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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 112 KB, 640x434, mexican food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11275307 No.11275307 [Reply] [Original]

Post overrated food.

>> No.11275322

Say what you want about Mexican food, but Taco Bell is the best Mexican-American food around.

>> No.11275380
File: 114 KB, 1080x1268, 20181001_033313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tex-mex is unironically better than authentic Mexican "cuisine" can ever be. That's why Mexicans get so upset and defensive when wypipo add delicious meats, sauces and cheeses to their secret passed down through generations recipes. They have no option but to double down and keep justifying their cow anus poverty slop that not even a dog would eat.

>> No.11275413
File: 24 KB, 348x348, authentic mexican food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the number of white people who go to """authentic""" mexican restaurants and brag about how much they love it is just really staggering.

Like LMAO dude this is what a slopp of shit looks like

>> No.11275429

Go to the ghetto, get good food for less.

>> No.11275442

>Go to the ghetto
no thanks

>> No.11275444

I don't get fucking authentic Mexican food at all

>slow cook meat for hours in delicious spices
>so tender you could scoop it up
>spoon onto a tortilla
>could put avocado or creme fraiche or a little lime on top to help cut the taste of the meat a bit to accent its flavor
>grab a fucking handful of cilantro instead and just dump it on

>> No.11275457

you probably already know this, but the way your taste buds interpret the flavor of cilantro is genetic

sorry you got the bad genes

>> No.11275458
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>hard taco shells
>ground beef
>thinks herders didn't do basic ass things instead of glorious motherland land dishes
No, white people didn't do anything revolutionary aside from use better cuts of meat and having time. Kill yourself you faggot.

>> No.11275460

I don't have that gene. It's not that cilantro tastes bad, it's that they put way too much of it on top of fucking everything. Cilantro is tasty - used in moderation.

>> No.11275462

Fuckin this. Fuck you nu-male hipster millennial fanny bandit momma boys

>> No.11275466

I know people say this, but I'm not convinced it's entirely true. I used to hate cilantro and thought it tasted like soap, then I just got used to it.

>> No.11275471

>No, white people didn't do anything revolutionary aside from use better cuts of meat and having time. Kill yourself you faggot.

>dude all white people did was improve everything, it's not like they made it better too

listen to yourself

>> No.11275473

>white didn't do anything but improve the quality.

Kinda like we do with everything m8.

>> No.11275483

if you think it tastes like soap, you have the gene

cilantro is light and citrus-y, like a combination of lemon and grass (i've never had lemongrass so I cant compare the two)

>> No.11275484
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Mexico is too hot for cheeses most of the time that's why they sometimes use crema and the only cheese you see in Mexican food is queso blanco or fresco both are made of soured milk (like buttermilk not true butter milk but the aged stuff grocery stores carry to seoo to blacks) they do use fucking loads of limes and avocado are you retarded? Or do you seriously only think of taco Bell?

>> No.11275490

>implying a Hispanic neighborhood is automatically ghetto

Pussy detected

>> No.11275495

No, I think culinarily. You listed off multiple options to use INSTEAD of handfuls of cilantro, dumbass. Why use cilantro when you have so many other options that suit the taste of the slow-cooked meat better?

>> No.11275505

>You listed off multiple options to use INSTEAD of handfuls of cilantro, dumbass. Why use cilantro when you have so many other options that suit the taste of the slow-cooked meat better?

yeah dude let's just cover this slow cooked meat with big dollops of spoiled milk instead. thats a much better idea

>> No.11275522

Batman is a white superhero, stop appropriating him.

>> No.11275542

Ok I probably have the gene, but I like cilantro now. I believe that there is a gene that affects how cilantro tastes, but I doubt this is the major factor in why some people like it and some don't. I could be wrong, but in my experience this kinds of scientific study tends to be oversold. I'm basing this on the fact that tastes are pretty arbitrary and people get used to what's common in their culture.

>> No.11275546

It is. The cream assists in thickening the sauce surrounding the meat, and the additional fat from the cream emboldens the savory accents beyond the simple meat tastes. You'd know that if you ever got out of that shithole of a country.

