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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 1080x1350, 1495393327187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11318893 No.11318893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat it?

>> No.11318896

>implying both

>> No.11318897

No, just lick.

>> No.11318898

Yes to both dishes

>> No.11318906

her titties doubled in size since she got a kid

>> No.11318939

No, I would feed her.

>> No.11318970

No, you can tell by the way her eyebrows angle that her pussy smells bad. This is a 100% accurate way to know.

>> No.11319008

Id eat her ass if you know what i mean

>> No.11319009

Share your worldly wisdom on eyebrows and pussy smell. I wish to have this power.

>> No.11319036
File: 75 KB, 960x960, frog sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another literally who thread

>> No.11319038

Her eyebrows angle that way because she picks at them. It isn't natural unlike body odor. You can disguise and try to wash away body odor but it will still be there no matter how hard you scrub or how much deodorant or perfume you use.

>> No.11319040

No because im not the biggest fan of beef

>> No.11319058

>it's a hot girl
Was it that difficult?

>> No.11319065

>another literally who cares frog poster

>> No.11319143

Eat what?

>> No.11319149

As a white vegan numale beta, I would not "eat her pussy." I feel that it degrades women to treat them as sexual objects.

I would give her a nice back rub as a friend, but in a very respectful, non sexual manner.

>> No.11319151

Throw out the corn then yeah

>> No.11319163

>frogposter is an absolute retard
Wow who would have guessed

>> No.11319166

>I would give her a nice back rub as a friend, but in a very respectful, non sexual manner.

That's too risky. You might get accused or "raping" her 30 years from now.

>> No.11319171

>You might get accused or "raping" her 30 years from now
Nip women don't do that.

>> No.11319206
File: 6 KB, 259x194, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, y'know, you could just not rape women.

>> No.11319215

> back massage = rape now

What California liberal arts college do you go to?

>> No.11319261

Senator Hirono of Hawaii would.

>> No.11319311

will she be a good mom?

how do you think porn stars feel after they have a kid knowing its only a matter of time until their child sees a video of them getting fucked in really perverted depraved ways?

>> No.11319350

It looks like shit, but even a terrible meal tastes great when it is prepared for you by a pretty girl.

This day and age you could fall in love with girl for competently making mac and cheese.

>> No.11319373

Way to put words in my mouth, I'm just saying if you don't rape you probably won't get accused of it

>> No.11319384

>Way to put words in my mouth

I'm not putting anything near your mouth. :pleasedon'taccuseme:

>> No.11319398

>don't rape you probably won't get accused of it

Fair enough. On the flip side, will you promise to stop accusing people of rape when they didn't do anything?

>> No.11319571

Thats just not true
False rape accusations are actually pretty common in court

>> No.11319609

Legally false =/= false. Rapists get away with it all the time. There's one on the Supreme Court right now.

>> No.11319616

>no penetration
>didn't even get stinky fingers
All they did was playfully wrestle, that hardly qualifies as rape.

>> No.11319668
File: 154 KB, 880x660, 077bff3a2e8ae0c312065f230155241dc090b054[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the scent that first speaks of love.

>> No.11319697


>> No.11319958

>>another literally who thread
Gee anon, it's almost as if most normal human being's are literal who's.
Including you.

>> No.11319966

>This day and age you could fall in love with girl for competently making mac and cheese.
>mac and cheese
Never. Fucking burgers and their shit food.

>> No.11319983


They last time women could just find men guilty of "rape" without due process, black men were being lynched and hung from trees. I'm so glad liberal white women want to eliminate due process again.

>> No.11320017


Are all feminists such simple minded bigots? wow

>> No.11320020

How to give away that you're a virgin in <current year>

Incels are the gifts that keep on giving. My life is so much better than yours.

>> No.11320027
File: 457 KB, 2000x1516, i like beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god we have the psychological process of "recovered memory" to understand the true depth of these horrendous sex crimes, even 30 years later!

>> No.11320055

>Are all feminists such simple minded bigots?

Most millennial "3rd wave" feminists are. They don't need proof to get all worked up and full of hate.

>> No.11320057

Anri's pregnancy pictures are so hot. Her breasts are even bigger now. I think that's actually topped Hitomi, yet they're still perky and nice.

>> No.11320065


My favorite part is how none of Ford's witnesses could cooberate her story. But let's not let facts get in the way of a good lynching.

>> No.11320093

>politics in a cooking thread

>> No.11320098

>I think that's actually topped Hitomi
Lets not get too carried away, Anri is fuckin stacked now but Hitomi continually grows and is still way bigger.

>> No.11320134

/pol/fags turned into SJWs and can't stop spreading their retardation everywhere even when literally nobody asked for it

>> No.11320149

>cooking thread
>of tits
Surely you can't be serious.

