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11254075 No.11254075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11254080
File: 25 KB, 378x248, imagine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now think about your dad

>> No.11254088

Imagine needing attention so badly that you make threads like this

>> No.11254109

No one is offended, they just want you to shut the fuck up about it. It's annoying and no one cares.

>> No.11254119

There are no vegans on this board until someone provides proof

>> No.11254123

Someone on Reddit a while ago made a thread saying that veganism is taking over 4chan or some shit on the vegan subreddit, and people believed him. Seems like that was around the time more vegan shitposting started here. Might be a coincidence or not even true at all, but people there believed it.

>> No.11254124

*provides proof*

>> No.11254130

How the fuck do you prove you’re a vegan over the internet retard?

>> No.11254131

I don't care. If no one posts their fridge/cupboards to sufficiently prove veganism, then this thread is as doomed as the last vegan thread.

>> No.11254135

Post fridge with timestamp. If it’s empty or contains animal products, you’re a liar.

>> No.11254137

See >>11254131

>> No.11254144

This, and DO NOT give us any shit about your roommate or bf having meat in the fridge. I am going to be able to tell by what you post whether you're lying or not.

>> No.11254161

Stop posting and go living to jungle. Any person using modern infrastructure indirectly kill whole ecosystems.

>> No.11254168

Imagine being so
Fragile, you get
Offended by
Another person
Choosing to
Eat meat
You are a complete faggot with something to prove op

>> No.11254176
File: 393 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180926_001624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called having a roomate sweetie

>> No.11254195

>start with inflammatory post
>wow why is everyone getting so mad

>> No.11254196


imagine being such a faggot that you think that this is a thing.

>> No.11254202
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>> No.11254227

>Eggs in the fridge

>> No.11254233

They're not my eggs, carnist fuck

>> No.11254265

you need a hobby. larping as a vegan is troubling.

>> No.11254271

It's cute that you think my tasteless roomates would drink my almond milk, sparkling elder flower or eat my veggies or fruits. You need to realize that not all vegans have the luxury of owning a fridge of they're own.

>> No.11254280

aww... it's retarded.

>> No.11254283

>they're own
Have a steak, your brain is rotting.

>> No.11254284

i wanna meet that dad

>> No.11254293


lmao you fucking hypocrite pile of shit

>> No.11254322

I'll bet you get all the bitches LMFAO

>> No.11254340


>> No.11254345
File: 96 KB, 500x380, its-all-so-tiresome-34354344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinks artificially flavored nut juices instead of natural flavor of pure milk
>Having out of season fruits and eating raw unseasoned vegetables
>Store bought hummus
>Calls others tasteless

>> No.11254389

I'm gonna be vegan now just to prove you wrong

>> No.11254412

Imagine being so fragile you are saddened by the suffering of the worthless, empty hearted lower species.

>> No.11254418


>> No.11254427

>i dont like to eat meat because animals getting hurt makes me sad
>wow you're fragile

>> No.11254437

>getting upset over obvious bait on an anime website

Not even vegan but you post 2016 newfags fall for this shit every fucking time.

>> No.11254439

You would know you faggot

>> No.11254442

Stop fucking posting this fuckface

>> No.11254449 [DELETED] 
File: 586 KB, 1920x1080, scott-pilgrim-quote-being-vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots can't even vegan

>> No.11254453

Imagine being so fragile, you get offended by literally evolution

>> No.11254455 [DELETED] 

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.11254457

Nobody asked.

>> No.11254464

>three fucking dozen eggs
>ridiculous amount of skim milk
so brave

>> No.11254465

Nobody's offended at veganism, its just super cringy amd comes off as naive and sheltered

>> No.11254466

Just like Veganism!

>> No.11254471

Did you just admit to being as fresh as 2016 as if two years is a long time?

>> No.11254476

Donald Trump.

>> No.11254550
File: 11 KB, 600x477, A45AA64C-3937-4CF4-9D25-E31BCF76BEA1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so solipsistic that you think the rest of the world gives a flying fuck about your special snowflake ethical status conferred by a bizarre dietary peccadillo.

>> No.11254650

No you retard. The 2016 election caused this sites traffic to double so I'm pointing to a time period where the newfag population blew up.

>> No.11254763
File: 307 KB, 1024x982, 1511218898847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11254778

Eggs and milk aren't meat so there technically vegan

>> No.11254808

non-binary veganism (trans veganism) means eating things like eggs, dairy, meat and fish can be still considered vegan if the person consuming said foods feels like it

>> No.11254871


I'm not offended. I'm annoyed because of your relentless shitposting.

>> No.11254936

>imagine being so desperate for attention that you constantly tell everyone you're vegan or vegetarian
>imagine being so fragile that you get offended by another person choosing to eat meat