You're close to Louisiana. Go there and see how much butter and cream they use, and compare the flavors. The African seasonings, combined with the fatty traditions of French cooking, make for a far superior, yet similar, product to traditional Mexican "cuisine"

>> No.11275572

african, french, and creole cuisine all uses vegetables.

you seem to be whining like a child that your taco has something green on it

>> No.11275576

Cilantro isn't a vegetable. Holy shit, what a fucking moron.

You're done. Enjoy your cartels.

>> No.11275587

They all compliment the cilantro dumbass, and the salsa, guac, crema those are typical condiment spreads at every meal in Mexico

>> No.11275598

Why would I want to "compliment the cilantro?" I don't want a huge amount of cilantro in the first place. Is cilantro the main dish? Do Mexicans just eat bundles of cilantro, covered in salsa, guac, and crema?

How do you even have electricity, being this stupid?

>> No.11275600

being this assblasted that people eat things besides meat and cheese

are you like the stereotype that vegans imagine about meat eaters?

>> No.11275605

i like chimichangas more than burritos because they are deep fried
i am an american after all

>> No.11275606

>I don't want a huge amount of cilantro in the first place

Why not? It tastes great.

>> No.11275616
File: 110 KB, 769x675, 1518631460550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks black roux and butter is better than fresh herbs
Wanna know how I know you are an obese mother fucker?

>> No.11275617

No, see that's your problem. Cilantro should be used to accent your dish, and "traditional" "Mexican" "cooking" has a tendency to bury their great flavors in cilantro for reasons I don't understand. Like, Italians don't eat whole bay leaves, they cook it in with the sauce. The Vietnamese leave the mint on the side, so you control how much you want in your pho. It doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, I am.

>> No.11275623

There's nothing wrong with fresh herbs you ridiculous dumbass. The problem is with how much they put on their food. Dense ass motherfuckers, all of you.

>> No.11275633

ohh wowww look at all the cilantro in this picture, everything is ruined.....

>> No.11275641

>Why would I want to compliment a main flavor components of a dish?
I'll bet you think lemon pepper chicken is gross like people should just eat lemon covered in pepper if they want that flavor, why on Earth would you season your meats? You probably believe plain chicken breast with monte buerre is gourmet heaven forbid you use herns to add any flavors that sounds healthy and tasty. The only people I have ever seen that bitch about added flavor as much as you are cancer patients which makes sense since you are cancer incarnate.

>> No.11275646

when I'm making burritos with ground turkey, I use a ton of cilantro and lime juice alongside the other spices and it turns out really well. maybe the problem is that they don't cook the meats with it and instead overdo the salsas, I've only gone to mexican places far from the border where this is true so I wouldn't know about native foods.

>> No.11275647

I don't know. I'm not even a messican't and I love the cilantro. And what are you talking about Vietnamese being restrained with cilantro? Every banh mi I've had had whole sprigs. Mexicans don't even put whole sprigs.

>> No.11275648

You are eating at shitty Mexican places then if they constantly overdo it

>> No.11275658

But the main flavor is the meat, and the spices the meat is cooked in. Is cilantro now a meat or something?


And that's great, that's when you SHOULD be adding the flavors. There's nothing wrong with lime and cilantro, the problem is overdoing it.

I live in Texas, home of "AUTHENTIC" "MEXICAN" "CUISINE"

>> No.11275664


>> No.11275680

If they are adding so much it drowns everything else out then that's the main flavor isn't it?
I also live in Texas jackass there are shitty places to get tacos here like everywhere else, stick to Taco Cabanas if you really hate cilantro that much or ask for it on the side also Mexican and Texmex aren't the same and Oaxcan is on some other shit entirely the OP pic is just what flyovers think because that and Doritos are all Taco Bell use and that's their only exposure to the cuisine

>> No.11275684
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Al pastor pork tacos extra cilantro and extra limes are the patrician Mexican meal

>> No.11275690

They're shit.

Those are shit except for the Burrito, and even then steak is better than ground beef in those. Beans are disgusting.

