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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11284935 No.11284935[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

People aren't supposed to be attracted to a literal fucking food source. Get your heads examined

>> No.11284941

I agree just hang em out there

>> No.11284948

You are, though. It's extremely natural.

Finding an ass attractive, on the other hand, is definitely degenerate

>> No.11284954

gee wilkers it really makes me wonder why All Powerful Evolution gave the homo sapien females big bountiful bosomy breastestes if not for the penis to become engorged with cummies ready to escape
seriously, humans are the only animal to have naturally and permanently swollen breasts due to it somewhere along the line of evolution becoming a point of sexual attraction (which increases the chance of reproduction, hence why it's seen as a favorable trait)

>> No.11284955

Penis is a pipe for getting rid of excess fluids but also in some other state can be inserted in various orifices spurting semen.

>> No.11284956

>98% of men are sick in the head
I mean she's not wrong but rude

>> No.11284957

people are allowed to carry cucumbers and pepperoni sticks around in the open, but not human breasts?
baka at this world

>> No.11285011

>women aren't allowed to pose topless

>> No.11285013

Hurr 98 percent of men fall outside the average of the normal distribution. Cunt woman who can't do math confirmed

>> No.11285019

What I'm saying is that if almost every man out there loves boobs they probably don't need psychological help, dumbo.

>> No.11285023
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So thinking big milkers/sign of fertility is mental illness, but getting a hard on for dressing like a woman or getting poopoo on your peepee is okay? Absoloute fucking clownworld.

>> No.11285025

what type of vending machine is a girls butt?

>> No.11285027

There are evolutionary biologists who would say you have that backwards. The first attraction was the ass, as a sign of good child bearing hips and being well fed. The boobs got sexually selected for as a result of finding the ass pleasing, but mating front to front.

>> No.11285031

That's horseshit and you don't have a source. Big tits would be a way better indicator of fertility.

>> No.11285033

>Big tits would be a way better indicator of fertility
It's not an indicator of fertility at all. It's an indicator of being able to feed a baby. Similar, but not the same.

>> No.11285042

You realize the VAST majority of women have big enough hips for a baby, right? There's nothing to look for, they were all able to squeeze them out. Women with narrow hips is a presence now because of C-sections.

>> No.11285044

low iq post detected
look up them ancient fertility statues brother
they have tits like uhhhh big tits

>> No.11285049
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Wide hips would indicate better chance of surviving childbirth. Big ass and tits would both indicate that the female is well fed. I'm sure surviving childbirth is a much more important evolutionary trait than have attractive breasts; someone's gonna mount you no matter how saggy they are, but if you're malnourished or have underdeveloped hips you might find yourself and possibly the offspring leaving the gene pool when you try to pop it out.

>> No.11285059

>food and cooking


>> No.11285068

>You realize the VAST majority of women have big enough hips for a baby, right?
While we're asking questions:
You do realize we're talking about evolutionary trends here, and not talking about literal, specific, measurements of the modern day, right?

>look up them ancient fertility statues brother
>they have tits like uhhhh big tits
I'm familar. That's probably because big tits correlate with the swelling of breasts that occurs when a woman is pregnant or nursing. My point is that it's correlated, not causal.

>> No.11285078

Based and redpilled animeposter

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11285081

You're sounding very lactose intolerant right now, man.

>> No.11285088
File: 104 KB, 596x960, clown world levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love clown world. Who needs fictional comedy?

>> No.11285093

damn babies, what currency do they use???

>> No.11285096

>The boobs got sexually selected for as a result of finding the ass pleasing, but mating front to front.

Apparently men never saw the front of women before people figured out the missionary position. Weird how we discern emotion through facial features then, did asses used to have female facial features?

>> No.11285108

Do some reading on evolutionary biology, especially sexual selection in primates, then get back to me.

>> No.11285109

I don't think this factor has been posted in the thread yet:

Symmetry is a marker of good health, and that's something signaled by a woman's breasts. In particular, it's thought that one of the reasons for the big tit aficionados is that as breasts grow, asymmetry becomes more and more obvious, it magnifies the problem for all to see. That means that if the large breasts are symmetrical, then it's plain to see that she is very symmetrical and in good health, and a good candidate for reproductive success. On the other hand, with small breasts, it can be harder to tell because the difference is more nuanced.

>> No.11285110

but surely most women have child bearing hips, its kinda key to the species survival. whereas the boobs and being chubby are factors of wealth

>> No.11285113
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They have ur mum's facial features lmao

Although you are actually entirely correct.

>> No.11285124

Do you not understand that this transition is tied to the rise of bipedalism in our ancestors? Consider how dogs interact with each other: they look at each other's faces and each other's butts as they run around and socialize, but it is not practical for them to interact with each other's underbellies due to being quadrupeds

>> No.11285126

kinda unrelated but
I've always found it weird that there is a huge ass statue of a Roman Goddess in the middle of Jew York. Romans are the nemesis of the Jews in the Bible, even the Number of the Beast is a code for Nero Caesar.

