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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11286173 No.11286173[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lookin at you Ted

>> No.11286178

You're question is more complex that you realize.

>> No.11286207

wwtf i love /sippin/ now

>> No.11287042


fuck off

>> No.11287799

Quitting coffee is the best decision anyone can make for their mental well-being.

>> No.11288047
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>> No.11288057

Tell me about it, especially tea though, coffee gives me the shakes.

>> No.11288765

Nothing that unhealthy about/sips/ compared to coffee

>> No.11288772

>coffee is healthy
most people add cream and a ton of sugar. Sweet tea is basically sugar water too

>> No.11288774

Just only drink peppermint tea and water you irresponsible faggots

>> No.11288794

yeah salads aren't healthy because people put heavy cream dressing on them, you fucking retard

>> No.11288801
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>peppermint tea
Enjoy your erectile dysfunction

>> No.11288819

Too much niacin is bad for your liver.
Too much B12 may cause lung cancer.
Artificial sweeteners are sketchy.

>> No.11288830

enjoy your lifelong inability to enjoy things because one of your good chums on the 4chan told you it might have negative effects

>> No.11288957

What do you make of this?

>> No.11289067

About 2/3 of all Americans drink coffee. People who can afford to drink coffee regularly have more disposable income to support the habit, meaning they are better off in general and can therefore afford things that benefit their health.

>> No.11289076

I'd rather enjoy a lifelong inability to enjoy things because one of your good chums on the 4chan told you it might have negative effects than enjoy a non-functioning penis and zero sperm count :^)

>> No.11289077


Coffee is a staple though. Being able to afford it is akin to being able to afford bread eggs beans and milk

>> No.11289090
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>About 1/3 of all Americans use meth. People who can afford to use meth regularly have more disposable income to support the habit, meaning they are better off in general and can therefore afford things that benefit their health.

>> No.11289100

>66% of the country drinks it regularly
Not really a "staple" plus the study said 2-3 cups per day, which implies a consumption habit of luxury instead of just a morning pick-up. This is just a misleading correlational study posted on a major news network for ad revenue from suburban moms trying to justify their habit, just like the "one glass of red wine per night is correlated with healthier hearts"

>> No.11289111

I'm actually not sure what your point is because people who use meth regularly likely don't have stable jobs to provide a disposable income...

>> No.11289122

the memes, they were real
all of them

>> No.11289280
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This is some serious libshit propaganda. You would realize if you bought food and had a job that coffee can be made at home and is cheaper than any other staple. But you only know making fruit drinks at starbucks and think coffee is privilege because you're an absolute retard.

Youre also shitposting off topic. There are more than muh correlational studies. Coffee IS healthy https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-latest-scoop-on-the-health-benefits-of-coffee-2017092512429

>> No.11289291

Wow really because you posted a shitty study first that only made the correlation and then a quick paragraph stating "uh maybe its nutrients or antioxidants" which wasn't even measured in the study. Oh, here's a cool little fact I found in the second study
>One reason is that we don’t know for sure that coffee consumption actually caused the health benefits observed in these studies.
Cool that you can extrapolate facts based on correlation and "maybe it's healthy"

>> No.11289299
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>may cause
Nice weasel words. Let me guess, you're gluten intolerant?

>> No.11289301

>t. Never been to college.
That wasnt a study dumbass. It was a blog post from a harvard doctor. Fucking kill yourself you idiot. If you really aren't a dropout, why don't you prove it by going onto a journal database and seeing the research that corroborates those claims (you won't because you're too stupid). Pro tip also: the US isnt the only country where people drink coffee. Poor and brown people countries do as well!

Imagine being a liberal this delusional and disconnected from anything resembling the real world. And STILL lecturing other people hahahahahaha

>> No.11289315

>asking me to prove the negative
You clearly don't understand how to interpret research, the second study you posted, you know the Harvard one, even explicitly said there was no evidence for causality, only correlation.

>> No.11289328

What an insufferable faggot.
Still can't refute that too much niacin is bad for your liver, enjoy your acute hepatitis.

>> No.11289336

Im sorry youre too stupid to live. I notice you dont have access to a journal database you dropout antifa neet freak. I think from here on out I'll only respond to posts from people with college degrees.
>muh proving a negative
Cringe. This is health studies we're talking about, not abstract epistemology. Kys pls.

>> No.11289348

I'm in college and have access to research databases. You still haven't posted anything that proves your claim, and again the second source you used said there wasn't evidence for a causal relationship but please keep calling me stupid.

>> No.11289354

t. thought a blog was a peer reviewed study. Not him btw but you actually are a stupid neet leftist freak. I personally hate you actually.

>> No.11289356

Why are you so touchy about this subject? Why so defensive over garbage energy drinks? lol it's very sad.

>> No.11289362

I didn't say it wasn't peer reviewed... I just said it only showed correlation and not a causal relationship which triggered the other anon into calling me stupid.
I'm not the one flinging insults and making unscientific claims

>> No.11289363

He wanted to pull subversive commie shit about oppression and got btfo. Safe space time for him.

>> No.11289365

Just stop posting

>> No.11289367

Make me

>> No.11289419

When you actually support the claim you made I'll admit I'm an idiot

>> No.11289928

That blog is so sad, the little girl died.

>> No.11289973

This thread is a breeding ground of ignorance

>> No.11290033

This is so sad. Can I play Despacito?