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File: 810 KB, 2048x1536, De_zeven_trappisten_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11281678 No.11281678 [Reply] [Original]

Beer discussion thread
Also what's the word on trappist beers, are any worth trying?

>> No.11281692

Trappist beers are great and definitely worth trying. Orval is my favorite, Chimay after that. Rochefort doesn't quite do it for me

>> No.11281739

The only one I've had is Chimay, but it's absolutely delicious.

>> No.11281748
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They're definitely worth it.
Personally, I just got pic related, and am enjoying it. Never had a Gose before.

>> No.11281780

There are so many new local beers constantly coming out that I honestly forget to go back and try the classic Belgiums. Out of the OP pic I'd like to say that the Rochefort right in the center is my favorite, but I honestly need to go back and try all of them, but they're kind of expensive and overlooked in the US.

>> No.11281782
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For the most part, they’re fantastic. Also recommend trying out St. Bernardus Abt. 12, it’s right up there, and a hell of a lot easier to get than Westy XII.

Also, just got Curmudgeon’s Better Half in my area for the first time. It’s so fucking good. Reminds me of what BWB used to be. Pic related.

>> No.11281787

Damn, GRRM's wife looks like that?

>> No.11281799
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On a related note, what do you guys think about the newest Trappist brewery's beers?

>> No.11281808

Keep in mind that some of the most quality sours tend to be wild-fermented. While kettle sours can be very good as well, they tend to miss out on the complexity that styles like goses, Flanders oud bruins, krieks, lambics, tend to excel in.

>> No.11281826
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Enjoying a nice stout rn
Pic related

>> No.11281838


There was this shit bar on 6th street in Austin, TX that sold chimay on tap for dirt cheap. Like $2.50 per pint. I told my parents about it and they went and invited a bunch of their boomer friends. Now its like $8 per pint. I have no idea who priced the chimay those first couple weeks but what a retard.

>> No.11281852
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>I told my parents about it and they went and invited a bunch of their boomer friends. Now its like $8 per pint.
You're the reason we cant have nice things.

>> No.11281892

Will do.

>> No.11281968

I love this beer so much

>> No.11282055

It's a very good sour. Makes me wish DFH would attempt some more traditional sours. They always like to put a spin on it, so I'm sure we'd get something really interesting.

>> No.11282332


>> No.11283226
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>yes, all of them

>> No.11283594
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I sometimes drink an Orval when I visit my parents, but trappists and belgian beers in general outside of gueuzes and lambics don't interest me much anymore since I drank that for ten years before more stuff got available where I live early 2010s
went to zwanze day on saturday, great stuff, especially this dry and cold hopped and pale ale malted lambic called Iris

>> No.11283678

Is there any big difference between the stuff coming out of Flanders and Wallonia?

>> No.11283690

i had some Belgian beers and i thought they were awfull

>> No.11283705

what kind

>> No.11283712

Flanders region common tap stuff, ale and some dark beer

>> No.11283939

I really liked the westvleteren when I was in belgium at the monastery.
One of the few things belgians do better than the dutch, brew beer.
To be honest I like every beer in that pic. Im just not a fan of dubbels.

>> No.11283967

Literally every beer in the pic is fantastic. Trappist beers are honestly hard to beat.

>> No.11283970

I’ve never heard of it, how new is it? Def gotta check it out. Any good?

>> No.11284571

Kinda strange that they allowed Americans to be in on it but I'll surely be trying it

>> No.11284636

They actually put up some heavy resistance against it. As it turns out, Trappist brewers are very protective of their reputation and Spencer abbey had to start very slow at first.

>> No.11284650

Pretty good, I haven't had the quad yet. Finding a distributor for your State can be a pain.

>> No.11284720

Pretty good. I've only had the trippel and I really liked it.
I've seen that happen a bunch of times in South Philly. Neighborhood gentrifies so the old Miller/Bud/Coors only bars try to change to keep up, but don't know what the fuck they're doing. You end up with dirt cheap high ABV beers being sold by the pint. The one barman legit didn't know beer could be more than 4% and was super confused why people were getting smashed on just a couple beers.

