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File: 51 KB, 1180x800, eggs-in-purgatory-recipe-fp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11268156 No.11268156 [Reply] [Original]

Egg dishes that normies dont know but are delicious.
Eggs in purgatory.

>> No.11268169
File: 47 KB, 827x551, d6b06cf369686740f01200d8acea224a-827x551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its raw!!!!!!

>> No.11268172

normies know about shakshuka cause they do it at every brunchy place these days

>> No.11268180

Similar, but slightly different. Every place in the med and middle east has it's own variation. Eggs in purgatory is the Italian version.

>> No.11268376

I have eaten eggs in purgatory several times because it looked so good here:
Sad to say I never really liked it, that much tomato just doesnt really go well with eggs, and I even make my scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
And dont use a cast iron pan for that dish, acidic food is the one thing that cast iron really isnt suitable for.

>> No.11268574

People tend to over portion the marinara.
And under season the spiciness.
Although the real recipe calls for the left over Sunday gravy, first time I had it was on a Sunday morning in Italy, the tomato sauce simmer where you cook down pork and lamb that isnt used is utilized for breakfast the next day. Adds much more flavor. The marinara style is just easier and cheaper.

>> No.11268678

1. slow cook sausages in a pan of lard/butter/oil for 5 minutes
2. flip sausages then add bacon, mushrooms and black pudding, stir occasionally for another 10 minutes
3. add contents of pan to a plate and fry off some eggs making sure they soak up all that goodness
4. add eggs to plate then add baked beans and/or tomatoes to the pan to absorb more of that flavour
5. add to plate then put your bread/bubbles and squeak/hashbrowns to simply wipe the pan clean then add to plate
6. serve with brown sauce and a cup of tea

Best English Breakfast ever!

>> No.11268692

sri lankan egg curry

>> No.11268781

Got a recipe?

>> No.11268843
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>tomatoes in cast iron

>> No.11268925

Isnt that just an English breakfast?

>> No.11269161

read the last line of the post you responded to

>> No.11269619
File: 138 KB, 1200x753, German Pancake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German pancakes are super easy to make then customize

>> No.11269628
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>> No.11269637

It's pretty much shakshuka with a different name

>> No.11269643

Had an EPIC KEK at this post !

>> No.11269647

man these don't look like german pancakes at all

>> No.11269677

These are extraordinarily popular and trendy and have been for years.

Oh, so shakshuka with red pepper flakes. That's so obscure bro.

>> No.11269685

>Oh, so shakshuka with red pepper flakes. That's so obscure bro.
Why is this making you upset? It's just a regional variation with different flavorings, e.g. instead of cumin/paprika or whatever else is more common in shakshuka, the Italian version has parsley/oregano/basil, and sometimes Italian cheeses.

>> No.11269716
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Take your pick

>> No.11269718

scrambled egg on toast

>> No.11269741

See >>11268574
Shakshuka is made with fresh boiled down tomatoes, chunky. Eggs in purgatory is from a tomato sauce... puree or crushed tomatoes, smooth.

>> No.11269763

"eggs in purgatory" is a dish invented in The Sopranos. It didn't exist before that.

>it's also not that good

>> No.11270258

I dont get the whole "don't use tomatoes in cast iron skillets" meme. The iron is totally fine if you clean it right after emptying it, followed by a thorough wiping and re-seasoning. As for the argument of "it leeches unwanted substances into your food," well as the saying goes, dilution is the solution to pollution. With that much puree'd tomato, you don't get any metallic taste. Not that a huge amount of raw iron is getting leeched out anyway.

>> No.11270280

>mfw I was making egg curry 15 years ago when I was dirt poor and nearly homeless
A poo married into my family and told me about it.

>> No.11270283

It's only a meme be because people dont understand how to use cast iron.
Al it takes is to cook a few steaks and pork chops to season a candy iron pan and you can simmer down acidic foods. Just dont do it all the time.

>> No.11270294


Nobody uses recipes like that. The dish is baked eggs with tomato and spices/herbs. I've made both of these "dishes" interchangeably and with slight variations countless times. It's a pointless distinction.

>> No.11270299
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>candy iron pan

>> No.11270361

Eggs in purgatory and shakshuka are eggs poached in tomato sauce ... not baked. Its a slow simmer, not a hard boil or braise.

