medium sized towns, if you're fired from a waiter position, you'll be lucky if any other restaurant in the immediate area will touch you.

Not to mention, if you live in a large city, you'll be competing against a LOT more potential applicants who haven't been fired recently.

>> No.11346610

You can make more than two pizzas with that money if you make your own dough

>> No.11346614
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I can make three of these for $10 which is more than enough for two family meals. How fat are you? Or are you just bad at math

>> No.11346619

Pls /ck/ tell me this is bullshit.

>> No.11346647
File: 91 KB, 960x386, https_%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Feriksherman%2Ffiles%2F2018%2F05%2Fcivilian-labor-force-participation-rate-st-lous-fed-graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you legit think anyone can just walk across the street and get another job before the day is done, you're a fucking retard.

You need to look at US labor participation rates, no the US employment rate. Many people are unemployable, and thus are no longer searching for employment, and are not included when the US reports it's employment rate since they are no longer job hunting.

>> No.11346648

t. someone who has never worked before in their lives

>> No.11346649

I've been employed for 11 and a half years continuously.

Likely longer than you.

>> No.11346653

>If you legit think anyone can just walk across the street and get another job before the day is done, you're a fucking retard.
My roommate literally just did this yesterday though. He was let go from Applebee's and was working in an italian place less than 4 hours later about a mile away from his old job. I think you may just be a massive autism no one wants to hire because you look like a serial rapist or something.

>> No.11346654

I live in a country with far stricter minimum wage and labour regulation than the Us and even here nobody gives a rat's ass about your CV in a waiting job.

>> No.11346658

They survive on not paying their employees so their customers have to decide if their waitress eats that night.

>> No.11346660

>live in commiefornia
>never tip since state minum wage applys to servers
Stay mad flyovers

>> No.11346661
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so burgers,

why cant a SERVICE TAX work in the US? its the superior choice. No headaches, no fussing about for change, no drama, just a standard tax to pay for service. Tipping is then 100% OPTIONAL, as it should be.

>> No.11346662

No one is saying it can't happen, but to think that's the norm, and anyone who wants to work just magically can is just fucking retarded and shows how ignorant you actually are.

>> No.11346664


you nigger

>> No.11346665

Because that's not how it's done here, and because when I want to impress everyone to show them how rich I am, I want to be able to tip as much as I want. Or when I want to piss on some peasant serving me food, I can tip nothing despite the fact I am spending $300 on food for 3 people.

>> No.11346666

It's not, businesses will hire anyone in this economy. My local home Depot hires decrepit 80 year old men in wheelchairs starting pay $14 an hour

>> No.11346667

>No one is saying it can't happen
>But just believe me when I say it happens this way.
You are probably going to hear this a lot in your life but you are a massive retard.

>> No.11346668

>boo hoo I'm too good for rice and beans

Fuck off you quarter counting snob

>> No.11346669

Looks like you've solved the US employment problem. Just have everyone go be waiters.

>> No.11346671

Wait staff likely wouldn't want it

For as much as they bitch when they don't get tipped as much as they think they deserve, taking home 150-200 bucks a night for an entry level job is nice

>> No.11346675

>not actually quoting what I said in order to try to force your point

sick bruh

>> No.11346677

Senpai the US unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in a decade right now.

>> No.11346689

And the labor participation rate is also lower than it's been in 3 decades.
see >>11346647

Your unemployment rate looks so good because less people are considered unemployed.

If you are let go, or fired, and you start job hunting, 6-8 months later, still no one will hire you. You stop job hunting because no one will hire you and you've applied to everything locally. You're over qualified for shit-tier mcdonalds, they wont hire you either.

But don't worry, since you've stopped looking for a job, the US bureau of labor and statistics has your back, because now you're no longer unemployed, you're now considered a "missing worker" and are no longer counted among the unemployed job numbers.

Yay skewing statistics to make it look like our country isn't falling into the shithole.