>> No.11284893

What's the closest style to a trappist strong ale that isn't made in an abbey? It doesn't sound like they use any particularly special processes

>> No.11284979

I tried Leffe, nice one.
Trappist are the way to go after 90km trekking trip in the mountains.

>> No.11285000

I'm not a big fan of this one actually. Black Lime flavor is too pronounced, and it tasted a bit too salty. Doesnt have the satisfying sourness of others I've had either.
It's nothing special really.

>> No.11285062
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I don't drink often, my favorite is Kozel Dark, but the one store that sells it in my town doesn't have it anymore.
Anyone know some other good, dark beers that could be found somewhere with a small selection?

>> No.11285112

There's loads of non-Trappist breweries that put out beers in the same styles. St. Bernardus is probably the most famous, but American made dubbels, tripels, and quads aren't particularly hard to find.

>> No.11286750

Why do you have at your local liquor stores?

>> No.11287539
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Clearly this is the best beer hands down

>> No.11287599

Trappists are usually just high-quality Belgians, mostly trippels and quadrupels.
Try Allagash (regular) and Fin Du Monde for common tripels, and St Bernardus (which is apparently a clone of Westy 12, considered the best Trappist beer by many, though I can't confirm) or Delirium Tremens for quads, they'll sell those everywhere. Then dive into whichever style you like better, I'm a tripel man myself and there are a lot of unique spice profiles out there.

>> No.11287610

Correction- Delirium is a tripel (still a great one), I meant to say Gulden Draak for quads, I think there are two varieties but they're basically the same.

>> No.11287627

Nothing basically. Other than a few random and expensive bottles of beer they only sell liquor and wine. You have to go to grocery stores for beer here, and I live in a smaller town so the selection isn't the greatest.

>> No.11288206

Well like I said, what's around? Unless you want to order in a shipment from interstate or something to stock up, you've basically just gotta stick with the dark ales around already

>> No.11288209

I'm in Australia

>> No.11288474

you can get la trappe quadrupel at dan murphys.
easily the best beverage (alcoholic or not) of all time.

>> No.11288485

looks like some shitty third worlder beer.
like the type you would get at a bar in a brazilian favela or a somalian pirate villiage.


>> No.11288516


>> No.11288559

>tfw living in the north of France so we get the best of Belgium's trappist beers on tap, and the enjoy French wine for cheap
No wonder it's full of alcoholics there

>> No.11288585

no wonder your mudslims are angry all the time, they are surrounded by the best booze, but aren't allowed to drink it.

>> No.11288598

What a dumb thing to believe. Why the shit would god care about alcohol or pork

>> No.11288627

>tfw gose is hard to find in my city
It is not a good pain

>> No.11288645

Shit's so good god wants it for himself, so the muzzies have to eat lamb and drink sherbet and cry.

>> No.11288695

Lamb is pretty good too, but no pork is just retarded. I thought muzzies guzzled mint tea or some shit

>> No.11289309

Chimay Red is one of my favourite beers.
Rodenbach tops it though.

>> No.11289393

Isn't the newest one in England? That one opened in 2013

>> No.11289503
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Tried Chimay Dorée the other day. That shit is on another level, amazing beer.

>> No.11289585

>Well like I said, what's around?

I honestly don't know m8, I rarely look at the beer section and I barely know any names. Like what are some dark ales that should exist in most places? I like Hobgoblin too but they don't have it here.
I mean I could just start testing one by one, but a starting point would be neat.

>> No.11289995

Honestly just try whatevers there. If it's that small I doubt you have a lot to go through and it's honestly fun trying out new beers

>> No.11290111

>paying over a hundred dollars for a case of beer


>> No.11290152
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hefeweizens are my favorite. pic related is what i've got in the fridge right now.

>> No.11290390
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This is not a drill FLAlcoholics. Get to total wine asap!

>> No.11290450

Based. I got 3 15 packs of PC pils for 15$ at total wine. All I go there for is the clearance stuff

>> No.11290475

>TFW Polk County
>Only ABC
At least they have a nice selection. . .

