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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11311681 No.11311681 [Reply] [Original]

>let the flavors co-sign a mortgage together

>> No.11311692

>sear it to maintain the exact atom lattice of moisture within the meat

>> No.11311705

>now just let that meditate for awhile

>> No.11311755

>let shmurgooden regulize the sigmastizzurdian

>> No.11311769
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, big_1493239276_image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let the flavors hit the

>> No.11311781


>> No.11311831

>just let the flavors have a drunken one-night-stand only for the girl flavor to wake up the next morning, regret it, and accuse the boy flavor of rape, derailing his entire life and causing him to fall into a deep depression for at least a decade

>> No.11311866

>the flavors separate and file for a divorce due to "irreconcilable differences." Umami keeps the house and the harley davidson motorcycle. Joint custody of the textures is ruled between Umami and Acid.

>> No.11311869
File: 23 KB, 320x320, rose_byrne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let the flavors argue about which road to take to avoid downtown traffic

>> No.11311871

Now THIS, THIS is epic.

>> No.11311875

She's ugly desu

>> No.11311877

Is this the birth of an epic new meme?

>> No.11311880
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>> No.11311883

Are you new?

>> No.11311894

I'm sure you made this comment because you're really attractive

>> No.11311907

glutamic acid is umami though

>> No.11311931

>Watch the flavors whip. Now watch them naynay.

>> No.11311935

>Let one flavour mingle and thread the needle with many other foreign, exotic flavours all at once after a wild night on the town, wake up the next morning, decide that is no longer part of their life and they want to settle down with a rustic, dependable flavour who will provide for them and their child spices

>> No.11312110

>let the spice go on a ravage killing spree of all other flavors and force the textures into a hostage situation

>> No.11312276
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>> No.11312292

Citric acid. Pork marinated in OJ.

>> No.11312331
File: 52 KB, 270x344, C75547F7-0B0E-41A8-A811-63C036BBC95C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on Janny, clean it up for free. remember: no fun allowed on your board ;)

>> No.11312345

>let the flavours come together in a spontaneous burst of passion, but over time allow them to grow distant and apart until eventually the relationship breaks down and one flavour cannot go on living and end it all while the other moves away and starts a new life with a new flavour, but always knows that the original passion with the old flavour was the most intense thing it will ever experience and secretly wishes it had tried harder to keep those emotions alive as deep down it's life is now empty

>> No.11312404

>let the flavors shit on each other's chests

>> No.11312670

>As if this isnt the same quality of humor churned out of this shithole before the fascists took over

>> No.11312686

Yeah, that's why you've never had a gf ;)

>> No.11312799

No one cares, breeder.

>> No.11313105

>just let the flavors explore their homosexuality

>> No.11313132

>the flavors are kissing now... don't stop them, notice the bulge in the flavor's pants, let the flavors grab each other bulges as they move on to the couch... now let the flavors remove their pants and begin using their tongues, passionately clutching each other and fully erect

>> No.11313170

>let the flavors be just friends

>> No.11314893

I read this

>> No.11314908

umami? more like jewmami

>> No.11314997

>Instigate the Flavor Anschluss

>> No.11315006
File: 123 KB, 658x516, You Killed My Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let the flavors fall-asleep after they raided the fridge without asking

>> No.11315492
File: 34 KB, 480x480, 1481059330352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty gud thred

>> No.11315651

>keep the flavors segregated, and don't let that black pepper into the broth.

>> No.11316575

I wish I could fuck a flavor.

>> No.11316587

This is an exceedingly dumb thread. Have a bump.

>> No.11316631

>allow the flavors to fuck each other, but not too hard
>you don’t want to wake up the meaty texture!