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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11338819 No.11338819 [Reply] [Original]

what is the strangest food & dip combo you have ever seen?

>> No.11338826

frosty and French fries. My friends convinced me to try it, when I was at Wendy's for the first time a couple days ago. Tasted ugly.

flyover states, never again

>> No.11338857
File: 134 KB, 555x666, cheddar-cheese-sauce-emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the kids are left speechless and horrified

>> No.11338861 [DELETED] 

Niggerdick and a woman with class

>> No.11338864

>US Open

Fucking of course goddamnit

>> No.11338873


>> No.11338882
File: 257 KB, 1148x917, terry davis posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's absolutely no way this is real. They just happen to zoom in on someone and they just HAPPEN to start dipping their tendies in their coke

It's got to be some kind of CIAnigger code to communicate with deep cover agents

>> No.11338884

Your mom & my penis

>> No.11338893

Reposting something like this is the most Reddit thing you could possibly do, but you'll still get those coveted (you)'s.

>> No.11338901

how is she not some fatass trailer trash yet?

or is this something only classy rich people do?

>> No.11340491

Interestingly enough I've only seen the extremely wealthy do it. They always have the worst eating habits.

>> No.11340498

Back when I was a lad I would occasionally experiment by dunking my dry chain pizza crust in orange soda.

>> No.11340716

>Any cookie( chocolate chip is the best though)
>apple juice
Tastes better than milk and cookies desu

>> No.11340729

I mean if you eat tendies, and drink a coke, this essentially what you're doing

>> No.11340732

They are clearly not. They are her mentally handicapped offspring after all.

>> No.11340739

Like Trump, not to hate on him

>> No.11340795

They stop talking and stare at her dipping it in disbelief.

>> No.11340801

I know, right? Their eyes are practically falling out of their heads. They just can't believe it.

>> No.11340803

Parsley and salt water. Am I right, fellas?

>> No.11340850

I used to dip my chicken selects and French fries from McDonald's into a vanilla shake when I was a kid, but fucking soda? Disgusting.

>> No.11340851

that kid looks like a young bradley cooper

>> No.11340858

Maybe she has a problem salivating adequately
Did you ever think of that?

>> No.11340863
File: 226 KB, 900x1200, wendigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11340881

what's spread underneath the bacon?

>> No.11340890

Why would dipping fried food in soda make you any fatter than if you ate the two items separately?

>> No.11340891


>> No.11340899

It's called one of the film crew noticing something weird as shit going on, calling it out to the director, and the director getting a camera on it. Her tendie's already bitten into, meaning she's had a bite presumably dunked in her drink already.

>> No.11340934

Oh cool

>> No.11340952

regular ruffles with cream cheese
it is fucking delicious and nobody is going to tell me otherwise
also this

>> No.11340956

No, ruffles go with sour cream (try adding scallions and lemin juice for a real treat!)
Chili cheese fritos are best with cream cheese

>> No.11341205

There's something disgusting about seeing the catalog on a crt.

>> No.11341215

Why are the children so shocked if she's done it once already?

>> No.11341218

Good point, judging by their bewildered expressions they seem like they've never seen anything that ghastly before.

>> No.11341219

Children where? Those two boys don't look surprised to me.

>> No.11341224

I once pissed on a neighbors toothbrush.. Combined with his toothpaste =weird

>> No.11341228

add a patty to that and you got a modern burger

>> No.11341237


>> No.11342179

I've seen Slavs eat pizza and ketchup

>> No.11342204

>PB and pickles
Fuck yeh boi, that's the shit right there.

>> No.11342222

You're assuming they are her kids.
You're assumption is wrong, they are her nephews.

>> No.11342272

I like to dip Papa John's pizza in honey mustard.

>> No.11342335

In junior high one of my classmates would always try to get people to dip a brownie in nacho cheese at lunch. Rarely did we get both items together on one day, but if it happened, she would go around table to table trying to get people to eat brownies dipped in nacho cheese.
I tried it, it wasn't great, but it wasn't disgusting. I've never tried it since, but sometimes I think about that weird white trash girl and her obsession with nacho cheese covered brownies. She ended up being one of those "dirty kids" that is obsessed with vampires and wore the same hoodie with the thumb holes in the sleeves every single day of high school.

>> No.11342952

thats a normal fucking thing m8

>> No.11342974

How is this any different from taking a bite of tendy, then taking a sip of your drink?

>> No.11342990

fresh turd in piss

>> No.11343369

I like dipping meatballs in chocolate sauce

>> No.11343905

Your date dips her tendie in your drink, what do you do?

>> No.11344130

my roommate dips pizza crusts in soda, milk, and sometimes orange juice

>> No.11344145

Because when you take a bite of the tendy you don't immediately take a sip of the drink, you chew it and savor it. You don't put the tendy in your mouth, take a sip and start chewing, that's retarded

>> No.11344180

I like to dip cinnamon twists from taco Bell in nacho cheese.

>> No.11344348
File: 100 KB, 640x643, FCC3A775-6220-4442-AF1B-87028ABFA4EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to dip mozzarella sticks in honey mustard.

>> No.11344369

Qt mommy

>> No.11344400

peanut butter and meat is a surprisingly great combination
tried that absurd Elvis sandwich with some friends and I still dream about it occasionally
I also will occasionally make a fried turkey/bacon and peanut butter sandwich
also smooth peanut butter is gay

>> No.11344578


>> No.11344601

newfags don't know about pre-catalog days

>> No.11344613

me too.

>> No.11344639

going to have to try this.. makes sense because any meat with satay sauce on it is delicious

>> No.11344658

yeah it's great, I'll generally also sprinkle some pepper on there
for the record I've had the most success with birds and only fried
tried it with ground beef once and fucking hated it but, to each his own I guess

>> No.11344707

yeah but he's fucking fat and this weird woman isn't.

what's her fucking secret? Is it dipping tendies in soda? Does she go to the gym daily?

I need to fucking know because her eating habits don't make sense for her form.

>> No.11344713

Do you really think what someone eats at a professional sporting event represents what they normally eat?

>> No.11344749

I don't go to sporting events so I don't really know.

I guess not?

>> No.11344955


>> No.11345004

>ruffles go with sour cream exclusively
maybe if youre a total fag, sure

>> No.11345638

You don't understand anything about life.

>> No.11345643
File: 23 KB, 220x293, 220px-MalEvansLaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dipped a bagel in my valerian tea recently it was bitchin

>> No.11345663

The Jews are the only ones who can save the realm.

>> No.11345665

the fact she's still in good shape is that she probably doesn't eat like this 99% of the time and does some physical activity like jogging. I also doubt you can get many tasty and healthy options at a big event like a sports event

>> No.11345680

The Elvis sandwich is so fucking good I knew as soon as I had my first bite it will kill me some day.

>> No.11345689

Slap the drink off the table call her a filthy degenerate and walk the fuck out.