>> No.11320178

Oh shit you got me, lets just shitpost about sjws and libshits forever now

>> No.11320188

Burgers with no buns no thanx

>> No.11320197

That's racist, black people are just oppressed due to systemic racism and that's why they can't afford soap

>> No.11320242

>That's racist, black people are just oppressed due to systemic racism and that's why they can't afford soap

I'm black, and this is some funny shit.

>> No.11320244
File: 39 KB, 320x240, mayocornpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until the janny does her daily rounds of deleting threads once per day.
The food doesn't even look very good. If it's a Hambagu steak, where's the sauce? Why do Nips put corn in everything vaguely American?

>> No.11320249


Samefag. How pathetic can you be

>> No.11320255

Same fellow black man I just laughed with my friends it was great.

>> No.11320288

You do know that you ain't getting anywhere near that bush if you don't eat and actually compliment that thing in her hand, right?

>> No.11320851

Anri said in a video shes actually bigger than hitomi now, she said they measured them together.

>> No.11320986

Anri currently has bigger tits. She said in a post recently that Hitomi couldn't wear her bras.

>> No.11321188

>will she be a good mom?
Of course not. Also, fuck off posting this whore already.

>> No.11321286

How many years do you have left at UC Berkeley until you graduate with your art degree?

>> No.11321308

maybe if she washed first. she looks good at least

>> No.11321414

Yeah, you don't need to force yourself on someone and penetrate them for it to be rape. As long as they say they're violated, that's enough.

>> No.11321623

God damn how does she even manage

>> No.11321641

id eat anri any day of the week.

>> No.11321788

That's completely not true, in 100% of false rape accusations cases the person did not actually rape the accuser.

>> No.11321829

Incel detected

Wow some porn sluts that's whole livelihood is on their tits are trying to hype up... TITS

The way bras are fitted is not the same as your tighty whities faggot.

Anri and Hitomi have never been the same bra size because they have different cup and band sizes. No shit Hitomi's tumor tits don't fit into Anri's fake, pregnancy enhanced bra

>> No.11321879

>dude why are all these black people complaining? as long as they don't commit any crimes, the police probably won't beat them up

>> No.11321880

He wasn't even on trial, for god's sake. The absolute victim mentality to compare basically a job interview where frat bro rants his love for beer to sanctioned mob violence is the dumbest fucking thing.

>> No.11321892
File: 277 KB, 400x612, suffragette3use.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You anti-feminists have been saying the same shit since women fought for the right to vote.

>> No.11321895

Looks a bit bland but yes.

>> No.11322110

Funny how the evolution of the shrew has not changed with time.

>> No.11322129

I guarantee most if not all of them have raped somebody at some point. The sort of attitude that gets somebody into a powerful position like is the same attitude that will have had them take advantage the moment they saw an opportunity. Especially in their more virile years.

>> No.11322322

100 years later and you're still using the same memes.
Fuck off and die

>> No.11322386

I'm sure there's a lot but really? 100%? That's an exceptionally confident number for something that is exceptionally difficult to prove. Or are you saying that you've personally looked into every single false rape accusation and observed that none of them involved the accused raping the accuser?

>> No.11322408

By virtue of an allegation being false how could the accuser have been raped?

>> No.11322411

It's a semantics joke. Read it again.

>> No.11322417

I wonder what brand of beer Kavanaugh drank.

>> No.11322423

Because the accused could have raped the accuser at a different time or in a different way than they were accused of. If you (relatively) innocently raped a girl alone a month ago and then she suddenly accuses you of gangbanging her yesterday it's a false accusation despite the fact that you did in fact rape your accuser.

>> No.11322455

Rape is a crime of subjectivity not objectivity. If the accuser can't correctly accuse one of the crime then the crime or a similar crime didn't occur. She can only rightly accuse one of rape if she can correctly recall the facts she is basing her rape allegation on. If she can't recall the facts of the incident then her assessment that she was raped is fraudulent because in the end rape is a matter of her opinion on whether sex was consensual based on a solid bedrock of facts.

>> No.11322467

We seem to be in agreement regarding the veracity of rape claims. What I'm saying is that you can rape someone and then be, separately, falsely accused of rape by that same someone. This has nothing to do with misremembering details or changing her mind about consent. A woman can deliberately falsely accuse you of rape even if you have in fact raped her.

>> No.11322474

It is only rape when she forms an opinion on the event. If she forms an opinion on an event that didn't occur she wasn't raped. If she never formed an opinion on an event that did occur then she wasn't raped. It is not until she judges sex to be rape that she was raped.

