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11301076 No.11301076 [Reply] [Original]

>takes away your ability to eat meat

>> No.11301104

You mean "red meat," not all meat.

>> No.11301112

This. You can still eat poultry and seafood.

>> No.11301115

>this kills the American

>> No.11301125

My sister is American, has this and is doing fine.

>> No.11301153

scariest animals on earth

>> No.11301159

post pics

>> No.11301161

She's way too old for you.

>> No.11301185

why? is that a tick or something?

>> No.11301198

No it's a possum

>> No.11301207

bullshit grandpa show me those wrinkly tits

>> No.11301214

I eat meat and try to stick up for vegans sometimes because I understand where they're coming from, but when I saw some of them laughing at people who get the tick disease just because one symptom is a red meat allergy while ignoring all of the other issues it causes made me feel pretty angry. And then seeing some others saying lab-grown meat is useless even moreso.

>> No.11301395

No, that'd be mosquitoes. They've been responsible for far more human deaths than any other animal (including the one responsible for the second most, other humans) throughout our entire history.

>> No.11301404

True, mosquitoes are first and ticks are becoming a close second. Ticks are far less researched and they keep finding knew stuff whenever they do study them. People used to think lymes only makes you cranky and gives you stiff joints, turns out it can be as bad as MS.

>> No.11301678

PETA mass-bred and released these things, OPENLY ADMITTED IT then tried to play it off as a joke because they posted their plans on April fool's day. As much as I hope they choke on a dick, that is some top-level mischief.

>> No.11301869

It's amazing that crazy group of extremists still gets celebrity endorsements.

>> No.11301891
File: 13 KB, 305x309, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans are retarded. I wouldn't shit of them if they weren't a bunch of fucking hypocrites faggots pushing their bullshit down your throat.
>that one """"friend"""" who is hardcore vegan
>every time she's drunk she eats a big fat burger at mcdonalds
Also all female vegans i've ever knew were REALLY starved for man meat.

>> No.11302023

Annndddd...there is literally not a shred of evidence that this happened, just the conspiracy diarrhea from Infowars. How about you go out into the floodwaters and rescue pets like PETA does during hurricanes? Too difficult? Yeah, stay in mom's air conditioned basement and bitch about people that do.

>> No.11302045

Why does PETA kill so many of the animals they take in? Why can't this large organization operate like other non kill shelters?

>> No.11302051

>rescue pets like PETA does
They kill those pets.

>> No.11302076


https://www.peta . org/blog/euthanize/

>> No.11302109


PETA doesn't think pets should exists. And you can't just take domesticated dogs and cats and set them free. They would be harmful to the natural wildlife. So they have to die.

>> No.11302142
File: 26 KB, 550x584, Ehrlichiosis-cases-u.s.-by-year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PETA announces plans to release ticks in 2013
>number of bites causing meat allergy skyrocket
Not a shred of evidence huh? I'm not a follower of Infowars btw, I embrace the truth, not exploitative bullshit.

>> No.11302146

When in 2013 exactly, anon?

>> No.11302151

you obviously didn't even read the article you posted, it states the exact same thing that
does. They take in and euthanize mistreated/diseased animals because other shelters won't do it.

>> No.11302166

cases started from near 0 in 1995. Was PETA releasing them then, too? That would be the initial starting point, the rest just looks like an increasing trend in tick population. Populations tend to increase exponentially, you know.

>> No.11302181

They waited to announce it on April fool's day, presumably to make it look like a joke. They probably actually did it a couple years before judging from the chart.
I'm not saying they invented the ticks, but the extreme jump around the time of PETA's '"""""joke"""""" indicates they released the ones they had bred. Pull wool over your own eyes all you want, I'm just showing you that by all appearances, they did it.

>> No.11302198

Growth tapered off in 2013 faggot, also it's probably just more accurate recording that's producing most of the "growth" or an increase in tic or human population

>> No.11302210

You said earlier you don't follow Infowars but it's starting to look like you work there, man.
I'm no fan of PETA, but you're acting like an idiot and that only helps their cause.

And no, there's no "extreme jump" if you look at the graph as a whole. It's a fairly steady line with a dip in it. Presumably because they had a year with a harsh Winter and/or Summer.

>> No.11302218

And why, pray tell, would they announce their devious plans to the world on April 1, 2013, at the risk of lifetimes in prison and the dissolvement of their entire organization?

