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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11296097 No.11296097 [Reply] [Original]

Like fuck just cook it a little longer or something damn nigger.

>> No.11296110

Most chain places have company set regulations on what they can and can't do to the pizza. Local places know that crispy pizza a shit and on't bother.

>> No.11296111

Put 'uncut'/'unsliced' in aditional options.

Put it in your oven and cook it longer, it should be preheated by the time the guy gets there.

It'll even be fresher technically.

I actually like this idea, didn't know that before I typed it.

>> No.11296112

Usually when someone orders something crispy it means "burn my shit please" so you should be happy they didn't give it to you "crispy"

>> No.11296118

Why not? Burnt stuff is based.

>> No.11296121

nah police and fire departments have nothing better to do than check on an old woman's whose phone is out after a storm

>> No.11296152

Yeah why would police or firemen be concerned about the welfare of a citizen during an emergency? They have people to be concerned about after all! They can't be bothered being concerned about someone!


>> No.11296185

>your house burns down because the firetruck is checking on some cunt who can't reset her router

>> No.11296201
File: 535 KB, 759x604, 1531889312364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want it crispy don't order during peak business hours. During rush, the oven is fucking packed and putting your pie back halfway through is damn near impossible. The guy cutting just doesn't want to crash with the high volume of orders and isn't going to see your "bake longer" instruction as a priority.

>> No.11296207

Thats a little different than doing a wellness call u fucking retard

>> No.11296217

Because the ovens don’t get hot enough. If you ask for “well done” or “crispy” pizza it’s just going through the same treadmill-style broiler oven twice. Which is not at all like cooking at a higher heat.

>> No.11296236

A woman doesn't have to answer her phone, she was probably dodging her cuck son and getting some hurricane dicking.

>> No.11296580
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Imagine typing this

>> No.11296584

But Papa Johns is racist, and so are most grandmas. I hope this grandson got obliterated on Twitter because he deserves it.

>> No.11296596

Now that shaboy John isn't there, I could give a fuck about Papa Cuck and their chucking out over shines.

>> No.11296634


>30 cops stationed in Florida town to help after disastrous hurricane
>30 cops helping 80,000 people spread across 20 square miles
>meanwhile, there are 90 pizza deliver places in town each with 3-4 drivers

hmm, I wonder who would be able to respond to a courtesy call first...

>> No.11296660

order light sauce, square cut, thin crust

you'll get crispy pizza dicknoze

>> No.11296681

Domino's has a "well done" option if you order online, and I'm sure if you call in you can just ask for it too

>> No.11296704

>live in NYC during 9/11
>20 minutes after the first building is hit you notice a cat stuck in a tree
>call the fire dept. to have them come and get it down
>get told they're too busy right now
Wooooow. Why do they hate cats?

>> No.11296844


>> No.11296856

If you can't bake my pizza (manager) the way the customer wants it then get back to poorly distributing the toppings you lazy cunt.

>> No.11296951

my grandparent's order E V E R Y T H I N G "very well done"
like even mcdonald's
everywhere does it

>> No.11296989

Yeah, they just stick it halfway back in the conveyor belt oven.

>> No.11297048

Pizza huts thin crust is legendary. Are you just retarded?

>> No.11297055
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What kind of pizza exactly? Most pan pizzas have a little crispy on the bottom. Flatter pies are trickier depending on the dough they use. If you leave it in there long enough to crisp you risk charring the bottom.
Also you dipshits arguing about the OP pic are absolutely retarded and the reason this board is so crap now.

>> No.11297088

>Like fuck just cook it a little longer or something damn nigger.
Steam in closed box with hot item inside sogs out a well done crust. Undercooked crust is a matter of timers on ovens. Try to make comments on online orders to specify things you want. It can't hurt.

I once saw years ago that leftover pizza heated on a nonstick vs microwave preserved the crust crispiness. A pizza stone in a preheated oven is gonna be the next best thing. Think Sbarros and those places that heat your food before plating like that.

>> No.11297259
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It should also be noted that Papa John's did it for a tiny fraction of the money that the police or fire service would cost the taxpayer, PLUS there's the pizza. Capitalism works.

>> No.11297280

Do you think the old cunt tipped the man?

>> No.11297285

Pizza places should use better boxes that don’t trap the steam

>> No.11297328

Malliard reaction and sheit

>> No.11298150

Sure, if you like getting cancer.

>> No.11298645

May as well make your own home made pizza.

>> No.11299431


I haven't done it in years, but in college I would order Domino's and asked them to cook it "well done". They always obliged. Soggy, undercooked pizza is an abomination.