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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11309406 No.11309406 [Reply] [Original]

>ate McDonald's for the first time in 5 years 7 hours ago
>feeling like steaming shit ever since then
>heart palpitations
>very slight, subtle dizziness
>unquenchable thirst (+ dry eyes and mouth. literally cannot drink any more water without bursting)
>shit like 4 times, each shit is the kind of extremely hard, solid, huge shit where wiping afterwards is really more of a formality than anything else
>mild feeling of heartburn
>worst of all, horrible unrelenting stomach ache and nausea
Am...am I going to die?

>> No.11309413

Yes. Homo of the now are built to consume McDonald's like a 18-wheeler guzzling diesel. It's what all these years of evolution have led up to. Soon, we'll become a species that thrives on the cheap mass-produced garbage that McDonald's is preparing us for. But the weak must be culled before that. You aren't worthy of the future, anon.

>> No.11309415

Sounds like you have gas, drink some mylanta little man

>> No.11309419

A little bit of pepto bismol will wipe out everything except the thirst

>> No.11309455

Quick someone get this anon a soylent!!!

>> No.11309486

What exactly did you eat?

>> No.11309583


>> No.11309650


>> No.11309674

What from mc donalds

>> No.11309706

This happened to me a few months ago. It had been 10+ years since I'd eaten fastfood but I succumbed to the relentless shilling on /ck/ and had a big mac meal. Driving home, I was forced to pullover and vomit my entire stomach contents onto the side of the road. Never again.

>> No.11309709

>have I been poisoned
>ate McDonald’s


>> No.11309728

It's the high amount of sodium that someone with a weak stomach can't handle.

>> No.11309740

jesus christ just drink some water. weaklings like you should be culled

>> No.11309764

i guess “eating McDonalds” is now code for trying to OD on sodium pills, snorting half a bottle of allergy medication and drinking a liter of liquor

>> No.11309998


>> No.11310000

Ronald's dirty cock

>> No.11310020

Did it taste funny?

>> No.11310031


Lol half this sounds like me after a bender

>> No.11310061

Worthy get

>> No.11311307

OK, OP here. I'm back and feeling much better now after sleeping.
I ate a double cheeseburger with fries and a large Sprite.

Oh good, so I'm not alone. Worst fucking condition I've been in in quite some time. I think the worst part is that it's a very vague type of feeling.

>> No.11311310

>double cheeseburger
To be more specific, it wasn't just a normal burger. It was the one with barbecue sauce and bacon on it, with a pretzel bun, the new one.

>> No.11311326

To be fair, I've been eating other fast food since forever and I feel fine. Except for Arby's, but still, I've never felt anything this dramatic.
What the fuck could McD's possibly put in their food to cause this?

>> No.11312002

When I ate fast food for the first time in many years I felt sick too. Then I started eating it semi-regularly and it was fine after that.
I guess it's kinda like when you have a cigarette after quitting and it tastes awful, your body just isn't used to consuming that shit and the cravings aren't there to be satisfied which would mask the ill effects.