>> No.11302221

I'm done talking to you idiots.

>> No.11302508

He cute.

>> No.11302605

He looks like he's raising his little arms in victory, kind of like that artistic pic with the crawdad standing over the plate of his boiled compatriots. That thing is the most artistic pic I've seen posted here.

>> No.11303550
File: 30 KB, 306x388, 428ED4E600000578-0-Inside_their_exoskeletons_ants_muscles_don_t_have_to_provide_muc-m-40_1500856277163[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insect victory pics are underrated IMO

>> No.11304953

Some strange bug that bites you and fucks up your immune system so bad you become lacktoes intolerant to steaks forever

>> No.11304975

I'm vaccinated. I'm fine.

>> No.11304997

>responsible for more human deaths
Majority of those deaths are people from third world country, AKA: subhumans

>> No.11305088

The statistics take into account tens of thousands of years of prehistorical deaths. Was your great grandaddy a subhuman?

>> No.11305091
File: 7 KB, 197x256, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lacktoes intolerant to steaks

>> No.11305098

Funny if you think about it. The only way for a human to become allergic to meat is by getting poisoned. Contrary to plant allergies, which occur naturally.

>> No.11305103

>I understand where they're coming from
You're also filled with pure hatred and need an excuse to vent?

>> No.11305333

>implying my great grandpa died from a bug

Get fucked, subhuman

>> No.11305418

Isn't a significant portion of the population deathly allergic to shellfish?

>> No.11305425

I got Lyme disease over the summer wtf is op talking about i just had iritated joints wich went away after antibiotics. What does a tick possibly have to do with eating meat.

>> No.11305432

A specific type of tick that gives a different infection from lymes. There is also always the possibility lymes comes back. Good luck and consider getting tested again in 6 months or a year.

>> No.11305457

He's actually wrong about the meat intolerance forever part too
You really only stay intolerant if you keep getting bitten, your tolerance to meat steadily increases as long as your body properly filters out the antigens that cause the reaction

>> No.11305959

t. NPetaC

>> No.11306009

I got treatment like a week after the bite. that stuff is if it attacks your nervus system and its not really the disese itself its the perment after effects. But i cought mine long before that happened it was pretty obvious considering i got bit by 40 ticks in one day

>> No.11306142

Jesus man, what were you doing to get 40 ticks on you?

>> No.11306163

Once you get it it will always show up in blood tests

>> No.11306200

that's why I drink polonium

>> No.11306217

Fish ain't meat

>> No.11306252

Oh right, I forgot fish are actually plants

>> No.11306255

I mean, I wouldn't really mind. Only red meat I eat is burgers, but I vastly prefer chicken and fish over beef and pork.

>> No.11306288

It doesn't attack your "nervus" system you inbred moron. A tick that bit a cow recently has proteins from the cow that are transferred into the human bloodstream. The immune system recognizes it as a foreign substance and makes antigens (proteins that clump to specific molecules) against it that cause the allergy. Allergic reactions are immune reactions.

>> No.11306306

plants are jelly

>> No.11306311

Similar. I'd miss having an occasional steak, pot roast or reuben, but it really wouldn't bother me that much. I wonder if I could still eat venison, because I get 1 or 2 of those and they'd substitute just fine.

>> No.11306408

Welp there goes my keto diet

>> No.11306788

and half of it will kill you if it's not stored/cooked properly

>> No.11307788

how would someone keep getting bit by these things though

>> No.11307853

it's a tick. have you never had one? pretty much every kid in north america that plays in the woods/fields has gotten one i think. only some of them have lyme disease. but there's a lot of tick borne illnesses, dogs get them pretty often.

>> No.11309533

Woah peta shills are real

>> No.11309561

Yeah, the PETA shills are the ones saying that PETA lie on their own website.
Fucking idiot.

>> No.11309760

I know other people who have said that their vegetarian relative will eat meat when they're not around their other vegetarian friends. It's pretty normal to crave meat, although most people probably eat more than they really need.

No just that modern factory farming isn't good and we should look for alternatives where we don't have to kill animals for food, but I think lab-grown meat will help more than trying to turn everyone vegan since most people who try going vegan don't stay that way for long since their body tells them they need some meat once in a while.

>> No.11310042

Drunk vegans love McDonalds. And I'm not being the test monkey for lab meat. I'll let you tell me in 20 years if it fills you with tumors or gives you all the super powers of Cow Man.