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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, jordan-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11328047 No.11328047 [Reply] [Original]

Stop eating grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs and dairy.

>> No.11328070

>mother jones
wew lad, have some decency .

>> No.11328071

I feel good on low carb, and even better on just meat, but you can't eat like that forever. We're not Eskimos. They don't sell eyeballs at the store. Still, I gotta say, nothing clears my skin up quicker than keto. Any kind of blemish, eczema flare ups--you name it. GONE. It's amazing.

>> No.11328127

The man in the pic dosen't look healthy in the slightest

>> No.11328143

let's see how you look when you're in your 70s faggot

>> No.11328145
File: 441 KB, 600x545, 1508856875901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me

>> No.11328152

None of my relatives turned grey before they died

>> No.11328160

Please stop. This isn’t doing a service to any of us eating this way for health benefits.

>> No.11328163 [DELETED] 

that's not surprising considering they all dropped dead in the 40s from fucking diabetes and heart attacks you amerifat piece of shit lardass

>> No.11328167

that's not surprising considering they all dropped dead in their 40s from fucking diabetes and heart attacks you amerifat piece of shit lardass

>> No.11328180

He's trying to kill his followers because he doesn't want what they've become.

>> No.11328182

I'm brazilian, all of my relatives died above 95

>> No.11328184
File: 14 KB, 220x309, 220px-Jordan_Peterson_June_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not that grey in real life. Probably a filter or something.

>> No.11328187

Why are you on this board if you eat this way? 90% of the content doesn't apply to you.

>> No.11328193

one third of your face being blue probably isn't a sign of excellent health either

>> No.11328194

Inuit have always eaten organ meat. You can't eat just muscle. And the belief they don't die young from heart disease was a total ass pull.








>> No.11328200

No shit, black people don't turn grey

>> No.11328205


>> No.11328211

He isnt. He and his daughter have some genetic disorder that forces him to eat zero carbs. The lugenpresse is just trying to spin it as something he encourages others to do.

>> No.11328219

They used to eat just meat and green vegetables which seems a lot more reasonable and healthy to me than just meat alone.

>> No.11328253

>he believes (((studies)))

>> No.11328277
File: 14 KB, 278x259, A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinks apple cider
>can't sleep for a month and gets depression

>> No.11328282

>The Bizarre Fad Diet Taking the Far Right by Storm
>“Carnivorism” advocates claim meat will cure health woes, replenish masculinity—oh, and piss off liberals.
What is wrong with the brain of someone who writes about a diet like that?

>> No.11328292

It's a proven effective method of generating views and thus revenue for the publisher. The problem is the braindead trailer trash who consumes that kind of shit.

>> No.11328324

this sounds like a terrible idea long-term
without any dietary fiber your bowels will basically produce cement and lipid regulation will be fucked without being on statins

>> No.11328331 [DELETED] 

Libtards, they are apoplectic at Kanye because he said his balls grew when he put on his maga hat. We live in a time where balls are toxic masculinity

>> No.11328338

He's using his platform to push a diet trend so his daughter can come in and have a new market for the diet books she is going to push.

>> No.11328354

none of my relatives died

>> No.11328358

what the patron bought tailored suit doesn't convince you of his health?
maybe if you were allowed to throw snowballs you'd understand, damn this emasculating world

>> No.11328360

Zero carb has already been a fad since 3 years, he's not pushing anything.

>> No.11328369

>Still, I gotta say, nothing clears my skin up quicker than keto.
My skin is fine when I'm eating whole wheat, beans, dairy, vegetables. What causes issues for me is fruit, nightshades, refined sugar, chocolate, and coffee.

You really can't recommend a specific diet for everyone. Maybe with genetic testing in the future we can learn exactly what each person should be eating, but right now the only thing you can do is give recommendations for people to try if they're having issues so they find what works.

