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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11268662 No.11268662 [Reply] [Original]

What's youd favorite drink, alcoholic or non-,when you go to a bar, /ck/?

>> No.11268667

Can I have some milk please?

>> No.11268669

Lone Star ice cold sugar tits and make it snappy

>> No.11268684

Jim Beam and coke or tequila

>> No.11268696

I'm 25 and have never been to a bar in my life
I don't see the appeal

>> No.11268700

shoo shoo

>> No.11268731

Who is this spooge sponge?

>> No.11268739

A negroni, yeah I'm in the industry too, heh.

>> No.11268744

G&T or Manhattan.

>> No.11268750

Its Emily Barry

>> No.11268751

I'll have a white russian, fresh cream please.

>> No.11268787

Gin and tonic if a mixed drink
A local or seasonal beer I've never had otherwise

>> No.11268795


>> No.11268818


are americans really unable to punctuate properly?

>> No.11268822

What do you personally do when you run across something you really don't like? If per say you get a local stout and it tastes like actual dirt mixed with a bit grain alcohol

>> No.11268825

Are europoors really unable to capitalize properly?

>> No.11268826

It's important to capitalize the first word in a sentence, anon.

>> No.11268831

get me the tendies, baked not fried

>> No.11268835

Long Island Ice Tea
Belgian Abbey beers

>> No.11268839

...and a diet coke.

>> No.11268840

I'm not really picky, but if I really don't like it I'll just pound it real quick

>> No.11268856

Drown your troubles or socialize, dummy. Why else would people go out?

>> No.11268863

>when you go to a bar
Still don't understand why people go to bars

>> No.11268866

I either get a beer.
White Russian or a big ass Margaritas.
Occasionally scotch.

>> No.11268878

Drinking at home makes you an alcoholic. You need to pay a 400% mark up and drink around strangers to be normal.

>> No.11268881

White russian pr a martini. Whisky sour if i'm alrwady quited smashed is okay too.

Prefer my drinks self-made tho.

>> No.11268886

>meet friends away from your/their place
>meet new people
>hit on girls/guys
>go on with another bar or club afterwards
>discover new drinks/bands/music
>spend some time with nice coworkers before getting home

>> No.11268893

Why would I do any of that when all of my social needs are met right here on 4chan, and it only costs the price of one gold pass

>> No.11268947

We can't all live the INTx life :'(

>> No.11268949

im so horny and lonely

>> No.11268960

Patrician taste. I've meet so many guys avoiding it thinking it's a mid-age woman drink.

>> No.11268966

I can drown my troubles at home and who wants to socialize with a bunch of bar rats? No one that isn't a waste of breath goes to bars.

>> No.11268970
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>> No.11268973

I look at their beers on tap, and get whatever looks good. Bars never have any wine worth ordering, and charge an arm and a leg for a 5oz pour. Mixed drinks are a bit of a gamble, depends on the skill of the bartender.

>> No.11268994

>not just ordering an old fashioned with Woodford Reserve

>> No.11268997

In France they usually charge around 3€ for 12cl of wine in common places, a good option when you consider chill rosé during summer

>> No.11269002

>meet new people
LOL okay have fun

>> No.11269003

You guys want me to fuck her on camera while eating chicken tenders? I'll do it.

>> No.11269021

I actually made nice acquaintances and one night stands in bars, but whatever floats your boat.
Idk how are bars in your vicinity though.

>> No.11269061

I don't value acquaintances or one night stands.

>> No.11269072

Margaritas make me think of middle class (4u) black people
t. Bartender

>> No.11269076

But real people don't get me, only my 4chan buddies get me!

>> No.11269101

>one night stands
Good for you but that's not my style. Probably why I hate bars.

>> No.11269107

Shiner Bock, please.

>> No.11269115

>Let's eat grandma.
>Let's eat, grandma.
Commas save lives.

>> No.11269121

I like to order a drink of my own personal invention called shooped titties.