>> No.11271494

WTF is that supposed to be? I have never seen anything like that in my 43 years of being German.

>> No.11271790
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>mato sauce
>in a cast iron

>> No.11271921

same uezs

>> No.11271932
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All I have to say about OP.

>> No.11272143


Sounds disgusting

>> No.11272157

your mic is shit

>> No.11272923

Purgatory is supposed to be tepid, not hot. Whoever named this is a retard

>> No.11272943


>> No.11273048



>> No.11273417

Alright smartass. I asked because I wanted to know if anyone had any favourite recipes or personal recommendations instead of making a random potentially shitty recipe from someone's blog.

>> No.11273626

What is this
post recipe I want to try

>> No.11273775


It's a "German Pancake".

Eggs with a little bit of flour poured into a pan and baked. Then typically topped with squeezed lemon and powdered sugar. You can do this with syrup, jam, or even savory ingredients if you'd like.

>> No.11273818

I'm sorry that your seasoning is so weak. Try cooking more bacon

>> No.11273845

my seasoning is fine because i don't cook acid on it

>> No.11273899

I gave this a try today because I realized I had everything required on hand. I decided to eat it on toast. I was good. I'm not really sure I understand the appeal completely though. Most egg dishes are better. It's OK for a change.

>> No.11275369


>> No.11275450

does egg have to be the main star of the dish or can it just be a component

>> No.11275476

what? everyone knows about shakshuka though, its like the new avocado toast

>> No.11275485
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>> No.11276239

>in my 43 years of being German

That's to be expected. It comes from 19th century German American immigrants, going back to a specific immigrant family that opened a restaurant and this dish became popular. It's basically a Yorkshire pudding on a large pan-size scale. Are you familiar with Eierkutchen? Probably a derivative of that. It's also called a "Dutch baby" but that's probably derived from "Deutsch."

>> No.11276267

>Nobody uses recipes like that
holy damage control. get your priorities straight

>> No.11276440


>> No.11276480

Grew up in Minnesota. Mom made these all the time. Called them dutch babies.

>> No.11276748

>what? everyone knows about shakshuka though, its like the new avocado toast
I think it literally arrived via Israeli backpackers.
A bunch of hostels in asia do an 'israeli-style eggs' and this dish got taken home by other backpackers because it's delicious.

>> No.11276804
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I dunno if this is a dish used somewhere, but I like whipping the whites, and putting them in ramekins with the yolks suspended in the middle, topping with a thin layer of parmesan, then baking in the oven till whites are set and crisp/foamy, with the yolk somewhere between soft/hard boiled, a fair bit of black pepper and yr there

>> No.11277005

>soft egg

yikes, I don't fancy dying

>> No.11277006

I like an eggy hole

>> No.11277705

What's that. Tomato sauce?

>> No.11277729

Schmarrn wahrscheinlich, du dumme Sau.

>> No.11278917

Fisherman’s eggs is amazing if you use sardines

Works really great with hot sauce too

>> No.11278928

>eggs + sardines
you animal

>> No.11278960

How do I into cast iron? If I cook bacon in it can I rub some of the grease on it and leave it? Or do I have to season it in the oven with the grease. My pan needs your help.

>> No.11278984

Any process which involves coating the pan with a food-safe fat and heating it until the fat polymerizes will season your pan.

>> No.11278992

Chicharrones con huevos, at least here in the midwest

>> No.11279013

There are hundreds of Shakshuka varieties. This is nothing new.

>> No.11279033
File: 51 KB, 450x550, 1518129613674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please teach me more. Eggs are so cheap, easy and nutritious but I've run out of ways to cook them.
I tried making egg pizza. It wasn't great.

>> No.11279400

Isn't tomato sauce and cast iron a bad thing?

>> No.11279439

They're a good combo?

>> No.11279442

Good thread so far fellas

>> No.11279452
File: 11 KB, 183x275, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American normies don't know about scotch eggs as far as I can tell. I read about them on here a couple weeks ago and haven't gotten around to making them yet, but I plan to. I bet they would go well with some hollandaise sauce

>> No.11279465

what an obscure reference lol

>> No.11279474
File: 50 KB, 549x450, almost perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piece of cornbread, no sugar--it's gotta be legit cornbread. Toast it well in a dry skillet. Put it in a bowl, spoon some chili over it.