>Mikhaila Peterson...advertises $75 half-hour Skype consultations about the extreme elimination diet
>some conservatives, many of them inspired by the Petersons, have taken up all-meat diets for a different purpose: to piss off liberals
fucking lol, eating more meat to make someone else mad is pretty disrespectful to the animals and borderline psychopathic

>> No.11328376

What could possibly be in that diet book?
"just eat meat"
$29.95 please

>> No.11328381

>vegan books
>"just eat plants"
>$29.95 please

>> No.11328385

I never said he created it or even made it popular. He sold a lot self help books, he has a market. Now he wants that market to buy a diet book.
You could ask him what he thinks of the weather today and get a 3 page answer.

>> No.11328386

I have for months. One Chuck pot roast a day. Ama

>> No.11328392

well to really address weather I think we should look to russian novelists

>> No.11328400

>Meat Industry working over confederates.
kek, Call me when the dairy industry does it again.

>> No.11328406

im sorry but your genetics just don't differentiate you or your diet from what's good for a human. you're just not that special.

>> No.11328408

I doubt a carnivore book will try to mimic a broccoli using minced meat and fermented liver or something.

>> No.11328418

haha mcpoyles

>> No.11328420

>being this ignorant

>> No.11328422

It does if you have organic acidemia

For you, it's true.

>> No.11328427


>> No.11328430

Because I enjoy cooking for other people, despite the fact that eating most of this dishes makes me feel terrible.

>> No.11328436 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't change his diet solely on the assumption that it pisses off libtards
Libshits detected

>> No.11328447

bet the faggot don't even roll coal

>> No.11328452

I bet he even wipes his ass even though touching your own butthole is gay

>> No.11328549

They have nothing else going on in their lives.

Like the pleasure of a woman or a fulfilling career and social life

>> No.11328555



>> No.11328570


>> No.11328587

*female british accent*
Is you local butcher enabling muscular hypertrophy in hate speech criminals? Tune in to Channel 4 if you don't fear to hear the ugly details.

>> No.11328592
File: 41 KB, 674x338, Jordan-Peterson-Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Criticism and advice are almost always partially projection. Clean your room :^)

>> No.11328604

It depends how strict they are I guess. If they're allowed to use seasonings they could prepare meat lots of different ways.

>> No.11328612

The people who eat that way and posted in the article comments say they have no problems in that area. Another thing I noticed in the comics is how bloodthirsty liberals are. Practically every comment is wishing colon cancer and heart attacks on conservatives (even though Peterson is moderate and his daughter never mentions politics at all).

>> No.11328649

not comics lmao

>> No.11328717

>genetic disorder

>> No.11328718

the guy didn't sleep for 30 days after drinking cider... now you can't tell me THAT is just in his head

>> No.11328725

bruh he's made millions off of telling manchildren "be responsible" in a million different ways.

>> No.11328729

>didn't sleep for 30 days
that's impossible

>> No.11328734

he slept at night >:)

>> No.11328742

lmao you guys are hillarious, would upvote but this weird webpage won't let me log in :((((

>> No.11329147

Yeah it does mate. Different races have easier times digesting different foods. Lactose is a basic example.

>> No.11330066
File: 41 KB, 472x592, download_20181013_173401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11330142

Not sure why you seem to be offended by that statement. Differences between farming populations and hunter-gatherers have been identified with farming populations having genes that make them produce more amylase in their saliva to better digest starchy foods. Genes for lactose digestion is another example.

>> No.11330228
File: 359 KB, 720x405, JUST time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything I don't like is alt-right/le nazi
russia. china, someone please just nuke us already

>> No.11330365

do you really think that jordan peterson is a hunter?

>> No.11330375

No I don't think that and I didn't say anything implying I did but it's okay if you misunderstood we all make mistakes

>> No.11330411

he can't eat farmed food my dude, seems pretty cut and dry

>> No.11330518

Is he eating only wild game?

>> No.11330521

he's got that noble savage hook-up

>> No.11330784

Holy fuck what a mess lmao

>> No.11330812


>> No.11330866

The writer's not wrong. Alt-rights are attention whore cancer.

>> No.11330931

You should see him last year. I watched him before and after the diet, he's so much better nowadays.

>> No.11330940

Interestingly enough some recent research found that 0 fiber leads to no constipation, add fiber and you get more and more constipation until you've added enough to have the effect of making big turds that get pushed easy.

>> No.11330942

>he's not pushing anything.
yeah, he's not. His daughter is, for auto immune reasons.