Also Mexican soups are where it's at.

>> No.11275704
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>When he tries to still cut the cake so they shove the cake in his face

>> No.11275905

what the fuck is happening here

>> No.11275915

This is clear cut child abuse. Grown ass adults that think this is funny.

>> No.11276182

used to live in whittier ca and i can confirm this is true t. thrifty-whitey

>> No.11276195

Anything from Panera Bread

>> No.11276211

whittier is not ghetto

>> No.11276215

Well yeah it's full of nasty goblins people who crime on each other for no reason, of course it's a ghetto lol

>> No.11276228

As a Mexican born and raised in South Texas, cilantro fucking sucks lol. Also I prefer shitty TexMex food to actual authentic Mexican food from Mexico, that shit is pretty wack desu.

>> No.11276259

>Born and raised in South Texas
You are not mexican, you are american you fucking retard

>> No.11276291

I hate cilantro.
Asked my friend one time what he tasted and he said “not much”
i dont taste soap. I taste something terrible. Its very hard to describe and words dont do it justice. Its like the someone coated the cilantro in wasabi. I dont hate spicy things. I actually like wasabi too. Its like a bitterness that isnt bitter.
tl;dr it tastes like shit

>> No.11276299

literally nobody cares about mexicans beyond cheap labor

>> No.11276502

Touched a nerve didn't I, Pedro?

>> No.11276700

>dont mess with the cartel, kid

>> No.11276960

lol shut up spainigger

>> No.11277878

>Born and raised in the US

>> No.11277883


White people who brag about eating (((authentic))) will be too afraid to go where the real authentic stuff is because the area is too "shady"

>> No.11277893

You're retarded. White people have been pouring in to the Latino neighborhoods of big cities

>> No.11277895

Not really, you sound autistic

>> No.11277898

Autistic weaboos like to pretend Asians are perfect about everything

>> No.11277900


>> No.11277901

Authentic Mexican food is so good. And I wish I had a qt Mexican gf with boobs and nice beige soles

>> No.11277906

False, conservatived like you are super butthurt by their presence

>> No.11277907

Which mole is the best?

>> No.11277915

That's not authentic

>> No.11277920

White Americand call themselves "Irish, Italian, German, etc."

>> No.11277924

>"Cheer up, buckaroo!"

>> No.11277960

Mexican girls have the best smelling feet

>> No.11277968

>Based Taco Cabana

>> No.11278009

>Born and raised in Texas
You're a mutt is what you are

>> No.11278027

burritos are fucking disgusting

>> No.11278072

Are you autistic? Everyone refers to Mexican-Americans as "Mexicans". Same thing with Irish and Italian

>> No.11278102

That isn't mexican food. That has shitty ground beef.

>> No.11278106

Americans would call them American. If someone is born and raised in the USA and calls himself mexican, roots for the Mexican soccer team, flies the Mexican flag and prefers to speak Spanish over English then perhaps they ought to go live in Mexico since they have so little appreciation for this country. Oh wait, Mexico is a second world shithole.

Never understood those entitled wetbacks. My grandparents came from Germany but I don't call myself German or German-American. I can speak basic German but I don't fly the German flag or eat German food normally. It's called assimilation and that is why America hates Hispanics. It is a meme that black people are hated here; they are totally accepted in 95% of the country. The people that Americans really hate are the Hispanics who refuse to become Americans.

>> No.11278121

Germans came in the 1800s, that's the difference. Someone whose parents are from Mexico will have real ties to that culture, unlike someone who is 150 years removed from Germany.

And all Irish Americans, Italian Americans casually refer to themselves as "Italian, Irish, Greek, etc.".

>> No.11278128

Blacks are hated even more, it's just that it's harder to complain about them in a manner that is socially acceptable.

Also, all US born Hispanics speak English

>> No.11278223

My grandparents came here in the 1950s. They do not fly the German flag or even speak German at home

>> No.11278230

Yeah how dare someone appreciate where they're from but also realize america is an easier place to live in.

>> No.11278234

If they didn't even speak german that's completely weird. Why abandon a language even at home?

