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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 145 KB, 769x1080, townsends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11276297 No.11276297 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11276329

If your Christmas Pudding does not contain suet, it is only an xmas "pudding."

>> No.11276331 [DELETED] 

Dropped him long ago.

He's one of those ultra leftists who can't resist shoving his politics and agenda down people's throats. They enter everything he does.

Why can't he just enjoy a simple hobby and make simple, comfy videos about the 18th century?

>> No.11276339

>buy my authentic turkish voyageur cap, only $35.99

>> No.11276338

You're making a fool of yourself on purpose, orange you?

>> No.11276340

didn't he get mad because people (from both sides but obviously one more than the other) shoved politics and agendas down his throat after a video. Seems like all he wants to do is make comfy 18th century cooking videos

>> No.11276341

i hope this is bait

>> No.11276344

>tfw cutey milk maid hannah won't let me into dairy :(

>> No.11276346

how is he an ultra leftist? not sure why I even ask though. it seems like everyone is a communist faggot these days. like Ian from forgotten weapons.

>> No.11276352

forgot link

>> No.11276355

>here comes the milk cart!

>> No.11276358

he's not. he's baiting you. people kept posting political shit on his videos after people mistook his "orange fool" video as some sort of political hitjob even though it wasn't

>> No.11276360

When did you guys give up on him?

For me, it was the "Abortion in the 18th Century" series.

Final nail in the coffin was when he started calling Ivy his "son".

>> No.11276364

Do you think he doinked that older woman in the orange fool episode

>> No.11276366

she's so cute it hurts

>> No.11276373

for me it was when he started calling Ivy "his"

>> No.11276375

Is it true that he is mukbanger ErikTheElectric's father?

>> No.11276379

>"orange fool" video as some sort of political hitjob even though it wasn't

>not a political hitjob

yea who else would it be referring to....? :thinking:

>> No.11276380

oh yeah. that video, ok. I think he had to say later it was nothing political.

>> No.11276381

it was a common drink of the period.

>> No.11276383
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>> No.11276385

it wasnt about a person you cum guzzling queen. Go back to facebook, nigger.

>> No.11276394

looks like the soy crew is here to damage control
ok ok, people in america loved to drink orange custard on president's day, you guys sure are savvy. let's go back to talking about nutmeg pudding rofl

>> No.11276399

incoherent post

>> No.11276405

what the fuck are you on about

>> No.11276406
File: 59 KB, 600x768, 1518939502527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no colonial gf

>> No.11276407
File: 54 KB, 1152x864, pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11276409

soy basically means faggot

>> No.11276416

Ian is a genuine commie faggot who thinks the plebs shouldn't own guns so you're right about that.
John is just Indiana's own comfy hobbit-cooking man that people want to start shit because they want to know whether he supports Trump or not.

>> No.11276417

i know that, post is still incoherent.

>> No.11276424

if you don't understand the context of this thread you should leave. it's never about 18th century cooking, it's about him disrespecting the president with a video about custard.

>> No.11276428

I started the thread, dork

>> No.11276429

>wants to actually teach people about 18th century history
>all of his non food videos have a couple thousand views max
Kind of feel sorry for him in a way, no one actually gives a shit about the history they just enjoy the novelty of old fashioned food.

>> No.11276434

is it safe to assume you've been on threads like these before?
I think it is, therefore you know what it is. stop pretending you're better than this.

>> No.11276436

Best part of townsends is how he totally just throws the ending together. You can tell he's just struggling to wing together some kind of finale.

>> No.11276445

To be honest, though, a lot of his cooking videos have a lot of historical value to them as well. Cooking is, after all, a part of the human experience.
Did you know that because wood-fired cooking elements were used back in the day many recipes accounted for the ever-lingering taste of wood smoke in their food? That's why they used a bunch of weird techniques and cut the taste with strong acidic stuff like vinegar. John taught me that.

>> No.11276451

Does a light pun at the president's expense really make them a political nutjob?

>> No.11276453

im sure 95% of his viewers are white flyover hicks because lets be honest its kinda boring for everyone else

he needed to come out and support the POTUS and pander to his base

>> No.11276459

based and redpilled

so sick of this liberal media bias

>> No.11276473

hitjob, not nutjob. people can call others retards all day, but if you're a salesman trying to reach the historical reenactment of american history crowd you would have to be nuts to cast shade on the current POTUS.