>> No.11331012

The way I see it, why would you want to go without either? Both veggies and meat are the bomb. There's nothing like a bunch of broccoli or some Brussels sprouts to eat with a juicy steak.

>> No.11331035

Peterson is 56 years old.

>> No.11331075
File: 123 KB, 365x625, 1538953389548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty decent body.
Butter face.
Always looks tired in every pic I've seen of her.

This is from her Instagram. She's married.
Maybe I'm a prude (don't think so really) Just strikes me as really inappropriate.

>> No.11331217

good lord you JBP zombies are like a cult. this guys been schooled by Sam Harris twice and by Matt Dillahunty, among dozens of other debates. He doesn't even know what post modernism is yet uses it all the time in his arguments. if you actually needed or got anything out of JBPs boomer-tier "lift yourself up by your bootstraps" self help bullshit you might be a brainlet.

based contrapoints destroys this faggot in her video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LqZdkkBDas [Embed]

No seriously self help advice is like doing no fap, alpha males don’t do that shit, only desperate beta cucks with shit lives, so by liking this losers philosophy or any of this gay self help shit you admit to being mentally weak. Really telling that these overcompensatingly masculine dullards on the right love this guy, surprise surprise most of them are resentful losers.

>> No.11331227

Not really.

>> No.11331292

The Mongolians as long as they didn't die from injury or contagious disease lived until they were 60 or so in a hostile climate with harsh winters where little to no plant matter was available. Not great, but not 'ur going to die in a few years' alarm bell ringing. Nowadays they binge on stuff like alcohol and choco pies while still eating a mostly meat+dairy diet so they're probably actually worse off than their ancestors.

If you're so convinced that carnies will die early why do you care? They're going to be ded

>> No.11331310

why would you ever bother to bring up a crypto-kike?
nobody actually cares to hear his "opinions" do they?

>> No.11331688

aren't you niggers worried about cholesterol? post your numbers faggot

>> No.11331699

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11331710

Wew lad

>> No.11331713 [DELETED] 
File: 750 KB, 649x839, 56pc gas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>56 years old

>> No.11331720

Keto, low-carb, carnivore, whatever -- you people are literally the same as the vegans, gluten-free, or organic-only people. Normal balanced people eat whatever they want to a reasonable degree and feel fine and don't get ill. You are ill, mentally.

>> No.11331721

>Jordan Peterson
Stopped reading there. Guy's a quack and I pity the fool that's falling for his bs

>> No.11331722


>> No.11331730

To be fair, he has always looked sickly and frail, years before he started this fad diet

>> No.11331750

>eat whatever you want, stay fat and unhappy and die early ;^)
Theres probably a reason people listen to someone that wants the best for them instead of you.

>> No.11331763

Whenever people say balanced I notice they almost never actually detail the actual ideal ratio of macros and when they do they're never the same

>> No.11331769

he is just making stuff up honestly
sounds like what a compulsive liar would lie about: random shit you can never verify and that gives them an unique quality.

>> No.11331800

>butter face
if this is what chads call a butter face it seems i have hope after all.
to me she is at least a 7.

>> No.11331804

It's the new talking point that'll begin making the rounds in all the clickbait articles and Tweets from Blue-Checkmarks. Everything that the right does is just to piss off liberals. They know it's wrong, but they do it to "totally own the libtards". I'd bet that you'll see that phrase a lot "totally own the libtards".

>> No.11331806

nothing like a swift kick in the face to wake me up on a sunday morning

>> No.11331824

There's no universal diet that works for everyone.

>> No.11331827

Cholesterol doesn't matter because a "man bites dog" headline of an article I didn't read says so

>> No.11331831
File: 17 KB, 663x212, oy vey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is wrong with the brain of someone who writes about a diet like that?
nothing really, if i received donations for blaming the cuck-right for everything then i'd also do it. it is good old business.

>> No.11331834

In industrialized countries, a shit diet lessens quality of life moreso than quantity, especially during consumption of shit food.

>> No.11331913

Self diagnosed.

Lets hope that kid sees a doctor occasionally. This isn't an eskimo diet. Beef strips aren't the same as eating whole animals and birds buried in seal skin and fermented for a season.