>> No.11285125

Feminists screeched to shut down Men's magazines and to end Page 3 in the UK.

>> No.11285129

did it work?

>> No.11285141

Libertas was not an important goddess within the Roman pantheon because she represented something rather antithetical to Roman ideals. A more quintessentially Roman statue might have been a god like Jupiter (Justice), Mars (Animal/Rage Side of War), or Minerva (Rational/Strategic Side of War).

Libertas is arguably one of the least Roman gods of the Roman pantheon, but rather appropriate to be the chosen symbol of Jew York

>> No.11285164

>antithetical to Roman ideals
>appropriate symbol of Jew York
Why is that? Genuinely curious.

>> No.11285171

Yes, actually.

>> No.11285187

Obviously b8, and not /ck/ related but...
1. By this logic the only part of a woman we should find attractive is her vagina.
2. >Attempting to apply rigid logical thinking to something like love/affection.

>> No.11285191

It says "MD" so you know she's right.

>> No.11285197

>2. Attempting to apply rigid logical thinking to something like love/affection.

this is literally me, how do i stop this? it is killing me from the inside and soon it will kill me on the outside.

>> No.11285210
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You just gotta accept that some things in life can't be figured out the same way that other things can be. Love and affection cannot be understood in the same way that something like a math problem can be. Sometimes relationships will no sense. A guy who's a rich chad will date a poor uggo woman with a mediocre personality because he sees, "something" in her.

>> No.11285242

This. It's comforting to operate under the illusion that we make rational decisions, but the truth is we don't. Most of our choices are not rational at all. They're driven by emotion, instinct and our perception of ourselves. In the big picture the choices we make are generally absurd, not rational. That absurdity is something you can choose to accept of fight to ignore. But it's always there.

>> No.11285293

I had my first day as an assistant nurse today, I may already have lost my feelings of attraction to the female body.

>> No.11285303

How about your belief that "MD" means someone knows what they're talking about?
I think I lost that in the first week.

>> No.11285308

Maybe MD means mentally deficient

>> No.11285314

I haven't had anything to do with doctors or their decisions yet. I'm at a nursing home so I think it'll be some time.

>> No.11285371
File: 2.46 MB, 3195x4486, 37aaf0f57ba842e6a6f2315d7ca1cf41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how come erect nipples can signify sexual arousal and even stimulating them can make a woman sexually aroused?
This too.

And a (((blue checkmark)))

>> No.11285384

No protests from me.
I have nothing against more topless women.

>> No.11285394

There is literally no reason to legalize women going topless outside of nude beaches. Hot chicks are not going to reveal one half of their most important asset for free, and ugly chicks don't have the confidence. The only time you see women go topless right now is to fight back against le patriarchy boogeyman.

If it was legal, you'd never see a single woman go topless. See, men go topless because it shows off their physique, which is important because women want to know up front what kind of man you are and if you are worth them. Meanwhile men want there to be some sort of mystery involved with their woman of choice, a mystery only revealed once the man "conquers" her. Since the only value of a woman is typically her body, they aren't going to want to blow their wad, so to speak, for all to see. Men being topless is fine and will only do good things for them (assuming they have a good upper body, of course.)

>> No.11285412
File: 2.12 MB, 720x486, breastfeeding.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11285417

Dicks are baby vending machines

>> No.11285427

Boobs are sensitive, which the ass isn't. Being attracted to boobs is a sign of greater capacity for empathy, a foundation of civilization, decency and morality.

>> No.11285430

If boobs are not sexual does that mean if i go around grabbing at them its just regular assault and not sexual assault?

>> No.11285432

Wow there were some weird sketches in this show.

>> No.11285435

How the fuck do you even pronounce alyaa

>> No.11285441

there is logic to it, it's just double standard logic.
hot guy with money : omg it should be legal to suck his dick in public
average quiet guy : eww if you look at me it's literally rape creep

>> No.11285443


it's not illegal to go topless anywhere in the US, you fucking brainlet

>> No.11285447

Can someone confirm this?

>> No.11285454

kek, women don't find you a creep for being an "average quiet guy", but because you are a disgusting fat retard. Whatever helps you cope, though.

>> No.11285460

>>It's double-standard logic
Yep, and it happens both ways.
A lot of men men like to show off their wealth by wearing an expensive watch or driving a fancy car, but hate "gold diggers". A lot of women go through a lot of effort to wear makeup, fancy clothes, and flaunt their figure yet hate it when men are "only interested in their body".

>> No.11285471

Only poor people hate gold diggers

>> No.11285508

butthole is just shit vending machine