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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11328268 No.11328268[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last weekend me and my wife got married. We were so busy all day that when we got in the limo to go to the Hotel, I realized we hadn't eaten anything all day. I told my new wife that I'd take her anywhere she wanted. She looked at me and said now that she had me, all she wanted was a Big Mac and fries. I took pic related 2 minutes after we walked into our hotel room.

Thanks McDonalds, your consistent quality and quick service got my wedding night started off with a bang!

>> No.11328281

For me it's the double 1/4 lber w/cheese. Perfect for a filling meal any time. They really have a great menu though, and would encourage you to try all of their delicious offerings.

>> No.11328286

Nice one, dude!

>> No.11328287

congratz, bro.
Got myself engaged in july and I know that this will happen to us too, most likely. ENjoy your wife.

>> No.11328300

Why did you marry a Mexican?

>> No.11328301

>image search warrants no results
What compelled you to share this on 4chan? Some of you guys make some questionable life-choices. Good luck with your marriage.

>> No.11328316

post nudes

>> No.11328320

maybe because it was relevant to the topic and could do no harm you fucktard

>> No.11328332

Looks like you went all out on the motel room. I bet you are so happy anon.

>> No.11328336

I'm just really happy bro and wanted to share.

>> No.11328345

cute thread anon
i hope the sex is good

>> No.11328357

Why would you wait two(2) minutes to eat? If you were hungry you would eat it right away.

>> No.11328361

post her feet my dude

>> No.11328383
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>> No.11328387

Viral marketing.

We hate happiness and bitches, post it on Reddit.

>> No.11328388


>> No.11328393

I like her shoes

>> No.11328394



>> No.11328402

ok now THAT is based

>> No.11328405

What other delicious offerings can one find at a McDonald's?

>> No.11328407

I fapped to your post anon, so glad for you guys. xo xo boom

>> No.11328423
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>> No.11328432

Try the Mcdouble, or the McRib if it is in season. Make it a meal with a soda and fries. If I am feeling bad I order two apple pies. Great food at your local McDonalds 24/7.

>> No.11328433

>started off with a bang!

It’s spelled “barq” you dumbass zoomer.

>> No.11328443

nice LARP

>> No.11328449

>he doesn't recognize love when he sees it.

>> No.11328458

Love doesn't exist. We are mindless bundles of nerves.

>> No.11328466
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>if it is in season.
It's almost never in season.

>> No.11328475

>what is a youtube/netflix screenshot?

>> No.11328486

hey waittaminute

>> No.11328502

I know :(

>> No.11328521
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>> No.11328526

It's not too late, annulment.

>> No.11328532


>> No.11328538

>check out my wedding vlog from thailand and subscribe to my channel

>> No.11328553


>> No.11328582

you're gay

>> No.11328656

I'll probably never marry
if she suddenly goes crazy, I'll be losing 50% of my shit

how do the kids work when in a relationship?
If we decide to split, who is to take care of the children? I couldn't handle it if the chick would spread lies to the children about their dad and they'd come to hate him because of that psycho bitch

>> No.11328677

>I won't get married because I just assume that it will definitely go sour and I'll have made a terrible choice in women and I've read enough bait on /r9k/ to KNOW for a FACT that EVERYTHING that could go wrong, will
Instead of thinking about marriage with no woman in mind, wait until you actually have a relationship to even pay it any mind, you dumb spaz. Truthfully, you'll probably never get married - because you're paranoid, distrustful, weak, and self-centered.

>> No.11328687
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>you're paranoid, distrustful, weak, and self-centered.

>> No.11328689
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>and here comes the dumbass who loses 50% of his shit because he's such a supreme gentleman he goes into a romantic relationship with a pornstar
what's up, cuck?

>> No.11328692

It’s from reddit. OP issa fag

>> No.11328705

can you tell her to take off her shoes and take a pic please?

>> No.11328726
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>me and my wife got married
if she was already your wife then why'd you get married?

>> No.11328730
File: 584 KB, 716x712, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.39_[2018.07.15_00.10.36].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wife" would rather eat synthetic artificial corporate splooge than your cooking

>> No.11328738

absolute garbage

>> No.11328748

Congrats on finding one that can appreciate a simple life with you. I found my soulmate jsut recently, and I'm never gonna let her go.
Fool, you rely upon the chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals. Will you fight like a man or die like a dog?

>> No.11328775

>Now that shes married all she wants is big macs
Rip in peace to her tight body. Enjoy banging mama june for the rest of yoir life

>> No.11328818


I work for McDonald's corporate office. I wanted to extend our sincere apreciation for your continued patronage to one of our thousands of locations worldwide. We strive for excellence and am pleased that your wife (and her son?) craved a bigmac the day of your nuptials.

Our sincerest thank you!

Kind regards,

>> No.11328832

That’s awesome. We were so pissed when we found out our entire wedding party went to Denny’s at 2am but didn’t want to bother us so they didn’t call. We were starving!!!

Your bride is adorable and I love her shoes! Congrats!

>> No.11328847

The caterers assigned one of the wait staff to hover near us all evening. Her job was to stay out of the way, and then whenever we caught a break, to have some food we could eat. So early in the evening she had the steak, already cut into bite-size slices, on a tiny plate with two forks. Finish a meet & greet with Table 3, she goes to greet Table 4, I get a bite of steak, then dive in and pick up where she left off while she tags out and gets some.

Plate gets rotated out, twice-baked potatoes show up, new silverware. New table, rotate in, grab a bite, rotate out. We ate on the run all night long. It was great.

>> No.11328862

Could you please post a picture of your wife crushing a hamburger with her bare feet? This is important.

>> No.11328887
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>> No.11328892
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