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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11306711 No.11306711 [Reply] [Original]

Say something nice about Biscuts and Gravy.

>> No.11306714

If done properly and the gravy isn't half assed, it becomes an unbelievably pleasing meal that will leave you full for hours

>> No.11306717

it has a good personality and is fun to hang out with

>> No.11306723

Great hangover food.

>> No.11306726


The comfiest of foods when done right.

>> No.11306740

It's a perfect breakfast by itself. Doesn't need eggs, toast, bacon, or anything.

It's nice paired with OJ.

>> No.11306769

It has a good beat and it’s easy to dance to

>> No.11306781
File: 747 KB, 1432x874, tomato-gravy-on-bisquit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ck/ like more, poor man's gravy or tomato gravy? I, personally, can't make my mind up!

>> No.11306805

Tasty and very filling.

>> No.11306814

Redeye ftw

>> No.11306853

are they cooked twice?

>> No.11307030

It would be fun to eat biscuits and gravy off a hooker's ass.

>> No.11307033

I could leave it alone with my gf while I go to the corner store and not worry. He's a comfy chubby friend.

>> No.11307043

my grandmother made the best biscuits and gravy. i miss my grandmother. :(

>> No.11307065

Never use flaky biscuits. Canned are OK, but nice, dry homemade biscuits are best. Use condensed milk with equal amount of water, or else it's too rich. Maybe a little whole milk or cream if you really need it. Spicy sausage is best. Put way more black pepper in than you thought you needed.

My family used to eat this for breakfast every Sunday. That's all the stuff I learned I like best.

>> No.11307078
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bologna goes well with it

>> No.11307098

Thats canadian bacon bucko
>thinking you can fool a poor white man on what processed trash meat looks like

>> No.11307115

i know what it is sir, but bologna goes well with it

>> No.11307189

It has the perfect combination of carbs, lipids, and proteins to give you diabetes and a bmi of 45.

>> No.11307195

Looks like cat vomit on stale bread

>> No.11307218

>hah that will trigger those Americans
>covers burnt toast in baked beans and a tomato

>> No.11307294

stop feeding your cat(s) dairy senpai

>> No.11307325

no it doesn't

>> No.11307504

ur grandma is in hell

>> No.11307543

One of the great American food inventions

>> No.11307612
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Worked at McDurdles as a teen on Saturday mornings and the only people to order biscuits and gravy were really trashy truckers and hobos. I've always been turned off to it since then

>> No.11307629

>being this childish
18+, sorry.

>> No.11307638

Dumb zoomer

>> No.11307931

Sorry queertard.. that was many moons ago. Definitely 18+ now. The old B&G is still for truckers and hobos

>> No.11308614

>Biscuts and Gravy
Non-burger here
It was on the breakfast buffet at the Hilton when I stayed there for a few days during a convention.
It was fucking delicious but man, like my Austin buddy said, "it'll widen ya"
It's probably just as well that I don't know how to make it properly because it would widen me if I were able to have it every weekend.

>> No.11310101
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>> No.11310116

it's easy as piss to make. you make a roux but add about a tablespoon of baconfat (that you've collected from frying bacon previously). this is often substituted by adding whole sausages into a pot seperate from the roux and keeping the grease, but i prefer no sausage bits in mine because dat creamy texture. anyways, make the roux a bachemel, i.e. what you do before you add cheese to make mac n cheese from scratch. then you add a metric fuckton of salt and pepper, mostly pepper, and when it's thickened enough you're done.

t. south alabama

>> No.11310119


>> No.11310130

Hands down the ultimate morning comfort food. The smell, the texture before the biscuits get soggy, all tell you it’s going to be a good day

>> No.11310135

nothing is better then Biscuts, gravy, with a sunny side up egg and some blanched seasoned asparagus

>> No.11310141

> queertard


18 and a day, maybe. If you are older than 18 you should stop speaking like a child.

>> No.11310150
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They made me a man!

>> No.11310162

>leave you full for hours

>> No.11310188

Finna too sweet me good brother

>> No.11310192

My grandpa used to make it with fried chicken cracklings from dinner the night before and homemade biscuits and then you'd break the biscuits up with your fingers hot out of the oven as adroit as you could because the steam would release from the biscuits with every tear. Then the gravy fresh and hot and creamy herbaceous from the chicken seasonings went on top and the hot biscuit chunks and fresh gravy would meld together instantaneously and every bite was perfect with the texture of a dumpling and croissant's love child.