>> No.11346696

>Yay skewing statistics to make it look like our country isn't falling into the shithole.
t. unemployed high school dropout. our economy is doing great (the best it has been in almost 20 years now) and people are working, stop ignoring blatant facts to suit your narrative

>> No.11346698

bc you're a fggt

>> No.11346699

Eggs, Green vegetables, Rice, discount chicken before they expire

>> No.11346702

but you still can tip if you want to, just that people will (hopefully) stop chimping as much out if they dont get their """"deserved"""" tips, because their wage becomes more liveable

>> No.11346704

>stop ignoring blatant facts to suit your narrative
that's literally what you're doing famalam

>the best it has been in almost 20 years now
Ah yes, while adding literally trillions to the deficit so when the dems vote the republicans out, they can point to the massive deficit THEY created as the democrats fault and the cycle can repeat.

>people are working
yeah, lets just ignore all the people who are underemployed, or the people who have literally zero retirement savings even though they're 45+ years old and making less than $50,000 a year. And please, continue to ignore all the people who are missing workers who WANT to be employed, but haven't had work in years and years and are no longer counted among the unemployed statistics.

>> No.11346709

The absolute state of burgerland.

>> No.11346712

fuck i mean
you could always look for a job that isnt a meme
I consider these jobs as bottom of the barrel in service sector

>> No.11346713

I'll get behind a national movement to increase their pay to actual minimum wage, but that's no reason to stop tipping now. If and when you can get the US to stop their tipping environment, i'll gladly stop tipping. But until they do change, the only person you're hurting by not tipping, is your waiter who is getting paid less than $4 to serve you for an hour.

>> No.11346716

>the gop is bad yet my argument is based off the shortcoming of the dems

lmaoing at your life

>> No.11346717

Guess what? Your pizza tastes 3 times worse than any pizza he could buy. It's pretty obvious.

>> No.11346719

Wait staff get paid minimum wage if their tips don't add up to minimum wage

There's no downside to tipping, wait staff aren't hurt by not tipping except by their inflated egos

>> No.11346723

the "fiscal" conservative party is starting a trade war that has already cost our country hundreds of billions and you want to pretend it's the dems fault despite the fact the GOP has the power in ALL 3 branches currently...?

>> No.11346724

>Wait staff get paid minimum wage if their tips don't add up to minimum wage
That doesn't happen, they get fired if that happens. Managers don't keep employees who don't bring in tips.

You've obviously never worked as wait staff in your life.

>> No.11346725
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>not tipping everyone
poorfags everyone

>> No.11346726

>i don't know how to cook so you don't either

Do you think pizza places use magic or something?

>> No.11346728

There's nothing more pathetic about some faggot service worker who cries about tips. Get a real job.

>> No.11346733

You could at least get a job with CTR with all these crazy theories you rant about

>> No.11346734

>I consider these jobs as bottom of the barrel in service sector
most people do. But when your shitty bottom of the barrel job is the only thing keeping you clothed, fed, and with a roof over your head. What the fuck else are you supposed to do? You can't afford to go to school or some other job training, you can't afford to spend 2-3 months job hunting for a niche job that would pay better. You've gotta survive. And unless you've got friends/family willing to pay for your ass for a few months or years while you get trained or go to school for a better job, you're fucked.

If you have kids on top of that, you're 1000% fucked.

>> No.11346737

no you mouth breathing retard, everything you have referred to in your argument are policies put in place by the dems during obama outside of a trade war which is still not causing harm to our country

>> No.11346740

>learning disability spacing
Yeah, you don't know how to cook. Don't talk back in the future, Mongo. Your pizza tastes like shit and you're going to die alone, disgusting fag.

>> No.11346739


you can ignore facts if you want I guess. I'm sure your fellow rednecks will eat up anything the GOP spits out at this point.