>> No.11269131

Manhattan or martini at a place where I trust the bartender
Gin and soda or straight whiskey at dives

>> No.11269153

rum and coke zero

>> No.11269190

classic fox and the grapes

>> No.11269197

No, I want you to fuck her on camera while eating a McChicken sandwhich, and lick the 3 extra packets of McChicken sauce (which you got for free of course) off of her breasts.

>> No.11269203

deal, ill make two videos

>> No.11269266

Who cares about acquaintances? They're shallow and you get them everywhere. One night stands are not interesting once you've actually fucked a lot. I'd rather have someone I bang regularly. There's not exactly a high bar of entry to talking with strangers and fucking drunk chicks bro.

>> No.11269356

Make three, and offer them for free

>> No.11269357

one beer plas

>> No.11269366

I'll take a nice little two bedroom with walk in closets please. Hopefully within a 15 min drive to work.

>> No.11269368

What if every barmaid had tits like in OP? You wouldn’t know though, because you’re a fag.

>> No.11269374


Based knows Emily is a successful NYC realtor bro

>> No.11269379

water, of course

>> No.11269389

well no shit, why would i make someone pay for some khazar milkies

>> No.11269391
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A bottle of malbec and one glass pl0x

>> No.11269406

>complains about grammar
>doesn't use grammar correctly
do yuros really.................

>> No.11269412

Just a tit of rum please, tot, I meant tot

>> No.11269431
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>> No.11269510

Why would you go to all the trouble of shooping her tits and not her hideous pig nose?

>> No.11269531

People who engage in and casually brag about one night stands are to be looked down on as weak “people” incapable of controlling their own animal instincts.

>> No.11269548

get fucked. they have embraced their inner ubermesnch and become unequivocally alpha-as-fuck

>> No.11269733

a 6cl laphroaig and the most interesting beer i can find in the pub

>> No.11269781

>he thinks Emily's tits are shooped
newfag, why do you embarrass yourself like this?

>> No.11270219

Start with a boilermaker and order debonairs for the rest of the night.

>> No.11270226

Dude, literally everyone who isn't cooped up in mom's basement hearing her moans as she gets railed by Tyrone has one night stands. Try going out to bars, or evangelical churches if you want to pretend to be moral. The kinkiest, wildest wench I ever had was a pentocostal preacher's daughter. Stop being on the wrong side of history and enjoy your life, faggot.

>> No.11270336

Whatever decent beer is on tap during happy hour

>> No.11270452

Order the gayest drink they have on the menu.

>> No.11270534

you got the gif of that?

>> No.11270548

Whisky Sour, G&T or some good beer.

I mostly just drink whatever is cheap though.

>> No.11270568

Biersuppe with warsteiner

>> No.11270686

Check out the craft beer for anything that catches my interest, otherwise negroni

>> No.11270701

This was my first thought reading the original post.

"Lone Star ice cold sugar tits". Is this a craft beer?

>> No.11271005

Milk straight from the udder.

>> No.11271058
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>> No.11271068

Single malt Irish whiskey, the older the better.
Semi-sweet melomel, petillent.
Duchesse du Bourgogne barleywine.

>> No.11271090

I would like to suffocate in those fat, pillowy titties forever. Face slick with my own saliva as I nestle deeper still and I can't breathe, but I'm no longer afraid. For as my heart slows, my clenched fingers at last releasing from her engorged nipples, I find peace. My erection softens as I spasm a final time and in that moment, I feel bliss.

>> No.11271150

Oh. Well, it's OK to not visit bars, but to have an opinion that counts you need to experience all walks of life. So just make sure you keep your mouth shut when people are talking about the big issues.

>> No.11271154

too bad she's a lesbian

>> No.11271171

What a waste

>> No.11271181


>Lone star.. Ice cold, sugar-tits.

Or do you use a semi-colon instead of ellipses?

>> No.11271187

I bet she rubs her huge tits on her partner's vagina a lot though, so there's that

>> No.11271191

Why the fuck did you feel the need to respond? I assure you know one cares.

