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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.97 MB, 3264x2448, deliciousmoshrooms1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11327951 No.11327951 [Reply] [Original]

any mushroom hunters on /ck/?

picked these badboys up this mornig
its gonna be a feast

>> No.11327962
File: 207 KB, 1100x619, suppikset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only mushrooms I forage are winter chanterelles/yellowfoot mushrooms. They never have any insects on them, cannot be mixed up with any other mushroom and taste the best in my opinion.

Last mushroom appear here before the winter.
I have foraged kilos of the stuff past weeks from the woods near-by. Dried them, frozen them, and made some sauces of them.

>> No.11327966 [DELETED] 
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very easy to recognize

>> No.11327972
File: 227 KB, 1100x619, yellowfoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very easy to recognize

>> No.11327979

Just nabbed some Hen-of-the-Woods :^)

>> No.11327980
File: 2.28 MB, 3264x2448, deliciousmushrooms2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one from today

surprising just how many of them we found since it was dry as fuck for the last couple of days

>> No.11327994

Is that Macrolepiota procera? We call them "Ukonhattu" here. Some people collect them for their taste around here, I have never picked them up though.

>> No.11328013

Looks like parasol to me

>> No.11328016

yep it is

I like to bread them, fry them and eat with a dip, usually tartar sauce
the small closed ones I like to pickle and jar them

>> No.11328035
File: 212 KB, 800x483, sieni-eo-800b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also will pick these up, if I am able to find them (Black Chanterelle aka Horn of Plenty)

The problem with this mushroom is that it is easy recognize, but in woodland terrain they are practically invisible because how dark they are. I found like 4-6 of these mushrooms during my last trip to forest. Probably there was thousands of more, but way too dark especially in old pine forest.

>> No.11328049

>see all these comfy posts
>live in an area with moisture comparable to the sahara

>> No.11328062

What are the mushrooms in the first picture? Look kinda disgusting desu with all that greenish stuff going on

>> No.11328077

that would be Imleria badia
the yellow pores on the bottom pf the head turn blueish when injured (takes as much as bumping them with a finger) however it does not affect the taste
also you have to consider the ones in the picture are freshly picked, you need to clean them later

>> No.11328098

excellent haul annon

>> No.11328115
File: 8 KB, 1024x768, spurdo chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Based Finn :DDD

>> No.11328121

don't do it anon, you have so much to live for!

>> No.11328155
File: 845 KB, 950x650, psilocybin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year my backyard has been full of psilocybin aka liberty caps.

Too bad I do not do drugs or psychedelics anymore, in my early 20s I would have picked them up, but I did not even recognize any mushrooms back then. Literally swarms of liberty caps appeared this year.

>> No.11328164

its a sign

>> No.11328170

Send them to me lol

>> No.11328173
File: 8 KB, 216x167, larrylonik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dd someone say morels?

>> No.11328190
File: 193 KB, 1024x576, matsutake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda strange how much regional difference there is what is edible mushroom and what is not

For example, the Matsutake mushroom is/was considered here in Finland absolute trash-tier mushroom that was not fit for even food as cattle, but the Japanese will be pay even 4000€/kilo at best for this mushroom which is especially sought after. Many people few years back made lots of money by selling this stuff to japanese vendors. Nobody still would pick it up for food around here though.

>> No.11328624

sure I'll just pick some mushrooms from the ground eat them and die of poison

>> No.11329928


lol I don't know how you resisted. I'm of the same mindset you are but if I had found these at random there's no way I wouldn't have just made a tea and put on some headphones for a night. Or just go hiking and appreciate life for a day.

>> No.11330372

Any tips on how to find these? Do they grow wild in Nevada?

>> No.11330377

That's what I heard.

>> No.11330739

How do you get into mushroom hunting? I imagine most people learned from their family, especially if they come from a culture that's big on foraging for them.

>> No.11331499

pretty much exactly what you described
mushroom hunting is pretty common where I come from and I learned from my grandma since I was a kid

>> No.11331765

I send your mom to the woods to find truffles for me.

>> No.11331852

you lucky fuck

>> No.11331862

I don't even now these ones
quick google search tells me they don't really grow around here

why are they considerd so shitty in finland?

>> No.11331865

This is easily explained because Japs make all forms of excellent cuisine whereas Finns have developed a palate for various forms of rotten fish

>> No.11331872

The taste is similar to how dog shit smells

I have not tasted dog shit, but the taste is similar to what animal feces would probably taste like if the smell would correlate to taste

>> No.11331940

>sure I'll just pick some mushrooms from the ground eat them and die of poison

Probably the best thing for you really.

