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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11264342 No.11264342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, when a beer is inevitably brewed in his honor, what will it be called? What style?

I think "Kavanaughty" would be a strong farmhouse ale, or "St. Bart" in a trappist style.

>> No.11264354

Why would a date rapist get a beer brewed in his honor?

>> No.11264368

Make it a date flavoured beer.

No brakes of this train either, kiddo

>> No.11264369

>date rapist

Someone's a bit jelly that they can't kiss drunk grills

>> No.11264377

Back to /pol/ you go

>> No.11264382

It would be some light piss water, frat shits don't drink for the taste.

>> No.11264393

>date rapist

>> No.11264414

Devil’s Triangle Triple IPA

Boofed Barleywine

Ralph’s Club Rye Ale

Renate Alumnus Ruby Red IPA

FFFFFFF Russian Imperial Stout

>> No.11264428

>mfw playing devils triangle while drinking devils triangle

>> No.11264431

it's not a real drinking game

>> No.11264458
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what even is american politics anymore?

>> No.11264461

But he said he used to play those with his bros. It sounds cool like a nice game to play with my friends.

>> No.11264467

>Supreme court justice nomination on tv crying and shouting about left wing clinton revenge conspiracies
We are fucked but holy shit is this fucking gold. Every time I turn on the tv some new crazy shit is happening.

>> No.11264470
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>> No.11264483

belgian white (supremacist) ale
(fuck) session IPA
Burden of 80 proof. (that's his whiskey line)
(roofie) pils.
the list goes on.

>> No.11264484
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did you watch the whole 45 minutes? there was literally one SMALL quip about the clintons.

i feel really bad for the guy. he's having his life DESTROYED by unfounded, unsubstantiated claims and it was all a political hit job. they were sitting on that first claim til they knew he would pass the first hearing, then they dropped it.

it's really gross. what's hilarious is that the fucking guy they go after with fake rape claims has 28 years worth of month to month calendars to back his whereabouts up.

any further claims just vindicate him at this point.. liberals are losing their fucking shit and it would be hilarious if it wasn't also terrifying that these people pull weight.

>> No.11264488


>> No.11264522

Tobin's Tipple

>> No.11264537

you just can't say "no" to a Kavanaughty brew

>> No.11264539

I somewhat agree. But also thinks it would be true if the deck of cards were opposite.

>> No.11264540

Imperial Stout
With notes of chocolate, coffee, cherry and vanilla.

>> No.11264546


>> No.11264568


And if i had wheels id be a wagon.. its fucked whats happening. I dont think dr ford ever wanted it to go this far either, her life will be ruined too.

Collateral damage is irrelevant to these people. I find it all insanely funny still though

>> No.11264571

Republicans refused to meet after Scalia died for Obamas nomination leaving a vacant seat for over 400 days. A republican gets grilled about serious allegations and his character and its the end of the fucking world. The guy breaks down, reveals he's as partisan as can be, and despite furrowed brows and "deep concern" from lawmakers he is pushed through anyway because NOW it's a rush to get someone seated.

These allegations could all be lies, but the guy showed he wasn't able to keep his composure and lashed out. Not typically the kind of guy you want in a permanent position with long lasting effects. There's about a dozen other more qualified candidates that would forward the conservative agenda but you know why they are choosing this hill to die on? Because Kav is on record saying the president can't be subpoenaed. How fucking convenient.

>> No.11264580 [DELETED] 

>responding to a /pol/tard

>> No.11264584

>get potentially falsely accused of rape

>why are they choosing this hill to die on?
Because they can confirm another conservative justice on the court giving them a firm majority right before midterms potentially knock them out of office and block any chance of getting another conservative on there

>> No.11264585

Kavanaugh Kolsch,
gonna brew one this weekend

>> No.11264587

raising your voice after you've been accused of literal rape and had your family attacked isn't "lashing out"

>> No.11264588

End your life, redditor

>> No.11264590

>serious allegations
You fucking raped me 30 years ago
I have 0 proof of it and my stories have huge glaring flaws in them and all 3 of my witnesses say I'm full of shit whereas you have alibi's and documented calendars of events you went to on the day in question

>> No.11264592

Should be a Lambic, 'cause [Brett]anomyces

>> No.11264595
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Brad Lite

>> No.11264598

>Supreme Justice Lambic

>> No.11264612

Dem or anyone associated with the left gets accused of sexual misconduct. Right screams pedo and they gotta go. Doesn't even matter if they are accused or not. Guilty by 20 degrees of association. No investigation automatically they have to be guilty. Dems disown if true.

Republican gets accused. Party falls in lines and gives him the full support and backing of the party. People trip over themselves in a hurry to defend a guy who helped write the patriot act because "he's on my team LIB cucks BTFO!" Not like he should be investigated just ignore and move on no big deal its just a SC nominee here.

The hypocrisy is SAD.