>> No.11271193

is that what she told you to get you to back off?

>> No.11271202

Glass of water with lime to go with whatever cheap burger I am eating there since that is the only reason i ever go to a bar.

>> No.11271925

is she a pornstar? need sauce

>> No.11271961

corpse reviver no. 2 with cocchi americano instead of lillet and the piniest gin you got

>> No.11271973

Caeser, Steamwhistle, Mill St, or vodka soda.

>> No.11271978

Guinness or Irish car bombs

>> No.11272299
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milk of course

>> No.11272302

if they can do specialty drinks, rusty nail, but most places dont carry that expensive shit, so i just get old fashions

>> No.11273182

I know shes big but is this particular pic shooped?

>> No.11274034

so this is where i got it from

>> No.11274351
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Xxx bar? Vagina beer pls.

>> No.11274363

Don't order it again

>> No.11274377

Name the single malt irish whiskey you go with normaly, cunt. Most bars have at best 1.

>> No.11274518

Right so you admit that you're super autistic, that's you don't ever go to bars or have friends.

>> No.11274529

Vespers are for fags

>> No.11274600

>Wrong side of history
Go back to /pol/

>> No.11274695


truth be told it's cheaper to buy your own bottle or six pack, but if you want to chill with some friends or flirt with drunk girls bars are pretty cool.

Or if you go to the right spots they have some bomb ass food

>> No.11274728

two shots of your cheapest bourbon and a hefeweizen to wash it down, thanks

>> No.11274736

I've been on a manhattan kick lately

>> No.11274958

With boobies like those she could probably give you some of her own!

>> No.11274970

90% of the times I've been in a bar it's because someone else is paying. I get where you're coming from.
Going out to waste 4x the money on alcohol is a girl thing because it starts with getting free drinks and ends with getting free fuck.

>> No.11275107

The correct way to drink. Two bad drinks to make the last one taste better.

>> No.11275113

Yeah, there's nothing a girl likes more after a couple of drinks than getting raped.

>> No.11275121

Well, of course, then I would go right to the establishment and order a beer and chat her up! If I tip 200% maybe she'll touch my arm and call me "hon!"
just kidding you're a fag

>> No.11275336

o b s e s s e d

>> No.11275586

anyone else like the smell in bars.

>> No.11275870


>> No.11275898

Why did this make me sad?

>> No.11275920

She's an instagram thot.

>> No.11276368

I doooo

>> No.11276415

you sound like a cartoon character

>> No.11276421

It made me sad too friend. He didnt deserve that betrayal.

I always get LIIT's. Theyre usually pretty good or cheap.

>> No.11276427

that guy's a real jerk!

>> No.11276437

I once went to high end, fancy, restaurant, where judges and other high power types hang out, and ordered a "Vesper Martini". Bartender (70 yrs old) didn't know what that meant.

Was I the retard or was he?

>> No.11276446

I'm a huge asshole so I like going to bars which don't really do mixed drinks and ask for daiquiris.

>> No.11276488

thatd not a sexy image. more like pathetic becsuse lesbians cant actually have sex together

>> No.11276558

it's overrated.
Most people would rather use apps to date or hookup so bars are really only to socialize now.
But if you don't dig the atmosphere it's kind of pointless in that respect too.
I mainly go after work with people I know just to talk with them and have something to drink.
The bar itself I don't really enjoy.

>> No.11276772

House whiskey with coke or a seven and seven.

>> No.11277420

Hi uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah i'll just get a pint of
>shitty lager on draft

>> No.11277439

Maredsous Triple with proper glass. Also, a glass of water.

>> No.11277441

>Get gangraped by a pack of feral negroes with the purpose of contracting AIDS
>Hahaha just experiencing the bug chasing walk of life

This mindset is gay and so are you.

>> No.11277443

I'll have a ramos fizz, and make sure that cream is super fresh dollface.

