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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.08 MB, 830x1138, mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11302030 No.11302030 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone on twitter is laughing at my mac n cheese recipe. Thoughts?

>> No.11302032

that's beautiful but dumb

>> No.11302033

I like it. You could have smashed them a bit though.

>> No.11302037

Doesn't seem like much of a friend to me.

>> No.11302040

It's a cool idea tbqh

>> No.11302060

That's extremely okay, actually. I'm doing this JUST because you went out of your way to show me a picture of it.
>not calling them out by name
Because you're too much of a poor pussy bitch so you're willing to keep your head down to get free food that you apparently don't enjoy?

>> No.11302063


>> No.11302068

>get a scoop
>flick goldfish off

I mean I'd just eat the goldfish myself, it's not a big deal.

>> No.11302126

>huwite ppl amirite?

>> No.11302134

t. the race that probably invented koolaid pickles

>> No.11302137

what's the deal with goldfish?

>> No.11302138

Looks like they spent a bunch of time on it and it probably tastes fine anyway.

Fucking niggers.

>> No.11302144

>don't use crackers for a gratin!
T. nigger

>> No.11302155

why is literally everything abut identity politics for leftists, like how the fuck do you possibly spin this as a race thing?

>> No.11302209
File: 299 KB, 602x448, EMGN-Skinner-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. I dont know. What?

>> No.11302220
File: 738 KB, 1200x1000, Blacks and Cornstarch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11302229

I grew up not really eating mac and cheese is this something people do like take a box of kraft and put breadcrumbs on the top? I dont get why you would do that.

>> No.11302230 [DELETED] 


Are you literally retarded? Go to /pol/ some time. They avoid all the real issues and will literally sell themselves and their children out if they think it's somehow "saving the white race".

>> No.11302231

Not everyone eats kraft, dum dum. And baked mac and cheese with a bread crumb crust is delicious.

>> No.11302237

I do the same thing but I crunch them up and mix with melted butter to crisp and brown them up better

>> No.11302263
File: 17 KB, 500x472, 1538272832044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really need some translation from normanese Hes saying:

>> No.11302285

A Jew being racist. Geez I get enough if this irl maybe take it to pol you oven dodger

>> No.11302288

It's called banter you faggot

>> No.11302296

You'd think the Irish Republican Army would have nabbed @ira

Maybe they're not allowed to have an account.

>> No.11302303

You think the black guy would laugh if his white friend said "I'm not going to name my black friend who did this but Koolaid in the fried chicken crumbs is not okay!".

>> No.11302308

>being white
>having even a single Black Friend™

>> No.11302349

Fucking wypipo!!!

>> No.11302351


>Developmentally disabled
>Black women

>> No.11302367

Hateful blacks

>> No.11302423
File: 7 KB, 259x194, Pie Barm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed, but we might have explained Britain.

>Pastry Between Two Slices of Bread
>French Fries Between Two Slices of Bread
>Fish, Breaded, with Fried Potatoes
Jesus. It's starch on starch massacre in bongland.

>> No.11302459

Whites here sure don't know how to take a joke. I hate easily offended people.

>> No.11302471

why do niggers always have to include skin color in everything

>> No.11302482

I have people the use the words:
I hate you ;)

>> No.11302484

It's all they know.

>> No.11302562

I like it; tell that nigger to fuck off and that chitlins are literal shit.

>> No.11302767

Insecurity about the fact they can't cook for shit and think the pinnacle of food are the walmart aisles of HFCS "food style products" that fill their fat bellys.

>> No.11302774

>giiiiiirl u kno I been shittin weird
>sista u need 2 git dat co'n starch in u gurrrrl
>sheeeeeit in my baby daddy don't buy it I'll just steal it at da next blm rally
>girl just use yo food stamps
>gurrrrrrrrl u kno I done sold dem fo deez Jordan's I gots to look cute

>> No.11302855

racial humiliation is what Makes America Great Again

>> No.11302960

I've used cheez its as breadcrumbs on my mac and cheese before but I smashed them up into crumbs first.

>> No.11303391

You go out of your way to make a childs dish from scratch?

>> No.11303508

wtf seriously is that a donut between hamborger buns

>> No.11303516

white ppo use more food stamps than blacks

>> No.11303524

Can't beat a nice chip butty chap.

>> No.11303543

t. retard

>> No.11303547

That's because they don't sell them for other shit.

>> No.11303736


I was never one to say nigger just for the sake of it but that post makes me want to start saying the most belligerently racist shit since its OK for him to do it.
Guess this is how every nog who ever browsed this place has felt.