>> No.11278240

I'd like to see how you would react if I came to your hometown and replaced half the population with foreigners who do not speak the native language, openly show disregard for public spaces, hate your country and set up their own separate neighborhood all while taking advantage of the welfare system

>> No.11278252

But they don't fly the fucking flags asshole.

>> No.11278257

>whites move to north america, refuse to learn native languages or asimilate to cultures
centuries later
> hispanics speak spanish
whites-HOW DARE YOU!

>> No.11278293

>taking advantage of the welfare system
you do realize that in pretty much every category of welfare assistance whites make up the majority of participants, and half of welfare recipiants are on it for less than 3 years and a third are on it a year or less.....welfare abuse is literaly not much of a problem

your literally pedaling racism and classism

>> No.11278322

There is nothing wrong with racism you cucked moron

>> No.11278331

and yes, racism is healthy and natural. They're the dipshit racists who subject themselves to it, if they didn't come here, how in the fuck could I be racist against them? But now they're imposing themselves on me with their beaner breath and seven kids

>> No.11278347

Mexicans were in the southwest, TX and CA long before the pale, sick, starving weak anglos set foot in North America. Anglos were the original illegal immigrants.

>> No.11278358

lol, as a white male I go to the ghetto whenever I please because like most white males throughout history, I carry my white male firearms on me when amongst the savage peoples of the world. that being said, ethnic food and ethnic qts are awesome to have.

>> No.11278371

It could be that they came slightly after WWII and didn't want to be associated with Nazi Germany
, if he's telling the truth
You're so full of shit. Here in New York I see Irish and Italian flags everywhere

>> No.11278374

The "ghettos" you guys are referring to are hardly ghettos. Mexican neighborhoods can be run down looking but they never have insanely high crime rates like you would find in Memphis, New Orleans, Detroit, Newark, etc.

>> No.11278376

Latinas don't have that many kids anymore, it's not 1992

>> No.11278379

You're clueless. None of what you said is true.

>> No.11278387

>lost all your land and power to some pale, sick, starving weak anglos to the point where you still have to beg them for handouts centuries later
What does that say about you, then?

>> No.11278388

you are fucking retarded . the most dangerous gangs in the US are latino gangs you mook

>> No.11278444
File: 35 KB, 650x365, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah mexican food is pretty much trash.
you know what else is bad?
Indian food
Disgusting assortment of texture-less slops with misc meat chunks on rice. Ham-handed over-use of spices and herbs. Stinky auto-diarrhea food.

No clue why it has any popularity

>> No.11278465

damn its tru

>> No.11278837

You need an intervention to detox from alt-right media outlets Breitbart and F(au)x news. Latino gangs make up a tiny fraction of the US gangs. Ironically, the right preaches and pretends to family values yet hate mexicans who have family bonds similar to asians, infinitely deeper than cuckservative hypocrites.

>> No.11279259

pinche cumskin

>> No.11279478

then just say "i hate the poor and racialy inferior" dont try and dress it up with faulty logic and respectable window dressing....if your gonna be racist just be racist

>> No.11279706

>implying not all non-American ethnic enclaves in America are ghettos

>> No.11279716

This is true of all ethnic foods: Americans do it better.

>> No.11279729

I had a legit sopa azteca in Mexico a few weeks back, was fantastic. I think the super fresh ingredients are what make it so delicious. Had such a clean, bright tomato flavor.

>> No.11279739

Red or green pipian.

>> No.11279742

This, especially italian

>> No.11279743

If you don't have an accent you're American. Coming from a racist here.

>> No.11279750

vegan fake foods

>> No.11279770

This is the thing that pisses me off, there are some genuinely great authentic mexican foods out there. With light citrusy flavors, while all the amerilard shit is just greasy overrich ass cancer.

>> No.11279788

South Whittier is

>> No.11279859

Definitely. Also Spanish: tapas, paella, sangria...

>> No.11279878

So latino gangs are not the most dangerous gangs in the US???