>> No.11346741

It does happen, in the strange chance a waiter isn't making at least minimum wage through their tips and it isn't their fault. It just almost never happens because waiters make fuck tons of money for what they do if they're barely personable.

>> No.11346748

I'm going to keep assuming people on this board can make basic shit like pizza and one retard isn't going to stop me

>> No.11346749

lmao, i've NEVER seen an employee successfully ask for their reimbursement, they're always fired for unrelated reasons, every single time.

>> No.11346751

You don't consider beans and rice "substantial," but you would consider a $10 small pizza "substantial?"
Poorfag mental gymnastics pls go and stay go.

>> No.11346752

>most people do. But when your shitty bottom of the barrel job is the only thing keeping you clothed, fed, and with a roof over your head. What the fuck else are you supposed to do? You can't afford to go to school or some other job training, you can't afford to spend 2-3 months job hunting for a niche job that would pay better. You've gotta survive. And unless you've got friends/family willing to pay for your ass for a few months or years while you get trained or go to school for a better job, you're fucked.
>If you have kids on top of that, you're 1000% fucked.

You sound a single mom that lives off her tips.

>> No.11346754

and you sound like an entitled prick who takes full advantage of mommy and daddy paying for whatever you need.

Not everyone has that, and that shouldn't automatically relegate them to the service industry for life. But in the current US, it usually does.

>> No.11346758

>Don't talk back in the future, Mongo
I take it from your inability to follow simple directions that you're also under 25. You posted a picture of your garbage pizza, dunce. You posted proof you don't know what you're doing. Do you understand now? Did that just make it through that thick homosexual skull of yours? That's a rhetorical question, Mongo. You don't need to reply again. It's over. You lost.

>> No.11346761

>and you sound like an entitled prick who takes full advantage of mommy and daddy

You are, aren't you? You've always made excuses, and blamed everyone else, haven't you?

>> No.11346764

I didn't post anything. Maybe if you spent more time in the kitchen and less time perfecting your shitposting, you'd have real world skills too.

>> No.11346766

>i've NEVER seen an employee successfully ask for their reimbursement
I don't know what second-rate negroid places you work at, but at every actual restaurant I've worked at, the reimbursement is figured by a computer algorithm and is added automatically to your paycheck. ($minwage - ($tips/hours)) = reimbursement total
It's for days when they have a full staff and few or no customers come in; staff still needs to be paid for their time. Where did you work again? Tyrone's Snack Shack?

>> No.11346770

>little baby fucktard still trying to talk back to the older, more experienced boy
Come back when you actually become an adult (25+).

>> No.11346771

Stop projecting, I was raised by a single mom and I had to put myself through college. I saw snot nosed cunt brats like yourself daily, spending hundreds a month on alcohol binges and ounces of weed because mommy and daddy covered any and all normal expenses.

>> No.11346773

No that was my delicious pizza no go back to taco Bell and Bitch some more about how you are broke and sick from food poisoning and can't feed your imaginary family because you got fired for stealing hamburger buns

>> No.11346774

You have a flair for creative writing and you're wasting it

>> No.11346775

>making shitty, inedible pizza is a real world skill

>> No.11346778

>fails to end his sentence with punctuation, like a white person would
What a surprise.

>> No.11346779

>stop projecting
>starts projecting

>> No.11346781

My white knight heart breaks for her ... but even if you don't want to cook at least buy frozen pizzas.

The freezer is the ultimate tool for poorfag cooking.

>> No.11346783

>Little baby who can't eat vegetables on pizza

>> No.11346784

Worked for the papa john didn't it?

>> No.11346785

>Stop projecting
That's not how it works because you are taking me I am a snot nosed cunt brat while if I was projecting, I'd be a single mother living off my tips.

I guess college didn't work out for you, huh? I can see why you're living off your tips. Don't worry, maybe some desperate old guy will settle for you and pull you out of that.

>> No.11346788

>I was raised by a single mom
burn the coal pay the toll

>> No.11346789

>the type of toppings were the issue rather than the obvious overall lack of quality and care
No, marketing worked for him.