>> No.11322482
File: 30 KB, 1000x802, 1533229801185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A successful pornstar in that small apartment. I don't think so hidden demon face!

>> No.11322503

That doesn't contradict anything of this scenario. Most importantly, it's not the same thing that was said by >>11321788
>in 100% of false rape accusations cases the person did not actually rape the accuser.

100% of false rape accusations are false, but this is not logically equivalent to that quote. A thief can still be falsely accused of theft. In the case of rape, you can rape a woman and be (correctly) accused, tried and, sentenced. The same woman can later (falsely) accuse you of raping her a second time. This would be an example of "a false rape accusation where the person did actually rape the accuser," bringing that number below 100%. If you wanted that statement to be true by definition you would have to rephrase it as:
>in 100% of false rape accusation cases the person did not actually commit the accused rape.

>> No.11322731

I'd unironically marry Anri.

>> No.11322747

Japanese hamburgers are actually really great hamburgers.
My wife lived in Japan for years and can make most Japanese housewife dishes very well. She didn't like my eating hamburgers outside so I asked her to make this and then I put it in a bun with the usual fixin's. She accepted this as more healthy than any bought hamburger which may or may not be true but it's much, much tastier.

It's really just an old fashioned western hamburger as they were done in the 50s or 60s when the recipe was brought to Japan. You could get hamburgers like this in the west when I was very young but these days of course, they're usually frozen things from a box that is full of all sorts of shit.

>> No.11322750

You can't get ground beef anymore?

>> No.11322835

I bet her pussy tastes like water but more refreshing.

It kills me that some baby is sucking those titties right now and it's not me.

>> No.11323079
File: 126 KB, 678x1350, be667a34b925e3557792fd3a17efb53f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anri Okita can cook? Amazing

>> No.11323088


>> No.11323129

Oh, she's asian? I actually wasn't able to tell from OP's pick. Huh, wierd

>> No.11323138

You obviously don't understand what I was getting at.

Mac and cheese isn't good.
You could fall in love with a girl for Making you mac and cheese.
The bar is set very low.

I thought that was really obvious but I keep forgetting there are euro's on this board

>> No.11323141

The original statement was about a singular allegation for a singular criminal occurrence. It did not need further qualifying. It was nothing more than a statement like "water is wet."

>> No.11323144

No thanks asian pussy stinks

>> No.11323152

Yes Anon, I do.

>> No.11323155

>not know who she is
Let me guess, you only look at cartoons.

>> No.11323162

Based blue-pilled anon

>> No.11323165

To be fair it did need qualifying to be a true tautology. But the meaning is clear enough to anyone reading it even if it's not formed perfectly.
Well, almost anyone...

>> No.11323166

Thanks for your armchair wisdom. Where can I donate to your patreon?

>> No.11323168

Based and redpilled. Eating pussy is gay

>> No.11323171

And it's still true.

>> No.11323175
File: 83 KB, 600x687, varg elder scrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11323191

That poster didn't prove your point exactly.

>> No.11323196

you mean her cunt? Absoultely yes

>> No.11323201
File: 63 KB, 1002x419, pregnancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11323204

these disgusting heated up flesh lumps?
fuck no, what does she think I am, some kind of non-vegan barbarian?

>> No.11323212

Yeah, you tell your boyfriend to go heat up your tofu patties.

>> No.11323227
File: 3 KB, 191x264, jug of cum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, here I picked you something up from the store
you drink this shit, right?

>> No.11323236

No thanks, I drink my gfs milkies ;)

>> No.11323237

shes disgusting

>> No.11323241

That kinda puts her in a Mommy position for you, huh? no judging, whatever you're into

>> No.11323242

You dropped this, you retard >>11323236

>> No.11323247


>> No.11323256

Didn't varg say he only liked morrowind and that oblivion and skyrim sucked?

>> No.11323276

That's what someone who already thinks feminists = man-hating spinsters would say.

>> No.11323344

Asserting the following:
>They don't need proof to get all worked up and full of hate.
in regards to false allegations has little to do with a poster about women wanting the right to vote since they were old and unmarried.

>> No.11323442

imagine her being your mom. All the boys in school would FOR SURE be jacking it to your mom and you gotta live with that

>> No.11323470

imagine this being your mom and jacking off to her yourself :/

>> No.11323586

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11323732

All that boycum
I-I mean they're just friends heh not like you'd listen to them banging your slutty mom

>> No.11323778

Anri isn't slutty.

>> No.11323872
File: 85 KB, 500x702, 1538424309614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking PATHETIC.

>> No.11323906

Agreed, all these fucking losers won't eat the recently dead retarded people leaving out their brains.

It's fucking ridiculous and shameful.

>> No.11323976

I stopped watching porn two years ago.