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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.23 MB, 2288x1712, HAMMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11259073 No.11259073 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you eat ham, /ck/?

>> No.11259077

but i do
i'm gay btw if that matters

>> No.11259452

Does american progeny from sister fucking inbreds really look like that?

>> No.11259580
File: 149 KB, 331x427, ham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where's the hoof

>> No.11259597

Who the fuck is that mutilated looking fuck and why is he holding a rotting leg?

>> No.11259615
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>why dont you eat haram food?

>> No.11259942
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>tfw jews and arabs will never know the delicious flavor of cured country ham

>> No.11259947
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That's because I have a heart and a brain and therefor I choose to be a vegan. Shove your ham up your clogged arsehole..

>> No.11259950
File: 185 KB, 960x960, bloody hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>is vegan
>>claims to have a brain

Dubious, anon. Dubious.

>> No.11259990

I do. Delicious Iberian smoked ham.

>> No.11260003

I understand that you dont get it. Dont strain yourself, go eat another kabab or something.

>> No.11260035
File: 82 KB, 720x661, diesel_truck_pollution-East-Bay-Express.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's that brain again.

I don't eat kebab, anon, I actually know how to cook. I grow my own veggies too. What about you? Do you grow your own veggies or do you depend on pic related instead?

The hypocrisy among you virtue-signalers reeks to high heaven. How does it feel when a filthy carnist has less environmental impact than you?

>> No.11260065

Because I'm Jewish.

>> No.11260078

I grow my own veggies you meathead, a friend grows his own fruit and sells to me for cheap.
What now?

>> No.11260286

Obvious lies. You only said it, because anon said it first. You vegans make me sick.

>> No.11260288

What the fuck are you supposed to do with that?

>> No.11260307
File: 22 KB, 399x399, 9E4849F5-F445-438C-9011-57E720325030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of their hams is the best?

>> No.11260332

But I do? lool OP btfo

>> No.11260351
File: 243 KB, 1600x1167, depositphotos_147830031-stock-photo-jamon-jamon-serrano-traditional-spanish[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11260428
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Every time I buy a ham I end up making ham and pea soup and it's so fucking tasty I eat like the whole thing in a day and I gain a bunch of weight.

>> No.11260440

There are Christian Arabs though...

>> No.11260473
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REEEEEEEEEEE! They don't have any cured meat. All their "meat" is injected with flavored water and tastes like shit.

>> No.11260479
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How would you prepare a country ham for christmas dinner fellow christians?

LOL no.

>> No.11260499

eat it
you don't eat a country ham on christmas dinner, you roleplaying faggot. that's almost always a city(sweet, wet cured) ham.

>> No.11260555

I'll eat what I want when I want, phaggot.

>> No.11260600
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, gay faggot 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

father I confess that I am the gayest

>> No.11260723

Not a knuckledragging, mouthbreathing christfag, but I've cooked a Benton's ham with this recipe and my fellow pagans liked it. Christcucks are such hypocrites who knows what they'd think about it. The soak is important as it will be too salty otherwise.


>> No.11261327
File: 104 KB, 1920x1080, GIBHAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears that my superiority has led to some controversy.

>> No.11261344

Lebanon, around 50% Mennonite Christians, 22% of both Shias and Sunnis and rest are whatever.
(You) status: BTFO

>> No.11262308

I work at a deli that has Boar's Head products and The best ham is objectively a three way tie between black forest, tavern, and sweet slice.

>> No.11262346

I have a 1 pound wet-cured ham that I don't want. Should I just throw it out?

>> No.11262914
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Because it tastes too much like human flesh (i've heard), I believe (((nefarious forces))) slip human meat into the food supply to force people to unknowingly partake in their rituals, if you eat people, it cuts your soul off from interacting with God, it's the ultimate blasphemy to consume that which is made in the image of God. Also, I believe the Chinese use human meat to make money from what's left of the bodies they harvest organs from. I don't eat ham for the same reasons I don't eat any processed meat.

>> No.11263165


I was born highly allergic to it. I can somewhat eat it now, but I risk feeling really fatigued adn sometimes get hives.

>> No.11263169

Based gayposter

>> No.11263198

Cannot buy real ham here in Iceland. What they call "Ham" is just meat pulp mixed with soya and with lots of salty water injected. Pork products in Iceland are beyond terrible.

>> No.11263523

>be fat
>work out a shit ton to try and get buff
>my chunky ass genetics just turn me into a version of this guys physique
am i just doomed to be an ogre? do any women like ogrebod?

>> No.11263530

>He's never had Jamón Ibérico

Shit I actually feel sorry for you.

>> No.11263537

Don't do meat anymore for ethical reasons. You asked.

>> No.11263544

You need to change your diet too, that's the main thing with losing weight. You most likely won't burn enough calories to really lose that much weight unless you're constantly exercising for multiple hours every day. And make sure you eat well in general too, don't just eat a ton of junk food and expect to look good.

Some women probably like that physique if you aren't totally flabby but those women are also bigger.

>> No.11263545

I, like, prefer fresh meat and can afford it?

>> No.11263548

You guys don't have to hate each other you know. It's okay for people to eat what they want if they thought about it and you apparently both get your groceries from low environmental impact sources so well done to the both of you.

>> No.11263657

is there a way to age meat without risking getting botulism

>> No.11263664

I'm on a low oxalate diet and my doctor says I should avoid cured meats.

>> No.11264121

Don't, I'm Jewish.

>> No.11264131

>get jamón in barcelona
>holy shit it's amazing
>get the spanish imported jamón in my own country
>it's terrible

how does this happen

>> No.11264269 [DELETED] 

Lebanese arent Arab

>> No.11264274

>how does this happen
Brands vary. You bought a shitty one in your country. It's no different than any other product, really.

>> No.11264277
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eating ham is BASED

>> No.11264454
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Oh, now I just hate you. There is nothing more disgusting than a Jew. I hope you fucking burn for your crimes against humanity you fucking kike nigger.

Hitler was right.

>> No.11264498
File: 9 KB, 228x221, smugjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, Spaniard. Reminder that our money destroyed your "empire". Bet you regret kicking us out now. LOL!

>> No.11264513

Dietz & Watson is the thinking man's choice

>> No.11264533


At least no Jew will ever get into heaven, so I won't have to see your kind after I pass on from this life.

All Jews truly go to hell.

>> No.11264547
File: 318 KB, 1920x1080, 1507682454306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, redpilled, and wholesome.

>> No.11264627

Heaven doesn't exist you mouth breather

>> No.11264631
File: 338 KB, 830x1000, Wheel of Jewery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are scum

>> No.11264649

>Heaven doesn't exist you mouth breather
Well, yea...for Jews Heaven doesn't exist. You're right about that. For white Christians though, Heaven is very real.

>> No.11264660

Prove it

>> No.11264675

>Prove it
Prove what? That Jews are evil and destined for Hell?

>> No.11264693

>Jews are scum

It's funny how it's trendy among 'merican liberals to be all pro palestine and anti-semetic nowadays.

>> No.11264718

>It's funny how it's trendy among 'merican liberals to be all pro palestine and anti-semetic nowadays.
Neither are white, and both should burn.