>> No.11346790

>anyone who defends tipping is a tipped employee

Kek, I can pretty much guarantee I make more than you, unless you live in San Francisco, or NYC. And I don't get paid tips at all.

>> No.11346791

Quit posting this cancerous (((social media))) trash you immature little twat. This isn't a gossip column.

>> No.11346795

this is actually good bait

>> No.11346797

Never defended a tipped employee, re-read please.

>> No.11346798

>The Papa John's restaurant was founded in 1984 when "Papa" John Schnatter knocked out a broom closet in the back of his father's tavern, Mick's Lounge, in Jeffersonville, Indiana.
>He began selling pizzas to the tavern's customers out of the converted closet.

Imagine where he'd be now, if he assumed cooking pizza was an arcane skill, reserved for the wizards at Domino's

>> No.11346799

Make him. What's that? You can't? You're just a whiney little impotent bitch with a childish temper control problem? And you have no friends?

>> No.11346801

...are you actually retarded? I wasn't quoting you. Learn to green text.

>> No.11346804

a whole chicken is like 5 bucks, get a stalk or two of brocolli for $2 or $3. Buy a $1 loaf of store brand italian or french bread if you're feeling fancy

>> No.11346811

>get a real job
Ok what if every single waiter just up and got one. Who would serve?

>> No.11346815

Tipping culture in the US is so fucky.
I work in an airport bar in the UK doing the early AM shift 4:00-12:00. Busy nearly all the time during summer, completely fucks my sleep cycle, I do all the normal bartending stuff plus making coffee and serving food. For £7.30 an hour.

A good tipping day for me might be a couple of pounds given in 10p and 20p increments when people leave their change behind. I wish I was making 10% on each bill, I'd be fucking minted.

>> No.11346816

>neglect the part where if a waitress frequently has to resort to this they will just find a reason to fire
Yeah, if you're bad at your job then you're fired.
this isn't public school. no participation trophies in the real world, sweetie.

>> No.11346817

Dude, are you fucking retarded? I don’t know just how catastrophically you fucked up, but you have to be a total fucking mongoloid to get blacklisted like that. Even if restaurant owners talked to each other like you conspire about, it’s still SUPER unlikely that nobody would hire you, ever. To the point that you’d have to move. Food service is always hiring, going nowhere, and relatively easy so long as you’ve got a decent work ethic.
If this is genuinely how you feel, please tighten your fucking bicycle helmet and have the nearest adult tell us how badly you fucked up when you got fired.

>> No.11346819

doesnt matter, would never happen as 99% of waiters are lazy twats with no want to improve their lives which is why they are wait staff to begin with

>> No.11346820

You'd probably have to come up when the cook said your order was done

And you'd have to get up and get your own refills

...weird, it's like waiters are entirely to avoid standing up, and are pretty useless

>> No.11346821

>Oh no people would stop wasting money to eat food poisoning how will we ever recover??????

>> No.11346823

real easy to justify pretty much ANYTHING with that logic there bud.

Even genocide.

>> No.11346825

>being underage

>> No.11346837

genocide is easily justifiable though

>> No.11346855

>ive never worked in food ever
I've been a cook for a year and half and I can tell you that sorting and delivering food in a restaraunt environtment is absolutely vital. I couldnt imagine having to get literally hundrends of the right food to the right people daily whilst cooking and keeping track of incoming orders. It would ve a nightmare for me and customers, not to me tion the wasted space of a fucking line in the restaurant, uncororidated shitheads dropping their orders, people grabing the wrong stuff because i cant baby sit them. Servers exist for a reason, if they didnt need to be there restaraunt wouldnt waste money on them.

>> No.11346861

>if they didnt need to be there restaraunt wouldnt waste money on them


...what do you think tipping is?

