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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 67 KB, 620x400, Marco-Pierre-White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11252518 No.11252518 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the greatest chef of all time?

>> No.11252532
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>who is flat nose Emmy?

>> No.11252549

Anybody can be the greatest chef of all time if you use Knorr stock pots

>> No.11252566

I put Knorr in my cereal.

>> No.11252583

before he started doing those videos for knorr. he had to fight with Michelin to turn his stars in when he wanted to retire.

>> No.11252616

his knorr cooking videos suck ass. you can tell his tastebuds are shot from all of that chainsmoking he used to do. he never seasons anything.

>> No.11252635

Interesting analysis.
If his tastebuds were shot then one would expect him to over-season, not never season.
Have you considered the possibility that you are retarded?

>> No.11252717

Smoking is a requirement for all good chefs

>> No.11252787

it's a stressful career and nicotine is far from the worst drug that chefs turn to

>> No.11252809 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 761x286, like mother, like father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest chef ?
he looks like a self-enamored profoundly worhtless jewish faggot to be honest, so the answer is no

>> No.11252825

not even close

>> No.11252830

No, that would be some unknown grandma in a european country who had known poverty in her youth and became creative producing interesting and flavorful dishes from the barest essentials and as she got richer used that knowledge to create unpretentious epiphanies of flavor. Based proletariat creativity, there's a reason all great art, /lit/, /mu/, cooking and painting comes from the oppressed classes.

>> No.11252832
File: 258 KB, 945x820, Corn-Flakes-cereal-origin-Ukraine[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 cubes for the perfectly seasoned breakfast cereal

>> No.11252842

there was an old lady who's son or grandson made YouTube videos of her cooking great depression recipes

>> No.11252896


>> No.11252910

he doesn't add salt because he clearly can't taste the difference anymore. there are videos of him cooking in the 80s and he seasoned everything very well.

>> No.11252986

in almost all his knorr videos he uses a bouillon cube mixed with oil. bouillon cubes have a lot of salt in them

>> No.11252995

Probably Escoffier takes the crown of Best Chef Ever, or at least most important, but old Marco changed what being a chef meant in the public perception.

>> No.11253051

that time he chased a critic out of the restaurant with a meat cleaver was topkek

>> No.11253115

based marco

>> No.11253139

the critic went into the kitchen and started complaining during service iirc

>> No.11253230

There’s loads of salt in stock pots you stupid fuck

>> No.11253254 [DELETED] 

>not jew
>KYS faggot
the eye betrays the kike /upbringing/
sabotage faggot

>> No.11253309

this, I did the stock cube paste he does in the videos a few times. there's just the right amount of salt left after the meat is done cooking.

>> No.11253339

Oh god i-i-t's the kind of kraut my gandfather fought to the death to eliminate. Either get on the right side of history or suffer the same consequences, faggot.

>> No.11253386

ignore the troll
birth name is Marco Pierre White and he's catholic

>> No.11253410

Did it ever occur to you that he's making Knorr cooking videos because he's employed by Knorr to advertise for them in exchange for a lot of money so that he can live out the rest of his years?

>> No.11253493

the divorces must have hit his wallet hard. he also had 3 or 4 kids from his first and third marriages. he opened a restaurant in Singapore earlier this year and told Michelin to not bother trying to give him any stars because "they sell tyres and I sell food" he also handed in his 3 stars because "maintaining 3 stars is boring" and at one point compared it to "maintaining a machine" and said something about Michelin not caring about any improvements in 3 star establishments and only saw attempted improvements as detrimental to the existing system

>> No.11253552

The Michelin shit is just setting you up for a stressful life and playing by their rules. I don't blame him for telling them to fuck off.

>> No.11253575

one small thing that their random critics don't like can cause someone to lose a star.
>I didn't like how this one, brand new, dish was plated
>a random leaf was on the floor near the entrance
>someone coughed at the table next to me and wasn't ejected from the establishment

>> No.11253582

I thoroughly enjoyed his oxford college lecture/q&a

>> No.11253583 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 250x268, banned-Kristal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die, ugly jew

>> No.11253592

>the people of the US, Britain, France, Soviet Union, in fact entire free world who fought against kraut fascism and died for it, are jews

>> No.11253618

don't argue with the trolls - it means they win

>> No.11253627 [DELETED] 

They fought for completely for the benefit of Jews this is fact

>> No.11253630 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 513x488, 2ih36d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooga booga
shut up jew #2

>> No.11253677

I actually made some of the recipes from those videos. my favorite is the steak with sauce (made from reduced Worcestershire sauce and heavy whipping cream) topped with whole peppercorns

>> No.11255382


>> No.11255401


>> No.11255427

He's insanely pretentious these days

>> No.11255442

But wait, there is more

>> No.11255582

>these days
You mean since the 80s? He's always had a very discerning taste and demanded nothing but the best from himself and his crew which is how he ended up (at the time) the youngest Michelin-starred chef. He ended up selling Knorr because the modern equivalent of the tendies and sips crowd started trying to tell him how to cook.

>> No.11255939


>> No.11256585

Korrn flakes

>> No.11257241
File: 20 KB, 364x344, Pipe Smoking Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11257301 [DELETED] 
File: 461 KB, 817x723, 1536329880077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right side of WW2 was the wrong one, jew dicksucker . KYS

>> No.11258564

what does it mean when people write things like this? I've never understood this meem

>> No.11258657

Hello Newfren, how is your time on 4chink?

>> No.11258684

His son is a hipster meth head. Knorr fucked his life.