>> No.11279905

Nope. White gangs known as the CIA, FBI, NSA are the most dangerous

>> No.11280087

that's texmex retard

>> No.11280125


Man I thought this was a meme but is it literally all the same ingredients just folded differently on some sort of different wrap?

>> No.11280867

no, these are the ingredients tex mex uses in its food. no one puts fucking cheese or sour cream and shit like that on actual tacos

>> No.11281391

Pretty much.

>oh you want meat, veggies, cheese and whatever in a tortilla?
>have some tacos for a side!

No, Taco Bell is stupid.

>> No.11281408

I've never seen one that wasn't, and my work takes me around 4 states in the SW.

>> No.11281674

e d g e

>> No.11281750

>auto-diarrhea food
2/3 satan trips is correct here

>> No.11281754

no. nogs are way worse.
beaners are pretty bad though. almost as bad as nogs

>> No.11282183

In a hot climate laxative food is better because it exerts your body less to digest it

>> No.11282292

cheese & sour cream

Try actual Mexican some time. That was Tex-Mex.

Mexican tends to be pretty low-fat most of the time, if something is deep friend or smothered in cheese or sour cream or both, then it's almost certainly Tex-Mex. If it's got creamy Chipotle then it's South-west.

>> No.11282295

That sounds delicious

>> No.11282301

I agree with your core point, Mexican has a lot in common with Indian. Both have spiced stews as a core dish, garnished and accompanied with a wide variety of other dishes. Both have a split between rice and bread as the carb, their breads are almost identical.
I love both of them.

>> No.11282374

well, that's interesting anon i never thought about it like that.
however, i think it's just from poor handwashing on the part of the kitchen staff

>> No.11282384

But it it's smothered in mayo and Tajin it's legit, right?

>> No.11282421

>refuse to learn native languages or asimilate to cultures
you were right except for that one part where you were wron
want to try again, sweetums?

>> No.11282430

if you're thinking of the irish or italians as examples of whites that didn't assimilate, i wonder why you conveniently forget about the fact that they were hated for decades/centuries in America
we even had a whole period where we thought the irish were so subhuman we literally enslaved them

>> No.11282693

I personally find that Mexican is more balanced tasting

>> No.11282698

LOL Mexicans are unhealthy because they fry everything in oil.

>> No.11282704


>> No.11283682


>> No.11283738

If I wanted an authentic Mexican experience I'd pay somebody to skin me alive, cut my limbs off and put me in acid.

>> No.11283744

better than the real stuff honestly. its nothin but peppers and veggies in nearly EVERY fucking dish

>> No.11283754


>> No.11283791

i wish I had your low standards and shit taste.

>> No.11283803

ethnic qts are qter than white ones, let's be honest here

>> No.11283816

Check it
Cheeseburger- Meat cheese bread
Pizza- meat cheese bread
Taco- Meat cheese bread
Falafel- Meat cheese bread

Are u seeing a pattern here?

>> No.11283819

Real Mexican food is so much more than tacos and burritos.

Mole sauces have like 20 ingredients in them.

>> No.11284509

shut the fuck up you burrito brained goblin nigger
your people are a fucking parasite and I wouldn't hesitate chopping your fucking head off and throat fucking you pathetic waste of life

>> No.11284525
File: 109 KB, 900x600, 8955752353_eb6cc72a36_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind this post?

holy shit my fucking sides this is what goblins actually think this
Muh alt right muh right wing is why wypipo no like me
not that we are mostly drunken rapist or anything
seriously fuck you man

>> No.11284530

>he thinks burritos are Mexican
Gringo education everyone

>> No.11284537

>He thinks anyone actually gives a fuck about his people

>> No.11284546

You did when we told your retard of a leader we weren’t paying for his dumb wall.
Fat white boy threw a tantrum.

>> No.11284562

get a life, you autistic redneck. you live in the middle of Ohio and don't know shit about Mexicans besides what you read on /pol/

and no I'm not even Hispanic, I'm also white

>> No.11284691

t. CIA

>> No.11284697


>> No.11284699

I'm glad I can eat actual Mexican food and not the shit Americans peddle as Mexican food

>> No.11284706


>> No.11285595

This. I lived on carmenita and it was pretty shitty. My friends and I would call empty liquor bags “whittier tumble weeds”

>> No.11285609

It's true but not to the extent that the general internet seems to believe.