>> No.11346866


>> No.11346875

>uncororidated shitheads dropping their orders, people grabing the wrong stuff because i cant baby sit them.
I remember when I was in Japan like 15 years ago and they made the same shitty argument about self fill gas stations and how people were too dumb to operate it. Guess what, people got used after a couple of months.

>> No.11346879

They're cheating them but theyre still around because theyre needed. Buisnesses like restaraunts need to cut everysingle corner they can because its such a tough business.

>> No.11346880
File: 2.16 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20181017_110520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to trigger y'all just learn how to make pizza folks. This bad boy will be filling my belly soon

>> No.11346881

No one has been able to give this question a valid answer. I guess the whole "you can eat so much more for cheaper if you make it yourself" meme is just that.

>> No.11346882

>le 15% meme

so like do waiters at expensive restaurants make like $200k a year?

>> No.11346885

How bored are you?

>> No.11346890

Yeah because they made the systems way easier to use. Theres no way to make carrying a huge tray of food around dozens of tables and chairs "easier" without loosing precious seating space.

>> No.11346893

If you don't know how to get a good job fuck off and stay home.

>> No.11346894

>i bet it'll make me look smart if i ask a question!
Fuck off, Socrates. Dumb homo.

>> No.11346900

>cut corners so we can have a restaurant every 2 miles

>> No.11346903


>> No.11346907

Pretty bored then

>> No.11346916

Don't say stupid shit and you won't get called a stupid person. Simple.

>> No.11346917
File: 517 KB, 1820x1213, Screen_Shot_2017_02_23_at_2.05.10_PM.0.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no way to send flat bottomed objects from one place to another without a waiter

>> No.11346923

You brought it back, good job

>> No.11346926

You must be awfully quiet

>> No.11346932

What's up with the niggers not using punctuation where they need it? You're not actually posting from phones are you? Cringe.

>> No.11346933

This is the only legitmate way to replace them, but its a huge upfront investment +maintenance and a lose of space that most restaraunts cant afford.

>> No.11346934

Getting sad now

>> No.11346937

>everything has an emotional impact on me
Gay or female? Straight men (the only people who belong here) don't act the way you act.

>> No.11346940

I take back saying you were creative

>> No.11346943
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Oh no what we do without entitled waiters

>> No.11346950

>when a femme brain pretends their judgement is meaningful to others
I am laughing. Keep getting upset.

>> No.11346954

Make awful pizza?

>> No.11346955

>h-he didn’t use a period!!!

Lol faggot

>> No.11346963

This site is for white middle class people over age 25 who post from computers. Point your obamaphone over to Reddit. They love diversity there.

>> No.11346967
File: 23 KB, 521x294, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things like:
>here have something extra because you went the extra mile.
Always end up like:
>now you must pay me extra because we've grown dependent on it

It's like giving some extra money to the poor, only to find out they now expect you to feed them forever. It's how things work.

>> No.11346973

I’m not even on my phone. I’m not sure what punctuation even could possibly have to do with that. You’re just a seething little fatboy.

>middle class

>> No.11346978

I wish we could just kill poor people. God they are fucking annoying

>> No.11346987

>I am laughing
Cringe. What is this faggotry from? Reddit?

>> No.11346992

>I’m not sure what punctuation even could possibly have to do with that.
If you were white, you'd be able to figure it out. But you're not white. Not in the ways that matter. Pretty sure we can blame your grandparents for that. What color are your eyes anon?

>attempts laughing at middle class people when he posts from his phone because he can't afford a real computer

>> No.11346995

What did my last post just say about your judgement, holes? Work on the reading comprehension.

>> No.11347000

Lift up your shirt right now, fatboy.

>middle class

>> No.11347007

>attempts laughing at middle class people when he posts from his phone because he can't afford a real computer
I had to post it again because you're a nigger inside.

>> No.11347012

No one cares. You’re a fat poorfaggot who probably smells greasy.