>> No.11277576

Depends on what's on tap. In order:
>Amber ale
>Brown ale
>Rye beer
>Meme IPA I haven't tried

>> No.11277987


>> No.11278000

Why are you so obsessed with Europe anon?

>> No.11278022

>Your opinion doesn't count
>Keep your mouth shut because your opinion is uninformed
Hmmm I wonder who this tolerant individual voted for in 2016

>> No.11278162
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>> No.11279798
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The Swimming Pool.

Only the most alphaest of alpha males can pull it off and i am one of them.

>> No.11279869

Social obligation. Drinks are 10 times more expensive than normal and people are scared to talk to anyone they didn't arrive with.

>> No.11279883

please tell me that has a hint of chlorine in it

>> No.11279911
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>> No.11280519

Sloe Comfortable Screw Against the Wall
Or a Harvey Wallbanger.

>> No.11281224

why do they make this joke in all the animes

>> No.11282001

Double bourbon/rye on the rocks
Cheap draft

>> No.11282642

spicy ceasar

>> No.11282705

Irish car bomb. The taste of baileys hides the fact I'm drinking three different drinks in one and gets me loaded before I notice I'm making an awful mistake

>> No.11283711

>coke zero
see thats where you fucked up
personally I think the best rum and coke comes from 2:3-4 ratio of rum to coke(real cane sugar shit not the amerimutt stuff) and some times a bit of lime.

>> No.11283713

Hey that mans the designated driver show him a little respect for the sacrifice he makes

>> No.11283719

>I'll have the gayest drink please.
One cosmo coming right up

>> No.11283732

You were in this case just if its a fancy place its unlikely there gonna serve a vesper or some other slightly obscure/generally bad cocktails that have been made "good" by pop culture

>> No.11283736

Back to pol with you

>> No.11283739

That sounds like the gayest drink if you can drink it and still be a heterosexual you must be some kind of god

>> No.11284301

You'd get barred for staring

>> No.11284304

South side.

>> No.11284333

Innocent protagonist, or barmaid has huge tits. Take your pick.

>> No.11285469


>> No.11287070

bars are for children.
Yards' Jefferson Golden Ale is my go to though.
t. drink everyday and pretend i'm not a degenerate because i switched from a pint of vodka to a sixer a day
at this point my life goal is to die in a politically advantageous way

>> No.11287084

Big boob girl hai

>> No.11287099
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I'm very social and go out every weekend but I dislike hookups. Everything isn't black and white you raging sped

>> No.11287129

so you hate yourself. cool.

>> No.11287141

No, I just don't find that kind of sex to be enjoyable

>> No.11287153

German pilsners for social drinking, French 75s for getting plastered.

>> No.11287157

That doesn't make any sense

>> No.11287774

This might be unrelated to the thread but its regarding booze so I might as well ask here: My dad's birthday is coming up and hes a whiskey buff, and me being a bit of a weeb want's to buy him some Japanese whiskey, problem is I have no idea what to get, any suggestions?

>> No.11287779

Think how much that bar tender gets endlessly hit on at work by drunk guys. Think any one guy was ever brave enough to grab a handful of tit?

>> No.11288805

I'm interested too.

>> No.11288889


>> No.11289381

My post was 4 days ago anon, why are you still obsessed?

>> No.11289395

nikka coffee grain
yamazaki 18 year if you have money to burn and can find it in stock

>> No.11289401

I normally order a Tonic water and Cranberry juice.
I don't drink.

>> No.11289402


By whisky buff do you mean scotch? There's a big difference. Nikka, Suntory, the Yamazaki are the safest bets. Otherwise don't give him anything you haven't tried yourself.

>> No.11289410

M-milk please

>> No.11289714
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>> No.11289894

As an intellectually superior gentlesir, bits and bubs

>> No.11290093

>Get good at mixing cocktails at home
>Suddenly hate cocktails in normal bars
Whatever beer is local is usually the best choice.

>> No.11290124

Yeah it sucks. Unless I'm going to a speakeasy/cocktail specific bar I stick to beer and whiskey