>> No.11310213

It's very simple to make, max comfort food but only occasionally as the amount of fat and carbs is way over the top for even a weekly treat. It's an every 2 months or so treat, unless you want to become a lardass like 80% of the south.

>> No.11310521

Or you could, ya know, lift more you twink fagboi. Bo Jackson was made on cheap southern food.

>> No.11310666

no metabolism fag

>> No.11310895

Use whole wheat biscuits

>> No.11310898

I eat a lot of fat and carbs and am not a lardass because I don't eat multiple plates of it for every meal. Just take smaller portions, my dude.

>> No.11310909


>no sausage

so it's literally just fat and cream on top of biscuits

what in the fuck

>> No.11310930
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>> No.11310942

>one example of a nig being used to compare to literally everyone else
I knew /ck/ was dumb

>> No.11310944

Enjoy your muscle turning to fat when you inevitably stop lifting but still keep eating your overloaded fat/carb slop everyday, lardybum.

>> No.11310945

No. U.

>> No.11310946

say it with me now

>> No.11310950

Looks like it was vomited out of a fat hairy asshole.

>> No.11310951 [DELETED] 

Was that before or after your grandpa raped your asshole until it bled out cum, shit and blood???

>> No.11311018

Isn't that how Europeans make dessert?

>> No.11311052

Alright /ck/.
Turkey gravy or sausage gravy?

>> No.11311064

What's this new meme of calling fats lipids?

>> No.11311070

hey, be nice

>> No.11311099

>bechamel with pepper
>call it gravy
>call it biscuit
>is actually foiscuit
i knew rednecks were secretly ponces

>> No.11311124

They good

>> No.11311133

i won't!

>> No.11311279


>> No.11311295

its very bland. just like the majority of american "cuisine"

>> No.11311314

You sound fat.

>> No.11311318

Now I miss your grandpa too.

>> No.11311327

Not sure where you are getting this shitty recipe from but it sounds shitty. Please don't ever make biscuits and gravy because your version sounds shitty.

>> No.11311451

These words you have typed narrated with a heavy southern accent would make for good advertisement. Just make a whole restaurant with underlying sexual sounding descriptions for the food. As if Cracker Barrel and Hooters had a love child.

>> No.11311471


dude i got it from the guy i was replying to

post your version and if you're not from the bible belt i don't wanna hear it, sucka

>> No.11311478


Clearly hasn't had biscuits and gravy. I'm Aussie and normally US food does nothing for me. But biscuits and gravy done right (I cook it at home) with a good sausage, sage, white wine deglaze, half and half instead of milk and soft fluffy biscuits. It's perfection.

Rednecks may say that's not purist... but they'd also eat mayonnaise sandwiches while listening to john millencamp records and fucking their sister. So fuck rednecks.

>> No.11311479

can y'all school on the whole biscuts thing? It looks like a fuckin scone but also a bun like what's the consistency of it, is it hard/soft? needa come to the land of the free to try one.

>> No.11311673
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For me, Hardees or like you yanks call it, Carls Jr. has the best damn biscuits and gravy. It's 90% nostalgia I'm sure, but I would always get this on mornings before a big road trip.

>> No.11311700

I guess like flaky croissant but without a crust. I don't get why continentals like the French have so many bread varieties, but most of Europe hasn't had biscuits or cornbread.

>> No.11311709

They are soft and flaky and thick (usually)

>> No.11311713

They are nothing like a croissant

>> No.11311719

they have layers, but yeah I guess that's all they got in common

>> No.11311728


If this is a good scone recipe to compare to, then biscuits are like scones but lighter and less sweet since they usually don't have added sugar or very little, no eggs, and milk/buttermilk.

>> No.11311750

not him, but

>cook sausage
>add flower to rendered fat
>add cold milk and whisk to stop clumps from forming
>cook until thick and add salt and pepper
>add more pepper

>> No.11311784

I just had biscuits and gravy this last Sunday at 9 AM and didn't eat again until 8 PM.

>> No.11311898

>hey everybody, i'm a btfo CICO faggot!
Yeah, no. Fuck off back to your circlejerk /fit/ shower room, ok?

>> No.11311936

Why would I stop lifting? Lmao

>> No.11311946


>> No.11311998

Because your bf started looking at the other gym rat, faggot. Get fatter!

>> No.11312238

Try losing some weight, fatty.

>> No.11312470

You're obviously not from the south. Kys please

>> No.11312694

It'd be messy though, you weird fuck