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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11258438 No.11258438 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw small canker sore in mouth
>tfw can't eat spicy/hot food
What can I eat? How can I sped up my recovery?

>> No.11258857
File: 37 KB, 1016x749, BY ALL THE POWERS OF NAUGHTINESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now call me a stupid faggot if Im wrong, but op, that pain in your kanker from spicy/vinegary/salty foods is what you want for the sore to heal.
Thats the wound being cauterized. You don't wanna overdo it, but don't be afraid to put a little hotsauce or ketchup on your food when you gotta mouth sore.

>> No.11258862

based advice. guy is right. cauterize it with spicy foods.

>> No.11258952

But it fucking hurts mates, how do you bite through the pain?

>> No.11258955
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the answer is ALWAYS raw garlic

>> No.11258961

I always put some peroxide on mine to get them to go away fast.

After that you can use clove oil, or oragel and just bite through the pain.

>> No.11258967



>> No.11258968

Holy fuck it must hurt like hell those first few seconds. I use antiseptic to numb it and then eat normally.

>> No.11258971

>all those self proclaimed vegans jerking eachother off.

>> No.11258976

Man up and endure it.

I've also heard pressing sauerkraut against a mouth sore works as well.

>> No.11258986
File: 83 KB, 1161x820, Best_Supplement_for_Canker_Sores_NutritionFacts.org_-_2018-09-27_03.27.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore them and enjoy the fully sourced claims :-)

The comments are fun on his electromagnetic hypersensitivity video

>> No.11259222

this. once you got through the initial pain then it matters no more. i use to take spicy food pair with hot drinks

>> No.11259436

My wisdom tooth is really fucking up my mouth. My gums and cheek is so swollen that I can't bite down properly. I've eaten nothing but porridge and soup for days now.

>> No.11260165


>> No.11260180

You're obviously a stupid faggot with your shitty broscience. Capsaicin doesn't literally burn you unless it's extremely potent, and those are spice burns. Not to mention spice burns would cauterize this anons entire fucking mouth, and not just select the sore you idiot.

>> No.11260482

Yes, salt or vinegar, direct application or diluted.

Then whisky.

>> No.11260562

Gargle a cup of warm salt water to null the pain before eating, don't know the specifics on how it works but holy fuck does it work.

>> No.11260569

It literally dehydrates the area.

>> No.11260572

Try a nigger dick

>> No.11260580

This anon is sort of right. A lot of the pain will go away when you use mouthwash. Start using toothpaste that doesnt have SLS. Sodium lauryl..something. The SLS causes mouth ulcers.

>> No.11260886

Whiskey helps. Especially fireball whiskey. Take a couple drinks and you can eat whatever.

>> No.11260914

used to do this but baking soda works a lot better in my experience. Twice a day salt rinsing for a week and a half turned into three days with baking soda

>> No.11260931

Little trick from my grandmother on canker sores. Get some Alum. Wet a qtip and dip it in the Alum. Now stick that clump on the sore until it stops hurting. It will then begin to fade over 24 hours.