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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11257208 No.11257208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post bugman food and drink. I'll start.

>> No.11257211

All kinds of energy drinks

>> No.11257228

>I'll have a nitro cold brew coffee, hang on a sec just gotta pour it into a beer glass so I feel like im drinkin a beer!

wtf is wrong with bugmen?

>> No.11257238
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>> No.11257253

Anything OP eats

>> No.11257278

bugman detected

>> No.11257303


What are ‘bugmen’?

>> No.11257393

Soulless consumers of soy and video games.

>> No.11257402

Bread, Salad, plant beverage.

>> No.11257610

this article sums it up pretty comprehensively:


>> No.11257655

Pork rinds

>> No.11257674

bugmen is an old term used to describe government spies.

>> No.11257777

chinese people

>> No.11257787
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quads of truth

>> No.11257807

RIP terry

>> No.11257817

That's a pretty shit article, he just rambles off a ton of unrelated qualities, in some cases even ascribing complete opposite qualities to the label he's trying to outline (e.g. bugmen are somehow both people who enjoy sports and people who don't enjoy sports).
>chinese people
^Much better definition to be honest.

>> No.11257832
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Oh shit. Im a 4 year veteran of seattle, this succinctly describes why i hate everybody there.

Im so glad i do t worj a soul destroying job and ive got actual convicions.

>> No.11257850

based drunkposting pastamaker

>> No.11257852

It's just a derogatory term in the same vein as "soyboy" or "numale". Generally applied to Californians, Seattle-area Washingtonites, and New York City dwellers.

Basically, a soulless liberal who lets other people form his opinions for him and believes he's above the common man because he's such a compassionate multiculturalist. (Read: snooty cunt)

>> No.11257869
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I was feeling that fight-or-flight anxiety and have medicated with 1 mg of alprazolam.. i feel loosy goosy and felt like making some pasta; all in all prety comfy

>> No.11257872

Oh, and I forgot to mention. They're generally 20-somethings, tend to frequent Starbucks and buy overpriced shit like avocado toast, work either a minimum wage job or something their parents set them up with, and if they've gone to college their either currently studying or have earned some useless degree like women's studies or musical theory.

>> No.11257887
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I understand the type perfectly. I want to hit them, jar their inner animal to awake as a response to physical violence. These are all people who havent been in fights and i truly believe you learn what kind of a man you are when push literally comes to shove.

These sre the guys who let their girlfriends fight their battles/arguments for them while they stand behind the woman staring at their shoes, tails tucked and with the demeanor of a puppy that gets hit all the time. The women have a deep seated resentment for them and will cheat on them with anybody who proves they have a spine and isnt a pushover who they can guilt jnto letting them have their way

>> No.11257895

>These are all people who havent been in fights and i truly believe you learn what kind of a man you are when push literally comes to shove.
We get it, you saw Fight Club.

>> No.11257898

>they love sports or they don't like sports
>they are soulless corporate drones
>or uneducated min wagies

Starting to think this is just things I don't like.

>> No.11257906

Yeah, that article was retardedly specific about a million different qualities that I'm pretty sure no one person actually comes anywhere close to embodying. I don't even think the term itself is bad or lacks meaning, but that article was terrible.

>> No.11257909
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Have you ever been in a fight? You learn wheher youre a coward or not snd you learn youre not made out of glass.. It was a profound couple of experiences for me in my early 20s

Its like knowing how to shoot pool or gut a fish or kill something then eat it, man shit.

>> No.11257916


Wrong. This accurately sums up a significant percentage of seattle denizens; its surprisingly accurate. The sports thing was spot on

>> No.11257946

>The sports thing was spot on
Of course it was, he defined it as people who like sports and people who don't like sports, making it apply to anyone you feel like imagining it applies to. It's like those newspaper horoscopes that everyone sees whatever they want in because they can be interpreted to mean anything.

>> No.11257962


Its the fact that theyre vehemently anti sports or they spend an inordinate amount of time consuming sports, sports media, doing fantasy shit whatever.

Like there arent casuals its all or nothing. Its strange.

>> No.11257968

Yes, I wouldn't rank it anywhere close to a top level 'profound' experience though. Being in a car crash, ejaculating for the first time, or having a strong psychedelic trip are all a lot more impactful than taking and throwing some punches. And more importantly, you're totally just repeating Fight Club almost word for word. It's not something you can non-ironically talk about that way anymore because everyone's seen Fight Club.

>> No.11257975

You probably notice the extremes more than the middle grounders. Someone who's casual by definition isn't loudly broadcasting their opinion at you.

