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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 484 KB, 1078x1325, IMG_20181006_151932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11298719 No.11298719 [Reply] [Original]

>So what are your hobbies, anon?
>Wow haha, cooking? Me too! I can make a MEAN steak hehe :)
>What about you? What's your best dish?

>> No.11298731

cold revenge

>> No.11298733

>So what are your hobbies, anon?
I'm waiting on someone, could you please le-
>Wow haha, cooking? Me too! I can make a MEAN steak hehe :)
I didn't actually answer th-
>What about you? What's your best dish?
Fuck's sake, I've been catfished again.

>> No.11298736

>implying women ever eat steaks let alone cook them
Begone lying thot

>> No.11298737

Truthfully I've done so many international weddings I really don't have a specialty of favorite anymore.

It's a matter of what a person wants, or what I want at the time. If I can find the ingredients I can make bun rieu, or I can just ehhh and make a burger you can't find in a restaurant around here.

>> No.11299612

is that a fucking ghost in the background

>> No.11299615

Don't be silly, women can't cook steaks. They lack the testosterone to properly gauge the meat.

>> No.11299620

Smiley face frozen potato wedges and frozen dinosaur nuggets.

>> No.11299623

This girl looks like a dumb whore.

>> No.11299628

>those fingers
dios mio, el nosferatu.

>> No.11299634

Air fried turkey, heh.

>> No.11299636

What’s the point of these threads. I have literally never been on a date with a woman. The hell kind of responses are you after OP?

>> No.11299667

Burn the coal, pay the bill

Close thread. OP is happy now

>> No.11299697

She might be good for a little drunk porking in the bathroom, but no more.

>> No.11299750
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why do normies think the pinnacle of cooking is steaks? everyone I've met who brags about cooking steaks sucks complete ass at making literally anything else

>> No.11299937

holy shit dude im dying

>> No.11299946

hot dogs

>> No.11299951


>> No.11299952

a real life elf

>> No.11300653

>I can just ehhh
Would you really say that?

>> No.11300691

i'll cook her the good old family recipe, chicken

defrost, salt, oven until dry, complain when people are begging for a drop of ketchup to add a semblance of flavor

bonus round, display relief that they don't wanna eat up and hysterically laugh as you say "more for me!"

>> No.11300720


>> No.11301043

i feel personally attacked by this post

>> No.11301176

Holy fuck, caught me off guard, sides deep fried

>> No.11301178
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>implying women in 2018 can cook

>> No.11301222

are you implying that cooking an excellent steak is easy?

>> No.11301237

This, not being able to cook is a status symbol of 3rd wave feminism

>> No.11301241

cringe and yikes

>> No.11301242

>drawn on eyebrows
>massive fake eyelashes
>toner on more than just her face
>gigantic hoop earrings
>black stiletto nails
>fake gucci bag
>old hands
ew i hope the guy who took this pic didn't pay too much for her and i'm not talking about the meal

>> No.11301243


>> No.11301270

>get a match on tinder
>grill claims to cook a mean carbonara in her profile text
>ask her if she adds cream to it
>she replies: “of course ;))”
>tell her to go fuck herself and unmatch
God I hate women

>> No.11301277

that explains why one of my last roommates didn't know how to cook and refused to eat leftovers but spent all her money on weed, delivery cosmetic services, and finding cheap cruises 24/7. meanwhile she constantly boasted about how her mom was a surgeon. i wonder how much money she was siphoning from her parents.
wonder what she's doing now. she and her shitty boyfriend stole my glasses (no lie), my favorite lamp from my childhood home, and my entire dvd/BD collection as we were getting evicted
needless to say, that was an interesting year in my life

>> No.11301381

Doing god's work anon.

>> No.11301518

Why does she look so oily and greasy? I feel like I'd have to use turpentine to get her ooze off of me if I touched her.

>> No.11301550

The biggest evil of 3rd wave feminism was convincing women that running a good household was beneath them.

It's subsequently raised a generation of do-nothing coasties who are either land whale-sized fat or soi skeletons who are completely incapable of being self-reliant.

>> No.11301873

yes. plus I'd much rather have skills like baking bread, knowing actual spice profiles or other basic skills.

>> No.11302087

>What's your best dish?

I make really big cream pies baby.

>> No.11302096
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Salty fellow

>> No.11302163

Cringe and larppilled

>> No.11302184


>> No.11302344


>> No.11302438

ALSO, you know what else, assholes? My reply was at least creative. More so than 99.9% of the stupid repost SHIT on here. Fuck off with your "NENENENE CRINNNNGE HEGG HEGG HEGG HEGG" bullshit you unoriginal cocksuckers.

>> No.11302479

>ew i hope the guy who took this pic didn't pay too much for her and i'm not talking about the meal

hegg hegg hegg so cringe anon r u mad nenenenenene

>> No.11302499

this board sucks

>> No.11302511

im on a cringe binge with this one, gents!

>> No.11302524

absolutely embarrassing post

>> No.11302531

reminds me of this demitri martin bit that would be funny to do on tinder me thinks:
>get matched with "dog mom"
does your dog bite?
>hehe nooo he's a sweet boy
then how does he eat? LIAR
>unmatch immediately

>> No.11302595

it wasn't very funny but thank you for trying anon

>> No.11302719


>> No.11303338

i hant forge u gfaggots

>> No.11303694
File: 2.57 MB, 2174x1339, aigis2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best dish? I guess my Pork Wellington, though my Mom didn't like it very much. I can also cook

>thai basil chicken
>jalapeno chili
>butter salmon

My compliments to Chef John. I'm learning more every day.