>> No.11303751

That is what edible obsessive comulsive disorder looks like. See a Dr, OP!

>> No.11303827

Why are black people actually the most racist and disrespectful of all? Do they think they have a pass because they were the last race to be enslaved? But not really since arabs had Asian slaves into the 1980's? Could you imagine if I said something like 'not gonna call out the black guy here who soaked in jam in grape kool-aid' lol? but i also wouldn't do that because I don't even see race. just people. But ironically enough black people are more obsessed with racial identity politics and race than white people are or ever were. I guess it's inferiority complex

>> No.11303837

>I don't even see race. just people.
Sounds like something a grand wizard would say!

>> No.11303841

It's really more of the double standard involved here. A white person couldn't poke fun at a black person about their culinary tastes in the same way on twitter without being called racist. I don't think this is really racist at all, it's just a small judgement involving race, but a white person would not have the same freedom to express themselves. I'm also of the opinion no white person would really do this anyway (because white people don't care). But the fact remains it's a double standard.

>> No.11303843
File: 65 KB, 784x349, twitter_screencap_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racebaiting twitter shit

>> No.11303853

I use goldfish as an ingredient all the time

try crunching up the pizza ones and use them as your breadcrumb the next time you make stuffed mushrooms

>> No.11303862

>into the 1980's
Dude, Qatar's population is some absurd number like 70% SEA "migrant workers".

>> No.11304134

My dad once made a mac and cheese caserole.

He layered the bottom of the glass pan with slices of a few different cheeses, then a layer of mac n cheese, another layer of random cheese slices, then more mac n cheese which is topped with a garlic butter soaked cheese its crumble.

It was amazing.

>> No.11304140

That must have taken forever to align those.

>> No.11304156


Meat pastry. Emphasis on the pastry.

>> No.11304157

Where I live, people have often sued tater tots that way. Guess the state.

>> No.11304174

Thats a nice roasting pan. all-clad all the way

>> No.11304176

>african american women

>> No.11304185

>I don't see race
Than you don't see the person. It's part of who they are.

>> No.11304192



>> No.11304198

Theres a lot more white people than black in america, you goober.

>> No.11304200

Probably would be too salty but I'd still eat it.

>> No.11304202
File: 63 KB, 358x387, 1530282617205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might consider agreeing if they weren't meticulously arranged in that picture. That design is pretty fantastic work. It's worth at least trying, at that point. This would be like the ultimate entree to bring to or make for your children's birthday party. It would beat the shit out of the pizza they ordered.

>> No.11304205

that would prob taste good

>> No.11304210

unrelated to this this thread, I tried making macaroni and cheese with a roux and mix of cheeses, and while the sauce was fine initially, once I baked it there was absolutely no flavor in any of it. What went wrong?

>> No.11304253

Did you taste the cheese sauce for salt? Did you salt the pasta water?

>> No.11304264

i think you forgot the pasta and water

>> No.11304283

>unrelated to this thread I tried making real food
That's unrelated to this board actually.
>what went wrong?
Salt with every step. Literally boil the noodles with salt as it's the only time they can absorb salt; it will sit on the surface after. Salt the roux. Salt the cheese sauce. Don't overdo shit but keep in mind delicious things are very salty. Fuck your FDA guidelines.

>> No.11304313

I don't think your tongue works. Sad, because you can't really enjoy food anymore. Have fun with your salt, though. I guess.

>> No.11304342

Guess what you and old white folk have in common?

>> No.11304379

I don't know, but you can't cook. If you need a lot of salt to bring flavors out, you're fucking up. You're like a teenage kid whooping down the street on a BMX with a leather jacket and training wheels.

>> No.11304422

Oh yay, another nu-wave fag cook. How are those new African replacements for quinoa treating you? Tell us more about how raw flavors of vegetables are so much better.

Every celebrated cuisine in the world leans heavily on salt. Even in Asia their best dishes load up on it. Fuck on off.

>> No.11304445
File: 7 KB, 275x183, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

also Sinn Féin probably has a Twitter.

>> No.11304472
File: 470 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181008-030707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update, they do have a Twitter.

>> No.11304473

>niggers too cool for goldfish
makes sense, coming from an upbringing of such haute cuisine as sugar spaghetti, hotdog buns w/ mustard, and kraft single salad

>> No.11304476

>not knowing about Gerry Adams' based twitter account

You're in for a treat

>> No.11304519

What an asshole lol. Clearly took the time to order them all nice and neatly. I bet the only thing that nigger can cook is chicken

>> No.11304538

The black guy is saying that goldfish crackers on Mac and cheese is a black thing and white people doing it is a form of cultural appropriation
OP got the Twitter screencaps from /pol/

>> No.11304556

>not calling them out by name
because he did it himself so he could get attention on Twitter

>> No.11304769

Imagine an entire race being so easily offended by a single word they made it a hate crime to even say it.