>> No.11264616

>Dems disown if true.
who is keith ellison

>> No.11264632

Lawmakers and even his own self have called for an investigation on those matters. And I agree, because politicians should be held to a higher standard. Will Kav or republicans do the same? The answer is no. The party of supposed family values and morality folks.

>> No.11264659

>because politicians should be held to a higher standard
Everyone should be held to the same standard.

Politicians should not be allowed to hold office with certain felonies though.

Lawyers and people who bring forth bullshit allegations, and fraudulent lawsuits, should be forced to pay court costs however and not just in political cases. Tired of this bullshit.

>> No.11264674

The issue has already been brought before the FBI and they declined to investigate because of the lack of evidence and the fact that the alleged incident took place over three decades ago. Not to mention the fact that Kav has been through six SSBIs at this point in his life.

>> No.11264677
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Gotta love how liberals instantly convict Kavanaugh in their closed minds while still crying about how Bill Cosby and OJ Simpson should be "innocent."

>> No.11264678


Thats how yall are gonna spin this? Dude i would be absolutely seething if somebody was trying to railroad my entire life and life’s work because of politics, as would anybody who was innocent.

His testimony was that of somebody telling the truth; the way it was delivered and everything was sincere. Ive never seen a political speech like it.

Democrats are losers and cowards, they lose. Its what they do. Republicans are stubborn assholes but theyre not total pushovers at least.

>> No.11264682

>The issue has already been brought before the FBI and they declined to investigate because of the lack of evidence and the fact that the alleged incident took place over three decades ago.

Not to mention her testimony yesterday was wildly inconsistent with her written statement, like she believes she should be allowed to just change whatever she says but still call it the "truth."

>> No.11264692

You're a fucking luddite if you think democrats think bill crosby was innocent. They've metoo'd a democratic senator and one of their biggest donors so this "it only happens to republicans" stuff is bullshit

>> No.11264694

>implying any liberal was crying about bill and oj's innocence
fuck off idiot

>> No.11264696

>what's hilarious is that the fucking guy they go after with fake rape claims has 28 years worth of month to month calendars to back his whereabouts up.
Some people are cracking jokes about how creepy that is, but to me it's legitimately impressive to have that sort of awareness of your personal behavior. People, myself included, don't appreciate timekeeping anymore because lol Google does it for me.

>> No.11264697


Double standards for black criminals, my friend. It's been the democrat policy for ages. If you don't agree, you're "racist."

>> No.11264706

>crying about how Bill Cosby and OJ Simpson should be "innocent."



>> No.11264707

No wonder those "8" women chose to remain anonymous. You can tell by their silhouette they're all the same person.

>> No.11264715



"Only racists think Cosby is guilty."

>> No.11264724

>random people on the internet say cosby is innocent so all democrats think that
>random people on the internet say republicans are racist so all republicans must be racist
You're a moron

>> No.11264727


lol @ you trying so hard to deny your bullshit double standards. Hit too close to home, I see.

>> No.11264729

who the fuck does that

pipe down nerd

>> No.11264737

One beer does not a drunk girl make.

>> No.11264742




>> No.11264743

Update: Flake not gonna vote until fFBI investigates.
This is a food board. Hmm

>> No.11264747


Somewhere, OJ is on a golf course desperately searching for the "real killer."

>> No.11264749

You don't think people given greater power in should not be held to a higher standard? Are you insane?

And this isn't a lawsuit. It's a hearing to determine if the guy is fit for the job. Also what you're describing below already happens.

>> No.11264758

>Not to mention her testimony yesterday was wildly inconsistent with her written statement, like she believes she should be allowed to just change whatever she says but still call it the "truth."

If only the "neutral" media actually reported on these facts, instead of already convicting Kavanaugh... but that'd be expecting too much.

>> No.11264762

The SCOTUS Stout, though fratboys don't drink stouts

and to think, I came here to try to escape these fucking Kavanaugh threads...

>> No.11264808

>You don't think people given greater power in should not be held to a higher standard? Are you insane?
Why should anyone be held to a lesser standard? Are you saying they should be penalized harder for the same crimes? Isn't that cruel and unusual punishment?

I already stated that they shouldn't be allowed to hold office with certain felonies.

>> No.11264868

Honestly yes. If you're going to be elected or given a position with great power over the public then I think there should be harsher penalties. Too many politicians and money-men get away with stuff that you and I would have the book thrown at us for. Anything less and the reward can often be greater than the penalties for the crime. They work at the publics behest after all and abusing that trust affects us all. We might start having politicians that truly work on behalf of the people instead of working just to get re elected and to serve there financiers.

>> No.11264878

>You don't think people given greater power in should not be held to a higher standard?
I don't care what people had done as a child.

>> No.11264889

Wow another reddit thread

>> No.11264890

Using positions of power to commit felonies should be a separate crime with a separate penalty. Giving a person an unusual sentence for the same crime is unfair treatment and sets precedence for serious bullshit.

>> No.11264909

>Are you saying they should be penalized harder for the same crimes
He's still going to have a lifetime appointment as a federal judge even if he's not confirmed. And yes, obviously Supreme Court nominees should be held to higher standards than most other positions.