>> No.11347018

I’m laughing at a fat poorfaggot who is probably a mexicrement larping as a white person

>> No.11347019

>No one cares
>keeps replying out of rage
>keeps lobbing 4th grade insults due to getting exposed as less than white and male

>> No.11347020

not like rice with beans isn't a substantial meal, quite the opposite, but, for example, even in the USofaA you should be able to buy about 1kg of (dried, you can store it for however long you wish to) pasta for 5 dollars tops, then the rest you can spend on whatever condiment, the cheapest ground meat to marinate in some tomato paste for two hours to make something resembling ragù, or you can make a nice enough thick sauce by reducing broth made with leftover chicken and chicken bones (if you can afford it once a week) or broth made using whatever store-brand knorr cube knock off
now that I think of it you can make risotto as well, buy rice and some onions, sauté the onions for a couple minutes, add the rice, toast it, add some $1/lit boxed wine, and then add broth made with the knock off knorr cube

I am sorry about your mother if that was true, but if you can't eat more than enough with that money you just don't know what you're doing

>> No.11347022

You never told me what color your eyes are. I wonder why that might be. :^)

>> No.11347024

When the popular kids at high school told you to fuck off and kill yourself, did you think that secretly meant they liked you?

>> No.11347026

I’ll show you my eyes once you show me your tiddies :)

>> No.11347031

>pretends he was;n't the one relegated to the loser table during lunch due to his sexuality
You're trying so hard and falling so short. I KNOW you, kid.

>> No.11347040

>n-no you!!!
Oh no :(

>You're trying so hard and falling so short. I KNOW you, kid.
Cringe. Why are fat poorfaggot shitskins like yourself so fucking pathetic?

>> No.11347047

>comes to whiteknight for another "man" because he also was forced to sit at the loser table for being a queer
That or you're cycling IPs to evade a ban. Which is it? Non-man or nigger who can't follow rules?

>> No.11347057
File: 47 KB, 780x439, permacorp-office-message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should be thankful she has the job. The owner of the restaurant is doing her a favor by employing her.
I thank Walmart every day for providing me with a means of living every day. It means I am fed and my wife's son go to school in good clothes.

>> No.11347060

>m-mommy theyre bullying me!!!
Daaaaww :(

I think you forgot to take your lithium, champ. Where those titty pics, fatboy? Time is money and you have none

>> No.11347068

>Daaaaww :(
>learning disability formatting
Ah, so it's both. Got it. Have fun wasting away in poverty for the rest of your life, Jamal.

>> No.11347073

lol this “middle class” chump is fuckin pissed

>> No.11347083
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1528199747849s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got two big ass turkey breasts for 5 bucks, i have to cut them in haf because they're two servings each. A pound of potato and a pound of broccoli should run you like 3 dollars. You can spend the last 2 bucks on some salted butter and you've got yourself a big boy meal.

>> No.11347084

Where did this poorfaggot polnigger invasion come from? It was subtle the past few months but these fucking zeroes have exploded the past couple weeks

>> No.11347086

>u mad
It's just like that meme that features a nigger.

>> No.11347102

I mean, you are visibly upset.

Where are your tit pics?

-posted from my iPhone

>> No.11347103

There has always been phoneposters here (it's a very gay board due to it being about a woman's hobby). Not sure why you think poorfags just got here. The only reason anyone posts from a phone is that they're too poor to own a decent computer or are too lazy (i.e. niggerish) to sit up while posting, like a white person.

>> No.11347114

That didn’t answer my question, I wasn’t expecting poorfaggot polniggers to respond to it.

Why are you so upset?

>> No.11347123

>gets BTFO
>cries again
>tries parroting the insults that have effectively been used against him
This is how real people (adults) know you're a toddler under the age of 25, Jamal.

>> No.11347126

lol this dude is fucking FUMING

>> No.11347131

>If you can't tip, you can't afford to eat out.
Hey man you wanting me to fill in the gaps of your paycheck isn't my problem.
Refill plz :)

>> No.11347136

Look how hard you're trying to pretend you're not bothered. Everyone can see the overcompensation, kid.