>> No.11331935

Inuits eat carbs, Atkins was a professional con artist and you fell for it hook line and sinker like a typical brainlet.

>> No.11331937

>lived until they were like 60 once you ignore the communicable illnesses
Truly, a standard we should all strive for!
Die as you wish, just do it in the woods instead of raising health insurance rates for the rest of us MUH NATURRR faggot. You people sure as hell ain't MUH NATURRR when you die.

>> No.11331948

yeah dude, alpha males are snarky and passive-aggressive skinny fat guys who quote rationalwiki and need to let the world know that nothing matters and that they're above it all.

>> No.11331954

>alpha males are pale soulless eyed wasted-my-life-on-a-psych phd losers who constantly feel the need to reinforce societal norms

>> No.11331958
File: 47 KB, 634x461, zerocarbqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your copypasta
I bring the meat blaster
On a beat I kick it faster
I'm the rhymin' everlaster

I'm on my Juicy J beef grind
Memphis Tennessee shit
Smokin' on my meat prime
Booty paid sublime
She a fine temptress and I'm lit
Time to eat it

Carnivore bitches are delicious (mmm)
Not too vicious (mhm)
I don't wanna wash no dishes (mm mm)
I bring the meat up on the beat (eat me baby)
There's no carbage in my kitchens (teach me baby)
That garbage I'm ditchin' (impeach me baby)
Cause the meat up in my kitchen's firin' up the heat in my metabolism
I think I might skeet skeet skeet along to the meat beat
This is meat rehabolism
Sync'd to the mother lovin' beat of this song
It's fat-adapted fab-o-lism (okay)
Try a little dabble-ism (today?)
With yo mother or yo sister man I bring the meat up all night long in conversation
All across the nation and on every street
To the beat of this song yeah I fire up your grill and bring the heat
With yo daughter I'ma feed her meat until she tweet about it
I think she might tweet tweet tweet along to the meat beat
All across the internation
You don't need to bring the heat about it

>> No.11331960

what creates plaques in arteries then?

>> No.11331962

I see you creepin' with her thong
Don't ever doubt it
Peep-peepin' along
While I'm mother lovin' bone in raw discussion 'tryna educate
While 'ya masturbate outside?
While 'ya tryna' fornicate on the side?
Bakin' sweet cakes in the oven?
Watchin' feet pornicate?
What about the babymakin'?
No carbs it ain't complicate
I bring the beef and the bacon
For all the lambs
My teeth like percussion
I don't spread no jams
The meat that I masticate
Spreadin' like my dope jams
Keeps me off my tater-tate

I'm alpha wolf like dire Russian
You know I'll just see her later when she higher on my meat
You know I ain't rushin'
You just a beta liar
Just another mother cuckin' hater
I might steal your wife for one night and educate her 'bout my meat
No alfalfa for the alpha wolf
I'm full
No mother cuckin' tater needed in my life
Just raw meat and my wife
I don't need no cuckin' hater heat or no cuckin' tool
Or no mother cuckin' panty raider

Incest? Wincest?
That's some mothertruckin' shit
I ain't about no cuckin' shit
Skullfuckin' ass shit?


I don't care what you're into
But one thing you should do
Bring the flippin' meat
Don't be a mother cucker
You straight trippin' on mind boggled JP lobsta ethics
You's a blind goggled sucka' G
Now I'm dippin' with all 'ya ho's and tricks
Meat mobsta' on my flow I'm on my death mix
For my homies in the Carnivore Clan
I'll lend your girl a hand and teach her more and more
She can listen to my feature while she eat'cha
I don't have to meet'cha to meat'cha


>> No.11331989

Because sane people don't care about that. I mainly eat carbs, protein and vegetables, like a normal human being. If you're worrying about details beyond that then you're a fetishist.

>> No.11331995

are you dark skinned by any chance

>> No.11331997

>normal people don't care about nutrition in 2018 where everyone is obsessed with looks
Found the fatty.

