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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11281800 No.11281800 [Reply] [Original]

if you're too lazy to put it back correctly, please kill yourself

>> No.11281812

ok, I will

>> No.11281815

I change articles purposely to make people buy the wrong things.

>> No.11281829

Doesn't the store pay people to do that?

>> No.11281834

This is my biggest pet peeve... In trashy communities I see RAW MEAT left in non refrigerated shelves...

>> No.11281835

but then the grocery workers will have nothing to do

>> No.11281845

Nah, the employees are paid to do it for me

>> No.11281864


What about refridgerated stuff? Most store protocol (I assume, since I never worked retail) would say they have to go straight to the bin...

>> No.11281868

Doing this just gives the workers an extra task to kill a little time with.
>RAW MEAT left in non refrigerated shelve
these people can go fuck themselves

t. retail worker

>> No.11281883

>walking all the way across the store to put something back when there are people being paid to do that

yeah ok losers, it must be real difficult when people make you do your jobs, no wonder you work at supermarkets.

>> No.11281906

I take items and leave them in random places to keep the supermarket employees on their toes. The next time you find ground beef with the cereal, you'll know it was me.

>> No.11281908

>fill a cart
>just leave it somewhere

>> No.11281933

>t. retail worker
So, when you find refrigerated items sitting in a non-refrigerated area, do you put it back or throw it away?

>> No.11281963

Umm, no sweetie, that’s what the employees are paid for :)

>> No.11282279

You guys are no worse than certain ethnic groups who leave garbage on the tables in food courts. Or worse, throw it on the floor.

Yes, there are people being paid to clean up after you, but that doesn't mean you should act like a pig.

If you truly feel that they're being "paid" to reshelve these things, at least you can give the things you don't need to the clerk when you check out. But you guys probably don't, because it's embarrassing right.

You can't complain about how the streets are "autistically" clean in Japan, and complain about Indian street shitters at the same time. It makes you a damn hypocrite.

Make America Great Again, one piece of litter at a time.

>> No.11282365

You don't really keep on their toes because they just pitch it if it's away from the cooler, regardless of the temperature.

>> No.11282503

>Cleaning up after myself
>IN someone else's property
Why. Those people are the ones benefiting from not having trash everywhere. Why should I bother.

>> No.11282516
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, 1534361843478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the supermarket
>go to the fresh produce section
>put as much cilantro in a bag as i can
>go to the can soup section
>hide it behind a massive wall of soup

>> No.11282526

>Go to liquor store
>find case of cheapest swill possible
>wedge it into laydown racks for fancy wine

>> No.11282780

If I put it back correctly, I would be denying the wagie an opportunity to CLEAN IT UP.

>> No.11283846

Just do your job, grocery slave

>> No.11283847

Who's talking about grammar tho

>> No.11284342

I cut off barcodes from expensive items at home and use double sided tape to stick them onto cheap items at the store

>> No.11284351

>there are people paid to do this thing
>but you must do this thing otherwise you are pig

You sound like you'll tell your kids to clean the house before the cleaner comes when you finally become a mother