>> No.11290489

Its ok for a sour (im not a big fan of the style).

>> No.11290511

For me, its Buschhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.11290523

Abc isnt bad, but they really dont do beer sales like total wine. Even though both have Kona on sale sometimes, its never the Longboard coffee porter, they dont even stock it.

>> No.11290654

Fucking gross

>> No.11290716

I wish Hefes were cheaper around here, but they're brilliant

>> No.11290899
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Hi Cletus!

>> No.11290916

Expensive. Chimay was good. Liked Blue the most.

>> No.11291065

(the joke is that it tastes awful but it's really cheap so the company still makes lots of money)
Calling it third worlder is a bit unfair though it more like the New Zealand Victorian bitters. tastes better than VB though but that's easy feat to accomplish

>> No.11291080

i had it off the tap the other day, and it's basically the opposite of curmudgeon. the super high alcohol flavor is mellowed out by the molasses and maple. i'm not even planning on cellaring this one.

>> No.11291088

68 posts and no faggot has posted dessert in a can. About time we had a grown up’s beer thread.

>> No.11291102

So am I, trappist beers are easy to find here and are better priced than US craft beers.

>> No.11291116

Brewing the beer for my wedding in March. So far I've brewed an American barleywine that I dry hopped and aged on some bourbon-soaked oak chips - bottled it last week. Right now I'm fermenting an amber ale. A hefe, pilsner, and double IPA are scheduled as well.

>> No.11291304

That you, Ronald? I like your channel.

>> No.11291942

is weihenstephaner considered macro? you can get it pretty much anywhere. if so - can we all agree it's the best macrobrewery?

>> No.11292217

is that the one that the monks themselves drink?
i've had that before, but can't remember if it was a brown or a gold label

>> No.11293607

Then post it you fucking retard. That's why you have access to this thread. To post shit you like

>> No.11293612

Sign a prenup

>> No.11293645
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Don't mind me, it's just the best beer reporting in.

>> No.11293692

This shit has no taste at all compared to the top belgian trippels (rochefort and sint vleteren.

Also: I have visited the sint vleteren abbye multiple times to pick up beer. Ask me anything.

>> No.11293714

I live in Germany and only recently started drinking beer. Haven't tried much, what do you recommend that I can pick up in a normal store?

I actually tried >>11290152 and it was ok I guess. Also a Warsteiner, a Becks and a dark Erdinger. I think I like light refreshing beers more than the thicker tasting kind. I don't really know any of the jargon or differences of beer like IPA, Trappist and whatnot yet, only the normal yellow and dark beer.

>> No.11293734

How to keep track of all beers you drank or still have to drink?

>> No.11293785

Thanks for the advice, but no.

>> No.11293792


>> No.11293816

Good luck

>> No.11293818

Thanks, I guess.

>> No.11293827

csiki mezses Transylvanian honey beer 9% lush

>> No.11293859
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also this from same brewery

>> No.11293865
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>> No.11293871
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this brauhaus in Regensburg did its job for me last weekend.

>> No.11293921


>> No.11294064

Yes, that one is their patersbier, originally brewed only for the monks.

>> No.11294076
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miért nem iszol inkább pécsi sört?

>> No.11294159

because so much beer so little time

>> No.11294535

>Putting anything other than duvel inside that glass
Is it just Belgians that get triggered by this?

>> No.11294609

Man I'm jelly of your cheap wine, we Belgians still pay less for our beer though so it evens out. Spéciales on tap really do make a difference, triple karmeliet on tap is amazing.

>> No.11294617

I guess so. Other countries don't have our glass autism. I still have to complete my collection to have at least every common shape of glass and specific ones for the ones I drink regularly.

>> No.11295368
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actually, yes

>> No.11295476
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Excuse me why i make way for the G.O.A.T. beer.

Truly a work of art.

>> No.11295480
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Outta my way, pumpkin fucking shits. Based fall beer coming through.

>> No.11295596

That pumpkin stout by southern tier is pretty decent.

Based. My personal favorite.