>> No.11303803

I make good enough tacos that people at my old apartment building asked if I was selling them. People always showed up when I cooked.

>> No.11303855

hot cup of semen

>> No.11304162
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>> No.11304171

It actually is easy to cook an excellent steak. Just knowing what the guy you are cooking it for considers an excellent steak is difficult. It's not about the super easy cooking, it's just a guessing game.

>> No.11304193


>> No.11304203
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>> No.11304209

>>thai basil chicken

That Chef John recipe for Pad Krapow Gai is unreal. It's about the easiest thing to make and is absolutely delicious, I pack that bastard with Thai basil and chilli and eat it with rice all week.

>> No.11304217

Who is that robot girl? Pls

>> No.11304244

Well, I burnt water once.

>> No.11304251

hot thai kitchen and even mark fucking wiens shits on chef johns recipe

>> No.11304345

Probably nearly identical. It's not a complicated recipe it's just fucking good, wherever you learn it it's a good one to know.

>> No.11304352

Depends, am I showing her my meat-grinder?

What does Eh sound like to you anon?

>> No.11304366

chef john
>no mortar and pestle
>uses the wrong basil and chilis
>adds chili/garlic after browning the meat instead of before
>doesnt even add beans or onions

pardon my autism but its a great simple recipe so at least get it right

>> No.11304646
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>> No.11305537

Aigis from Persona: Electric FESaloo 3

>> No.11305595

That's not how the German language works.
Did you just Google translate it?

>> No.11305608

Not him but fuck off faggots, it was pretty fucking funny.

>> No.11305613

I hope you unironically kys for saying that tumblr tier shit here

>> No.11305619

Yeah man.
I thought it was an amusing pun, Hans.

>> No.11305620

I don't really cook. I usually make chicken and rice because it's easy, though protein shakes and other dairy are also my go-to because there's zero work involved. I only come to /ck/ when cutting weight because when I'm hungry I like to watch cooking videos and webms of dishes I'll never bother trying to make.

>> No.11305638

she looks like she's kissed a lot of fellas

>> No.11305639

I keep trying new things because I end up bored of the same food and then I rarely go back to old recipes because they always end up being pretty crap. I don't know if it's me getting better or if I'm simply hiding my lack of skill by always making new stuff, either way I don't really have any specialties.

>> No.11305651

>So what are your hobbies, anon?
"Who are you? Where's my girlfriend?" I asked confused at the unknown woman before him.
>Wow haha, cooking? Me too! I can make a MEAN steak hehe :)
"What? What are you talking about?" I asked frowning. I looked around and realized all the other patrons were gone.
A chill ran down my spine.
It was then that I notice the smell of iron, blood. It came from her. Mean steak... Oh shit.
>What about you? What's your best dish?
She leaned forward her smile taking an uncanny turn. I noticed her hands were were dripping with. I winced back, feeling cold sweat forming on my face.
"Please d-don't kill me." I said with a whimper.
I was too slow to react, shoe moved in a blur. The only thing I felt was a sharp pain in my eye...
and then nothing.

>> No.11305653

Ignore the grammar misteaks, I'm fried this evening.

>> No.11305669
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>> No.11305850

NPC "humor"

>> No.11305885

Your mom shoulda had an abortion

>> No.11306021

>r*ddit humor

>> No.11306025

get rekt

>> No.11306098

>No beans
That means it's better. Beans a shit

>> No.11306112

How do you keep chicken healthy all week? Barely lasts 48 hours for me until it starts smelling off.

>> No.11306118

Where nigga?

>> No.11306128

Seasoning is for the colonized

>> No.11306138

Did you add cilantro?

>> No.11306146

Why would you write this?

>> No.11306184

Stop talking shit internet bitch

>> No.11306205
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>> No.11306207

ITT /r9k/

>> No.11306223

>A roastie thot claiming she likes to cook
>Not replacing cooking with travel instead
Failure of a post.

>> No.11306300

You're gay loser

>> No.11306470

Can a mod just delete my post? I'm tired of getting shit on for it and my phone won't let me delete it.

>> No.11306508

kek, you're on /ck/ threads stay up for years on this shit board due to no traffic.

>> No.11306582

i'm gay btw, not sure if that matters?

>> No.11306603


>> No.11306609


>> No.11306638

OP's post is offensive. Cooking is misogynistic oppression. #FOODRAPE #METOO

>> No.11306640

turkey hehe

>> No.11306666

never post again

>> No.11306722

Ty anon

>> No.11306823

Fuck you computer BITCH

>> No.11306955

I would enjoy putting my penis in her vagina. If you know what I mean...

>> No.11307049


>> No.11307063

>spice profiles

>> No.11307081

>>What about you? What's your best dish?

If you're really good at steak, then I'd love to introduce you to a really awesome place where you grill the food at your table. I've always been a fan of asian food. Especially korean. Do you like spicy foods? What about seafood?

I'd love to introduce you to one of my favorite places, if you're up for it. My treat!

>> No.11307091

Begone thot

>> No.11307183

*dobl schnappen*

>> No.11307519

Who is this person and why is she talking to me?

>> No.11307555
File: 4 KB, 107x125, 0AA89755-7905-484D-8613-C9DD87C8C52E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re lucky this is anonymous or you’d be fucking dead by now

>> No.11307571

You're the lucky one fag, you ain't got shit

>> No.11309373
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>> No.11309385

Fucking this.