>> No.11304810


>> No.11304811

The fact that you see many people here laugh at blacks for "not being able to take a joke" but immediately getting angry if the same thing is said about them really says a lot about individual insecurity

>> No.11304815

I would be so grateful if someone made that for me.
What a cunt.

>> No.11305439

Thank you, based IRA poster

>> No.11305450


Kill yourself

>> No.11305465


>> No.11305559

I think it'd look better with them all facing the same direction in a wavy pattern.

>> No.11305713

Obamaphones were a mistake

>> No.11306493

>slight alteration of a recipe is "culture"
Why do they insist on insulting themselves?

>> No.11306500

That's rich coming from the race of people that literally eat mud cakes.

>> No.11306505

I don't see anything wrong with this.

>> No.11306527

lol @ white people. They're so fucking beta.

>> No.11306553
File: 110 KB, 640x670, xGIhtoo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking idiot.

>> No.11306597

this is a cute recipe 2bh

fuck that nigger

>> No.11306627

Depends on if it's greater than 60% whites. Otherwise no.

>> No.11306630

Thanks for your input Sambo, don't you have some raping and stealing you could be doing instead of commenting on human food you dirty monkey-man?

>> No.11306681
File: 429 KB, 640x480, irate gamer showing off his shiny new dental implants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't use cheese-infused flour dough as a topping for cheese-infused flour dough

>> No.11306682

Calm down there Chett, I know you have an irrational hatred of anyone with a skin tone slightly darker than yours, but it's just a fucking joke.

>> No.11306694

Sandra writes like me when I poorly impersonate a black person as a joke.

>> No.11306699

problematic A F

>> No.11306707

>lol @ white people. They're so fucking beta.

Next century of dominance will belongs to Chinese. Deal with it.

>> No.11306724
File: 150 KB, 800x467, 800px-Norris-tennessee-shack-tva1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Cletus!

>> No.11306731

God no
Chinese men are effeminate beta fucks who still shit in the streets
My people have gotten pretty docile and effeminate over the years but we're still lightyears away from the Chinks, the only time they can form a coherent sentence instead of mumbling and looking ar their feet is when they are yelling at eachother for no goddamn reason
>t. Jap

>> No.11306743

Nothing to do with Britain but nice try Cletus. Enjoy your wife’s cornstarch.

>> No.11306750


Chinese men look like fucking studs next to beta white millenial vegan faggots. Deal with it.

>> No.11306754

It's funny because i heard something like this on the bus
But replace steal with take from neighbour and jordans with a bag

>> No.11306760

Black people english is a very bad joke
It's not even funny seeing it in real life anymore

>> No.11306783

Chill. He didn’t say “no salt” or anything hipster. He’s just saying you don’t need to go CRAZY with salt. Try to relax a bit.

>> No.11306790
File: 401 KB, 505x700, Democrat Plantation Today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black people english is a very bad joke

Liberals have made "Ebonics" acceptable by making it an official language in certain schools (See Oakland school district.)

They're basically setting up these you black kids to fail so they have to say on welfare.

>> No.11306801

god political cartoons are so stupid

>> No.11306809

And I was feeling bad about eating The Liquid Gold when I need a junk food fix.

>> No.11306818

Whats wrong with it, jiggaboo nigger?

>> No.11306829


Surprisingly, Trump's approval ratings have been going up in the black community, it's at an all time high right now. Looks like blacks are "getting woke."

>> No.11306838


>> No.11306854
File: 59 KB, 450x450, B722BE41-AA98-4874-A1AC-C12C3B6EEC78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck niggos

>> No.11306904

They just hate Spics.

>> No.11306922 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 660x371, EZFC7As[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooo the blackards are upset. Get used to Whites talking down to you, darkness, it's gonna be a theme in this world.

>> No.11307007

Based CWC poster.

>> No.11307042

Day of the rope can’t come soon enough

>> No.11307074

Right wing death squads when

>> No.11307118

>setting up these you black kids to fail so they have to say on welfare

That's politics. They gotta keep breaking legs to sell those crutches

>> No.11307350

>The ecstasy of the goldfish

>> No.11307693

This. Niggers don’t relent.

>> No.11307702

There’s nothing based about elderly fenians

>> No.11307977

per capita you dumb nigger, learn about it