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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11254813 No.11254813 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the one food you absolutely cannot stand

I consider myself pretty adventurous with food and cannot think of anthring else that I'd turn my nose up at except for weird Asian shit like century eggs.

I absolutely do not fuck with raw tomatoes. They may well taste nice, but there's no way I'm getting past that look and texture to find out. Fuck tomatoes

>> No.11254818
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>> No.11254822

I don't eat tomatoes from the grocery store they taste like shit. You need to grow your own cherry tomatoes.

>> No.11254860
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My boyfriend also hates tomatoes. It's actually kinda nice for me because i get all the delicious tomatoes he doesn't want.
For me there isn't a lot of food i wont eat honestly. I'm really open to most things and i can't think of anything off the top of my head that i outright despise.

>> No.11254954
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These little fuckers
I went to a restaurant in spain once and asked the waiter if the paella they served there had any of them in it
The cunt said no but it was full of these little shits, nice way to ruin a meal

>> No.11254971

That reminds me, I don't really like coconut. Or honey.

>> No.11254988
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For me it’s natto. It’s disgusting. Tried to mix it with mustard/soy and rice. Still disgusting. Tried to cook fried egg and natto rice. It’s still disgusting even if I put shitload of hot sauce in it + my whole flat smells like pile of Bear Grylls socks.

>> No.11254996

Not a big fan of the ole virgin boy egg

>> No.11255000

I wish I was the sort of person that didn't know what this was without having to look it up.

>> No.11255009
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Virgin boy eggs are a traditional dish of Dongyang, Zhejiang, China in which eggs are boiled in the urine of young boys who were presumably peasants, preferably under the age of ten. Named "tong zi dan" (Chinese: 童子蛋; pinyin: Tóngzǐdàn), the dish translates literally to "boy egg" and is a springtime tradition of the city where the urine is collected from prepubescent peasant boys. The eggs have been listed by officials in China as a part of the region's "local intangible cultural heritage".


>pic related
>that logo
not even surprised anymore desu

>> No.11255025
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>> No.11255031

The actual fuck?

>> No.11255069

Organ meat is pretty fucked desu

What's the best way to prepare it? I know it's nutritious

>> No.11255074

Look around. These symbols are everywhere

>> No.11255092

That's because most things are not meant to be eaten by themselves. That's like saying you don't like chicken because you've only ate completely unseasoned chicken breast in your life. Fucking retards

>> No.11255103
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>> No.11255168

Nice arguing man (:

>> No.11255244

Chipotle too.

>> No.11255250

no? If you need to cover the taste of the food, you don't like the food.

>> No.11255278

There are various types. Heart muscle can be quite tough so is good in stews. Liver, sweetbreads and brain should be fried. Kidney can be fried but is quite strong so is often added into things like stews. The flavour is an acquired taste. Start with liver. Try making a nice onion sauce and having them with bacon. I also recommend cumin with liver. Offal, as "organ meat" is called, is probably the tastiest, best value and most complex meat product if you can get past any psychological aversions

>> No.11255318

I eat plain broccoli and Brussels sprouts every day, but plain chicken is shit because chicken is shit.

>> No.11255335

I'm not forcing myself to eat tomatoes you fool. Tomatoes are an amazing addition to cheese and chorizo in a sandwich. I however hate tomatoes by themselves. Make sense?

>> No.11255359
File: 8 KB, 241x249, The crimson king is horrified of your shit please god stop it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soursop is such a shitty fruit, is an insult to all my senses
>I hate its ugly appearance, with that vomit green pointy skin
>I hate that rancid sugary smell
>I hate its slimy texture, Its like someone cum'd over spoiled gerber
>I hate the sound when they fell from the tree, like a poo'd diaper
>I hate the flavor, the disgusting, bittersweet flavor, it has an ending note that I cannot for life identify but oh god it makes me instapuke everytime
Fuck soursop, and fuck people who like soursop and keep that industry alive, fuck you all

>> No.11255364

I hate you you fucking faggot

>> No.11255387

See how you don't like tomatoes? You like the things around the tomatoes
just eat the damn tomato, they're good, a little messy