>> No.11295819
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I’ll do it again, too.

Duvel makes a good, sturdy glass, and I like the way the stem grips. Much better than the founders tulip.

>> No.11295890
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Who else is drinking the best fresh hop beer around?

>> No.11295981
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Me likey.

>> No.11296123

Isn’t kriek typically blended from young and old beer, like Flemish reds? What makes this stand out?

>> No.11296420

Weihenstephaner is the closest to the local weiss's I tried in Bavaria. So yes.

Just try stuff out. Avoid dark beers if you're looking for light and refreshing obviously, but they're nice in the winter. Do you know lagers from ales?

>> No.11296636

For me, it's garage projects chocolate in a can.

>> No.11296666

Probably because Weihenstephaner is exclusively made in Germany, not even 50km away from where I'm living.
I do prefer Erdinger Weiße to Weihenstephan though.

Not the most well versed in small breweries, what's a good beer to test the waters of non-macro beers?

>> No.11296846

I had one from Voyager up in grand marais that I thought was way better. It was melony more than anything and delicious

>> No.11296867

You're in Germany. There will be a local brewery somewhere. Google it, start there.

>> No.11297018
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Who beer with ice here?

>> No.11297239

Ooh, nice. I've been disappointed by most of Voyager's stuff but I'd be willing to try it. And I guess I usually prefer Indeed's over Surly's, but Surly knocked it outta the park this year

>> No.11297374

Me too desu. Their taproom is cozy as shit though on a rainy day up there so I dont mind hanging out for a couple hours

>> No.11297613

surly has too many IPA memes. their cynicale is alright.

>> No.11297622

Theyve been coming out with a lot of new stuff recently. Sours and some wheat wine thing. There was some summer lager too if I remember right, and that first ave golden

>> No.11297976

While I agree w/ you that they have too many IPAs, cynic is by far their worst year round

>> No.11298005

It's not a kriek. It's a Flemish red with cherries added.
In any case, it's super tart, super cherry-y and super tasty.

>> No.11298026

Nope. What channel you talking about, i like to watch beer reviews.

>> No.11298378


>> No.11298677
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Reinheitsgebot or GTFO

>> No.11298781

>German beer is such a one-trick pony they had to regulate the creativity out of their industry to ward of ridicule

>> No.11298805


Ever noticed how great art is almost always made from materials that are hard to work with, like marble or even granite? And all that pathetic shit made out of plastic?

>> No.11298895

>German beer is such a one-trick pony they had to regulate the creativity out of their industry to ward of ridicule
you can still mix pisswater with sugar but you are not allowed tro sell it as "beer"

>> No.11299030
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Trappist's are pallet worthy but not every day.

>> No.11299137

Ronald Theriot. He's a bit autistic, but puts out a ton of content.

>> No.11299179

I have yet to taste a PB porter that wasn't absolutely revolting.

>> No.11299216

Whoa, I'm like 20 minutes down the road from Norris. There's actually a sweet grocery story called Archer's with a HUGE selection of micro and craft brews there (growlers too)
I'm drinking a home-brewed stout with raspberries and blackberries added!

>> No.11299218
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My recommendations: Anosteke, La corne, Paix dieu and Troll

>> No.11299228
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Kasteel rouge is great to if you like fruity and girly beers, you can even drink it with ice a for a extreme faggish fashion.

>> No.11299235
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Special mentions: Moinette, La choufe and Diole.

>> No.11299361

reminder that reinheitsgebot was never intended to be a "beer quality or purity" law, it was only intended to prevent brewers from using grains that were useful in breadmaking to keep the price of bread down to prevent a peasant revolt

>> No.11300682


Citation needed. Pretty sure purity was at least part of it, there are stories of brewers using shrooms and all sorts of strange shit.

>> No.11300990

Brewers did use "strange" stuff in brewing. There were all sorts of local brews in the HRE that were lost to history as the Bavarian custom of Reinheitsgebot spread, none were using literal poison. People knew what plants made them sick, and most brewing was done at home or very small scale for your family and the neighboring farms, not people most were looking to poison. There is no evidence that "beer quality" was ever a problem.