>> No.11332002

It's not fat it's either "bulking" (if a male hamplanet) or "a real woman" (if a female hamplanet)

People who are better looking than me are "NCP" and if you're fit, that means you're unhealthy. Fat people are healthier because I said so.

>> No.11332010

Are you 50? If not then stop worrying about nothing or trying to express superiority through exclusivity in your diet

>> No.11332035

That was the 80's ... people are obsessed with (self-)perception, not beauty standards.

As for the raw food/meat/paleo faggots, they're just terrified of death. It won't help them in the end, just make the intervening years less enjoyable.

>> No.11332036
File: 312 KB, 1059x962, wojak-suicide-57fbf34784a46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to express superiority through exclusivity in your diet
you know, people eating a certain way doesn't have to be related to you, you egotistical fuck.

>> No.11332071
File: 83 KB, 750x897, CnxPA8fWEAAz1UI.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11332082

this is basically my starter pack but i feel generally happy and healthy

>> No.11332252

why are people concerned with what i eat. why can't they mind their own. I'm going to eat whatever i want for the measly 70-100 years im around and i'll be damned if i cant eat what generation after generation got to.

>> No.11332301

>he is just making stuff up honestly

Taking a lesson from Trump, it's the same kind of people he is selling himself to.

>> No.11332307
File: 66 KB, 607x567, jordan peterson un.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find another site to sully, you evil coward.

>> No.11332314

having shitty genes

>> No.11332414

does eating her ass count as the carnivore diet?

>> No.11332434 [DELETED] 

Poopoo is not mean, Anon

>> No.11332438

Poopoo is not meat, Anon

>> No.11332911

conflating two groups you hate is the first sign you live in a bubble.

>> No.11332927

what if it has undigested bits of meat though?

>> No.11333089

why would you assume that a chad's runoffs isn't still too good for you?

>> No.11333114

Another "news" site playing at our side vs. their side, now carnivorism vs veganism, color me shocked.

On a serious note, how much longer do you think it'll be before the moderate majority drags these shitstirrers out into the street and forces them to deepthroat a revolver? I miss news actually being news.

>> No.11333179
File: 120 KB, 767x479, 1501266555825(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my diet is almost exclusively meat

>> No.11333214

my self confidence isn't at sub-zero levels, let's remember that this is /ck/ and not /r9k/.

>> No.11333224
File: 39 KB, 300x250, 15004996162326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be so sure about that

>> No.11333231

>the virgin post

>> No.11333249

>On a serious note, how much longer do you think it'll be before the moderate majority drags these shitstirrers out into the street and forces them to deepthroat a revolver? I miss news actually being news.
Not sure, although sometimes it seems like more and more liberals are saying they would be happy to work with conservatives even if they disagree with them to get rid of the radical left.

>> No.11333270

News has never been 'just news', moron. Control has always been the purpose of the media, and before that it was the clergy (not fedora tipping here, it's good that they did that)

>> No.11333338

how is he doing nowadays? is ja/ck/ dead yet?

>> No.11333365

Keep dreaming, cleeetus
Believing in the 4th amendment is only “radical” if you’re a fascist retard

>> No.11333376

>don't eat the foods you like because some faggot said so!
yeah nah, i'm still eating sugar

>> No.11333405

Nope, exposing abuse of power and corruption has been its primary purpose in democracy which is why we have wannabee tyrants running around screaming, "they pointed out where I'm lying and abusing power so it's fake, I'm telling you, it's fake, ok?" A free press is literally the only thing standing between our democracy and outright tyranny at this juncture (it sure as hell isn't our 2nd ammendment popguns) which is why there's currently a full scale assault against it.

>> No.11333409

Why are you being so hostile and moronic?

>> No.11333433

>imagine believing this
>and then typing it for others to see

>> No.11333478

t. communist

>> No.11333489

>imagine not believing it
Keep lickin' dem boots, Billy Bob!

>> No.11333497

>stop eating fruits and veggies
>implying I put that nasty shit in my mouth

>> No.11333499

nah he's getting better, sounds more or less like he did pre 2nd stroke. His hand is still pretty shitty and his whale wife does a lot of his heavy lifting. more things change the more they stay the same.

>> No.11333521

>says the biggest boot licker alive
blue and pillcringed