>> No.11258009

Nowadays bugman refers to “soulless” corporate consumerist drones who parrot the same rhetoric about poltical matters, and share much of the same looks, and likes, including but not limited to IT, video games,women’s rights and tons of other “weak” stuff. Now as much as I don’t like bugmen. I really hate to use the term soulless, and the whole NPC meme as something serious as it only aids in the dehumanization of my own species. But I think it’s a good way to capture their sheer lack of self awareness.

>> No.11258011
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I was beaten severely by six dudes.. i could have turned and ran but in that split second i fought what appeared to ve 1v1 with this drunk black guy and i was winning.. he broke my nose but i was still good, then i took a skateboard to the back of the head and got my shit stomped by six dudes while getting axe chopped in the head by skateboard guy screaming for help and to please stop. They didnt til they got bored i guess..

>15 staples in head, broken nose, contusions everywhere
>afraid to leave house for a week, fight or flight response initiated walking down street being sround people

That was a profound experience for me and i know what kind of a man i am and am grateful for the experience. Granted not all fights are like that, and its not like they were WRONG about that sentiment in fight club.

Will use more pasta water in my ‘nara next time, was tacky. Will be better next time.

>> No.11258028

Coffee isn't that big in asia

>> No.11258034


>> No.11258067


>> No.11258068

Fuckin CIA niggers.
Such a shame

>> No.11258076

>I was feeling that fight-or-flight anxiety and have medicated with 1 mg of alprazolam
peak bugman

>> No.11258086

I yhought you were bashing espresso but now I see. It is memo meme brew. It tastes dusgusting.
Also s o ylent is objective bugman food. No one can argue against that.

>> No.11258218

Wow we’ve got a badass posting on 4chan everyone

>> No.11258245


Its better than knocking back beers, nerd. Anxiety has been fucking with me lately and its for no reason; even lifting and 20 mins HIIT daily isnt really staving it off.


>t. never been in a fight

Ive been beat up more than ive won

>> No.11258265

I think it means slant-eyed dog-eating yellow zipperhead-gooks.

>> No.11258275

Why did they do it?

>> No.11258276

Because he is a annoying faggot, that's why.

>> No.11258297
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>got off work and met up with my friend JC. JC is black and somehow knows all black people in seattle sknce there are relatively few
>he sees a dude he knew amongst the group of blacks in the corner. My cleveland instincts kick in and am weary of the situation but seems safe enough.. >street kid with the skateboard and a hotdog touches JC in the ear with a hotdog, JC goes “aye what the fuck man?!” And the drunk, bull-faced stocky black goes “he can do whatever he wants nigga whats up”
>angry negro is between me and JC with fists raised, i go to do the gentle shoulder tap like hey man we dont want any problems
>angry nig turns around posted up toward me and i remember thinking “ok here we go”, and we start throwing hands

Then skateboard, savage beating, lots of blood dripping down off my fingertips as i walked dazed to the police station two blocks away. It happened in the most crowded bar area and even on a sunday i know for a fact there had to have been tons of passerby bugmen who didnt even give enough if a fuck to call the cops while seeing a group of men stomping somebody while they screamed for mercy. Theyre subhuman, even moreso than those blacks

>> No.11258300
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>> No.11258341

Hitting wouldn't be quite enough to awaken their chained amygdalas. I think first you menace them with ravenous dogs, then you hit them.

>> No.11258418

It's term to describe easily influenced followers of mainstream american media used only by easily influenced followers of right wing political social engineering on the internet.

>> No.11258448

Did JC just disappear?

>> No.11258465

I’ve been in fights you just sound like a nerd posturing on a Croatian hair braiding forum

>> No.11258966
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He got ran off by two other dudes, believe me i had words with him too.. like what the fuck man. Worst part was the ornery negro and skateboard kid caught up with me again on 11th street by the pine intersection (first time was directly next to the lost lake dumpsters on 12th), proceeded to tackle me and beat me some more before i was able to maneuver out of my backpack and shirt before sprinting to the police station where they were pretty ambivalent toward my plight. The dude working the desk barely looked up from his paperwork but did ask me if i could try not to get so much blood everywhere as “somebody would have to clean that up” because at this point my head was absolutely leaking and it was pouring out of my mouth and nose.

Fuck seattle.


Ok.. my original point was that these fucks have never been in any serious test/conflict or confrontation and it would be good for them. Im uneducated and have been bad at everything i have ever tried doing except for cooking and not being a punk bitch. Im also pretty /fit/ and hetero if that matters

>> No.11258991

Whatever let's you sleep at night.

>> No.11259024
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Fpbp ffs

>> No.11259029

Leftist Americans and Rinos

>> No.11259034

He didnt die fuckface
It was a prank post

>> No.11259057

>all this Fight Club tier shit about faux masculinity

I understand not liking the annoying consumerist and overly effiminate "bugmen" but what you are projecting is also pathetic.

P.S. conservatives are liberals too. I hate Americans.

>> No.11259088

It means anyone who is different from me.