(Pinto or black beans are okay, but kidney beans honestly don't belong in chili, and whoever designed that paradigm deserves corporal punishment.)

On top of that, a single fried egg, over easy, and cover it all with a thin layer of cheddar.

I call it The Betelgeuse, because I'm a massive faggot and think that I'm clever or something. It's a big red giant bowl of comfy, best enjoyed late at night, with a beer or two...or after a few too many.

...I guess it's not really an egg dish, though.

>> No.11279477
File: 104 KB, 600x400, fisherman-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Fisherman's eggs are easy, tasty, and cheap. Good to serve on toast or over home fries (my preference). Good with hot sauce.

>> No.11279489

It made me chuckle

>MC Pee Pants

>> No.11279493

That sounds good my man

>> No.11279494
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>cast iron

>> No.11279503

They're fucking delicious. Apparently you're meant to eat them cold, I've had them both warm and cold and I prefer warm, not hot, more summer room temperature.

>> No.11279546

Yeah I read that. I imagined they'd be best at some middle temp as well, not chilled but not hot

>> No.11279581
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I would make some more shakshuka if i weren't fasting for the week.

>> No.11279594
File: 23 KB, 313x243, 1526757627166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain what shakazulushakira is?

>> No.11279611


fried tomato , onion and pepper made into a sauce with cumin and chili with egg on top. Eaten as a breakfast dish

>> No.11279618

That sounds bretty good

>> No.11279776

isnt that just a dutch baby?

>> No.11279884


>> No.11280428

I've gone from hearing that term maybe twice in my life to hearing it about eight times in the last week. What the fuck?

>> No.11280439

What term??

>> No.11280443

Dilution is the solution to pollution.

>> No.11280446

I think you meant phrase

>> No.11280457

Yeah, I realised that afterwards. It's 4am. I regret nothing.

>> No.11280468

I work nights. Get on my level

>> No.11280483

I'd love to work nights. Going to stop posting before it becomes blog. Goodnight anon.

>> No.11280485


Eh, I have a far better eggs recipe. Pan, hot. Jalapenos, fresh. Slice them up thin, chop them once or twice. Throw them in with butter and as soon as they start getting some color on them crack your eggs right into the skillet and scramble it all together. Can't cook them too fast or too long, you want them uniformly cooked just enough. I add salt as well. You'll end up with a nice mouthful of soft scrambled goodness with a perfect amount of heat. Goes great with white toast and black coffee. Maybe some beans as well.

>> No.11280496

It's great if you're a certain type of person. Night night

>> No.11280601

>shakshuka cause they do it at every brunchy place these days
I actually read something like "mediteranian eggs" on a menu earlier and wondered why the fuck they used such a long name

>> No.11280624

wow that is really funny!
do you mind if i save this picture??

>> No.11280626


>> No.11280632

it's just not good for the seasoning
there are better suited materials for cooking acid

>> No.11280876

Usually in the UK when we refer to food as "cold", we mean room temperature. I wouldn't recommend scotch eggs straight from the fridge, they're a picnic food.

>> No.11280882

I like shakshuka.

>> No.11280885
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>lebanese egg and potatoes

>> No.11281741


>Scotch eggs
>Not Scottish but actually English

I feel like everything I knew was a lie.

>> No.11282175
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>> No.11282340

It is, it's really good.
Frankly though, Shakshuka, Huevos Rancheros, that Lebanese thing in this thread, the purgatory one, they're all just versions of fried eggs with things that go well with fried eggs which are tomato, cheese, potato and spices. There's not a lot of difference between them and people are going to make some version of this wherever they are.

>> No.11282399
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giouvarlakia avgolemono

>> No.11282598
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I just had Balut today for the first time ever.

It was pretty fucking good.

>> No.11283231

Yorkshire pudding mate.

>> No.11283502

I miss waffle house everything hash browns and some runny eggs on top. Get it every time I go back south, and always get the runs and green piss. Worth it.

