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11303718 No.11303718 [Reply] [Original]

Is Krispy Kreme the most overrated place in existence?

>> No.11303730

It used to be good, but now it makes me get the shits. It didnt used to do that.

>> No.11303739

maybe in 2007

>> No.11303744

I only tried them once and they tasted just like any other doughnut. Maybe they changed their recipe? I hate the meme how everyone says they are "doughnuts laced with crack" imo if you want true quality visit a local ran by Chinese people.

>> No.11303746

Their original glaze donuts, freshly made are delicious. Everything else is pretty standard.

>> No.11303761

has to be Tim Hortons 100%, their coffee is shit, their food is 100% frozen.

>> No.11303762

>T. chinese person

>> No.11303774

If anything they've improved their donut quality significantly over the years.

>> No.11303784

I think you mean Korean people

>> No.11303876

Most people's standard for Doughnuts (in America) is Dunkin Donuts. So literally every other doughnut place in existence seems like a massive improvement.

>> No.11303882

how is it overrated? all donuts are literally the exact same

>> No.11303900

Krispy Kreme tastes great when they're fresh. The original glazed donut is so soft you could almost drink it.

>> No.11303948

They tried to push into my state about 20 years ago and after the initial hype died down nobody gave a shit.

>> No.11304013

crappy cream

>> No.11304087

It's definitely ok, idk

>> No.11304119

This. I've frequented a lot of donut places and the best are always run by Koreans, with a quick follow up being lesbians.
>t. Cop

>> No.11304207

Apparently most donut places deep fry in PUFAs like canola oil which oxidize when heated and create free radicals that damage our bodies. The safest way to cook donuts is to use heat stable saturated fats for deep frying but nobody does this because saturated fats like lard are "unhealty".

>> No.11304212

Simply breathing in oxygen oxidizes your innards and generates free radicals.
Breathing is cancer. Enjoy your fucking doughnuts.

>> No.11304213

Realest nigga on 4chan.

>> No.11304216

you probably still have alot of small business donut shops that didn't allow Krispy Kreme to bigboy the market.


>> No.11304227
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Now, who else lives next to this bad boy?

>> No.11304242

The only good local ones I know of are ran by whites though

>> No.11304353
File: 82 KB, 800x1067, Round Rock Donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody else go home.

>> No.11304433

"Overrated" is the most overrated criticism of anything, 2nd place being "wasted potential."

>> No.11304458

I'm a westie and they recently opened a dunkin donuts near me, never been before so I was kinda excited.
Holy shit it was bad. Haven't been back since. How did this chain take over the east coast?

>> No.11304533


>> No.11304893

I think you mean Laotian.

>> No.11304900

I find them too sweet for my taste

>> No.11304904

I believe you're referring to cambodians

>> No.11304909
File: 104 KB, 938x528, donut-inn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when they opened here to much fanfare all the normies flocked there causing most actual decent doughnut shops to close. Now the only place to get freshly made to order cinnamon doughnuts is in the train station. Fuck normies, I miss Gourmet Glaze

>> No.11304915

Nononono, clearly malaysians.

>> No.11304928

it's like eating air. there's no density. you can go through an entire box in 5 minutes.

>> No.11305054

Because of cheap coffee I guess. The doughnuts taste like shit and go stale 5 seconds after you leave the store.

>> No.11305070
File: 155 KB, 292x300, donuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i crazy for thinking packaged grocery store donuts are the best?

they're full of dough conditioners and preservatives that make them guaranteed moist and soft.

>> No.11305124

>they're full of dough conditioners and preservatives that make them guaranteed moist and soft.
Don't forget that they're roughly 50% trans fat. Good for your heart.

>> No.11305205

They make the best donuts in my town, but that isn't saying much.

>> No.11305298

All donuts tastes the same to me. I swear no matter where I go, I order a donut and it tastes the same as a donut from any other place.

>> No.11305334

same. I had krispy kreme, dunkin donuts, grocery store brands it's just fuckin donuts

>> No.11305338

cringe. you two fuckheads don't know what the fuck you're talking about so just shut up.

>> No.11305339

this, if you see the hot and fresh sign, just drive up and get some, they basically dissolve into fat and sugar in your mouth.

>> No.11305341

never seen so many people misspell "bhutanese"

>> No.11305342

But for real. Why are 90% of donut shops run by viets/cambodians/Laotians

>> No.11305345

This. People who think donuts taste better than others are either hipsters or autistic.

>> No.11305390

because you live in a shit state

>> No.11305600
File: 3.22 MB, 491x704, I like big butts and I cannot lie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been attempting donuts myself lately and have had varying success but I can't seem to get the texture I so desire.

I got the best result so far from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKqaEGy4lxc except I didn't do the "refrigerate overnight" step 'cause nigga I be hungry.

I have never tried cake donuts but something inside me tells me the're blasphemy.

>> No.11305758

I've never seen that, all the donut places I've seen are run by Americans (German last names), Greeks, and Mexicans, referencing my home state.

I don't think there's any magic to it, just donuts are something you can get into as an immigrant without a horribly hard time of it, or so I imagine.

cake donuts are fine, don't be so donut conservative.

I can't imagine making them at home personally, I'd rather just get them occasionally while out, from people that do it on a regular basis and have all the necessary equipment. But that's just me. What is the texture problem?

>> No.11305786

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.11305904

The ones you buy have a light golden brown colour with a delicate exterior and fluffy interior. The ones I make are darker and more crispy although I think that is because of the oil temperature more than anything.

>> No.11306281

Sour cream donut > all others

>> No.11306545


this tbqh

>> No.11307151

This shit right here. except my local one is white peepo

local > chains for donuts

>> No.11307497

So are you chinese or japanese

>> No.11307508

Fuck off retard

>> No.11308506

Wal-Mart unironically has my favorite donuts.

>> No.11308515

A place on my college campus is my favorite, mostly for nostalgia and because they were always open. I haven't been in a year or more now though.

>> No.11308576

Who gives a shit

>> No.11308728
File: 37 KB, 550x410, jrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you guys visit the Parkersburg WV area, do yourselves a favor, and stop by JR's Donut Castle.

>> No.11308777


>> No.11308786
File: 208 KB, 800x1200, IMG_1110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cake donut > yeast donut
Fight me

>> No.11308795

Why would I fight a man who has the correct opinion? Cake donuts are the superior donut.

>> No.11308802

old-fashioned > yeast> cake

>> No.11308809

What's the difference between old fashioned and yeast?

>> No.11308814
File: 3.76 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20181007_114858951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows that the Cronut is Superior

>> No.11308818

>Fight me
little girls who say shitty things like "fight me" when they know they're wrong aren't allowed on my boards.

>> No.11308819
File: 288 KB, 2000x1328, maple glazed old fashioned donut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's surprising that it took several centuries for the simple idea of frying croissant dough to become popular


>> No.11309135
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>that fucking finger