And the idea that preventing brewers from using wheat, rye, and oats, or even fruit increased purity is straight up marketing bullshit by the big Munich breweries spun much after the law was created, and is probably the single most important reason why Belgium and later America makes such better beer than Germany

For some quick analysis, look at the "Purpose" section on wikipedia

>> No.11301265

I hope so. I had so much different glassware appropriate for different beers that I had to give most of it away, but my Duvel tulip is my favourite, and there are lots of beers I like to drink from it.

>> No.11301273

I have a few pint glasses and a tulip. Just got rid of all the other stupid glasses I collected over the years. Took up too much space

>> No.11301289

This is pretty much what my collection looks like now too, also kept a weizen glass and a chalice. When the fuck am I ever going to use a pokal glass?

>> No.11301309

I had 4 different pils glasses for some reason. The only other glass I'll ever buy is a teku at some point. Probably when I get drunk enough at the brewery down the road

>> No.11301431

I have a teku but I think I'd prefer a snifter desu

>> No.11301524

Aren't most snifters very small though? I have a snifter and a tulip, and I only use the snifter for spirits, it's like a little mini-tulip.

>> No.11301540
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Westmalle is great imo

>> No.11301558

Weihenstephaner is the pinnacle of Weizen imo, I usually have them in my fridge
>tfw country is surrounded by Belgium and Germany, as well as having some great beers ourselves

>> No.11301634

But WHERE do I start from? I can't just taste test all 50 for my liver's sake.

>> No.11301657
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Damn, forgot the pic.

>> No.11301662

Germany actually has it fairly bad when it comes to small breweries and diverse selections. A downside of having some of the best cheap macro beers in the world was little pressure to make better more interesting stuff, a few good cool beers survived, but most were killed by reinheisgebot

>> No.11301685


>> No.11301691

>Die Stone Brewing Company (kurz Stone; offiziell KoochenVagner's Brewing Co.) ist eine US-amerikanische Brauerei mit Sitz im kalifornischen Escondido.
Pass, give me a local one. I do not like to support foreigners with my hard earned money. Local breweries only.

>> No.11301702

It's okay, I'm from California.

>> No.11301728

I haven't researched it, but if I recall correctly Stone is doing a bunch to try and help local craft brewing there. Check before taking my word for it but I believe they feature beer from a variety of good small German breweries as well as operating their own brewery locally

But really, just google "craft beer bars" that will probably be more reliable than what most of us know about your city

>> No.11301823

I'm morbidly obese. How do i get so drunk that I forget I'm alive?

>> No.11301955

I just like the way they look desu

>> No.11302049

Nearly every region has its own local brand though, like Erzquell in the Siegerland, the local brands are barely sold outside the home region

>> No.11302104

yeah, but the surviving local brands are still pretty homogeneous.

And along with that, one of the most important differences between modern craft breweries and legacy breweries is variety. Many modern breweries will be making 10-20 beers at a time, and beyond that rotate through the year. It allows for experimentation and evolution that just isn't seen with legacy brewers

>> No.11302216

vodka has the best alcohol to calory ratio
get well soon fatty

>> No.11302275

Lose weight instead

>> No.11303097

Jesus, didn't realise you lived smack bang in the middle of Berlin. At that point you'd ask locals for recommendations.

>> No.11303131
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Sipping the best of green man. I didn't even think I'd find it, but they released it way ahead of schedule.

>> No.11303205

>the local brands are barely sold outside the home region
Which sucks goat ass when you're trying to find "that" beer outside of "that" city.

>> No.11303241

you're right it's impossible, you should just give up on beer right now

>> No.11303339

Wow, you're really doing yourself a disservice by not checking out Stone you closed-minded peasant.

>> No.11303458

>I can't just taste test all 50 for my liver's sake.

Why not, you could make a YouTube channel out of this

>> No.11304059
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>> No.11304698

Uh, new much?
I was commenting that finally we have a beer thread without faggots memeshitposting.

>> No.11305027

I apologize anon, I was drunk when I posted that