>> No.11285442

gonna try this tonight. sounds fucking great. thanks anon

>> No.11285841


Thank you for actually contributing instead of back-and-forthing about whether or not shaksuka is obscure enough for this thread.

>> No.11286111
File: 93 KB, 800x833, Balut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from the Pacific Rim, bitches!
Have some Balut!

>> No.11286142

That pic looks fantastic but when i googled "strapatsada" it was basically just scrambled eggs mixed with tomato. This barely counts as a dish.

>> No.11286153

Ooooooh that makes sense

>> No.11286158

Looks pretty gross

>> No.11286160
File: 1.46 MB, 300x300, 1536899345819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that

>> No.11286188

Boiled fertilized duck egg.
Honestly the rich broth that gathers in Balut is delicious but the fetus itself is fucking inedible

>> No.11286208

Raw egg over hot rice. Not a normie dish.

>> No.11286239
File: 43 KB, 550x412, cena-huevos-fritos-con.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love living in a country where olive oil is so fucking cheap that it lets me fry anything I want in it at any moment

I know the idea of deep fried eggs with jamón and fries would sound disgusting, and indeed it would, if they were made in anything else but pure 100% virgin olive oil. Damn, I'm so thankful to God

>> No.11286274
File: 448 KB, 2800x1867, huevos-carlistas-huevos-encapotados-copia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huevos encapotados (cowled eggs?)
Its fucking amazingly good, fried eggs with bechamel and breading to then get deep fried, managing to have the yolk still liquid is puro ambrosia. However they are so fucking difficult to make that I don't recommend them to any cooking novice, although they are completely worth the hassle

You need to fry the eggs, then make a bechamel that isn't as thick as to make croquettes, the exact thickness being difficult to get, then cover the eggs with the bechamel and get them into the cooler for some hours and even an entire night, then dip each egg, covered in bechamel, in another beaten egg to then cover them with breadcrumbs and immediately deep fry them, I hope you didn't forget the salt
Whatever the case, its so fucking good, but not easy in the slightest

>> No.11286279

The hell are you talking about? The fetus tastes like a rotisserie bird.

>> No.11286389

I'm gonna make this with kidney beans and call it something else. Thx fgt

>> No.11286391

Weeaboo dish.

>> No.11286404

Ty for ur analysis anon. Very astute. Armed with this knowledge, I'mma get some groceries and fuck around in the kitchen with these ingredients, rather than a given recipe.

>> No.11286411

OP did say "that normies dont know about," you weeb faggot.

>> No.11286484
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>> No.11286535

Just a middle Eastern Spanish omlette

>> No.11286564

Olive oil isn't for frying

>> No.11286576


>> No.11286771

Dunno what it is called but my boss is Egyptian and showed me this:

>heat up cast iron skillet
>bottom layer of mashed potatoes
>thin layer of garlic butter
>finely sliced choice vegetables (onion/mushroom/jalapeno is a good combo)
>cracked eggs to create a full layer on top

We have a woodfired oven so it gets up to a high temp, for home 450 for about 20 minutes or until the eggs set.

>> No.11286865

Better version of "eggs in purgatory" with fresh tomatoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba567FVRCSA

Chinese tomato egg dish is great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_YkQSTvjLk

>> No.11287240

>if you're italian you know
>says the amerimutt
why is it that anytime anyone says something like this you know for sure they are a disappointing person?

>> No.11287506

because people won't order things they can't pronounce, and people are idiots. most can hardly be bothered to read the menu to begin with.

>> No.11288357

obviously main or at least co-main, otherwise you could just post faggot cookies or some shit

>> No.11288367

Thats a yorkshire pudding mate. Its also savoury so get that sugar away and dump some baked beans and sausages

>> No.11288676

Ha ha ha, you fucking idiot

>> No.11288715

>live in a country where the entire population fries stuff in olive oil since the times of the roman empire
>"olive oil isn't for frying"
You can't begin to imagine how hard I'm laffin at you

>> No.11289990

That actually sounds both novel and decent (maybe a bit decadent, but whatever).

>> No.11290085

Fug, that sounds and looks delicious. I googled recipes and just got a bunch of images because no mortal can make it, I reckon. If you're capable of making it, pls do an OC, would luv to see it done and maybe try to do it myself if I could see the process.