>> No.11331949
File: 1.35 MB, 2147x1610, 20181014_082926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this bad boy yesterday. Homegrown's all right with me.

>> No.11331970

Toxic mushrooms are pretty uncommon, and as long as you know what you're doing you shouldn't get hurt. At the very least you can avoid species that have toxic lookalikes if you aren't confident.

>> No.11332070

I should do a mushroom identifying course some day, I live in death cap country so I don't want to fuck around.

>> No.11333213

so why is it so popular in japan?

>> No.11333221


>> No.11333228

that looks more like milky psilocibe. i wouldn't even handle those if i were you.

>> No.11333230

matsuke dont grow in finnish wilderness

>> No.11333242

Is there mushrooms in Canada...

>> No.11333283


>> No.11333292

Ah sad

>> No.11335376
File: 144 KB, 720x960, 44052454_743928609303410_7978706685025845248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what the fuck this is and if it tastes any good? I was out for a walk and saw this one huge mushroom alone by itself on top of a rock. Never seen anything like it before.

>> No.11335941

Again wrong.


Not only does it grow in Finland, it is also found in Sweden, Norway and even Baltic regions.

>> No.11335972

Some North American variety of Fly Agaric mushroom.

Either Amanita muscaria var. guessowii or Amanita frostiana

Tastes bad, might not kill you, but possible internal organ damage/kidney damage if eaten too much

>> No.11335995

Had some puffball a while ago but wasn't sure it was completely safe to eat. Had some gurgles in my intestines afterwards for a week, every time i ate basically. Perhaps it was starting to age.

>> No.11335998

Hello slav friendo

>> No.11336010

enjoy your irreversible liver failure, fag

>> No.11336018

How is mushrooms foraging any different from foraging berries or other plants from the wild

If you misidentify them (especially during a time of smartphones and internet) then it was natural selection to begin with

>> No.11336022

Wish I had pics but I had morels for the first time over the summer and they were absolutely delicious

>> No.11336023

>boyfriend despises mushrooms
it hurts see-kay

>> No.11336030

too risky imo in the modern day. unless you do this all the time , there are lookalikes that give symptoms of stomach upset from some toxins in them, but the toxins that kill you are symptomless. is it really worth showing your hipster urban-mycophilia to risk amatoxin?

at the bare minimum, no white gilled shrooms at all

>> No.11336031
File: 132 KB, 380x496, 1530990063470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go mushroom hunting
>end up picking a poisonous one
>eat it

>> No.11336038

*white and gilled

>> No.11336051

You mean no white gilleds from the forest, button mushrooms are the most produced ones in the world.

>> No.11336055

>there are lookalikes

If you really know what you are doing, use high resolution pictures from all over internet for reference (These days there are pictures for every stage of growth of the mushrooms, as they do change shape as they get older)

Then you get home, wash them, and again: do a 2nd identification a good light.

If there is even a slight chance you are not absolutely sure what mushroom you are picking up: DO NOT pick it up.

People picked up mushrooms safely even back in the day before smartphones or internet using only pictures found in mushroom books for identification and reference.

Most of the poisonous lookalikes may look similar (or even identical) when gazed from certain angles. When you actually start to inspect the gills and other characteristics the differences will be undeniable.

>> No.11336059

When I was mushroom gathering with my parents as a kid my mom would make me one of those if we found a good looking one. She'd bread it whole and fry it like a bit schnitzel, the slightly squishy consistency with the crunchy outside is wonderful

>> No.11336225

i'm specifically talking about mushroom hunting. you don't have to worry about shit in the grocery store, i figured this went without saying. hm maybe there are grocery stores out there sellling poisonous mushrooms, i don't know.

>> No.11336246

Here in my country there are "Wild Mushroom mix" stuff you can buy pounds at a time, but it has warnings like "buy at your own risk"

Never got sick of them though

>> No.11336275

itt clever anon gets another much dumber anon killed

>> No.11336278

Killed by what? Yellowfoot chanterelles?

>> No.11336285

IT CREATES MUSTARD GAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11336288
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>> No.11337225

God is punishing you for your homosexual deviancy.

>> No.11338057
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, 3A5BA016-9DD5-41ED-98C6-C6487C25C6BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on Friday. 99.9% sure it’s Laetiporus cincinnatus, i.e. white chicken of the woods. Could also have been Bondarzewia berkeleyi, but there should be no poisonous lookalikes here in NC either way. Picked about 2 pounds from it, and there was still a good chunk left.

>> No.11338090

amanita muscaria, it'll make you trip balls in what most people regard as an extremely unpleasant way, as well as vomiting and probably incurring brain and liver damage