>> No.11264924

The dems are blindly believing her. The pubs refused to let the only other witness testify and brought in a rape lawyer to grill her.
"Political Shitfest Lager"- leaves a bad taste in your mouth regardless of party affiliation.

>> No.11264928

If this guy behaved that way at the hearing imagine how he'd behave after getting drunk lmao
I wouldn't hire him for taco bell

>> No.11264956


>> No.11264957

making fun of an irishman for his drinking habits is racist, anon.

>> No.11264970

I wonder how calm I'd be after a week and a half of pure hell. Probably less dignified than this guy.

>> No.11264981

Again, I did state that certain crimes should disqualify you from the position. But increasing penalties for the crimes is similar to discrimination and sets precedence for judges to "throw the book" at other people as they see fit unless you create a separate law.

Commission of a Felony While Holding Federal Office could be a felony in and of itself, carrying 20 years and potentially a heavy fine; that on top of whatever felony you're committing.

>> No.11264997

Call it Stout lies

I'd like to know how he sexually assaulted her. She wasn't penetrated, she wasn't groped, she wasn't even kissed, she was apparently held down for a few seconds on a bed and her mouth was covered and he rolled off...then he and a friend supposedly laughed about it and she's traumatized for the rest of her life, waits 36 yrs. She has proof of nothing.

>> No.11265015

>Accuser admits to being an alcoholic in high school
>also admits to having over 40+ sexual partners in 40 years
>a man who never penetrated her is what scarred her for life

>> No.11265027


>> No.11265036

What do luddites have to do with any of this? Do you even know what a Luddite is?

>> No.11265294

Otherway around friend. Dems did this to shut Cosby up after he dropped one too many redpills about black culture being the reason why so many young black men are running around committing crimes.

>> No.11265506

Ok let me go on TV and not want investigations so you look like a retard when they prove you wrong, I'm just rant about beer and hillary and cry

>> No.11265512

When its our boys I don't give a fuck what they've done

>> No.11265563

#Metoo soap opera

>> No.11265565

>There's about a dozen other more qualified candidates that would forward the conservative agenda

This entire clusterfuck could have been avoided if Trump had just picked Amy fucking Coney fucking Barrett from day zero.

>> No.11265568


>> No.11265573

>allegedly groping a woman is rape

retarded 'progressive' alert

>> No.11265577

lame duck Presidents don't get SC picks.

>> No.11265581


no he allegedly held down a woman and forcibly undressed her with the intent to rape her. I don't necessarily believe it but that's the allegation

>> No.11265705

He didn't undress her at all

>> No.11265998

True, he just dry humped her. That shit and far worse has happened to every woman in ameristan by the time they're 18 yo. Hell, you couldn't find a virgin female over the age of 18 in the US except among orthodox muslims and they've probaby been circumsized.

>> No.11266008

LMAO and supreme court judge had to tell people he was a virginity in High School!
What a fucking timeline.

>> No.11266011
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you think she was a virgin in high school?

>> No.11266060


That's not what the goddamned Constitution says.

>> No.11266066

No, see, to 16 year old r/the_donald transplants, the constitution only applies where they like it.

Kind of how Bill Clinton was a serial rapist and Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring out of a pizza shop despite no proof but yet when a Republican is accused of rape it's all a lie.

>> No.11266070

Bill Clinton was a rapist if Brett is. About the same amount of proof.

>> No.11266093
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Oh, I have no doubt they're both rapists. I just get a chuckle out of all the right wingers who cry about "false accusations" when they tried doing the same thing to Slick Willy.

The hypocrisy of most people is astounding sometimes.

>> No.11266098

What part of the constitution isn't being followed?

>> No.11266106

Some guy said lame duck presidents don't get SC picks, another guy said that isn't what the constitution said.

I know this site is a little different from reddit but it's not that hard to read the post chain.

>> No.11266109

A sour called Justice Brett

>> No.11266110

Despicable that you think a woman was "sexually assaulted" by her word alone, over 36 yrs ago, with no proof or corroboration of any kind. They have made a complete mockery of actual sexual assault victims and set them back significantly. You make me sick. Truly

>> No.11266111

god you're stupid.

>> No.11266127

you're a fucking retard if you didn't immediately think kavanaugh draught

>> No.11266173
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Philanthropist Ale

>> No.11266215
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>> No.11266230

Of course he’s a good guy. He takes his daughters to church

>> No.11266250

>not want investigations
What is there for the FBI to investigate? It "happened" 30 years ago there's fucking nothing to look into. He's been investigated SIX FUCKING TIMES by the FBI at this point.

>> No.11266255

Actually we know for a fact she wasn't
40+ men in 4 years

>> No.11266286

kek, that's always the right's out.
>b-but he a god fearing, wholesome, church going, family values man and has mumbled magical incantations to absolve his guilt. Our thoughts and prayers are with him, ok?

>> No.11266295

Well the FBI is on the case so no worries.