>> No.11347146

Oh yeah im so upset grrrrrh you got me!!!

>> No.11347155

If you have actual trouble scrounging $2 for a tip you shouldn't be ordering fucking pizza in the first place

>> No.11347156

Yeah, the name indicates how mad you are too. Be smarter next time and you won't get spanked in front of all your e-friends like this.

>> No.11347158

>t. entitled service ape posting from a phone

>> No.11347161

Middle class, white, what more could you ask, KID?

>> No.11347165


It really is. I don't understand how people can understand the gamble and decide to go for it anyway.

>> No.11347166

Oh yeah im so mad!!! But im full white and middle class

>> No.11347173

You don't write like a middle class white person. Middle class white people don't need to be reminded to act white - it's second nature to us.

>> No.11347182

Service people don't think that's why they have no skill jobs. Bring on the robots

>> No.11347186

Are you gonna post your fat little tits or not? Your passive aggressive soyposting is boring me

>> No.11347187

most restaurants don't even need a waiter
put a tablet on the table, order goes to the kitchen, and get a food runner to bring the stuff out
why do they need the middle man when its the same exact process already except first you dictate the order to your trained monkey and THEY go put it in the tablet

the fine dining restaurants are the only ones that need full service, and those are wait staff that deserve tips
I'm talking people dressed in fine clothes that can recite the menu backwards and forwards, know all the specials, can actually make meaningful recommendations, and DO NOT NEED A NOTE PAD

>> No.11347193

>doesn't understand what passive means
>starts regurgitating /pol/ memes
How much more proof are you going to give us you're poor?

>> No.11347196

So you’re really just foaming at the mouth as you type this? Lmao

>> No.11347207

>he retreats into his impotent poorfag power fantasy again

>> No.11347208

I and probably 95% of people would rather stand up and walk 15 feet to the kitchen window than pay some roastie fifty dollars to bring it to me, then get bitched at if I don't worship her enough while she does it.
The whole concept of waiters in non-fancy restaurants is idiotic, and a way for (((managers))) to skim just a liiiiiittle more money out of customers.

>> No.11347212

Why don't you ask them?

>> No.11347214

He's right tho. Welfare monkeys too poor to afford even a small tip like that for one, shouldn't be ordering any kind of delivery and two, should buy actual groceries with what little they have.

>> No.11347216

Post tits, Paco

>> No.11347230

Yeah, you're a nigger too. Get a job that guarantees you getting paid what you want hourly or stop complaining, service nigger.

>> No.11347236

lol this guy is fuckin pissed

>> No.11347240

In other words, the most boring, dull, uninteresting, cultureless, cucksevative values carrying, poor taste spicelet kind of "human?"

>> No.11347245 [DELETED] 

>t. shitskin poorfag

>> No.11347261

Post tits

>> No.11347272

>waitress acts like a fucking jackass
>still expects a tip
>don't tip
I've worked jobs for tips, I did above and beyond service. These lazy cunts want to be slow as shit, rude, and act like it's a bother for them to do their job, then want you to give them even more money? Nah.
I don't tip. They can fucking neck themselves.

>> No.11347319

just go work at amazon
they're paying $15 an hour soon
and its only 4 hours a day

>> No.11347333

by having better customers

>> No.11347345

God bless you. I've visited France and Belgium and was so happy about the lack of tipping. Never tip here anyways lul

>> No.11347379
File: 51 KB, 960x492, you and your friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving tips to your local ethnic delivery nigger
>not slamming the door in his pathetic face once you give him the pizza money

>> No.11347408

this tbqh. If you are this triggered by the uncertainty of tips, get a job without them like retail or fast food. They won't because they still make more with the occasional non-tippers than they do at actual minimum wage jobs.

>> No.11347415
