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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 660x529, 43180802_2046780962027349_4716805776788684800_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11297338 No.11297338 [Reply] [Original]

Fist literally through the goddamn wall @ the cunt that does this.

>> No.11297355


god dammit what the fuck, that's why the world is a shitty place.

10/10 I'm totally mad

>> No.11297397

Meh, just be happy that they'll scald themselves horribly eating soup because they didn't follow instructions for their IKEA table either.

>> No.11297491

Autist's are funny

>> No.11297497
File: 570 KB, 610x558, unknown3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you brother.

>> No.11297512

>Fist literally through the goddamn wall @ the cunt that does this.
The knife is far too short.

>> No.11297748

Maybe she’s trying to cut it like an iris so the center can be isolated like the pattern implies. Cutting it in any other way will not leave a citcular center left

>> No.11297750

I...damn, never thought of it that way. Thanks. Have a great day!

>> No.11297762

relax redditfag

>> No.11297834

autisms are a FUNNYjoke MEME that normies cant comprehend

>> No.11297904
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>> No.11297921
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wat am i in for bros?

I'm both nervous and excited -- half expecting to see a Tony Soprano/Jimmy Dimebag at a corner table.

>> No.11297964

It's not even autism. Just mundane OCD.

>> No.11297992
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, nu-otter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha dude im like sooo ocd heheheh the lines don't match and the crayons aren't sorted from shortest to longest xD
>meanwhile a poor sod with actual OCD checks that the stove isn't on twenty times before leaving his apartment

>> No.11298114
File: 1.16 MB, 400x400, mildly upset.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11298706

Ristorante Blubeppe

>> No.11298714

Those pre-made lines were put there by someone else. Why should I follow their suggestion?

>> No.11298743

i will rape whoever does this in my presence (even if they are fat or ugly or a man, because it is more about power and dominance and punishment. rape is commonly used as a weapon of terror in war, but im sure all know this)

>> No.11298752

It is massive so half a piece would be better than those extra large ones.

>> No.11298753

>that egg yolk

If you've ever worked in a place that had fuck-awful eggs that just kept doing this shit when people ordered sunny side up or anything really no matter how fucking gentle you were. FUCKING DAMNIT. You could crack a few, sit them on a plate, and wait 30 seconds. At least one would separate like that for no reason.

>> No.11298963

Cheap mass produced eggs from chickens in stacked cages, most likely.

>> No.11298994

Is this why the cake is a lie?

>> No.11299073


>> No.11299090

I cut a much smaller piece than that for myself. And here is an idea that may be new to you, I don't do it because I want a tiny piece of pie. Actually, I want NO pie, but I cut a tiny piece to participate even though I don't want any, and my participation in the pie eating is forced on me every single time. I say "no thanks" and then everyone whines "OHH BUT YOU HAVE TO TRY IT" and I reluctantly submit and accept to eat a small piece, but you fucking assholes force me to do even that, so don't fucking complain about me cutting it "wrong" you sack of shit. I didn't want any in the first place so fuck you!

>> No.11299224

cut a separate circle around the center like in the pattern, numbnuts

>> No.11299246

*rips fat cloud
*double dabs
*3 Fortnight dances in a row
*rips fatter cloud

>> No.11299491

I have actual OCD and have to check things every day all the time. My wife keeps me sane about it. I've gotten down to being able to just ask her if she locked the door, locked the car, brought in all lithium batteries from the car in case it gets hot, make sure the car won't be towed or given a ticket, check the stove, and so on.

We have a system now where I just work from home and she goes out to get stuff and cooks which is keeping me much more sane. Hopefully by avoiding all behavior that could be a ritual for long enough, the cause might go away.

>> No.11299859

Those hands look masculine to me. Or that's one hairy matron.

>> No.11299869

Hope you pamper your wife often, that sounds like a lot of work.

>> No.11300064

tbf look how pale that crust is

>> No.11300074

obv a cheap frozen pie

>> No.11300075

Try response prevention therapy. Also SSRIs. Therapy really helps dude.

>> No.11300363

yeah but the pattern on that one slice is going to be nice. and every subsequent slice will also look interesting, unique, and daring besides the notice of the actual clash of the design.

we can still enjoy the beauty of micro while still appreciating the macro, we are not relinquising pleasure, we are not abstaining from novelty. ive watched you rub yourself down to
slim nothings of soft
rolled in caprice and sharp anise.
stif,fed drinks in
(night shift mode)please leave your)
because backlight is too harsh, too many times
ive asked myself””
refold into your favorite leftern
hemisphere of lanterns over the valley
or under the canals.
outstretched for more moons,
smooth, like ground concrete between your teeth,
vermouth in your bearings. [YOUR message]
i raise my head and breathe in
breaking in my
i think i am finally done with my

>> No.11300385

Wow thats pretty deep

>> No.11300514

Good God! What hath the Lord wrought? Why has He foresaken us?

>> No.11300536

who gives a shit, have you ever had to cook for en mass? have you done catering? have you had kids? you need to get over it mate
food is for eating, not being a prick

>> No.11300542

>lock door
>check that it's locked
>start leaving, make a few steps
>go back to check if it's locked
>unlock, lock again
>check again
>start leaving
>repeat if necessary
>spend the rest of the day wondering if you locked it

>> No.11300550

>Don't want an entire powder marked piece
>Cut in the right angle but within or outside the lines

Is this okay?

>> No.11301962

If I turned the stove on at least one time that day, I'm not leaving the house. Shit sucks

>> No.11303470

>He doesn’t cut fat piece off for himself at the right point to re-establish symmetry.

Alright then.

>> No.11303617

L-DOPA, 5-HTP, and Sangre de Grado

>> No.11303651

I want to hug the otter.

>> No.11303728



>> No.11303958

Who the fuck likes store bought crust?