There is some genetic component connected to disliking cilantro. But it is also an acquired taste. The whole genememe has made people not even try to like it. They taste soap and then they give up. If people had spouted that enjoying coffee is connected to genetics it would've been the same thing.

To me it used to taste like soap, now it tastes fresh and citrusy with a tang.

>> No.11285673

Burrito niggers are the best

>> No.11286157

Why do I get the feeling you've got a confederate flag flying on your truck? Or at least a confederate flag sticker, next to a sticker of Calvin pissing on something.

>> No.11286256

This thread it shit, sage

>> No.11286305

>cheese & sour cream

>Mexican tends to be pretty low-fat most of the time,

Legitimately laughed out loud

>> No.11286421
File: 32 KB, 600x450, 1514683905125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually believe this

>> No.11286467
File: 1.40 MB, 500x376, shamecube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

story time
>'hey anon it's your birthday where do you want to go for dinner'
>go to authentic mexican hole in the wall with great ratings
>literally was converted from a shitty house in a rundown neighborhood
>hideous inside, no ac, gaudy decor and bare tables >sweaty fat mexican waitors, awful mexican music blaring
>not a single other whiyte peepo in sight
>this gonna be good
>family is visibly uncomfortable
>we sit down and it takes 15 minutes before a waitress finally comes over and hands us english menus
>dad (a shitty tex-mex chain devotee) asks if they serve margaritas
>'no liquor sir'
>everyone is very quiet, reading the menu
>'son where's the fajitas?'
>menu is massive and most things on it are unrecognizable to the uninitiated
>dated a spic for a few years so I know my way around a taqueria or two
>order tacos de lengua
>mom orders beef tacos
>dad and sister eventually order the same, mole-based burrito
>food eventually comes out (my tacos were delicious) and the complaints start immediately
>'where's the cheese?'
>'anon, why do the taco shells taste so weird and crumbly?'
>'we should have went to on the border'
>'anon everything is so plain, there's no flavor'
>'we should have went to this one place I know, they put french fries and bacon in their burritos'
>family is so loud, I start to get humiliated
>mom sends back her tacos and says she won't be eating
>eventually just get up and leave
>family scolds me the rest of the night for 'making a scene'

>> No.11287104

any pasta dish is inherently overrated.

>> No.11287113

stop posting liam with the miata

>> No.11287331


>> No.11287713

some shit people in colombia or some shit do on their kids 5th birthday and then wonder why everyone in the country grows up to be an asshole

>> No.11287721

Chicano Estúpido

>> No.11287942

No TeX mex taste like shit and is retarded. Hard shells... Wtf is this shit? There is no way you can eat it properly without breaking this cardboard and spilling the content on your plate. Americans make literally everything worse. Stick to burgers guys, it's the only thing you're good at.

>> No.11287945

Do americans really believe this?

>> No.11288363

>Falafel- Meat cheese bread

>> No.11288402

Never tried burrito in my entire life and often dream of it.

>> No.11288419


>> No.11288421

There is a lot of real Mexican food in the US

>> No.11288467

Del-Taco puts them to shame however.

>> No.11288475


>> No.11288497


>There is a lot of real Mexican food in the US

No. Taco Bell and other Tex Mex are not Mexican, they are Mexican inspired so less feces and lead and more meat

>> No.11288524

You are clueless, I am not referring to Taco Bell.

Many Mexican immigrants open up real Mexican restaurants. I live in Brooklyn and they're everywhere

>> No.11288568

Which mole sauce is the best?

>> No.11288570

For what dish?

>> No.11288694

Just basic mole over chicken I guess

>> No.11288922

Mole poblano

>> No.11288959

Anyone here had mole blanco before?

>> No.11289123

this is why adult gay men were almost always molested as children
they didn't like it at first but then they got used to it

>> No.11289143
