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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11291530 No.11291530 [Reply] [Original]

Tell us all about that time your friend(s) prepared a meal for you that was unforgettably awful.

>> No.11291539

I love dick btw, Idk if that matters.

>> No.11291572

My girlfriend asked me to come to her parents for dinner. Went and her mom served this baked chicken and sour cream dish, served over rice. It was an atrocity.

>> No.11291591
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>> No.11291609

could be fixed in less than an hour
wish my kitchen was as nice

>> No.11291612

I'd chill with that guy.
Anyone that has suggestive kill la kill posters in a major room like me must be alright.

>> No.11291613

my retarded friend who thinks he's a good cook for some reason came to my house and made homemade black bean burgers except he didn't look up a recipe so he literally just mashed together beans, red pepper slices and like giant round slices of basically raw onions and it instantly fell apart when i tried to eat it and tasted like shit.

ended up eating barely half of it then ordered dennys.

>> No.11291614

you'd hang out with a weeb faggot who only hangs out with other weeb faggots?

>> No.11291615

I matched with a girl on bumble and she invited me to dinner at her place... I thought great. I’ll eat some home cooked food and screw. I mean who invites a rando home for a real date? I get there and it’s ragu on a chicken breast “Parmesan.” Girl had no intent of a booty call either. Literally just wanted to eat that slop and watch reality tv.

Weird night bad food no wonder she was single in her late 20s

>> No.11291638

get off our website, fucking normie

>> No.11291643

>go over to a friends house
>he wants to cook dinner
>never seen him cook before
>uhh ok.jpg
>takes the whole chicken out of his fridge and removes it from some plastic wrapping
>oh no
he grabs out some sort of cookie pan or some bullshit
>doesn't season it
>just pre-heats the oven and throws it in
>don't want to be rude so I just go with it
>we start talking about some bullshit
>chicken is done
>half of it is almost burned
>grab part of the breast
>it's fucking rancid
>berate him for 20 minutes and leave

>> No.11291811

hahahahaa oh boy you didnt realzie somethun was wrong when he put it in the oven? ahah ddi you think it was some new technique!?? HAHA

>> No.11291812

this has niceguy red flags all over it lol

>> No.11291834

What would you assume if a random girl on a fuckme app invited you over?

How would you feel if turned out to be canned sauce on chicken?

>> No.11291843

Literally how. There’s are expectations to online dating interactions and they certainly aren’t eating shitty food and watching reality tv. Especially if a girl invites you to her place. You’d expect at least a little action

>> No.11291850
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>dinner means I get sex

>> No.11291863

lmao look at this faggot trolling me rn

>> No.11291876

KLK is a mediocre anime. Get some taste.

>> No.11291891

>Flatmates (couple) want to celebrate her promotion at work
>Literally go from eating salted rice and boiled frankfurters to salted rice and boiled frankfurters with ketchup and mustard on a bun
The rice wasn't cooked properly, the frankfurters, surprisingly, had a taste but of stale foot pork. Bun was ok though.

>> No.11291917

I have one in my bedroom.

Soul eater, ngnl, haruhi suzumiya and panty and stocking too.

I need to rotate them out, I've gotten kinda bored of them.

I have a neir automata poster I have no where to hang up, moving sometime soon.

>> No.11291940

Roomate used no spices on anything, just salt and sometimes pepper.

When we made dinner he was amazade at how good our food was. Now he guys food expecting we will cook it.

>> No.11292845
File: 70 KB, 773x960, E8D81900-1F56-48AD-9D74-CB9D66DB8893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you want something else inside you after being stuffed with fucking lasagna?

>> No.11292855


>> No.11292907
File: 346 KB, 600x600, 0041789007668_a1c1_0600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a buddy who would make yakisoba mac and cheese and add canned chicken to it. The smell was of rancid wet cat fur and the taste was horrid. He would pound that shit down like it was nothing

>> No.11292953

I like you.