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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11279718 No.11279718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys,

I was wondering whether anyone has a few dollars to spare to donate to my hot dog fund. I love eating hot dogs, but unfortunately I do not make much money and so I don’t get to eat them as often as I’d like. If you could find it in your hearts to donate, even a few dollars would be greatly appreciated.


>> No.11279727
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Tfw it's a real gofundme

>> No.11279730

The cheap-o brands are less than a dollar

>> No.11279738

Yeah but I’m trying to buy and eat a lot of them. I bbq a lot and I also buy them at 7-11 and other places.

>> No.11279762

>buy and eat
Funny way to spell 'jam in my rectum.'

>> No.11279766

walmart now has hotdog with bun for $1.25 at the deli area with the rotisserie chickens
i mean you could get two wings, two breasts, two thighs, and two legs for $4.99 (plus the carcass to freeze for later soup), but nothing beats a single hotdog and bun for 2/5ths of the price

>> No.11279782

Hot dogs are cheaper than most other foods, op, where have you gone wrong?

>> No.11279797
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>> No.11279807

Que la chingada as este madre?

>> No.11279813

There’s no Walmart near me.

I eat a lot of them. They’re my favorite food and I enjoy trying different types.

>> No.11279897

>Campaign created 50 mins ago

>> No.11279958

I’m trying to kickstart it and get it going. Some people aren’t reacting well to it, which I don’t get since I’m just trying to fundraise for something I love.

>> No.11279967

Guy in Santa Monica, CA, one of most expensive places to live, can't afford fucking hot dogs?

>> No.11279980

I don’t live alone. And part of my dream is to try many different types of hot dogs, not just bar s ones but food ones.

>> No.11279985


>> No.11279996

>buy them at 7/11

I’m surprised someone who loves hotdogs as much as you made such a rookie mistake. At first glance you seem to settle for nothing less than grilling the hotdog which is patrician tier. But then you settle for overpriced 7-11 tripe? Good god man. I’m making a donation. Go buy yourself a package of Hebrew national from the store and cook yourself some decent food.

>> No.11280005

I just like all types. I like cheap ones, expensive ones, etc. I like them wrapped with bacon or even with bbq sauce on them. Sometimes I grill hot dogs and brats at the same time.

>> No.11280015

I have to mooch I am poor. But I don’t believe I really need a lot of money to be happy, I just need enough to get some hot dogs.

>> No.11280035
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>tfw no hot dog donations

>> No.11280065

Maybe try selling your million dollar house and moving to Iowa? Then you can buy all the hot dogs you want.