>> No.11276484

>the current POTUS.
The one who takes a shit on the historical record everyday?

>> No.11276486

easy there James, some things cannot be unsaid

>> No.11276494

i unironically did stop watching him after the 'orange fool' video

>> No.11276509
File: 901 KB, 563x842, butterchurner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The butter show was the best. So...buttery.

>> No.11276615

this place runs like clockwork
the same threads
Every day
stop pretending you have any standards
you all want the same trash fed to you every damn day

>> No.11276623

>alt-right throwing a shitfit when he made the “orange fool” drink about a classical thomas jefferson favorite.
>”wah wah the liberal boogeyman is ruining everything”

2/10 bait made me reply

>> No.11276781

>tfw too poor to buy a comfy 18th century woollen blanket from his store, since I live in europe and the price of a blanket + shipping bankrupts me

>> No.11276798

today I learned that /ck/ is retarded

or pretending, idk what's worse

>> No.11276809

"Consent laws in the 18th Century" was a particularly strange video. Especially that tangent about the central banking system and how stonewall Jackson was right about "Them".

>> No.11277091
File: 447 KB, 652x690, 1533177736122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are youtube academics fall so hard for the leftist meme? even Ian is into communism

>> No.11277319
File: 780 KB, 1440x1269, 1538335368043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ian is a genuine commie faggot who thinks the plebs shouldn't own guns so you're right about that.

>> No.11277728

I chuckled

>> No.11277734

this'gu's awesome, pemmican-tier awesome.

>> No.11277779
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This triggers the /pol/tard

>> No.11277885


>> No.11277904 [DELETED] 

s o y

>> No.11278068

I'm literally doing an OC of it next presidents day just to see the alt-right /pol/tards' heads explode in real time.

>> No.11278086

>he needed to come out and support the POTUS and pander to his base

>> No.11278110

>makes videos with food commentary
>orange video
>hes not trying to be political its just an alt right poltard conspiracy!
>posts a video claiming it wasn't political
>starts adding some black guy that talks about slavery
>uhhhh I'm tired of doing cooking videos
>starts making sociopolitical commentary videos while doing stuff like building a tent
>makes non apology response videos when he gets called on it

>> No.11278177

>I'm literally shaking right now
you'll want to look your best so you best start waxing your soybeard now

>> No.11278210

People are too obsessed with politics, man. Who gives a damn if he’s a meek shitlib. If I had to hate everyone with opposing politics to me I wouldn’t be able to watch movies or YouTube.

>> No.11278216

poltards are as bad as sjws nowadays. This isn't even muh enlightened centrist you're all just annoying faggots that infect everything with politics

>> No.11278254

The problem is most of us are not the old guard, too many newfags came into /pol/ , people who don't possess basic internet lore , the same fuckers ruining /ck/ .

>> No.11278352

i don't watch movies or tv or most media for precisely that reason, soyboy.

>> No.11278882
File: 36 KB, 998x380, 1526743788637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, who's literally shaking over a dessert?

>> No.11278913
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We kinda brought it on ourselves though, fair or not. We trolled as being foaming-at-the-mouth racist, hardcore christians, and hyper-conservative until we accidentally attracted people who actually make those things their whole identity.

>> No.11278922

I need a milkmaid gf to churn my butter

>> No.11278929
File: 26 KB, 500x375, ayy_lmao_in_the_distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the similarity is there

>> No.11278945

The fake news faggots

>> No.11279252

>reporting an alt-right spergefest that clearly happened and is STILL happening anytime his name is mentioned as demonstrated itt proved they're the same as screaming SJW's
>o-oops better switch gears, go full orange, and declare it fake, ok?

>> No.11279384

If you're a salesman alienating your customers to win big with black teens and low t white males aged 20-45 doesn't make sense.
Virtue signalling is useful if it benefits you, but courting people outside your marketplace just to be on the right side of history is buffoonish. Not worthy of ruining his reputation, but certainly a poor business decision.

>> No.11279390

you bet papa smurf