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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11342234 No.11342234 [Reply] [Original]

>putting sugar on fruit
But why?

>> No.11342240

fruits can be tart.

>> No.11342243

People like sweet things. Is this news to you?

>> No.11342250

Fruits are already good and sweet enough as is.

>> No.11342255

A light dusting of sweet + low or real sugar in a pinch over strawberries has always made them better to me.

>> No.11342274

This. Cut strawbs rested in sugar overnight is top tier. Sugar draws out some of the moisture in the fruit and makes a syrup. Tablespoon or two of strawberry syrup with some lemonade = super tasty.

>> No.11342303

to draw out liquid

>> No.11342308

Only to strawberries, because I like the texture.

>> No.11342322

Diabetic retards

>> No.11342332

>But why?
Because the processed foods industry has conditioned the taste buds of a LOT of people to expect a LOT more sweetness out of naturally sweet things than actually exists.

>> No.11342334

>he thinks we pour sugar on fruit all the time everytime rather than just for an occasional treat because thats what he'd do
>projecting this hard
Oh Amerilard

>> No.11342337

>i don't know naturally growing things has a lot of variance.

>> No.11342342

The one diabetic I knew put salt on all of his fruit. No idea why.

>> No.11342354

Salt is pretty good on sweet things. It tends to bring out some flavor if you use a little bit. But obviously too much will be nasty as fuck.

>> No.11342355

I know that my dad likes putting a little bit of salt on his watermelon. Personally I think it's gross.

>> No.11342358

>seasoned food is gross

>> No.11342368

>Trying this hard to start an argument

>> No.11342370
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>please Americans, give me some attention!
Here you go pumpkin.

>> No.11342372
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>> No.11342373

>i don't know that naturally growing things with sugars can be heated up to dissolve the moisture and increase sweetness without the need to add more sugars

>> No.11342379

Just wondering why someone would think seasoning food i gross.

>> No.11342386

Dehydrating shit has it's place, but it's a specific application and changes the fruit in extreme ways.

>> No.11342389

>Just wondering why
You must do that a lot....because you're obviously very, very dumb.

>> No.11342391

>Why doesn't everything think the same thing
Sorry but are you trying to be dumb
>Screenshot from an anime
And I KNOW you're being dumb

>> No.11342393

Yes....like creating a natural "syrup" you can pour over your natural fruit without the need to add additional sugars.

But don't worry about that, just keep dumping sugar on shit your whole life. What could happen?

>> No.11342397

>What could happen?
I'd actually make good recipes?

>> No.11342403

>doesn't know salt is a flavor enhancer.
>calls others dumb.
Trolling was an art.

>> No.11342409

>You have to prefer salt on your fruit because some people do
Seriously, you're dumb.

>> No.11342415
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>doesn't know the subject is sugar, not salt
>calls others dumb
You've got to go back.

>> No.11342416

>i don't like enhanced flavor
Seriously, nobody is buying that.
The autism is real in you.

>> No.11342421

>it can't read
>I know that my dad likes putting a little bit of *SALT* on his watermelon. Personally I think it's gross.

>> No.11342422

>No seriously you have to prefer what I do
I don't see the point in pretending to be this retarded.

>> No.11342431

I don't know anyone who would not season food.
You're the odd one out here,;
go back to your sensory deprivation chamber, autismo.

>> No.11342432

/ck/ has the dumbest fucking arguments on this entire website.

>> No.11342443
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>still doesn't know what the subject is he's sperging out about

>> No.11342448

It's just people that want to start these stupid as shit fights. It's not even like on other boards where it starts interesting arguments, it's just people being petty "ironically"

>> No.11342451

>doubling down on stupid after being referred to the post about salt.
It really is illiterate.

>> No.11342452

The ego on this one, also note it can't keep its mind off food for even a second

>> No.11342457

>but why
Fuck off with your whiney shit.

>> No.11342458

Kinda silly to say that when you're in a food topic on a food board

>> No.11342466
File: 52 KB, 736x439, enjoy your commute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these foreigners are just Ameriboo boot lickers or they wouldn't be here. NOBODY hangs out on a site with people they can't stand unless they're completely mental, and while a lot of the foreigners are, most are just jealous little bitches living in their shitty little council homes or yuropedan apartment.

>> No.11342636

small ammounts of salt make things sweeter, just try it. my favorite is saltet melons.
i mean you put a sprinkle salt in your cakebatter too right?

>> No.11342646

>i mean you put a sprinkle salt in your cakebatter too right?
no I don't.
salt is gross, anon.