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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11333859 No.11333859 [Reply] [Original]

>buy too many onions
>today walk into the kitchen and notice a weird smell
>it's coming from the onions
>they look fine though, one of them has sprouted but the rest look fine
>pick up the bag
>reveals a puddle of gross orange bubbly onion juice, smells bad man
>throw onions away

i need to buy less onions next time

>> No.11334016

Next time, caramelize them in a slow cooker.
Rough cut them into half-moons, toss them in a little bit of melted butter, just enough to coat, then throw them in and let them sit overnight. The next day, take the lid off and turn it to high until most of the liquid cooks down.
Then freeze it in baggies and you can use it whenever you like.

>> No.11334025

Just sort those out that went bad, I doubt literally all of them had to be thrown away.

>> No.11334026

based non-shitposter

>> No.11334038
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The smell alone. There's not much like it.
I have the same happen with bell peppers occasionally. They look fine, until you pick up the bag.

>> No.11334055

but what if I want raw onions for something?

>> No.11334071

The point is to caramelize your LEFTOVER onions, not all of them that you bought.

>> No.11334619

how long did this take? I've never had onions ooze on me before. Were they in plastic? That tends to reduce the shelf life of vegetables.

>> No.11334670

I left mine in a bag on my wood table when this happened. It ruined the finish of the table

>> No.11334709
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