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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11314887 No.11314887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you fatties like to eat so much, why not lift a lot of weights as well and become strong?

>> No.11314891

Its easier to lift ounces (grams) than it is to lift pounds (kilograms)
Plus theyre fucking lazy as fuck and blame it on muh genetics.

>> No.11314894

if you don't eat right...there's no point

>> No.11314899
File: 29 KB, 532x455, 'Mericans Love THICC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11314904

>there's no point
For strength? fucking soyboy

>> No.11314909

this made me horny

>> No.11314930

>le feels guy avatar xD
>literal "who gives a fuck" thread with no relevance to food and or cooking

Why can't you faggots stay in your reddit containment boards?

>> No.11314939

>/fit/ 80 iq

>> No.11314951

a thread died for this

>> No.11314966

>/fit/ completely gay
It's about what you can do not how you look, queerboy.

>> No.11314971

ask me how i know you've got an extra chromosome

>> No.11314985

Ask me how I know you read blogs and broscience articles.

>> No.11314993

picking up heavy things and setting them down and calling it a "routine" isn't fun.

>> No.11314995
File: 28 KB, 936x772, brnlt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related:(you)

>> No.11315002
File: 122 KB, 700x350, wendler-final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related what (you) will never be. Keep eating "clean" soiboi.

>> No.11315013

can't get lasting muscles if you don't eat clean, don't know what your point is fella.

>> No.11315016
File: 52 KB, 600x800, 1492407615062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks making gains is just eating a bunch of garbage and lifting weights

>> No.11315025

its relevant to food

>> No.11315030
File: 42 KB, 300x250, XLrMcGjMM9-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't get lasting muscles
>he doesn't think it isn't
just make sure you get in animal protein.

Pic related. you guys.

>> No.11315034

calling weightlifting "picking up heavy things and setting them down" is as stupid a generalization as calling cooking "heating food"

>> No.11315038

Sure, you can get muscles by eating shit and working out, but you'll still be obese as well as strong and your health will probably not be good at all.

>> No.11315041

>as well as strong and your health will probably not be good at all.
finally someone gets it. I never mentioned health, just strength. You dumb faggots didn't catch that.

>> No.11315047

>i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.11315048

Yeah I mean fucking Jason Bateman or whatever his name is prepared for the Batman film by working out and eating pizza and ice cream according to himself

>> No.11315053

>I didn't understand his post so I spouted memes instead of critical thought! Now i'm embarrassed.
I Know. Damage control with more memes and call him a retard!

>> No.11315066

no you cunt you didnt understand anything anyone else posted you dumb fuck. eating clean doesnt mean eating soy you fucking knob gobbler. if you want definition you eat right, sure youll get "physique" if you eat shit but always remember muscles are made in the kitchen.
congrats, now im mad.

>> No.11315074
File: 25 KB, 450x254, kfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muscles are made in the kitchen
yup, KFC's kitchen.
And ben n' jerry's

>> No.11315092

that takes effort, eating doesn't

>> No.11315100

then you're not a hardcore eater like me

>> No.11315109

Landwhale detected

>> No.11315206

>Almost 30 and pushed self to lose the weight because I was 280 and my back would hurt literally every fucking day
>Dad recently turned 60 and also dropped a bunch of weight because his back hurt so bad that he couldn't even sleep in a regular bed anymore, he had to sleep in an office chair backwards, with his knees on the seat and flopped over his desk
>Healthy at any size!
Bitch PLEASE. I can't wait for Tess and every other fat bitch like her to start feeling the pain. Being fat fucking HURTS.

>> No.11315228
File: 47 KB, 300x449, 1524442612600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lasting muscles

>> No.11315290

Not true... Lots of powerlifters eat shit like ice cream to get enough calories. Youre not going to bench 400 pounds eating chicken breast and broccoli

>> No.11315296

No, moron. his point was: why be just fat when you can be fat AND strong?

>> No.11315319

I fucking hate working out because it feels like shit but I’m also skinny and have a hard time putting on weight. Working out with a friend makes it a little more tolerable. Also I had noticeable increase in muscle mass and toning in just 4 months of 2x week lifting. Fatties just do it you’ll thank yourself

>> No.11315343

but they have a routine, you don't just start out eating like shit and "lift a few weights" and become a powerlifter. They have cut and bulk cycles. Besides, unlesss you're a professional bodybuilder no point in developing powerlifter physique, if you're aiming to be health, be healthy don't try to be a powerlifter.

>> No.11315348

i understood his point perfectly well, what he didn't understand was eating clean doesn't equate to eating soy.

>> No.11315354

>They have cut and bulk cycles
not powerlifters
>unlesss you're a professional bodybuilder no point in developing powerlifter physique
again you don't know the difference between bodybuilding and powerlifting. Two completely different things and thus two completely different goals ergo two completely different routines.

>> No.11315363

>two totally different things
yeah and so is taking a shit and dropping a deuce
I'll agree to disagree

>> No.11315364

To powerlifters the broccoli and skinless/boneless chicken breast eaters are soibois.